Liberals: If "steal more from the wealthy" wasn't an option. How would you resolve mass dependency?

We live in a society that everyone grabs all they can and have no regard for whether they've earned it or not.

Does Bill Gates, and all those who worked with him, earn their money? Did they contribute anything to society?

You, like almost everyone else, earn exactly what they are worth, no more, no less.

So based on net worth, Bill Gates's worthiness is about 25 times that of Donald Trump?
We live in a society that everyone grabs all they can and have no regard for whether they've earned it or not.

Does Bill Gates, and all those who worked with him, earn their money? Did they contribute anything to society?

You, like almost everyone else, earn exactly what they are worth, no more, no less.

So based on net worth, Bill Gates's worthiness is about 25 times that of Donald Trump?

Refuse to answer the question. Got it!
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
It's OK if the rich steal from you, right nitwit?

Can you give us an example of how the rich steal from people that don't have a lot of money?
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.

While I have no qualms about taking from the wealthy, it is not the best answer to the huge and grossly unfair wealth distribution.

First, the wealthy have a whole lot more money than they deserve. They are de facto thieves - so I have no qualms about taxing the daylights out of them.

However, the real problem is that the vast majority of non-wealthy people are dumb asses. That's why the wealthy are able to take so much.

The American people allow themselves to be ripped off each and every minute of each and every day of their lives. They just accept that that's the way things are. Most are fanatic consumers that live at or beyond their means. They don't know or care about the difference between an appreciable and a non-appreciable asset. They allow mortgage and car loan terms that are blatant thievery At least some have the brains to be fighting against a health care industry that routinely extorts people for all they can.

The American people have stopped demanding wage and salary increases. They are better educated, more skilled and more productive than ever, but they earn less and less every year. They are collectively a bunch of dumb asses for accepting this.

As things are, the only way money can flow is up the economic ladder - until the vast majority of wealth is owned by a tiny percentage of the people - the infamous 1%.

On one hand I don't blame the uber-wealthy for being smart - they owe their wealth to the stupidity of working Americans. On the other hand I am 100% O.K. with super high taxes on the wealthy since they do not earn their wealth.

I just wish the American people would wake the fuck up!

By "not earn their wealth" you mean they are not carrying 2X4s to the job site; they are not running a lathe; they are not climbing up a ladder with heavy roof shingles over their shoulders?

Anybody who works earns their money. You don't have to be hands-on to say somebody is worth paying. The wealthy have more money than they deserve? By who's standards--yours? And if they have more money than you judge they deserve, government deserves it more???

If anybody is not working for their money, it's government. Second in line are government dependents that take that money from them.

If taking money away from people because they have too much is a good idea, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

Maybe you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your home. Would it not be right for government to come along and talk half of your bushes to give to your neighbor down the street that doesn't have any? Or maybe you have three cars in your family. That's not fair, the lady on the next street only has one. Wouldn't it be fair for government to take one of your cars so that you each have two of them? You have three big screens in your home. That's not right. Not everybody has a big screen. So maybe government should take one of your big screens and give it to somebody hat has a 19 inch screen.

If taking other people's money makes a good society, wouldn't taking people's other property away make it a great one? After all, that's what money is. It's property.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

It's amazing that you believe the fantasy that there is some correlation between how hard people work and how wealthy they are.

"Nobody ever got wealthy working for a living".

The only thing wealthy people work at is sucking up all the money they can without making any real contribution to society.

Do you believe that financial industry executives, corporate executives and bankers contribute to society in terms of real productivity on par with their pay?

That banking executives EARN $70 million bonuses?

We live in a society that everyone grabs all they can and have no regard for whether they've earned it or not.

Actually what's amazing is how all lazy, low iQ, "gimme something for nothing types" say the same crazy shit. Everybody I know who busts and busted their ass paving a way for themselves is wealthy and none ever bitch about wealthier people...coincidence? Not at all.
While all you broke low-life bastards were fucking around ditching school, not trying in school, dropping out and smoking weed I was busting my ass playing football, wrestling, taking all honors courses and studying until 2-3am every night. And where were all you noble, giving mother fuckers when I had to pony up tuition for my high dollar degree and work two or three jobs to cover it. Go fuck yourselves and pave your own path...stop riding my back and others like me.
None of this makes any sense to you bottom feeding leeches does it?

