If Biden is not full of shit, his first order as President will be to take down the wall..... If not he agrees with Trump

Let's here, Trump is the bad guy here for enforcing immigration laws? Since 1993 I've seen entire industries and jobs given to illegals that just coincidentally …OPPS, that MAGICALY coincides with the growth in the numbers of homeless ( lot of other things as well, mechanization, that housing bubble market collapse in 08'). When local or national democrat leaders sided with race baiters like BLM or anarchists' like the Antifa, they lost all credibility. The Democrats are endeavoring to destroy the 2 party system and create a hegemony. Like the Bolsheviks or the Nazis. This is what is so devastating about democrats winning the election, this doesn't bode well.
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So will Biden have the balls to do it?

LOL no way

Biden will FOLD like a cheap lawn chair. The squad and Bernie are already livid.

Yeah. Those idiot Democrats are in for a rude wakening when they find out Biden made them a whole shitload of promises he won't be able to deliver. Unlike Trump, Biden is a 47-year Washington bureaucrat with no fucking clue how to cut through the red tape

Even the blind Stevie Wonder can see this one coming.
The sad part of your blather is the fact that Biden, like him or not, will have a cabinet and all the necessary jobs filled way faster than the fat psychopath who still to this fn day has un-nominated and positions unfillled, let alone all the past and present lackeys.
Yes, he has been in Govt. for many years and has made a shitload of contacts necessary to get rolling the 1st day. Dia uno, comprende?

So will Biden have the balls to do it?

LOL no way

Biden will FOLD like a cheap lawn chair. The squad and Bernie are already livid.

Yeah. Those idiot Democrats are in for a rude wakening when they find out Biden made them a whole shitload of promises he won't be able to deliver. Unlike Trump, Biden is a 47-year Washington bureaucrat with no fucking clue how to cut through the red tape

Even the blind Stevie Wonder can see this one coming.
The sad part of your blather is the fact that Biden, like him or not, will have a cabinet and all the necessary jobs filled way faster than the fat psychopath who still to this fn day has un-nominated and positions unfillled, let alone all the past and present lackeys.
Yes, he has been in Govt. for many years and has made a shitload of contacts necessary to get rolling the 1st day. Dia uno, comprende?

Having a cabinet full of lackeys and sycophants doesn't necessarily mean he's going to get anything done. Remember Obama? What significant thing did he actually accomplish in 8 years, besides a badly-conceptualized version of Cuba's medical system? And that started falling apart long before Trump was on the scene.

So now I'm supposed to believe that a doddering old white man who can't even properly formulate a sentence, is going to be as successful as Obama was?

Har de fuckin' har, dude. Like Trump said, he accomplished more in 47 months, than Joe Biden did in 47 years. Lay off the unicorn farts and Skittles for awhile. This is the real world, not some imaginary Utopia you're living in.
The wall is not complete. I would expect Biden to leave it alone and let it fall apart on its on. Didn't a section get blown down by strong winds?

Why spend money on removing it?

So will Biden have the balls to do it?

LOL no way
There is no wall to speak of. Some older barriers were replaced, that's all. The largest section of new wall was built by that idiot who ripped people off on the fundraising thing and it's already falling down.
When Obama ran for President in 2008, Obama and the Liberals lambasted Bush about Guantanamo Bay. Remember the WaterBoarding demonstrations and the Democrats peeing in their panties about what the rest of the World would think of US? Obama kept GITMO prison open for his 8 years and it’s still open today. The same outcome will happen with the Wall.
The wall is not complete. I would expect Biden to leave it alone and let it fall apart on its on. Didn't a section get blown down by strong winds?

Why spend money on removing it?
Your heart is failing right now..........................

See another doctor for more statins

So will Biden have the balls to do it?

LOL no way

Watching Biden to see if he takes down the wall is like watching that one kid in class who picks his nose.

Then you start taking bets on whether he'll eat the booger or not.

:auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301::04::lmao:
I just wanna see if Biden lifts his leg when he craps in his diaper
I don't. There are a couple ways you can take that ;)
Who cares unless you are there and have to smell it

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