Liberals Lie To People To Turn Them Into Democrats


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
This is becoming common. These students are being lied to and there is no balance in classrooms with leftwing teachers.

How liberals teachers are trying to turn students into future Democrat voters

"Washington, D.C. parents are up in arms today after a sixth-grade teacher sent students home with Venn diagrams comparing Adolf Hitler and former president George W. Bush.

"Here’s a 6th grade assignment in DC asking students to compare President Bush to Hitler. This is so wrong," one parent wrote on Twitter.

"Now that we have read about two men who have abused their power in various ways, we will compare and contrast them," the assignment states.

Shortly after the image began spreading across the Internet, the D.C. Public School board began covering their tracks.

"No DCPS curriculum materials suggest in any way that teachers should compare the texts in this manner or compare Hitler to any other individual," DCPS said in a statement."

"The teacher admits to extremely poor judgment and short sightedness and will apologize to students. The school will also send a letter home to families explaining the incident and offering to address any additional questions should they arise," they said.
We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................
In the middle of the Venn, both can trace their ancestry to Adam and Eve.

Right or wrong?
We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................
You can keep your doctor, got lie of the year. A republican doesn't hold that title.
I didn't have sexual relations with that woman.
I'll have the most transparent administration in history.
What difference does it make?
Bengazi was a protest started by a movie.
I found out about it on the news when everyone else did.
Isis is actually small groups that are spread around Iraq.
If you cross the red line.
Isis is not an islam group.
I will close gitmo in my first year.
I will end the iraq war in my first year.
I'm gonna send 400+ troops to Iraq, but i'm not gonna put boots on the ground.
Welfare will end poverty.
The polar ice caps will be gone by 2014.
Bush caused katrina.
We need to pass it to find out whats in it.
The policemen acted stupidly.
Palin can see Russia from her house.
We were dodging sniper fire when I got off the plane.
Just to name a few liberal lies, can anyone think up more?
We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................

Translation - "I can't defend this, but I'm too dishonest and dishonorable to condemn it, so I'll obfuscate and attempt to change the subject instead like the partisan troll that I am."
In the middle of the Venn, both can trace their ancestry to Adam and Eve.

Right or wrong?

Putting Bush next to Hitler doesn't plant a seed in these children's minds that the two are comparable.

Right or wrong?

Seriously, you people have no dignity or class whatsoever.
We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................

We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................
And the idiot dunce is the first to respond. Socialist puke commie libtard.
We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................
You can keep your doctor, got lie of the year. A republican doesn't hold that title.
I didn't have sexual relations with that woman.
I'll have the most transparent administration in history.
What difference does it make?
Bengazi was a protest started by a movie.
I found out about it on the news when everyone else did.
Isis is actually small groups that are spread around Iraq.
If you cross the red line.
Isis is not an islam group.
I will close gitmo in my first year.
I will end the iraq war in my first year.
I'm gonna send 400+ troops to Iraq, but i'm not gonna put boots on the ground.
Welfare will end poverty.
The polar ice caps will be gone by 2014.
Bush caused katrina.
We need to pass it to find out whats in it.
The policemen acted stupidly.
Palin can see Russia from her house.
We were dodging sniper fire when I got off the plane.
Just to name a few liberal lies, can anyone think up more?

Just about everything I said affected the entire country and even the world.

But so much of what you said is just weird.

Sexual relations? So what?

What difference does it make? Really, what difference does it make how it started?

Benghazi WAS a protest started by a movie. Everyone know it. There were protests all over the world with dozens dying.

Cross a Red Line? They did and then they gave up those weapons. It worked.

Welfare will end poverty? Who said that?

Bush caused Katrina? Who said that?

These are ridiculous. Stuff out of context. Stuff that doesn't matter. Everything I quoted had and has REAL CONSEQUENCES.
In the middle of the Venn, both can trace their ancestry to Adam and Eve.

Right or wrong?

Putting Bush next to Hitler doesn't plant a seed in these children's minds that the two are comparable.

Right or wrong?

Seriously, you people have no dignity or class whatsoever.
but you can compare them. You can compare anyone you want with anyone else. It could have been big bird and Hitler.
We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................
You can keep your doctor, got lie of the year. A republican doesn't hold that title.
I didn't have sexual relations with that woman.
I'll have the most transparent administration in history.
What difference does it make?
Bengazi was a protest started by a movie.
I found out about it on the news when everyone else did.
Isis is actually small groups that are spread around Iraq.
If you cross the red line.
Isis is not an islam group.
I will close gitmo in my first year.
I will end the iraq war in my first year.
I'm gonna send 400+ troops to Iraq, but i'm not gonna put boots on the ground.
Welfare will end poverty.
The polar ice caps will be gone by 2014.
Bush caused katrina.
We need to pass it to find out whats in it.
The policemen acted stupidly.
Palin can see Russia from her house.
We were dodging sniper fire when I got off the plane.
Just to name a few liberal lies, can anyone think up more?

