Liberals: If "steal more from the wealthy" wasn't an option. How would you resolve mass dependency?

This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
If you can't even define what you mean by "mass dependency", your topic is useless. What programs? How much?

Come on bud...stop with the semantics. It's a slightly vague question...surely you have some slightly vague yet sensible answers
Okay, sure. Every citizen in the US is dependent on a government program. I'm glad I could make this easy for you.

You guys are so entertaining...HAHA
Let me spell this out for the elementary minded Loons trying desperately to deflect and spin shit.
If you could not steal from anyone to help ShaQuita, DaShawn and their six money trees (children) who are sucking the welfare tit for all it's worth what would you propose we do to help?
See this welfare queen myth of yours is why you sound like an idiot. I know it makes you feel superior and manly to degrade people on welfare, but you are just willfully ignorant on the facts.

1) Programs like food stamps are a fraction of the overall welfare budget.

2) Most people on food stamps are white.

3) On average, a food stamps recipient gets about $133 a month. Their income qualifications is per household - not per person. These people are the poorest of the poor.

4) Drug use and fraud of the food stamps program are statistically rare.

5) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids, the disabled, and the elderly.

Whoa...easy there bud. This thread is not about and was never about food stamps. You're losing yourself in the simplicity of it all.
"Ignorant on the facts?"
You sure about that smart guy?
Not to worry, I aim to enlighten the confused, uninformed and self manipulated. You're welcome in advance.
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
The biggest moronic talking point vomited by far-rights and libertarians -- Taxes = stealing.

These are usually poor or moderate income types who don't know that their billionaire overloads pay a lower percentage than they do and have been siphoning money out of the U.S. economy for decades.

In the same way that Souther Plantation owners tricked the lower class men into going to fight their rebellion to maintain their slave labor economy, today's wealthy conservative manipulate their lower counterparts into believing Tax policy is unfair and "stealing"....

So what defines theft? Theft is the action of taking somebody's property against their will leaving them no reasonable alternative.

You are walking down the street one night, and somebody approaches you with a gun and demands all your money. You have two choices: one is to just hand over your money, and the second is to refuse to hand over your money, get shot, and have the money forcefully taken from you. There is no reasonable alternative to handing over your money.

Walter E Williams created a great scenario about this. He asked: If I go into my neighbors house, take their money, and give it to another neighbor in need of medical care, did I break the law? Certainly I did. It doesn't matter what I did with the money, what matters is I took it without the permission of the owner of that money. Yet.......when government does the exact same thing, it's legal for some reason.
If you can't even define what you mean by "mass dependency", your topic is useless. What programs? How much?

Come on bud...stop with the semantics. It's a slightly vague question...surely you have some slightly vague yet sensible answers
Okay, sure. Every citizen in the US is dependent on a government program. I'm glad I could make this easy for you.

You guys are so entertaining...HAHA
Let me spell this out for the elementary minded Loons trying desperately to deflect and spin shit.
If you could not steal from anyone to help ShaQuita, DaShawn and their six money trees (children) who are sucking the welfare tit for all it's worth what would you propose we do to help?
See this welfare queen myth of yours is why you sound like an idiot. I know it makes you feel superior and manly to degrade people on welfare, but you are just willfully ignorant on the facts.

1) Programs like food stamps are a fraction of the overall welfare budget.

2) Most people on food stamps are white.

3) On average, a food stamps recipient gets about $133 a month. Their income qualifications is per household - not per person. These people are the poorest of the poor.

4) Drug use and fraud of the food stamps program are statistically rare.

5) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids, the disabled, and the elderly.

Whoa...easy there bud. This thread is not about and was never about food stamps. You're losing yourself in the simplicity of it all.
"Ignorant on the facts?"
You sure about that smart guy?
Not to worry, I aim to enlighten the confused, uninformed and self manipulated. You're welcome in advance.
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
That stat refers to the amount on food stamps per race. It doesn't change the fact that most people on food stamps are white.

Sorry but you're bad at this.
2) Most people on food stamps are white.

Because whites are the majority of the population. Care to site statistics on per capita?

3) On average, a food stamps recipient gets about $133 a month. Their income qualifications is per household - not per person. These people are the poorest of the poor.

Is it because they are trying to stay under the umbrella of income restrictions or because they have no other ability to make more money?

4) Drug use and fraud of the food stamps program are statistically rare.

And you would know that how? Food stamp people do not get drug tested. Fraud is never investigated.

5) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids, the disabled, and the elderly.

