Liberals now calling fetus an "organ of her own body"

Who cares??? You have said a number of times that the reason a fetus/embryo isn't a human is because they can't exist on their own. Same is true of ANYONE on life support...

Except for one big difference. EVERYONE on life support BREATHES AIR. They may require a MACHINE to do it, or pure OXYGEN or other special gas mixture - but they all share that same characteristic with every other non-fetal human being in the world - we all BREATHE GASEOUS MIXTURE INTO OUR LUNGS TO CONSUME O2 AND RELEASE CO2. FETUSES DO NOT DO THAT.

Also - another key difference - the fetus shares an organ with the mother - and dervies all of its nutrients and oxygen and releases all of its wastes from and though said mother. The only other human example of this would be the extremely rare case of the parasitic conjoined twin.

BTW - under the absurd anti-abortion viewpoint, the host twin wouldn't be legally allowed to have his parasitic twin surgically removed. Its human life. You can't kill it, right?

...and just because a fetus is attached to another human being, doesn't make them any less human.

My hand is human. Its not a human being though.

I guess siamese twins who share organs aren't human either? if not connected, at least one of them would die...
Not true. Successful separations of both twins occur all the time. At any rate - in all but the parasitic case each twin contributes something to body function - breathing air, for instance - the hallmark of being a non fetal human.

So it's the undeveloped lung thing that makes then not human beings... I see --- just keep on twisting until you find something that works. I get it!!!!

and what about those siamese twins again??
A little backstory... when Mrs. H. was 8 weeks pregnant, the ultrasound revealed indications of Down's Syndrome. So the doctor told us to "go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'".

Which we did.

And lo, our daughter was born. Perfect, happy, healthy.

Noomi, you know I like ya but you must have been a Nazi in a former life.
I am not attached to another human being, am I?

Answer the question.

Who cares??? You have said a number of times that the reason a fetus/embryo isn't a human is because they can't exist on their own. Same is true of ANYONE on life support...

...and just because a fetus is attached to another human being, doesn't make them any less human.

I guess siamese twins who share organs aren't human either? if not connected, at least one of them would die...

Life support is not the same thing. Its a machine you are attached to, not a PERSON.
Why are lifers so dumb they can't understand something so basic?

Although they DO understand it, they just pretend the don't because they'd be admitting they don't have an answer.

Oh, I see --- it's different... lol

anyting you don;t like just gets a new label --- for now, "it's different" will have to suffice until you get the new lefty label for it anyway.
A little backstory... when Mrs. H. was 8 weeks pregnant, the ultrasound revealed indications of Down's Syndrome. So the doctor told us to "go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'".

Which we did.

And lo, our daughter was born. Perfect, happy, healthy.

Noomi, you know I like ya but you must have been a Nazi in a former life.

She is just defending the party line. I'm sure I would do the same if I were a Godless heathen...
If a fetus is not part of the woman's body, and is separate from her body, as the pro lifers insist it is, then why is it that if we sever the umbilical cord, the fetus will die? Surely, if the attachment was severed, fetus would still survive, after all, it is a separate being, right, lifers?

I cut my daughter's umbilical. Hell I caught the kid in my hands right out of the poot chute. The first words out of my mouth? "She looks just like your mother!" And believe it or not, I happen to like my mother in law. :D

Anyhow- The little critter spent a week in neonatal intensive. She was a preemie. Oxygen dome, wires, monitors- the whole nine yards.

I stood and watched while the attending nurse shoved her fist up my wife's cooter trying to recover the remaining placenta, while her blood flowed over the bedsheets.

The next morning Mrs. H. fainted in the shower, so I pulled the emergency rope and you should have seen the commotion. They refused to give her a transfusion... AIDS and all. Who do I thank for that?

I could have asked the attending physician to sever my daughter's umbilical cord before she was born, but I figured I'd wait around and see what happened.

Lo and behold! She's a 17 year old Junior at a prestegious arts academy high school majoring in dance and getting straight A's.

Damn, if only I cut that umbilical sooner....

And the point is...?? You know yourself that you wouldn't have a daughter if you had severed that attachment at 8 weeks. Because a fetus requires an attachment to the woman in order to survive. THAT is what lifers are denying.

A little backstory... when Mrs. H. was 8 weeks pregnant, the ultrasound revealed indications of Down's Syndrome. So the doctor told us to "go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'".

Which we did.

And lo, our daughter was born. Perfect, happy, healthy.

Noomi, you know I like ya but you must have been a Nazi in a former life.

