Liberals: If "steal more from the wealthy" wasn't an option. How would you resolve mass dependency?

This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.

The tax code has been rigged since the mid-1980s allowing the wealthy and super wealthy, as well as corps, to siphon money out of the country.

These are people who got rich off the American worker and the U.S. economic system and market.

Wealth is not "redistributed" -- crumbs are tossed out to the lower classes to keep them complacent.

You Loons just can't help yourselves can you? Funny shit. "The tax code is rigged" yet it's the wealthy who cover all your government funded shit. While the bottom 20% don't pay shit or pull their weight. You confused much?
Top 20% of Earners Pay 84% of Income Tax
It's the rich standing in the doorways of classrooms all across America stopping all low iQ barely humans from entering...haha
It's the rich forcing 15 year old DaNika to slide down that baby daddy penis and impregnate herself....haha
It's the rich stopping Guadalupe, Pedro, DaNika and DaShawn from learning to speak English clearly and articulately...haha
It's the rich preventing lowlifes from becoming driven to achieve success...haha
AWESOME stuff here...but one of us is retarded and I'm thinking it isn't me.
Can you explain further...please?
Also, how would you help solve mass dependency without robbing anyone?
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An analogy would be that Larry Bird brought millions of dollars into the NBA by being the first White superstar in decades. That money didn't go to Larry Bird's heirs, it didn't even go to the next White superstar. It went to the whole next generation of stars and even to the other players.

The money Larry Bird earned, he squandered and he declared bankruptcy.

On what planet (other than North Korea or Venezuela) do you live where the NBA would owe anyone?
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
Twice as much money is being stolen from the lower income brackets and transferred up the food chain than is doled out in welfare.

Literally twice as much.

But you tards have been kept totally in the dark about that.
If "steal more from the wealthy" wasn't an option. How would you resolve mass dependency?
Are you among the wealthy? I ask only because I am as are all my closest friends and family, and most (if not all) of my professional associates, yet not one of us complains that we are being "stolen from."

Would we all enjoy paying less in taxes? Sure. Who would not? Do any of us feel as though our lifestyle suffers as a result of our tax burden? No. I'm hard pressed to think that any wealthy people, or people period, feel they are missing out on something as a result of their tax liabilities/rates.

Accordingly, I'm wondering whether your inquiry is borne of altruism for the wealthy or whether you are the one wealthy person I've "encountered" who's attesting to having a compromised lifestyle as a result of taxes.

Last time I checked, every money-making activity I've undertaken has yielded more returns to me than to any and all governments that may levy a tax upon them. Truth be told, I haven't done anything unusual to become wealthy. I went to school and began a career doing something I'm good at doing and that others are willing to pay me to do. Paying taxes on my earnings is just part of "the deal," so to speak. Well, now that I think of it, perhaps I should correct myself. I may have done one unusual thing: I focused my youthful thoughts and energies on becoming, among other things, wealthy rather than on discovering and complaining about all the things that may be impediments to my doing so. That's something that, save perhaps for lottery winners, all wealthy people do or did.

Cute dodge. You failed to answer the question. No surprise, the starter of this thread said you'd run screaming.
If stealing from the poor wasn't an option theyd be no wealthy.

That's a new spin...I'd like to hear more on that.
Care to enlighten me?
Let me guess....wealthy corporate heads hold their "underpaid" employees at gun point and force them to work for X wage?

New spin? You've never heard that great fortunes come from great crimes?

Sorry buddy, you must be like 11 if you think some liberal made up that quote.

Look, I've heard all kinds of crack-pot conspiracy THEORIES...haha
But what I know for a fact is that everyone I know who learned to speak the native language, got an education and busted their ass is successful and can't give two shits about potential conspiracies. It's always the low iQ bottom dwellers throwing that crazy shit around.
Twice as much money is being stolen from the lower income brackets and transferred up the food chain than is doled out in welfare.

Literally twice as much.

But you tards have been kept totally in the dark about that.

So you have nothing either. Why not just say so?

Please show us how money is "stolen" from the poor and transferred to the rich.

You wimped out too. Why not just say you have nothing?
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
Twice as much money is being stolen from the lower income brackets and transferred up the food chain than is doled out in welfare.

Literally twice as much.

But you tards have been kept totally in the dark about that.

So how would you help solve mass dependency if you could not rob anyone?
Twice as much money is being stolen from the lower income brackets and transferred up the food chain than is doled out in welfare.

Literally twice as much.

But you tards have been kept totally in the dark about that.