This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
It's OK if the rich steal from you, right nitwit?

The only people stealing from me are your lowlife Liberal friends...who are pet humans to the know, Guadalupe, Pedro, their five silver tooth anchors and ShaQuita, DaShawn and their five money trees (children).
Rich people are pitching in with me to see to it that you and your friends survive, get your EBT card on time and can score your weekly sack of weed. Not sure how "the rich" are stealing from ShaQuita.
While you're at home in your single wide bitching about what everyone else has and what you don't have...People like myself are out paving our own paths...You should try that.
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.

While I have no qualms about taking from the wealthy, it is not the best answer to the huge and grossly unfair wealth distribution.

First, the wealthy have a whole lot more money than they deserve. They are de facto thieves - so I have no qualms about taxing the daylights out of them.

However, the real problem is that the vast majority of non-wealthy people are dumb asses. That's why the wealthy are able to take so much.

The American people allow themselves to be ripped off each and every minute of each and every day of their lives. They just accept that that's the way things are. Most are fanatic consumers that live at or beyond their means. They don't know or care about the difference between an appreciable and a non-appreciable asset. They allow mortgage and car loan terms that are blatant thievery At least some have the brains to be fighting against a health care industry that routinely extorts people for all they can.

The American people have stopped demanding wage and salary increases. They are better educated, more skilled and more productive than ever, but they earn less and less every year. They are collectively a bunch of dumb asses for accepting this.

As things are, the only way money can flow is up the economic ladder - until the vast majority of wealth is owned by a tiny percentage of the people - the infamous 1%.

On one hand I don't blame the uber-wealthy for being smart - they owe their wealth to the stupidity of working Americans. On the other hand I am 100% O.K. with super high taxes on the wealthy since they do not earn their wealth.

I just wish the American people would wake the fuck up!

By "not earn their wealth" you mean they are not carrying 2X4s to the job site; they are not running a lathe; they are not climbing up a ladder with heavy roof shingles over their shoulders?

Anybody who works earns their money. You don't have to be hands-on to say somebody is worth paying. The wealthy have more money than they deserve? By who's standards--yours? And if they have more money than you judge they deserve, government deserves it more???

If anybody is not working for their money, it's government. Second in line are government dependents that take that money from them.

If taking money away from people because they have too much is a good idea, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

Maybe you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your home. Would it not be right for government to come along and talk half of your bushes to give to your neighbor down the street that doesn't have any? Or maybe you have three cars in your family. That's not fair, the lady on the next street only has one. Wouldn't it be fair for government to take one of your cars so that you each have two of them? You have three big screens in your home. That's not right. Not everybody has a big screen. So maybe government should take one of your big screens and give it to somebody hat has a 19 inch screen.

If taking other people's money makes a good society, wouldn't taking people's other property away make it a great one? After all, that's what money is. It's property.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

It's amazing that you believe the fantasy that there is some correlation between how hard people work and how wealthy they are.

"Nobody ever got wealthy working for a living".

The only thing wealthy people work at is sucking up all the money they can without making any real contribution to society.

Do you believe that financial industry executives, corporate executives and bankers contribute to society in terms of real productivity on par with their pay?

That banking executives EARN $70 million bonuses?

We live in a society that everyone grabs all they can and have no regard for whether they've earned it or not.

Actually what's amazing is how all lazy, low iQ, "gimme something for nothing types" say the same crazy shit. Everybody I know who busts and busted their ass paving a way for themselves is wealthy and none ever bitch about wealthier people...coincidence? Not at all.
While all you broke low-life bastards were fucking around ditching school, not trying in school, dropping out and smoking weed I was busting my ass playing football, wrestling, taking all honors courses and studying until 2-3am every night. And where were all you noble, giving mother fuckers when I had to pony up tuition for my high dollar degree and work two or three jobs to cover it. Go fuck yourselves and pave your own path...stop riding my back and others like me.
None of this makes any sense to you bottom feeding leeches does it?

This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
It's OK if the rich steal from you, right nitwit?

The only people stealing from me are your lowlife Liberal friends...who are pet humans to the know, Guadalupe, Pedro, their five silver tooth anchors and ShaQuita, DaShawn and their five money trees (children).
Rich people are pitching in with me to see to it that you and your friends survive, get your EBT card on time and can score your weekly sack of weed. Not sure how "the rich" are stealing from ShaQuita.
While you're at home in your single wide bitching about what everyone else has and what you don't have...People like myself are out paving our own paths...You should try that.