Just about everything I said affected the entire country and even the world.

But so much of what you said is just weird.

Sexual relations? So what?

What difference does it make? Really, what difference does it make how it started?

Benghazi WAS a protest started by a movie. Everyone know it. There were protests all over the world with dozens dying.

Cross a Red Line? They did and then they gave up those weapons. It worked.

Welfare will end poverty? Who said that?

Bush caused Katrina? Who said that?

These are ridiculous. Stuff out of context. Stuff that doesn't matter. Everything I quoted had and has REAL CONSEQUENCES.
You are a complete idiot and you just proved it. Benghazi was not started by a video you pos liar. Nothing you just stated is true, as is everything with you. STFU IDIOT!!!!!!
deaniboy said:
Benghazi WAS a protest started by a movie. Everyone know it. There were protests all over the world with dozens dying.

Isn't it nice the libs all stick together and this insanity gets a pass?

This is becoming common. These students are being lied to and there is no balance in classrooms with leftwing teachers.

How liberals teachers are trying to turn students into future Democrat voters

"Washington, D.C. parents are up in arms today after a sixth-grade teacher sent students home with Venn diagrams comparing Adolf Hitler and former president George W. Bush.

"Here’s a 6th grade assignment in DC asking students to compare President Bush to Hitler. This is so wrong," one parent wrote on Twitter.

"Now that we have read about two men who have abused their power in various ways, we will compare and contrast them," the assignment states.

Shortly after the image began spreading across the Internet, the D.C. Public School board began covering their tracks.

"No DCPS curriculum materials suggest in any way that teachers should compare the texts in this manner or compare Hitler to any other individual," DCPS said in a statement."

"The teacher admits to extremely poor judgment and short sightedness and will apologize to students. The school will also send a letter home to families explaining the incident and offering to address any additional questions should they arise," they said.

What is the percentage of classrooms in America with left wing teachers? How do you determine if a teacher is left wing by the way?
We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................
You can keep your doctor, got lie of the year. A republican doesn't hold that title.
I didn't have sexual relations with that woman.
I'll have the most transparent administration in history.
What difference does it make?
Bengazi was a protest started by a movie.
I found out about it on the news when everyone else did.
Isis is actually small groups that are spread around Iraq.
If you cross the red line.
Isis is not an islam group.
I will close gitmo in my first year.
I will end the iraq war in my first year.
I'm gonna send 400+ troops to Iraq, but i'm not gonna put boots on the ground.
Welfare will end poverty.
The polar ice caps will be gone by 2014.
Bush caused katrina.
We need to pass it to find out whats in it.
The policemen acted stupidly.
Palin can see Russia from her house.
We were dodging sniper fire when I got off the plane.
Just to name a few liberal lies, can anyone think up more?

Just about everything I said affected the entire country and even the world.

But so much of what you said is just weird.

Sexual relations? So what?

What difference does it make? Really, what difference does it make how it started?

Benghazi WAS a protest started by a movie. Everyone know it. There were protests all over the world with dozens dying.

Cross a Red Line? They did and then they gave up those weapons. It worked.

Welfare will end poverty? Who said that?

Bush caused Katrina? Who said that?

These are ridiculous. Stuff out of context. Stuff that doesn't matter. Everything I quoted had and has REAL CONSEQUENCES.
Most of what you posted didn't affect us, the rest is bullshit.
Iraq had wmds, ask clinton.
Nobody said let them die, another democrat lie.
What does Obama born in kenya have to do with the world?
We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................
You can keep your doctor, got lie of the year. A republican doesn't hold that title.
I didn't have sexual relations with that woman.
I'll have the most transparent administration in history.
What difference does it make?
Bengazi was a protest started by a movie.
I found out about it on the news when everyone else did.
Isis is actually small groups that are spread around Iraq.
If you cross the red line.
Isis is not an islam group.
I will close gitmo in my first year.
I will end the iraq war in my first year.
I'm gonna send 400+ troops to Iraq, but i'm not gonna put boots on the ground.
Welfare will end poverty.
The polar ice caps will be gone by 2014.
Bush caused katrina.
We need to pass it to find out whats in it.
The policemen acted stupidly.
Palin can see Russia from her house.
We were dodging sniper fire when I got off the plane.
Just to name a few liberal lies, can anyone think up more?

Just about everything I said affected the entire country and even the world.

But so much of what you said is just weird.

Sexual relations? So what?

What difference does it make? Really, what difference does it make how it started?

Benghazi WAS a protest started by a movie. Everyone know it. There were protests all over the world with dozens dying.

Cross a Red Line? They did and then they gave up those weapons. It worked.

Welfare will end poverty? Who said that?

Bush caused Katrina? Who said that?

