liberals melt down as President-elect Biden appoints to his cabinet immigration hawk & "Stephen Miller of the left" Cecilia Munoz


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015
someone's gonna call Sleepy Joe a white supremacist very soon. oh right, Kamala already did!

someone's gonna call Sleepy Joe a white supremacist very soon. oh right, Kamala already did!

'the most outwardly racist part of Trump's agenda'..and there you have it.
“At the end of the day, when you have an immigration law that’s broken and you have a community of 10 million, 11 million people living and working in the United States illegally, some of these things are going to happen, even if the law is executed with perfection. There will be parents separated from their children. We don’t have to like it, but it is a result of having a broken system of laws. And the answer to that problem is reforming the law.” - Cecilia Munoz. So she's in favor of immigration why is that making liberals melt down?
I (still) find it infuriating when "journalists" intentionally and emphatically lie about President Trump and his actions in office.

He NEVER(!) said or did ANYTHING to the detriment of IMMIGRANTS!!!! His fucking wife is an IMMIGRANT!! Deal with it! When "you" conflate "immigrant" with "illegal immigrant," YOU ARE LYING! Intentionally. If you do that you must SHUT THE FUCK ABOUT TRUMP, the LIAR! YOU ARE LYING!

President Trump NEVER implemented a "MUSLIM BAN." It never happened. The order in question was SANCTIONED BY THE U.S. SUPREME COURT, which would have struck it down had it been a "Muslim ban."

So what is it? Are you Lefties stupid or just liars?
someone's gonna call Sleepy Joe a white supremacist very soon. oh right, Kamala already did!

Sniffer Biden can do whatever he wants.... he can appoint Bugs Bunny too in his cabinet. :biggrin:

That doesn't mean it will happen. This war is not finished.
someone's gonna call Sleepy Joe a white supremacist very soon. oh right, Kamala already did!

If anyone is going to heal America it will be the entire American constituency returning to original intent constitutionally based government. Our 'elected' officials FEAR a unified American constituency as much or more than they fear physical death & judgement. That's WHY one sees so many Divide & Conquer(DC) issues emanating from the Washington 'DC' gang.
And Trump's "separating parents from their children" is another bit of bullshit. Half of the kids in question were NOT THE CHILD OF THE ADULTS WHO BROUGHT THEM. The poor bastards south of the border know that if you bring kids with you when you come to our border, it significantly increases the chances of getting in. Which explains why the INS has not been able to locate t their "parents."

Also, you CANNOT incarcerate adults together with small children; it is a recipe for disaster.
I (still) find it infuriating when "journalists" intentionally and emphatically lie about President Trump and his actions in office.

He NEVER(!) said or did ANYTHING to the detriment of IMMIGRANTS!!!! His fucking wife is an IMMIGRANT!! Deal with it! When "you" conflate "immigrant" with "illegal immigrant," YOU ARE LYING! Intentionally. If you do that you must SHUT THE FUCK ABOUT TRUMP, the LIAR! YOU ARE LYING!

President Trump NEVER implemented a "MUSLIM BAN." It never happened. The order in question was SANCTIONED BY THE U.S. SUPREME COURT, which would have struck it down had it been a "Muslim ban."

So what is it? Are you Lefties stupid or just liars?

You're the idiot.
Federal district courts struck it down, as it's against the Constitution to discriminate based on religion.
And Trump DID try to ban Muslims, you stupid phucking twat.
The courts forced him to modify the ban to specific countries.
in her book, Munoz says that using the terms "Latino" and "Hispanic" are both "uncomfortable" and "problematic in their own ways"
Trump was right, "you either have a country or you don't".

Canada held an African man in a hold cell for 5 years at the border because they couldn't confirm his identity. Five years! He was only recently released, and I'm not condoning it. However, I never hear Americans call Canada racist.

Protect your border, your constitution, your economy and your civil liberties. Whomever works to destroy them is not an ally of the United States.

China is going to go harder than ever over the next 4 years, The West had better be prepared, starting as always, with America.

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