And what the Social Justice Warriors miss is that the main things preventing average income folks from becoming wealthy are taxes.

Compounding of savings would increase earnings into prosperity....but large chunks of same are taken away, confiscated by bigggggggggg Liberal government.
For the wealthy, what they already have isn't taxed.

Long story short, Democrat office holders claim to work for the little guy, but actually prevent him from becoming richer.
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.

While I have no qualms about taking from the wealthy, it is not the best answer to the huge and grossly unfair wealth distribution.

First, the wealthy have a whole lot more money than they deserve. They are de facto thieves - so I have no qualms about taxing the daylights out of them.

However, the real problem is that the vast majority of non-wealthy people are dumb asses. That's why the wealthy are able to take so much.

The American people allow themselves to be ripped off each and every minute of each and every day of their lives. They just accept that that's the way things are. Most are fanatic consumers that live at or beyond their means. They don't know or care about the difference between an appreciable and a non-appreciable asset. They allow mortgage and car loan terms that are blatant thievery At least some have the brains to be fighting against a health care industry that routinely extorts people for all they can.

The American people have stopped demanding wage and salary increases. They are better educated, more skilled and more productive than ever, but they earn less and less every year. They are collectively a bunch of dumb asses for accepting this.

As things are, the only way money can flow is up the economic ladder - until the vast majority of wealth is owned by a tiny percentage of the people - the infamous 1%.

On one hand I don't blame the uber-wealthy for being smart - they owe their wealth to the stupidity of working Americans. On the other hand I am 100% O.K. with super high taxes on the wealthy since they do not earn their wealth.

I just wish the American people would wake the fuck up!

By "not earn their wealth" you mean they are not carrying 2X4s to the job site; they are not running a lathe; they are not climbing up a ladder with heavy roof shingles over their shoulders?

Anybody who works earns their money. You don't have to be hands-on to say somebody is worth paying. The wealthy have more money than they deserve? By who's standards--yours? And if they have more money than you judge they deserve, government deserves it more???

If anybody is not working for their money, it's government. Second in line are government dependents that take that money from them.

If taking money away from people because they have too much is a good idea, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

Maybe you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your home. Would it not be right for government to come along and talk half of your bushes to give to your neighbor down the street that doesn't have any? Or maybe you have three cars in your family. That's not fair, the lady on the next street only has one. Wouldn't it be fair for government to take one of your cars so that you each have two of them? You have three big screens in your home. That's not right. Not everybody has a big screen. So maybe government should take one of your big screens and give it to somebody hat has a 19 inch screen.

If taking other people's money makes a good society, wouldn't taking people's other property away make it a great one? After all, that's what money is. It's property.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

It's amazing that you believe the fantasy that there is some correlation between how hard people work and how wealthy they are.

"Nobody ever got wealthy working for a living".

The only thing wealthy people work at is sucking up all the money they can without making any real contribution to society.

Do you believe that financial industry executives, corporate executives and bankers contribute to society in terms of real productivity on par with their pay?

That banking executives EARN $70 million bonuses?

We live in a society that everyone grabs all they can and have no regard for whether they've earned it or not.

Actually what's amazing is how all lazy, low iQ, "gimme something for nothing types" say the same crazy shit. Everybody I know who busts and busted their ass paving a way for themselves is wealthy and none ever bitch about wealthier people...coincidence? Not at all.
While all you broke low-life bastards were fucking around ditching school, not trying in school, dropping out and smoking weed I was busting my ass playing football, wrestling, taking all honors courses and studying until 2-3am every night. And where were all you noble, giving mother fuckers when I had to pony up tuition for my high dollar degree and work two or three jobs to cover it. Go fuck yourselves and pave your own path...stop riding my back and others like me.
None of this makes any sense to you bottom feeding leeches does it?

This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
It's OK if the rich steal from you, right nitwit?

The only people stealing from me are your lowlife Liberal friends...who are pet humans to the know, Guadalupe, Pedro, their five silver tooth anchors and ShaQuita, DaShawn and their five money trees (children).
Rich people are pitching in with me to see to it that you and your friends survive, get your EBT card on time and can score your weekly sack of weed. Not sure how "the rich" are stealing from ShaQuita.
While you're at home in your single wide bitching about what everyone else has and what you don't have...People like myself are out paving our own paths...You should try that.

