Liberals: If you were in a theater w a mass shooter, would u rather have a gun or phone (911)? Pick.

With the shooter's bearing down on you....which would you rather have:

  • A gun. I want protection and a chance to fight for survival.

    Votes: 20 87.0%
  • A phone. I will dial 911. SWAT will rescue me.

    Votes: 3 13.0%
  • Neither. I want a "Gun Free Zone" sign on the theater so the shooting never occurred at all.

    Votes: 1 4.3%

  • Total voters
Ammo up my friends.........every chance you get!! Eventually, its not the guns they will target...........its the ammo. Already saw a dry run on this last year.
A gun preferably with RIPs in it. I am a liberal.

Ah ok. So you are in favor of concealed carry?
Personally no. However, if you are a pussy that needs a gun everywhere you go I have no problem with it as long as you get good training.


Indeed.........and if that training isn't by a black man, its pretty much useless right s0n??

I love this forum!!!:coffee:
No. If you want to learn violence you go learn from the experts in violence. A conservative white male should be your best bet ancient one.

Whatever you say s0n!!!:spinner::spinner::rock:

Chicago Shootings Reach 2,349 This Year — Someone Shot Every 2.8 Hours

One generation removed from the tree's........what do you expect!!:up:
A gun preferably with RIPs in it. I am a liberal.

Ah ok. So you are in favor of concealed carry?
Personally no. However, if you are a pussy that needs a gun everywhere you go I have no problem with it as long as you get good training.


Indeed.........and if that training isn't by a black man, its pretty much useless right s0n??

I love this forum!!!:coffee:
No. If you want to learn violence you go learn from the experts in violence. A conservative white male should be your best bet ancient one.

Whatever you say s0n!!!:spinner::spinner::rock:

Chicago Shootings Reach 2,349 This Year — Someone Shot Every 2.8 Hours

One generation removed from the tree's........what do you expect!!:up:
They are emulating the original gangsters. White people.

I thought you were more than one generation removed from the caves? :cool-45:
How about a phone with recording of automatic gun fire and then the police saying put down your guns and come out with your hands up.
How about a phone with recording of automatic gun fire and then the police saying put down your guns and come out with your hands up.

Some liberal will actually think this is a legitimate option.
What % of the population faces an active shooter?

According to Obama and could be any one of us any day of the week.'re saying it's a very tiny insignificant %? If so...why the push for denying 100% of citizens constitutional rights just because 0.00001% MIGHT face an active shooter?? Hmmm.

Well, I guess that I would not want felons, insane, children, and people under a restraining order to have their constitutional rights denied by a background check.....

Those people are ALREADY denied gun ownership. By current laws. But libs are begging for more laws. Which ones?

Nope. i said it before, and I will say it again. Anyone can buy a gun downtown at a gun show without a background check...including the guy who is under a restraining order for stalking his wife.

Right. So how is a stricter law gonna change that???? (crickets...)

Do I really have to explain this to you? Are you really that obtuse?

Mandatory background checks close the loophole where people can buy guns without a background check. A private sale without a check will result in a felony conviction for the seller. No harm has been done to anyone who is able to pass a background check.
Mandatory background checks close the loophole where people can buy guns without a background check. A private sale without a check will result in a felony conviction for the seller. No harm has been done to anyone who is able to pass a background check.

Let's review:

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed."

I'd rather have a box cutter. The "media" has already proven that hundreds of sheep can be fully controlled by a glorified toe nail clipper. Gimme one of them.
According to Obama and could be any one of us any day of the week.'re saying it's a very tiny insignificant %? If so...why the push for denying 100% of citizens constitutional rights just because 0.00001% MIGHT face an active shooter?? Hmmm.

Well, I guess that I would not want felons, insane, children, and people under a restraining order to have their constitutional rights denied by a background check.....

Those people are ALREADY denied gun ownership. By current laws. But libs are begging for more laws. Which ones?