Doctors will tell everyone to 'discuss their options' when there is an indication of Down Syndrome. Its nothing new.

Why did you discuss your options when you both already knew you were going to have the baby? What was there to discuss?
Who cares??? You have said a number of times that the reason a fetus/embryo isn't a human is because they can't exist on their own. Same is true of ANYONE on life support...

Except for one big difference. EVERYONE on life support BREATHES AIR. They may require a MACHINE to do it, or pure OXYGEN or other special gas mixture - but they all share that same characteristic with every other non-fetal human being in the world - we all BREATHE GASEOUS MIXTURE INTO OUR LUNGS TO CONSUME O2 AND RELEASE CO2. FETUSES DO NOT DO THAT.

Also - another key difference - the fetus shares an organ with the mother - and dervies all of its nutrients and oxygen and releases all of its wastes from and though said mother. The only other human example of this would be the extremely rare case of the parasitic conjoined twin.

BTW - under the absurd anti-abortion viewpoint, the host twin wouldn't be legally allowed to have his parasitic twin surgically removed. Its human life. You can't kill it, right?

My hand is human. Its not a human being though.

I guess siamese twins who share organs aren't human either? if not connected, at least one of them would die...
Not true. Successful separations of both twins occur all the time. At any rate - in all but the parasitic case each twin contributes something to body function - breathing air, for instance - the hallmark of being a non fetal human.

So it's the undeveloped lung thing that makes then not human beings... I see --- just keep on twisting until you find something that works. I get it!!!!

and what about those siamese twins again??

Its not the fact that the lung is underdeveloped that makes a fetus an entirely different class of human onto its own - its the fact that its never been used. Fetuses do not breathe air. FACT. They also depend entirely on their host mother for 100% of their nutrients and oxygen and 100% of their waste co2 disposal. If you can't see how that makes them fundamentally different from you and I then your mom smoked way too much crack when you were hooked up to her.
Who cares??? You have said a number of times that the reason a fetus/embryo isn't a human is because they can't exist on their own. Same is true of ANYONE on life support...

...and just because a fetus is attached to another human being, doesn't make them any less human.

I guess siamese twins who share organs aren't human either? if not connected, at least one of them would die...

Life support is not the same thing. Its a machine you are attached to, not a PERSON.
Why are lifers so dumb they can't understand something so basic?

Although they DO understand it, they just pretend the don't because they'd be admitting they don't have an answer.

Oh, I see --- it's different... lol

anyting you don;t like just gets a new label --- for now, "it's different" will have to suffice until you get the new lefty label for it anyway.

What nation does a fetus hold citizenship in?
Abortion control must be returned to the states and they can do what they want with it.

A right to one's own innards is a human right, its not up to the states

Here's how you tell if something is one of your organ's, BTW - if it dies when you die, its your organ. THat includes all non-viable fetuses.

What part did you miss of this. We are now talking about whacking off the kid if it survives the abortion.

Do you kill it or not? According to lefties, we call it now a post abortion. aka. whack the live kid on the birth table.
What you are describing is illegal in every state. Try not to make things up to satisfy your poor stance.
Except for one big difference. EVERYONE on life support BREATHES AIR. They may require a MACHINE to do it, or pure OXYGEN or other special gas mixture - but they all share that same characteristic with every other non-fetal human being in the world - we all BREATHE GASEOUS MIXTURE INTO OUR LUNGS TO CONSUME O2 AND RELEASE CO2. FETUSES DO NOT DO THAT.

Also - another key difference - the fetus shares an organ with the mother - and dervies all of its nutrients and oxygen and releases all of its wastes from and though said mother. The only other human example of this would be the extremely rare case of the parasitic conjoined twin.

BTW - under the absurd anti-abortion viewpoint, the host twin wouldn't be legally allowed to have his parasitic twin surgically removed. Its human life. You can't kill it, right?

My hand is human. Its not a human being though.

Not true. Successful separations of both twins occur all the time. At any rate - in all but the parasitic case each twin contributes something to body function - breathing air, for instance - the hallmark of being a non fetal human.

So it's the undeveloped lung thing that makes then not human beings... I see --- just keep on twisting until you find something that works. I get it!!!!

and what about those siamese twins again??