And what the Social Justice Warriors miss is that the main things preventing average income folks from becoming wealthy are taxes.

Compounding of savings would increase earnings into prosperity....but large chunks of same are taken away, confiscated by bigggggggggg Liberal government.
For the wealthy, what they already have isn't taxed.

Long story short, Democrat office holders claim to work for the little guy, but actually prevent him from becoming richer.

But we all know Liberals don't really give two-shits about the hard working middle class. (Unless they're illegal, gay or a man in a dress)
They will only champion for the lowest of low class.
Liberals: "how can we figure out ways to funnel MORE free shit to our least productive, least deserving, most problematic citizens?"
I'm not making this shit up.
Unless I'm missing something...Here we are 127 posts in this thread and not one Liberal has shown the nutsack to properly identify the problem at its root nor has any Liberal offered any real solution to the problem.
Acknowledging the REAL problem is so scary and such taboo...WHY?
What's the problem you ask?
This is so simple....IGNORANCE AND ILLEGALS.
LOW iQ = Poor decision making
What's the solution?
Mandatory highschool diplomas...if your child doesn't graduate YOU, the parent goes to jail....PERIOD!
To graduate one must TRULY be able to clearly speak and articulate the English language...Rid children of illiterate Ebonics and foreign accents.
(sorry koooks I know that one hurts your feelings)

And lastly, run all illegals out of this country starting yesterday...our poor do not need or want any competition whatsoever.

TA-DA! Problem solved...
Increased iQ = fewer teen pregnancies
More highschool diplomas = more college grads
A work ready, better qualified young person hitting the job market running = higher incomes.
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.

While I have no qualms about taking from the wealthy, it is not the best answer to the huge and grossly unfair wealth distribution.

First, the wealthy have a whole lot more money than they deserve. They are de facto thieves - so I have no qualms about taxing the daylights out of them.

However, the real problem is that the vast majority of non-wealthy people are dumb asses. That's why the wealthy are able to take so much.

The American people allow themselves to be ripped off each and every minute of each and every day of their lives. They just accept that that's the way things are. Most are fanatic consumers that live at or beyond their means. They don't know or care about the difference between an appreciable and a non-appreciable asset. They allow mortgage and car loan terms that are blatant thievery At least some have the brains to be fighting against a health care industry that routinely extorts people for all they can.

The American people have stopped demanding wage and salary increases. They are better educated, more skilled and more productive than ever, but they earn less and less every year. They are collectively a bunch of dumb asses for accepting this.

As things are, the only way money can flow is up the economic ladder - until the vast majority of wealth is owned by a tiny percentage of the people - the infamous 1%.

On one hand I don't blame the uber-wealthy for being smart - they owe their wealth to the stupidity of working Americans. On the other hand I am 100% O.K. with super high taxes on the wealthy since they do not earn their wealth.

I just wish the American people would wake the fuck up!

By "not earn their wealth" you mean they are not carrying 2X4s to the job site; they are not running a lathe; they are not climbing up a ladder with heavy roof shingles over their shoulders?

Anybody who works earns their money. You don't have to be hands-on to say somebody is worth paying. The wealthy have more money than they deserve? By who's standards--yours? And if they have more money than you judge they deserve, government deserves it more???

If anybody is not working for their money, it's government. Second in line are government dependents that take that money from them.

If taking money away from people because they have too much is a good idea, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

Maybe you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your home. Would it not be right for government to come along and talk half of your bushes to give to your neighbor down the street that doesn't have any? Or maybe you have three cars in your family. That's not fair, the lady on the next street only has one. Wouldn't it be fair for government to take one of your cars so that you each have two of them? You have three big screens in your home. That's not right. Not everybody has a big screen. So maybe government should take one of your big screens and give it to somebody hat has a 19 inch screen.

If taking other people's money makes a good society, wouldn't taking people's other property away make it a great one? After all, that's what money is. It's property.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

It's amazing that you believe the fantasy that there is some correlation between how hard people work and how wealthy they are.

"Nobody ever got wealthy working for a living".

The only thing wealthy people work at is sucking up all the money they can without making any real contribution to society.

Do you believe that financial industry executives, corporate executives and bankers contribute to society in terms of real productivity on par with their pay?

