Liberals now calling fetus an "organ of her own body"

Are you going to restate the question you claimed I avoided?

Except it's not a SEPARATE thing at all. It is literally fused to woman. The nutrients and oxygen in its blood supply are pumped to it from the woman's beating heart. Removing that blood supply, as with any other tissue, results in the death of that tissue. SEPARATING fetus from woman results in its demise. A growing embryo does not meet the definition for being considered as an individual organism.

Even in the 24 week fetus, clipping the umbilical cord and just removing the fetus will result in the mother bleeding out and dying. How can you claim such intertwined things are separate?

I find those like you who don't understand these topics tend to come from the perspective where events have to happen at an exact moment, whereby actual biology is a result of a developmental process that you can't seem to grasp. You need to define the exact moment of life, which is a forced cultural topic, not what is actually happening.

Fetus and mother are not fused, they are attached via the umbilical cord which is attached to the mother via the placenta. The umbilical cord provides the nutrients/nourishment that the fetus needs, not the mother's heart. When a babby is born the umbilical cord is cut and the placenta is delivered shortly thereafter.

You're saying an unique, separate, own dna developing fetus is not separate from the mother? It is actually a physical part of her, like an arm or a leg? There is only one entity or being, if you will? Then why was Scott Peterson charged with two counts of murder?
Not fused? I don't think you actually understand how fetal development works. The placenta literally burrows into the uterus, fusing the tissues together. In fact, if you go to the wikipedia article on placenta, it uses the word FUSION to describe the inseparable connection during development. The placenta and umbilical cord carry the nutrients pumped to it from the mother's circulation to the baby. Oxygen, vitamins, amino acids, and other basic building blocks required for development do not spontaneously come from the baby, nor are they magically produced by the placenta.

You really don't know much about this topic on which you proclaim understanding, do you?

So no, they are not individual separate beings.

I believe it's part of a woman's body. As does the law. You're not born with pubic hair but it's certainly part of your body once it appears.

You didn't answer my question.

Do you believe that unfertilized eggs are the same thing as fertilized eggs? That there is no difference between the two?

A separate, unique, own dna being is the same as the mother? It is not a separate being?

Pubic hair appears when a human being reaches a certain stage of development. Humans develop from the moment they are fertilized until they become adults. That's how it works.
You seem to continue confusing the words UNIQUE and SEPARATE. These are not the same, and one does not denote the other. The placenta has its own DNA that is different than the mother. It too is not a separate unique being.

You either read something that I didn't say or I wasn't clear enough in what I did say. What I said was that fetus and mother are not fused. Are they joined together via the umbilical cord and placenta (which are fused)? Yes. Joined together does not mean they are one entity. Fetus and mother are two separate entities, two separate beings, one growing/developing within the other, not two beings fused together as one being. They are two separate beings.

If they were not individual separate beings then when a woman aborted a fetus part of her would also die/be changed/cease to be. When a woman has an abortion the only thing that no longer continues to exist is the fetus (a developing being), which is a separate individual, a separate human being. It is unique in that no other exactly like is has ever been or will be again.

If they are one being why was Scott Peterson charged with two counts of murder?
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The fetus part. Are you claiming the egg wasn't part of her body to begin with?


The egg is part of the woman from the get go. Once fertilized it is no longer an egg, it is the very beginning of an entirely different life, of an entirely different human being.

A fertilized egg is not a fertilized egg. that the kind of enlightenment that zen is supposed to lead to? I've never figured that business out.

The fucking egg is a product of the woman's body.. once fertilized it has it OWN UNIQUE DNA SIGNATURE, just as every other human life does.... it is not a piece or part of her body.... even if it is reliant upon her to be housed and nourished during development.. not unlike human children of other ages and developmental stages
The egg is part of the woman from the get go. Once fertilized it is no longer an egg, it is the very beginning of an entirely different life, of an entirely different human being.

A fertilized egg is not a fertilized egg. that the kind of enlightenment that zen is supposed to lead to? I've never figured that business out.

The fucking egg is a product of the woman's body.. once fertilized it has it OWN UNIQUE DNA SIGNATURE, just as every other human life does.... it is not a piece or part of her body.... even if it is reliant upon her to be housed and nourished during development.. not unlike human children of other ages and developmental stages

No, it's just a part of her body that has taken in something from the outside that makes it grow.

It's irrelevant anyway. The fetus has no constitutional rights. part of her body or not.
So you believe that the unfertilized egg(s) that girls are born with are the same as an egg that has been fertilized with sperm?

I believe it's part of a woman's body. As does the law. You're not born with pubic hair but it's certainly part of your body once it appears.

You didn't answer my question.

Do you believe that unfertilized eggs are the same thing as fertilized eggs? That there is no difference between the two?

A separate, unique, own dna being is the same as the mother? It is not a separate being?

Pubic hair appears when a human being reaches a certain stage of development. Humans develop from the moment they are fertilized until they become adults. That's how it works.

The unfertilized human egg does not have the same DNA as the mother. It only has half of it.

Find me rights for a fetus in the Constitution.
I believe it's part of a woman's body. As does the law. You're not born with pubic hair but it's certainly part of your body once it appears.