I have a disabled tenant I rent to. He doesn't get anything in food stamps; SS disability pays more than the minimum requirement for food stamps. The elderly? My parents have been retired for over 20 years. Why are they not getting food stamps? Lowlifes have children to up their allotment of government benefits. It only stands to reason they have more children to accomplish that goal.
Come on bud...stop with the semantics. It's a slightly vague question...surely you have some slightly vague yet sensible answers
Okay, sure. Every citizen in the US is dependent on a government program. I'm glad I could make this easy for you.

You guys are so entertaining...HAHA
Let me spell this out for the elementary minded Loons trying desperately to deflect and spin shit.
If you could not steal from anyone to help ShaQuita, DaShawn and their six money trees (children) who are sucking the welfare tit for all it's worth what would you propose we do to help?
See this welfare queen myth of yours is why you sound like an idiot. I know it makes you feel superior and manly to degrade people on welfare, but you are just willfully ignorant on the facts.

1) Programs like food stamps are a fraction of the overall welfare budget.

2) Most people on food stamps are white.

3) On average, a food stamps recipient gets about $133 a month. Their income qualifications is per household - not per person. These people are the poorest of the poor.

4) Drug use and fraud of the food stamps program are statistically rare.

5) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids, the disabled, and the elderly.

Whoa...easy there bud. This thread is not about and was never about food stamps. You're losing yourself in the simplicity of it all.
"Ignorant on the facts?"
You sure about that smart guy?
Not to worry, I aim to enlighten the confused, uninformed and self manipulated. You're welcome in advance.
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
That stat refers to the amount on food stamps per race. It doesn't change the fact that most people on food stamps are white.

Sorry but you're bad at this.

Haha...You koooks are so predictable.
Per capita factoring is only used by smart people seeking TRUE data. You definitely wouldn't want to use this method as WHOLE TRUTH hurts your little feelings...come to think of it you hate the truth and facts...haha
Okay, sure. Every citizen in the US is dependent on a government program. I'm glad I could make this easy for you.

You guys are so entertaining...HAHA
Let me spell this out for the elementary minded Loons trying desperately to deflect and spin shit.
If you could not steal from anyone to help ShaQuita, DaShawn and their six money trees (children) who are sucking the welfare tit for all it's worth what would you propose we do to help?
See this welfare queen myth of yours is why you sound like an idiot. I know it makes you feel superior and manly to degrade people on welfare, but you are just willfully ignorant on the facts.

1) Programs like food stamps are a fraction of the overall welfare budget.

2) Most people on food stamps are white.

3) On average, a food stamps recipient gets about $133 a month. Their income qualifications is per household - not per person. These people are the poorest of the poor.

4) Drug use and fraud of the food stamps program are statistically rare.

5) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids, the disabled, and the elderly.

Whoa...easy there bud. This thread is not about and was never about food stamps. You're losing yourself in the simplicity of it all.
"Ignorant on the facts?"
You sure about that smart guy?
Not to worry, I aim to enlighten the confused, uninformed and self manipulated. You're welcome in advance.
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
That stat refers to the amount on food stamps per race. It doesn't change the fact that most people on food stamps are white.

Sorry but you're bad at this.

Haha...You koooks are so predictable.
Per capita factoring is only used by smart people seeking TRUE data. You definitely wouldn't want to use this method as WHOLE TRUTH hurts your little feelings...come to think of it you hate the truth and facts...haha
Actually it was me who offered you a full run down of the program. You just choose not to believe those facts so you can freely talk shit about whoever is on it. Deep down you're an insecure little girl who is trying to feel manly.
You guys are so entertaining...HAHA
Let me spell this out for the elementary minded Loons trying desperately to deflect and spin shit.
If you could not steal from anyone to help ShaQuita, DaShawn and their six money trees (children) who are sucking the welfare tit for all it's worth what would you propose we do to help?
See this welfare queen myth of yours is why you sound like an idiot. I know it makes you feel superior and manly to degrade people on welfare, but you are just willfully ignorant on the facts.

1) Programs like food stamps are a fraction of the overall welfare budget.

2) Most people on food stamps are white.

3) On average, a food stamps recipient gets about $133 a month. Their income qualifications is per household - not per person. These people are the poorest of the poor.

4) Drug use and fraud of the food stamps program are statistically rare.

5) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids, the disabled, and the elderly.

Whoa...easy there bud. This thread is not about and was never about food stamps. You're losing yourself in the simplicity of it all.
"Ignorant on the facts?"
You sure about that smart guy?
Not to worry, I aim to enlighten the confused, uninformed and self manipulated. You're welcome in advance.
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
That stat refers to the amount on food stamps per race. It doesn't change the fact that most people on food stamps are white.