That banking executives EARN $70 million bonuses?

We live in a society that everyone grabs all they can and have no regard for whether they've earned it or not.

Actually what's amazing is how all lazy, low iQ, "gimme something for nothing types" say the same crazy shit. Everybody I know who busts and busted their ass paving a way for themselves is wealthy and none ever bitch about wealthier people...coincidence? Not at all.
While all you broke low-life bastards were fucking around ditching school, not trying in school, dropping out and smoking weed I was busting my ass playing football, wrestling, taking all honors courses and studying until 2-3am every night. And where were all you noble, giving mother fuckers when I had to pony up tuition for my high dollar degree and work two or three jobs to cover it. Go fuck yourselves and pave your own path...stop riding my back and others like me.
None of this makes any sense to you bottom feeding leeches does it?

This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
It's OK if the rich steal from you, right nitwit?

The only people stealing from me are your lowlife Liberal friends...who are pet humans to the know, Guadalupe, Pedro, their five silver tooth anchors and ShaQuita, DaShawn and their five money trees (children).
Rich people are pitching in with me to see to it that you and your friends survive, get your EBT card on time and can score your weekly sack of weed. Not sure how "the rich" are stealing from ShaQuita.
While you're at home in your single wide bitching about what everyone else has and what you don't have...People like myself are out paving our own paths...You should try that.

And what the Social Justice Warriors miss is that the main things preventing average income folks from becoming wealthy are taxes.

Compounding of savings would increase earnings into prosperity....but large chunks of same are taken away, confiscated by bigggggggggg Liberal government.
For the wealthy, what they already have isn't taxed.

Long story short, Democrat office holders claim to work for the little guy, but actually prevent him from becoming richer.

One of the biggest problems we have when it comes to failures in society is education. I'm not talking about bigger schools, less students in classrooms, throw more money at the problem, I'm talking about curriculum.

Poor students are under this belief that there are few ways to financial success. One is being born wealthy. Others include being born the right color, from the right neighborhood, from the right family, make a hit rap song, being very good at sports, but not anything realistic.

If you ask any poor public school graduate what they know about compound interest, the stock market, what a PE ratio means, how to start a business, what the commodities market is all about, real estate, you will be met with an open mouth and a blank stare. That's because their parent(s) were never involved in such things, and the schools don't teach it.

To achieve any financial success, they then turn to illegal activities which in most cases lands them in jail or a grave.

If we don't teach young people that success is for everybody--not just the fortunate, then they will look at their circumstance as a predetermined failure. That's what has to change.
While I have no qualms about taking from the wealthy, it is not the best answer to the huge and grossly unfair wealth distribution.

First, the wealthy have a whole lot more money than they deserve. They are de facto thieves - so I have no qualms about taxing the daylights out of them.

However, the real problem is that the vast majority of non-wealthy people are dumb asses. That's why the wealthy are able to take so much.

The American people allow themselves to be ripped off each and every minute of each and every day of their lives. They just accept that that's the way things are. Most are fanatic consumers that live at or beyond their means. They don't know or care about the difference between an appreciable and a non-appreciable asset. They allow mortgage and car loan terms that are blatant thievery At least some have the brains to be fighting against a health care industry that routinely extorts people for all they can.

The American people have stopped demanding wage and salary increases. They are better educated, more skilled and more productive than ever, but they earn less and less every year. They are collectively a bunch of dumb asses for accepting this.

As things are, the only way money can flow is up the economic ladder - until the vast majority of wealth is owned by a tiny percentage of the people - the infamous 1%.

On one hand I don't blame the uber-wealthy for being smart - they owe their wealth to the stupidity of working Americans. On the other hand I am 100% O.K. with super high taxes on the wealthy since they do not earn their wealth.

I just wish the American people would wake the fuck up!

By "not earn their wealth" you mean they are not carrying 2X4s to the job site; they are not running a lathe; they are not climbing up a ladder with heavy roof shingles over their shoulders?

Anybody who works earns their money. You don't have to be hands-on to say somebody is worth paying. The wealthy have more money than they deserve? By who's standards--yours? And if they have more money than you judge they deserve, government deserves it more???

If anybody is not working for their money, it's government. Second in line are government dependents that take that money from them.