You didn't answer my question.

Do you believe that unfertilized eggs are the same thing as fertilized eggs? That there is no difference between the two?

A separate, unique, own dna being is the same as the mother? It is not a separate being?

Pubic hair appears when a human being reaches a certain stage of development. Humans develop from the moment they are fertilized until they become adults. That's how it works.

The unfertilized human egg does not have the same DNA as the mother. It only has half of it.

Find me rights for a fetus in the Constitution.

Maybe third time is the charm.

Do you believe that unfertilized eggs are the same thing as fertilized eggs? That there is no difference between the two?
A fertilized egg is not a fertilized egg. that the kind of enlightenment that zen is supposed to lead to? I've never figured that business out.

The fucking egg is a product of the woman's body.. once fertilized it has it OWN UNIQUE DNA SIGNATURE, just as every other human life does.... it is not a piece or part of her body.... even if it is reliant upon her to be housed and nourished during development.. not unlike human children of other ages and developmental stages

No, it's just a part of her body that has taken in something from the outside that makes it grow.

It's irrelevant anyway. The fetus has no constitutional rights. part of her body or not.

If it's just part of the mother's body and not a separate being then it would have the same constitutional rights as the mother.. being part of her body and all.
The fucking egg is a product of the woman's body.. once fertilized it has it OWN UNIQUE DNA SIGNATURE, just as every other human life does.... it is not a piece or part of her body.... even if it is reliant upon her to be housed and nourished during development.. not unlike human children of other ages and developmental stages

No, it's just a part of her body that has taken in something from the outside that makes it grow.

It's irrelevant anyway. The fetus has no constitutional rights. part of her body or not.

If it's just part of the mother's body and not a separate being then it would have the same constitutional rights as the mother.. being part of her body and all.

Does the end of a woman's big nose have the constitutional right not to be snipped off by a cosmetic surgeon?
You didn't answer my question.

Do you believe that unfertilized eggs are the same thing as fertilized eggs? That there is no difference between the two?

A separate, unique, own dna being is the same as the mother? It is not a separate being?

Pubic hair appears when a human being reaches a certain stage of development. Humans develop from the moment they are fertilized until they become adults. That's how it works.

The unfertilized human egg does not have the same DNA as the mother. It only has half of it.

Find me rights for a fetus in the Constitution.

Maybe third time is the charm.

Do you believe that unfertilized eggs are the same thing as fertilized eggs? That there is no difference between the two?

You're asking a rhetorical question. So make your point. A fertilized egg is an egg that has taken in a substance from the outside that it didn't previously have. Kind of like you after you have lunch.
The retarded from the pro-"choice" crowd in here is palpable.

They seem to really believe that fetuses are organs, that fetuses are not separate beings from the mother, that fetuses are the same being as the mother, that a fertilized egg is the same thing as the contents of a stomach after eating, and that fetuses are, for some peculiar reason, the same thing as a transplanted heart.

The retarded from the pro-"choice" crowd in here is palpable.

They seem to really believe that fetuses are organs, that fetuses are not separate beings from the mother, that fetuses are the same being as the mother, that a fertilized egg is the same thing as the contents of a stomach after eating, and that fetuses are, for some peculiar reason, the same thing as a transplanted heart.


Every argument is designed to do one thing. Remove humanity from babies so that it is okay to kill them.
The retarded from the pro-"choice" crowd in here is palpable.

They seem to really believe that fetuses are organs, that fetuses are not separate beings from the mother, that fetuses are the same being as the mother, that a fertilized egg is the same thing as the contents of a stomach after eating, and that fetuses are, for some peculiar reason, the same thing as a transplanted heart.


They're grabbing for straws trying to rationalize and deny what they know in there hearts is the truth.
Liberals now calling fetus an organ of her own body

Interesting, nowhere in the article did it indicate that Chomsky was the official, acknowledged, and sanctioned ‘spokesman’ for all liberals.

Legally and Constitutionally, of course, Chomsky’s correct in that the courts have held that the mother’s rights are paramount prior to viability or birth:

It is an inescapable biological fact that state regulation with respect to the child a woman is carrying will have a far greater impact on the mother's liberty than on the father's. The effect of state regulation on a woman's protected liberty is doubly deserving of scrutiny in such a case, as the State has touched not only upon the private sphere of the family but upon the very bodily integrity of the pregnant woman.

Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pa. v. Casey, 505 U.S. 833 (1992)

Otherwise, the states are already authorized to address the issue of abortion, provided any laws enacted addressing the issue conform with Constitutional case law, where those offensive to the Constitution are invalidated.
The egg is part of the woman from the get go. Once fertilized it is no longer an egg, it is the very beginning of an entirely different life, of an entirely different human being.

A fertilized egg is not a fertilized egg. that the kind of enlightenment that zen is supposed to lead to? I've never figured that business out.

The fucking egg is a product of the woman's body.. once fertilized it has it OWN UNIQUE DNA SIGNATURE, just as every other human life does.... it is not a piece or part of her body.... even if it is reliant upon her to be housed and nourished during development.. not unlike human children of other ages and developmental stages

And where in the Constitution is the fetus protected as a person?

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