Sorry but you're bad at this.

Haha...You koooks are so predictable.
Per capita factoring is only used by smart people seeking TRUE data. You definitely wouldn't want to use this method as WHOLE TRUTH hurts your little feelings...come to think of it you hate the truth and facts...haha
Actually it was me who offered you a full run down of the program. You just choose not to believe those facts so you can freely talk shit about whoever is on it. Deep down you're an insecure little girl who is trying to feel manly.

Yeah, yeah...let's go with that.
So Billy, you're a super bright guy; you can't play Robin Hood and rob would you take ShaQuita from pet human to self funded?
See this welfare queen myth of yours is why you sound like an idiot. I know it makes you feel superior and manly to degrade people on welfare, but you are just willfully ignorant on the facts.

1) Programs like food stamps are a fraction of the overall welfare budget.

2) Most people on food stamps are white.

3) On average, a food stamps recipient gets about $133 a month. Their income qualifications is per household - not per person. These people are the poorest of the poor.

4) Drug use and fraud of the food stamps program are statistically rare.

5) 2/3 of those on food stamps are kids, the disabled, and the elderly.

Whoa...easy there bud. This thread is not about and was never about food stamps. You're losing yourself in the simplicity of it all.
"Ignorant on the facts?"
You sure about that smart guy?
Not to worry, I aim to enlighten the confused, uninformed and self manipulated. You're welcome in advance.
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
That stat refers to the amount on food stamps per race. It doesn't change the fact that most people on food stamps are white.

Sorry but you're bad at this.

Haha...You koooks are so predictable.
Per capita factoring is only used by smart people seeking TRUE data. You definitely wouldn't want to use this method as WHOLE TRUTH hurts your little feelings...come to think of it you hate the truth and facts...haha
Actually it was me who offered you a full run down of the program. You just choose not to believe those facts so you can freely talk shit about whoever is on it. Deep down you're an insecure little girl who is trying to feel manly.

Yeah, yeah...let's go with that.
So Billy, you're a super bright guy; you can't play Robin Hood and rob would you take ShaQuita from pet human to self funded?
An earned income tax credit for working would help. You can also raise the minimum wage. You could also allow her to take free job training courses at her local community college. Of course, this woman likely has a job since many adults on food stamps are working. They just make peanuts and can't support their kids on their income alone.
If "steal more from the wealthy" wasn't an option. How would you resolve mass dependency?
Are you among the wealthy? I ask only because I am as are all my closest friends and family, and most (if not all) of my professional associates, yet not one of us complains that we are being "stolen from."

Would we all enjoy paying less in taxes? Sure. Who would not? Do any of us feel as though our lifestyle suffers as a result of our tax burden? No. I'm hard pressed to think that any wealthy people, or people period, feel they are missing out on something as a result of their tax liabilities/rates.

Accordingly, I'm wondering whether your inquiry is borne of altruism for the wealthy or whether you are the one wealthy person I've "encountered" who's attesting to having a compromised lifestyle as a result of taxes.

Last time I checked, every money-making activity I've undertaken has yielded more returns to me than to any and all governments that may levy a tax upon them. Truth be told, I haven't done anything unusual to become wealthy. I went to school and began a career doing something I'm good at doing and that others are willing to pay me to do. Paying taxes on my earnings is just part of "the deal," so to speak. Well, now that I think of it, perhaps I should correct myself. I may have done one unusual thing: I focused my youthful thoughts and energies on becoming, among other things, wealthy rather than on discovering and complaining about all the things that may be impediments to my doing so. That's something that, save perhaps for lottery winners, all wealthy people do or did.

Listen nerd....I know many people like're super creepy, you're a word nerd who finds great pleasure in listening to yourself define yourself with your outstanding vocabulary. You talk in circles using rhetorical mumbo-jumbo like a retarded attorney would. While you were reading an encyclopedia to increase your level of NERDHOOD, and jacking your faggot buddy off I was out banging strippers, building businesses and getting shit done. I'm almost positive I could buy you a few times over. Nobody I know whom is successful and wealthy speaks like a fucking clown as you do. Try to make your point in short once in a while and spit it the fuck out bud.
Now back to the thread.
Do you have anything constructive to offer? Surely an uber bright scholar like yourself has an idea or two on how to help solve poverty without stealing from
Do you have anything constructive to offer?