If taking money away from people because they have too much is a good idea, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

Maybe you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your home. Would it not be right for government to come along and talk half of your bushes to give to your neighbor down the street that doesn't have any? Or maybe you have three cars in your family. That's not fair, the lady on the next street only has one. Wouldn't it be fair for government to take one of your cars so that you each have two of them? You have three big screens in your home. That's not right. Not everybody has a big screen. So maybe government should take one of your big screens and give it to somebody hat has a 19 inch screen.

If taking other people's money makes a good society, wouldn't taking people's other property away make it a great one? After all, that's what money is. It's property.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

It's amazing that you believe the fantasy that there is some correlation between how hard people work and how wealthy they are.

"Nobody ever got wealthy working for a living".

The only thing wealthy people work at is sucking up all the money they can without making any real contribution to society.

Do you believe that financial industry executives, corporate executives and bankers contribute to society in terms of real productivity on par with their pay?

That banking executives EARN $70 million bonuses?

We live in a society that everyone grabs all they can and have no regard for whether they've earned it or not.

Actually what's amazing is how all lazy, low iQ, "gimme something for nothing types" say the same crazy shit. Everybody I know who busts and busted their ass paving a way for themselves is wealthy and none ever bitch about wealthier people...coincidence? Not at all.
While all you broke low-life bastards were fucking around ditching school, not trying in school, dropping out and smoking weed I was busting my ass playing football, wrestling, taking all honors courses and studying until 2-3am every night. And where were all you noble, giving mother fuckers when I had to pony up tuition for my high dollar degree and work two or three jobs to cover it. Go fuck yourselves and pave your own path...stop riding my back and others like me.
None of this makes any sense to you bottom feeding leeches does it?

This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
It's OK if the rich steal from you, right nitwit?

The only people stealing from me are your lowlife Liberal friends...who are pet humans to the know, Guadalupe, Pedro, their five silver tooth anchors and ShaQuita, DaShawn and their five money trees (children).
Rich people are pitching in with me to see to it that you and your friends survive, get your EBT card on time and can score your weekly sack of weed. Not sure how "the rich" are stealing from ShaQuita.
While you're at home in your single wide bitching about what everyone else has and what you don't have...People like myself are out paving our own paths...You should try that.

And what the Social Justice Warriors miss is that the main things preventing average income folks from becoming wealthy are taxes.

Compounding of savings would increase earnings into prosperity....but large chunks of same are taken away, confiscated by bigggggggggg Liberal government.
For the wealthy, what they already have isn't taxed.

Long story short, Democrat office holders claim to work for the little guy, but actually prevent him from becoming richer.

But we all know Liberals don't really give two-shits about the hard working middle class. (Unless they're illegal, gay or a man in a dress)
They will only champion for the lowest of low class.
Liberals: "how can we figure out ways to funnel MORE free shit to our least productive, least deserving, most problematic citizens?"
I'm not making this shit up.

"But we all know Liberals don't really give two-s**ts about the hard working middle class."

That certainly is true and provable.

Most of the middle class is white....and the Democrats/Liberals actually stated that they were giving up that group:

"The Future of the Obama Coalition
By THOMAS B. EDSALL NOVEMBER 27, 2011 11:34 PM November 27, 2011 11:34 pm
For decades, Democrats have suffered continuous and increasingly severe losses among white voters. But preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class."

... preparations by Democratic operatives for the 2012 election make it clear for the first time that the party will explicitly abandon the white working class.

All pretense of trying to win a majority of the white working class has been effectively jettisoned in favor of cementing a center-left coalition made up, on the one hand, of voters who have gotten ahead on the basis of educational attainment — professors, artists, designers, editors, human resources managers, lawyers, librarians, social workers, teachers and therapists — and a second, substantial constituency of lower-income voters who are disproportionately African-American and Hispanic."

And it cost them the presidency.

Their rage and hurt has propelled the party in the wrong direction since the election, lies and smears.... remains to be seen whether pro-America adults can gain the upper hand over the radicals and the insane that now control them.
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.

While I have no qualms about taking from the wealthy, it is not the best answer to the huge and grossly unfair wealth distribution.

First, the wealthy have a whole lot more money than they deserve. They are de facto thieves - so I have no qualms about taxing the daylights out of them.

However, the real problem is that the vast majority of non-wealthy people are dumb asses. That's why the wealthy are able to take so much.

