Liberals ignore the homophobia and misogyny Islam. Why?

Why do I care?

Long as they are not doing it here
Is homophobia and misogyny really the issue?

I donā€™t think so.

Liberals, why donā€™t you call out the homophobia and misogyny of Islam?

I will explain that to you simply: The left hates Christianity. Period.

Because of their hatred for Christianity, they are more than willing to give radical Islam free reign to do what they do, without any condemnation.

By the same token, the left detests white people. That would be the reason they never condemn the national epidemic of blacks shooting and murdering other blacks. As long as there are no white people involved in the killing, they just ignore the daily black-on-black slaughter.
Is homophobia and misogyny really the issue?

I donā€™t think so.

Liberals, why donā€™t you call out the homophobia and misogyny of Islam?

The issue is the American nation and if it takes far right wing extremist Muslims to destroy it, they will take that trade any day.

What they truly hate is excellence. The truth, the beauty and the good.

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