I have one for you: build-up your reading comprehension skills to the point that you recognize the poverty-ending approaches I espouse. I'll give you a hint: there were two of them in the short post I wrote.

Your point has been lost in all your retarded, trivial word play.
"Espouse" is not a word people use in the real world. Stop trying so hard I said; spit it the fuck out. The only person impressed by your AMAZING literacy is you. Try again.
Your point has been lost in all your retarded, trivial word play. Espouse" is not a word people use in the real world.

You clearly haven't considered the possibility that the words with which you are familiar and deem common are too few. Perhaps, instead, you should just "get out" more.

build-up your reading comprehension skills to the point that you recognize the poverty-ending approaches I espouse.

Yep. You definitely need to boost your reading comprehension skills seeing as "espouse" apparently overtaxes your current abilities, and you don't clearly don't know what wordplay is. That "espouse" strikes you as a "word people [don't] use in the real world" has everything to do with you and nothing to do with me.
Whoa...easy there bud. This thread is not about and was never about food stamps. You're losing yourself in the simplicity of it all.
"Ignorant on the facts?"
You sure about that smart guy?
Not to worry, I aim to enlighten the confused, uninformed and self manipulated. You're welcome in advance.
Who Participated in Welfare?
The black population:
At 41.6 percent, blacks were more likely to participate in government assistance programs in an average month.
The black participation rate was followed by Hispanics at 36.4 percent, Asians or Pacific Islanders at 17.8 percent, and non-Hispanic whites at 13.2 percent.
21.3% of US Participates in Government Assistance Programs Each Month
That stat refers to the amount on food stamps per race. It doesn't change the fact that most people on food stamps are white.

Sorry but you're bad at this.

Haha...You koooks are so predictable.
Per capita factoring is only used by smart people seeking TRUE data. You definitely wouldn't want to use this method as WHOLE TRUTH hurts your little feelings...come to think of it you hate the truth and facts...haha
Actually it was me who offered you a full run down of the program. You just choose not to believe those facts so you can freely talk shit about whoever is on it. Deep down you're an insecure little girl who is trying to feel manly.

Yeah, yeah...let's go with that.
So Billy, you're a super bright guy; you can't play Robin Hood and rob would you take ShaQuita from pet human to self funded?
An earned income tax credit for working would help. You can also raise the minimum wage. You could also allow her to take free job training courses at her local community college. Of course, this woman likely has a job since many adults on food stamps are working. They just make peanuts and can't support their kids on their income alone.

Replace all the programs for the poor/low income Americans with a universal basic income. That eliminates the problem of being penalized for getting a job.
The rich have stoled from the poor and middle class these past 50 years at rates that are mindblowing.

Using some of that money rebuild our roads, educational system and other improvements would be only fair...

The goddamn rich are only rich because we're free and that freedom and stability cost money...
how much money has a rich guy ever taken from you?
That stat refers to the amount on food stamps per race. It doesn't change the fact that most people on food stamps are white.

Sorry but you're bad at this.

Haha...You koooks are so predictable.
Per capita factoring is only used by smart people seeking TRUE data. You definitely wouldn't want to use this method as WHOLE TRUTH hurts your little feelings...come to think of it you hate the truth and facts...haha
Actually it was me who offered you a full run down of the program. You just choose not to believe those facts so you can freely talk shit about whoever is on it. Deep down you're an insecure little girl who is trying to feel manly.

Yeah, yeah...let's go with that.
So Billy, you're a super bright guy; you can't play Robin Hood and rob would you take ShaQuita from pet human to self funded?
An earned income tax credit for working would help. You can also raise the minimum wage. You could also allow her to take free job training courses at her local community college. Of course, this woman likely has a job since many adults on food stamps are working. They just make peanuts and can't support their kids on their income alone.

Replace all the programs for the poor/low income Americans with a universal basic income. That eliminates the problem of being penalized for getting a job.
and eliminates the need to get a job so more people will decide not to work and a smaller and smaller percentage of the population will have to pay for everything
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.

Since you believe that democratic government is 'stealing', what form of government would you replace it with that would NOT steal?

what do you call taking a person's property under threat of force?
Haha...You koooks are so predictable.
Per capita factoring is only used by smart people seeking TRUE data. You definitely wouldn't want to use this method as WHOLE TRUTH hurts your little feelings...come to think of it you hate the truth and facts...haha
Actually it was me who offered you a full run down of the program. You just choose not to believe those facts so you can freely talk shit about whoever is on it. Deep down you're an insecure little girl who is trying to feel manly.