Nope. i said it before, and I will say it again. Anyone can buy a gun downtown at a gun show without a background check...including the guy who is under a restraining order for stalking his wife.

Right. So how is a stricter law gonna change that???? (crickets...)

Do I really have to explain this to you? Are you really that obtuse?

Mandatory background checks close the loophole where people can buy guns without a background check. A private sale without a check will result in a felony conviction for the seller. No harm has been done to anyone who is able to pass a background check.

So you're saying the 8x felon in downtown who has a gun with the serial number scraped NOT gonna sell it to a gang banger or some suburban white boy now....because he's gonna say "Damn....I can't sell this to you background check".

Yep. I'm sure the criminal element who operates in illegal gun sales and trades....will just stop once we tell them they have to do background checks on the criminals they sell to.

Goodness....are you THIS dumb???? Really?
Oh....and VandalShandle....what good is the background check....if most mass shooters would've passed it since they usually aren't felons and their mentally fucked up brain usually isn't logged on the no sale list???

But I am interested in hearing how the background check requirement will all of a sudden dry up the illegal black market gun circuit. Guess all the gun runners will suddenly follow the law.


The background check law you libs want...WILL NOT prevent a damn thing. ALL it will do is piss off gun advocates....and be a "win" against "them" to make you all feel happy.
Bucs, you are constantly moving the goal post. I never said that mandatory background checks will stop illegal sales. It will just make it harder for someone who has no right to a gun to buy one. if it saves one person's life, it will be worth it. As for gun advocates, I really don't give a rat's ass if they are pissed off or not. in fact, they are always pissed off anyway. A mandatory background check does absolutely no harm to a person who has the right to buy a gun, and if gun advocates oppose it, they are simply saying that they do not care if felons and insane people buy guns or not. Excuse me if I don't give a shit about their whining about that.
How about a phone with recording of automatic gun fire and then the police saying put down your guns and come out with your hands up.

Some liberal will actually think this is a legitimate option.

Buc based from what I read from you is you are totally against any gun restrictions. You want to have more guns out there sell out to the public and all single adult can buy any guns. What do you think will happen to this country if every citizens are armed? Don't worry about any restrictions just sell them like cigarettes. Sell them to criminals and mentally retard, kids with no Id etc.. Is that acceptable to you?
Bucs, you are constantly moving the goal post. I never said that mandatory background checks will stop illegal sales. It will just make it harder for someone who has no right to a gun to buy one. if it saves one person's life, it will be worth it. As for gun advocates, I really don't give a rat's ass if they are pissed off or not. in fact, they are always pissed off anyway. A mandatory background check does absolutely no harm to a person who has the right to buy a gun, and if gun advocates oppose it, they are simply saying that they do not care if felons and insane people buy guns or not. Excuse me if I don't give a shit about their whining about that. won't change a damn thing. Current laws already forbid felons, mentally ill and kids from having guns. And the ones who still want them...can go downtown and buy one with ease from a gang member.

A person you say..."has no right" to a gun....already can't buy one from a store. They have to go black market. And as the drug war showed us....bans won't eliminate black markets. In's easier to buy illegal drugs downtown than it is to buy a legal privately sold gun.

So tell will your miracle law change that? It wont.
How about a phone with recording of automatic gun fire and then the police saying put down your guns and come out with your hands up.

Some liberal will actually think this is a legitimate option.

Buc based from what I read from you is you are totally against any gun restrictions. You want to have more guns out there sell out to the public and all single adult can buy any guns. What do you think will happen to this country if every citizens are armed? Don't worry about any restrictions just sell them like cigarettes. Sell them to criminals and mentally retard, kids with no Id etc.. Is that acceptable to you?

Not at all. What I'm saying is you idiot liberals are using these tragedies to push a feel-good gun law that won't change shit. It would be like pushing a law to raise the drinking age to 25 because you are angry about all the alcohol deaths among 18-20 year old college kids.
How about a phone with recording of automatic gun fire and then the police saying put down your guns and come out with your hands up.