So you have nothing either. Why not just say so?

Please show us how money is "stolen" from the poor and transferred to the rich.

You wimped out too. Why not just say you have nothing?
I've shown countless times how it is done, dipshit.

$1.4 trillion in tax expenditures every year. That's how.

All of our tax rates are as high as they are because of them. Your home price was higher because of them. You are being robbed and are too stupid to notice.

In fact, most of you scream like welfare queens at the very idea of eliminating tax expenditures so that we can balance the budget and lower everyone's tax rates.
If stealing from the poor wasn't an option theyd be no wealthy.

That's a new spin...I'd like to hear more on that.
Care to enlighten me?
Let me guess....wealthy corporate heads hold their "underpaid" employees at gun point and force them to work for X wage?

New spin? You've never heard that great fortunes come from great crimes?

Sorry buddy, you must be like 11 if you think some liberal made up that quote.

Look, I've heard all kinds of crack-pot conspiracy THEORIES...haha
But what I know for a fact is that everyone I know who learned to speak the native language, got an education and busted their ass is successful and can't give two shits about potential conspiracies. It's always the low iQ bottom dwellers throwing that crazy shit around.

So you have heard the saying before but called it new spin. How does a thing you've already heard before become new information?
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
Twice as much money is being stolen from the lower income brackets and transferred up the food chain than is doled out in welfare.

Literally twice as much.

But you tards have been kept totally in the dark about that.

How does the tax code "steal" from the lower income brackets?
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
If you can't even define what you mean by "mass dependency", your topic is useless. What programs? How much?
Twice as much money is being stolen from the lower income brackets and transferred up the food chain than is doled out in welfare.

Literally twice as much.

But you tards have been kept totally in the dark about that.

So you have nothing either. Why not just say so?

Please show us how money is "stolen" from the poor and transferred to the rich.

You wimped out too. Why not just say you have nothing?
I've shown countless times how it is done, dipshit.

$1.4 trillion in tax expenditures every year. That's how.

All of our tax rates are as high as they are because of them. Your home price was higher because of them. You are being robbed and are too stupid to notice.

In fact, most of you scream like welfare queens at the very idea of eliminating tax expenditures so that we can balance the budget and lower everyone's tax rates.

The tax rate on the bottom 50% is still zero. In fact, for those under the poverty limit, the tax rate is less than zero.

You still haven't explained it.
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
Twice as much money is being stolen from the lower income brackets and transferred up the food chain than is doled out in welfare.

Literally twice as much.

But you tards have been kept totally in the dark about that.

How does the tax code "steal" from the lower income brackets?
See post 29.
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.
If you can't even define what you mean by "mass dependency", your topic is useless. What programs? How much?
Merkle is just parroting memes he knows nothing about. Another tard trying to make his mark by showing off his stupidity in public.
I predict the tards won't read the link I provided them.

"tl/dnr lol"
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.

Since you believe that democratic government is 'stealing', what form of government would you replace it with that would NOT steal?

Tax collection is not stealing.
Bottom feeders giving birth to pet humans knowing that someone else will fund them IS stealing.
Rather than hijack this thread perhaps you should start another and seek more answers to your question? I'll play along in it.

Then if taxes levied by the will of the people go to help the poor,

where is the stealing?

Simple, the poor demanding money for not working.
All Merkle can do is post "Funny" tags on my posts because he knows he doesn't have the intellectual capacity to understand the complex subject of tax reform. He's just a meme parrot. A brainless bot.

The biggest moronic talking point vomited by far-rights and libertarians -- Taxes = stealing.

These are usually poor or moderate income types who don't know that their billionaire overloads pay a lower percentage than they do and have been siphoning money out of the U.S. economy for decades.

In the same way that Souther Plantation owners tricked the lower class men into going to fight their rebellion to maintain their slave labor economy, today's wealthy conservative manipulate their lower counterparts into believing Tax policy is unfair and "stealing"....
This is not intended to be rhetorical. I have a genuine interest in hearing creative potential solutions not linked to the default; "Take more from the wealthy" and "redistribute wealth"
I'm pessimistic that Libs will even touch this thread with a ten foot pole.

Oh cry me a river.
I would guess that anyone who actually reads economic reports, knows that there has been a great transfer of wealth going to the uber wealthy which accelerated during the recovery of the Great Recession.
A Tale of Two Recoveries: Wealth Inequality After the Great Recession
But you go ahead and keep sucking the bullshit lies you seem want to believe, because your gullible!

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