The American people allow themselves to be ripped off each and every minute of each and every day of their lives. They just accept that that's the way things are. Most are fanatic consumers that live at or beyond their means. They don't know or care about the difference between an appreciable and a non-appreciable asset. They allow mortgage and car loan terms that are blatant thievery At least some have the brains to be fighting against a health care industry that routinely extorts people for all they can.

The American people have stopped demanding wage and salary increases. They are better educated, more skilled and more productive than ever, but they earn less and less every year. They are collectively a bunch of dumb asses for accepting this.

As things are, the only way money can flow is up the economic ladder - until the vast majority of wealth is owned by a tiny percentage of the people - the infamous 1%.

On one hand I don't blame the uber-wealthy for being smart - they owe their wealth to the stupidity of working Americans. On the other hand I am 100% O.K. with super high taxes on the wealthy since they do not earn their wealth.

I just wish the American people would wake the fuck up!

By "not earn their wealth" you mean they are not carrying 2X4s to the job site; they are not running a lathe; they are not climbing up a ladder with heavy roof shingles over their shoulders?

Anybody who works earns their money. You don't have to be hands-on to say somebody is worth paying. The wealthy have more money than they deserve? By who's standards--yours? And if they have more money than you judge they deserve, government deserves it more???

If anybody is not working for their money, it's government. Second in line are government dependents that take that money from them.

If taking money away from people because they have too much is a good idea, then why not extrapolate that to other things?

Maybe you have a dozen beautiful bushes in front of your home. Would it not be right for government to come along and talk half of your bushes to give to your neighbor down the street that doesn't have any? Or maybe you have three cars in your family. That's not fair, the lady on the next street only has one. Wouldn't it be fair for government to take one of your cars so that you each have two of them? You have three big screens in your home. That's not right. Not everybody has a big screen. So maybe government should take one of your big screens and give it to somebody hat has a 19 inch screen.

If taking other people's money makes a good society, wouldn't taking people's other property away make it a great one? After all, that's what money is. It's property.

"How much is YOUR fair share of what somebody else worked for?"
Thomas Sowell

It's amazing that you believe the fantasy that there is some correlation between how hard people work and how wealthy they are.

"Nobody ever got wealthy working for a living".

The only thing wealthy people work at is sucking up all the money they can without making any real contribution to society.

Do you believe that financial industry executives, corporate executives and bankers contribute to society in terms of real productivity on par with their pay?

That banking executives EARN $70 million bonuses?

We live in a society that everyone grabs all they can and have no regard for whether they've earned it or not.

Actually what's amazing is how all lazy, low iQ, "gimme something for nothing types" say the same crazy shit. Everybody I know who busts and busted their ass paving a way for themselves is wealthy and none ever bitch about wealthier people...coincidence? Not at all.
While all you broke low-life bastards were fucking around ditching school, not trying in school, dropping out and smoking weed I was busting my ass playing football, wrestling, taking all honors courses and studying until 2-3am every night. And where were all you noble, giving mother fuckers when I had to pony up tuition for my high dollar degree and work two or three jobs to cover it. Go fuck yourselves and pave your own path...stop riding my back and others like me.
None of this makes any sense to you bottom feeding leeches does it?

This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
It's OK if the rich steal from you, right nitwit?

The only people stealing from me are your lowlife Liberal friends...who are pet humans to the know, Guadalupe, Pedro, their five silver tooth anchors and ShaQuita, DaShawn and their five money trees (children).
Rich people are pitching in with me to see to it that you and your friends survive, get your EBT card on time and can score your weekly sack of weed. Not sure how "the rich" are stealing from ShaQuita.
While you're at home in your single wide bitching about what everyone else has and what you don't have...People like myself are out paving our own paths...You should try that.
Sacrifice Has No Merit; It Is Nothing But Brownnosing and Shows a Lack of Self-Respect

It's dishonest to keep frantically pretending that the alternative to being a workoholic bootlicker is to be a lazy moocher. Another indication of denial that the class-climbers must be secretly ashamed of themselves is that those who scratched and clawed their way up will do anything they can to make sure their lazy mooching sons don't have to.

Also, no one objects to the immediate rewards the athletically talented get from childhood on. To be consistent, why not demand that they have to sacrifice their personal lives and personalities to get on a team? Tuition is like having to pay the coaches and pay for your own athletic gear.

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