Its not the fact that the lung is underdeveloped that makes a fetus an entirely different class of human onto its own - its the fact that its never been used. Fetuses do not breathe air. FACT. They also depend entirely on their host mother for 100% of their nutrients and oxygen and 100% of their waste co2 disposal. If you can't see how that makes them fundamentally different from you and I then your mom smoked way too much crack when you were hooked up to her.

um -- you just said it was breathing air. now it's something else? You gonna keep trying until you find an argument that sticks you will be at this a LONG LONG time. May fetuses CAN breath air - they just havn't yet... once the lungs are developed enough they could breath air. Still it really make no difference --- they are human beings. just because they aren't fully developed doesn't make them a different species.

still doesn;t make a liberal excuse for the siamese twins that none of you lefties can address....
A right to one's own innards is a human right, its not up to the states

Here's how you tell if something is one of your organ's, BTW - if it dies when you die, its your organ. THat includes all non-viable fetuses.

What part did you miss of this. We are now talking about whacking off the kid if it survives the abortion.

Do you kill it or not? According to lefties, we call it now a post abortion. aka. whack the live kid on the birth table.

No one survives an abortion. Its like saying someone survived being murdered.
If the baby is born alive, then no abortion took place. Abortion kills a fetus, it doesn't result in the birth of a live baby.

Oooh... you got moxy, girl. Cold, calculated moxy.

The fact is, I'm the father of two (count 'em, 2) abortion survivors.

The first one is an un-aborted Director of Development for a major Hollywood production company. The second, an un-aborted junior high school dance major who attends Interlochen Center for the Arts (Google that).

And I don't lay this shit on lightly. My kids were near dead, but for my presence.

One "choice" away from non-life.

Choice... A "right".

And who are the defenders of those unable to choose?

Me. That's who. I saved the lives of my children. And I'm very fucking proud of that.
And I'm very fucking proud of my un-aborted children.
Life support is not the same thing. Its a machine you are attached to, not a PERSON.
Why are lifers so dumb they can't understand something so basic?

Although they DO understand it, they just pretend the don't because they'd be admitting they don't have an answer.

Oh, I see --- it's different... lol

anyting you don;t like just gets a new label --- for now, "it's different" will have to suffice until you get the new lefty label for it anyway.

What nation does a fetus hold citizenship in?

Now they have to be citizens of a Country in order to be human?? LMAO!!!!

Keep twisting Boo...
If a fetus is not part of the woman's body, and is separate from her body, as the pro lifers insist it is, then why is it that if we sever the umbilical cord, the fetus will die? Surely, if the attachment was severed, fetus would still survive, after all, it is a separate being, right, lifers?

I cut my daughter's umbilical. Hell I caught the kid in my hands right out of the poot chute. The first words out of my mouth? "She looks just like your mother!" And believe it or not, I happen to like my mother in law. :D

Anyhow- The little critter spent a week in neonatal intensive. She was a preemie. Oxygen dome, wires, monitors- the whole nine yards.

I stood and watched while the attending nurse shoved her fist up my wife's cooter trying to recover the remaining placenta, while her blood flowed over the bedsheets.

The next morning Mrs. H. fainted in the shower, so I pulled the emergency rope and you should have seen the commotion. They refused to give her a transfusion... AIDS and all. Who do I thank for that?

I could have asked the attending physician to sever my daughter's umbilical cord before she was born, but I figured I'd wait around and see what happened.

Lo and behold! She's a 17 year old Junior at a prestegious arts academy high school majoring in dance and getting straight A's.

Damn, if only I cut that umbilical sooner....
Congratulations on your daughter. But you're still falling prey to the same ridiculous poor logic as others. You CANNOT reason your decision from 17 years ago based on your daughter today. No one is asking about aborting a 17 year old.

A little backstory... when Mrs. H. was 8 weeks pregnant, the ultrasound revealed indications of Down's Syndrome. So the doctor told us to "go down to the coffee shop and discuss your 'options'".

Which we did.

And lo, our daughter was born. Perfect, happy, healthy.

Noomi, you know I like ya but you must have been a Nazi in a former life.
Isn't it nice you had options to discuss? Isn't it wonderful that you were forced into an outcome without choice? We're pro-CHOICE, not pro-abortion.
What part did you miss of this. We are now talking about whacking off the kid if it survives the abortion.

Do you kill it or not? According to lefties, we call it now a post abortion. aka. whack the live kid on the birth table.

No one survives an abortion. Its like saying someone survived being murdered.
If the baby is born alive, then no abortion took place. Abortion kills a fetus, it doesn't result in the birth of a live baby.

So, if the baby survives ATTEMPTED murder --- then it's what again?

Why is it that everytime the libs don;t like the rules they just create more labels so they can rewrite the rules?
Fetuses don't survive abortions. Performing an abortion on a late-term fetus is illegal. Please try to avoid making up scenarios which simply have no factual basis in this country, while whining about liberals making things up.