Some liberal will actually think this is a legitimate option.

Buc based from what I read from you is you are totally against any gun restrictions. You want to have more guns out there sell out to the public and all single adult can buy any guns. What do you think will happen to this country if every citizens are armed? Don't worry about any restrictions just sell them like cigarettes. Sell them to criminals and mentally retard, kids with no Id etc.. Is that acceptable to you?

Not at all. What I'm saying is you idiot liberals are using these tragedies to push a feel-good gun law that won't change shit. It would be like pushing a law to raise the drinking age to 25 because you are angry about all the alcohol deaths among 18-20 year old college kids.

It's idiot conservatives who refuse to discuss the issue in good faith, who are more interested in using the issue to attack Obama, Clinton, and democrats in general, with no desire or intent to find actual solutions.
How about a phone with recording of automatic gun fire and then the police saying put down your guns and come out with your hands up.

Some liberal will actually think this is a legitimate option.

Buc based from what I read from you is you are totally against any gun restrictions. You want to have more guns out there sell out to the public and all single adult can buy any guns. What do you think will happen to this country if every citizens are armed? Don't worry about any restrictions just sell them like cigarettes. Sell them to criminals and mentally retard, kids with no Id etc.. Is that acceptable to you?

Not at all. What I'm saying is you idiot liberals are using these tragedies to push a feel-good gun law that won't change shit. It would be like pushing a law to raise the drinking age to 25 because you are angry about all the alcohol deaths among 18-20 year old college kids.

Not at all? You did not answer my question dumbshit but blamed it on liberals. This is not just a liberal issue that I can guarantee you.
How and when should we address this tragedy about guns? At your convenience? When YOU are the one advocating to sell more and more guns to the public with no limits and no restrictions.
Of all your excuses....Your ultimate goal is to sell guns to all citizens of America so YOU make more money.
Bucs, you are constantly moving the goal post. I never said that mandatory background checks will stop illegal sales. It will just make it harder for someone who has no right to a gun to buy one. if it saves one person's life, it will be worth it. As for gun advocates, I really don't give a rat's ass if they are pissed off or not. in fact, they are always pissed off anyway. A mandatory background check does absolutely no harm to a person who has the right to buy a gun, and if gun advocates oppose it, they are simply saying that they do not care if felons and insane people buy guns or not. Excuse me if I don't give a shit about their whining about that. won't change a damn thing. Current laws already forbid felons, mentally ill and kids from having guns. And the ones who still want them...can go downtown and buy one with ease from a gang member.

A person you say..."has no right" to a gun....already can't buy one from a store. They have to go black market. And as the drug war showed us....bans won't eliminate black markets. In's easier to buy illegal drugs downtown than it is to buy a legal privately sold gun.

So tell will your miracle law change that? It wont.

Well, OK, bucs. I know a guy who has had his driver's license revoked for having 3 DUI's. He drives anyway. So, it doesn't do any good to have a law requiring a driver's license. So, we might as well repeal that law. If you can not see the asinine logic that you just spouted, then I am done with you.

Phones with video and cameras do more to stop crime than the 300 million guns in circulation
So, you'd choose the gun - something you argue you have no right to own.
As Stated, a reasonable response to an unreasonable situation. And no,I wouldn't choose a gun; that was the choice I was given; that or a cell phone. I'd go with something made by the Taser corporation.
When presented with someone clearly willing and able to use deadly force against you and others, why would you choose to arm yourself with less than deadly force in response?
Blood lust isn't attractive.
That's right -- and in response to blood lust, you choose to arm yourself with less than deadly force..
I guess to help elay the concerns I would have of becoming a gun crazy.
Wait.... you would not chose a gun because if you did, you might become a "gun crazy"?
You're SO weak minded than an inanimate object can sway you in such ah a way?
It is indeed better that you do not have a gun.

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