Yeah, yeah...let's go with that.
So Billy, you're a super bright guy; you can't play Robin Hood and rob would you take ShaQuita from pet human to self funded?
An earned income tax credit for working would help. You can also raise the minimum wage. You could also allow her to take free job training courses at her local community college. Of course, this woman likely has a job since many adults on food stamps are working. They just make peanuts and can't support their kids on their income alone.

Replace all the programs for the poor/low income Americans with a universal basic income. That eliminates the problem of being penalized for getting a job.
and eliminates the need to get a job so more people will decide not to work and a smaller and smaller percentage of the population will have to pay for everything

It eliminates the disincentive to get a job if the income from the job is canceled out by the loss of income related benefits.
Actually it was me who offered you a full run down of the program. You just choose not to believe those facts so you can freely talk shit about whoever is on it. Deep down you're an insecure little girl who is trying to feel manly.

Yeah, yeah...let's go with that.
So Billy, you're a super bright guy; you can't play Robin Hood and rob would you take ShaQuita from pet human to self funded?
An earned income tax credit for working would help. You can also raise the minimum wage. You could also allow her to take free job training courses at her local community college. Of course, this woman likely has a job since many adults on food stamps are working. They just make peanuts and can't support their kids on their income alone.

Replace all the programs for the poor/low income Americans with a universal basic income. That eliminates the problem of being penalized for getting a job.
and eliminates the need to get a job so more people will decide not to work and a smaller and smaller percentage of the population will have to pay for everything

It eliminates the disincentive to get a job if the income from the job is canceled out by the loss of income related benefits.

No it eliminates the need to get a job in the first place so more people will choose to go on the dole
Yeah, yeah...let's go with that.
So Billy, you're a super bright guy; you can't play Robin Hood and rob would you take ShaQuita from pet human to self funded?
An earned income tax credit for working would help. You can also raise the minimum wage. You could also allow her to take free job training courses at her local community college. Of course, this woman likely has a job since many adults on food stamps are working. They just make peanuts and can't support their kids on their income alone.

Replace all the programs for the poor/low income Americans with a universal basic income. That eliminates the problem of being penalized for getting a job.
and eliminates the need to get a job so more people will decide not to work and a smaller and smaller percentage of the population will have to pay for everything

It eliminates the disincentive to get a job if the income from the job is canceled out by the loss of income related benefits.

No it eliminates the need to get a job in the first place so more people will choose to go on the dole

We already have people 'on the dole'.
An earned income tax credit for working would help. You can also raise the minimum wage. You could also allow her to take free job training courses at her local community college. Of course, this woman likely has a job since many adults on food stamps are working. They just make peanuts and can't support their kids on their income alone.

Replace all the programs for the poor/low income Americans with a universal basic income. That eliminates the problem of being penalized for getting a job.
and eliminates the need to get a job so more people will decide not to work and a smaller and smaller percentage of the population will have to pay for everything

It eliminates the disincentive to get a job if the income from the job is canceled out by the loss of income related benefits.

No it eliminates the need to get a job in the first place so more people will choose to go on the dole

We already have people 'on the dole'.
and you don't get them off by giving them more money you get them off by giving them less money so that working becomes more profitable than not working. You don't give everyone an income for not working
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
The Left Is an Aristocratic Fraud, So They Have a Mental Block Against This

Confiscate inheritance, which is unearned and goes to mostly mediocre recipient. Use it to pay the most intelligent of the next generation for their grades. A society won't grow unless its most valuable human resources are paid up front instead of depressing and discouraging them by mandating that they have to sacrifice their personal lives and personalities to develop themselves unaided before getting rewarded. A seed doesn't grow in sand.

An analogy would be that Larry Bird brought millions of dollars into the NBA by being the first White superstar in decades. That money didn't go to Larry Bird's heirs, it didn't even go to the next White superstar. It went to the whole next generation of stars and even to the other players.

What gives you the right to seize assets that someone DID earn and would like to have their children inherit? That isn't YOUR money! It belongs to the person who worked to make it in the first place.

"Paid up front"? What does that mean exactly? You get paid before you accomplish something of value to society just because you're potentially a valuable human resource? Pardon me while I laugh out loud at that concept, Sage! I don't think it's possible to come up with something that would encourage people NOT to contribute to society than what your proposing here!

As for people being forced to "sacrifice their personal lives and personalities"? LOL I believe what you're referring to is "GETTING A JOB"! Here's a radical concept for ya...some people take great satisfaction out of work. It's a part of who they ARE...not a sacrifice!

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