These are ridiculous. Stuff out of context. Stuff that doesn't matter. Everything I quoted had and has REAL CONSEQUENCES.
What I posted were actual lies from the left, not talking points, dumb arse.
In the middle of the Venn, both can trace their ancestry to Adam and Eve.

Right or wrong?

Putting Bush next to Hitler doesn't plant a seed in these children's minds that the two are comparable.

Right or wrong?

Seriously, you people have no dignity or class whatsoever.

Compared to what? Compared to the Conservative desire to teach Creationism as a science alongside Evolution?
In the middle of the Venn, both can trace their ancestry to Adam and Eve.

Right or wrong?

Putting Bush next to Hitler doesn't plant a seed in these children's minds that the two are comparable.

Right or wrong?

Seriously, you people have no dignity or class whatsoever.
but you can compare them. You can compare anyone you want with anyone else. It could have been big bird and Hitler.

The people who have tried to convince us that the Nazis were liberals are shitting themselves over the idea that someone might do a compare/contrast exercise between Bush and Hitler.
We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................
You can keep your doctor, got lie of the year. A republican doesn't hold that title.
I didn't have sexual relations with that woman.
I'll have the most transparent administration in history.
What difference does it make?
Bengazi was a protest started by a movie.
I found out about it on the news when everyone else did.
Isis is actually small groups that are spread around Iraq.
If you cross the red line.
Isis is not an islam group.
I will close gitmo in my first year.
I will end the iraq war in my first year.
I'm gonna send 400+ troops to Iraq, but i'm not gonna put boots on the ground.
Welfare will end poverty.
The polar ice caps will be gone by 2014.
Bush caused katrina.
We need to pass it to find out whats in it.
The policemen acted stupidly.
Palin can see Russia from her house.
We were dodging sniper fire when I got off the plane.
Just to name a few liberal lies, can anyone think up more?

Just about everything I said affected the entire country and even the world.

But so much of what you said is just weird.

Sexual relations? So what?

What difference does it make? Really, what difference does it make how it started?

Benghazi WAS a protest started by a movie. Everyone know it. There were protests all over the world with dozens dying.

Cross a Red Line? They did and then they gave up those weapons. It worked.

Welfare will end poverty? Who said that?

Bush caused Katrina? Who said that?

These are ridiculous. Stuff out of context. Stuff that doesn't matter. Everything I quoted had and has REAL CONSEQUENCES.
Most of what you posted didn't affect us, the rest is bullshit.
Iraq had wmds, ask clinton.
Nobody said let them die, another democrat lie.
What does Obama born in kenya have to do with the world?

Yea, let him die.
We don't practice voter suppression.

Iraq had WMD's.

Obama was born in Kenya.

Vaccines cause autism.

Trickle down works.

The Republican Party isn't 90% white.

Most scientists are Republican.

The earth is 6,000 years old.

Evolution is a lie.

We never blocked this administration from investigating BP.

They hate us for our freedom.

The Iraq war will cost less than 200 billion.

We got 98% of everything we wanted but the 2% that Obama got caused the country to be downgraded.

We didn't cause the deficit.

Democrats could have stopped us.

The government shutdown was the Democrats fault.

We never said "Let him die".

and on

and on

and on.................
You can keep your doctor, got lie of the year. A republican doesn't hold that title.
I didn't have sexual relations with that woman.
I'll have the most transparent administration in history.
What difference does it make?
Bengazi was a protest started by a movie.
I found out about it on the news when everyone else did.
Isis is actually small groups that are spread around Iraq.
If you cross the red line.
Isis is not an islam group.
I will close gitmo in my first year.
I will end the iraq war in my first year.
I'm gonna send 400+ troops to Iraq, but i'm not gonna put boots on the ground.
Welfare will end poverty.
The polar ice caps will be gone by 2014.
Bush caused katrina.
We need to pass it to find out whats in it.
The policemen acted stupidly.
Palin can see Russia from her house.
We were dodging sniper fire when I got off the plane.
Just to name a few liberal lies, can anyone think up more?

Just about everything I said affected the entire country and even the world.

But so much of what you said is just weird.

Sexual relations? So what?

What difference does it make? Really, what difference does it make how it started?

Benghazi WAS a protest started by a movie. Everyone know it. There were protests all over the world with dozens dying.

Cross a Red Line? They did and then they gave up those weapons. It worked.

Welfare will end poverty? Who said that?

Bush caused Katrina? Who said that?

These are ridiculous. Stuff out of context. Stuff that doesn't matter. Everything I quoted had and has REAL CONSEQUENCES.
Most of what you posted didn't affect us, the rest is bullshit.
Iraq had wmds, ask clinton.
Nobody said let them die, another democrat lie.
What does Obama born in kenya have to do with the world?

Yea, let him die.

Bush said there was no WMD's. Not like North Korea, which Bush and the GOP didn't care if they developed nuclear weapons and long range missiles.

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