Who cares??? You have said a number of times that the reason a fetus/embryo isn't a human is because they can't exist on their own. Same is true of ANYONE on life support...

Except for one big difference. EVERYONE on life support BREATHES AIR. They may require a MACHINE to do it, or pure OXYGEN or other special gas mixture - but they all share that same characteristic with every other non-fetal human being in the world - we all BREATHE GASEOUS MIXTURE INTO OUR LUNGS TO CONSUME O2 AND RELEASE CO2. FETUSES DO NOT DO THAT.

Also - another key difference - the fetus shares an organ with the mother - and dervies all of its nutrients and oxygen and releases all of its wastes from and though said mother. The only other human example of this would be the extremely rare case of the parasitic conjoined twin.

BTW - under the absurd anti-abortion viewpoint, the host twin wouldn't be legally allowed to have his parasitic twin surgically removed. Its human life. You can't kill it, right?

My hand is human. Its not a human being though.

I guess siamese twins who share organs aren't human either? if not connected, at least one of them would die...
Not true. Successful separations of both twins occur all the time. At any rate - in all but the parasitic case each twin contributes something to body function - breathing air, for instance - the hallmark of being a non fetal human.

So it's the undeveloped lung thing that makes then not human beings... I see --- just keep on twisting until you find something that works. I get it!!!!

and what about those siamese twins again??
No, she never stated that. Apparently you are incapable of understanding part of a whole concept, among other things. She listed ONE of many differences between fetus and live individual human beings.
only pro-abortion if that is the choice right?

pro murder would be more appropriate though...
No one survives an abortion. Its like saying someone survived being murdered.
If the baby is born alive, then no abortion took place. Abortion kills a fetus, it doesn't result in the birth of a live baby.

So, if the baby survives ATTEMPTED murder --- then it's what again?

Why is it that everytime the libs don;t like the rules they just create more labels so they can rewrite the rules?
Fetuses don't survive abortions. Performing an abortion on a late-term fetus is illegal. Please try to avoid making up scenarios which simply have no factual basis in this country, while whining about liberals making things up.

Except for one big difference. EVERYONE on life support BREATHES AIR. They may require a MACHINE to do it, or pure OXYGEN or other special gas mixture - but they all share that same characteristic with every other non-fetal human being in the world - we all BREATHE GASEOUS MIXTURE INTO OUR LUNGS TO CONSUME O2 AND RELEASE CO2. FETUSES DO NOT DO THAT.

Also - another key difference - the fetus shares an organ with the mother - and dervies all of its nutrients and oxygen and releases all of its wastes from and though said mother. The only other human example of this would be the extremely rare case of the parasitic conjoined twin.

BTW - under the absurd anti-abortion viewpoint, the host twin wouldn't be legally allowed to have his parasitic twin surgically removed. Its human life. You can't kill it, right?

My hand is human. Its not a human being though.

Not true. Successful separations of both twins occur all the time. At any rate - in all but the parasitic case each twin contributes something to body function - breathing air, for instance - the hallmark of being a non fetal human.

So it's the undeveloped lung thing that makes then not human beings... I see --- just keep on twisting until you find something that works. I get it!!!!

and what about those siamese twins again??
No, she never stated that. Apparently you are incapable of understanding part of a whole concept, among other things. She listed ONE of many differences between fetus and live individual human beings.

bull --- she and virtually all hypocritical liberals have stated that... and then twisted in an effort to make sense of baby murder. It's sick...
only pro-abortion if that is the choice right?

pro murder would be more appropriate though...

If we were pro murder, we would be calling for laws to allow us to randomly shoot people in the street.

Don't be ridiculous.
So, if the baby survives ATTEMPTED murder --- then it's what again?

Why is it that everytime the libs don;t like the rules they just create more labels so they can rewrite the rules?
Fetuses don't survive abortions. Performing an abortion on a late-term fetus is illegal. Please try to avoid making up scenarios which simply have no factual basis in this country, while whining about liberals making things up.

So it's the undeveloped lung thing that makes then not human beings... I see --- just keep on twisting until you find something that works. I get it!!!!

and what about those siamese twins again??
No, she never stated that. Apparently you are incapable of understanding part of a whole concept, among other things. She listed ONE of many differences between fetus and live individual human beings.

bull --- she and virtually all hypocritical liberals have stated that... and then twisted in an effort to make sense of baby murder. It's sick...

Well I certainly value you making claims about something large masses of made-up people said, and what Noomi said, even though Noomi directly stated it wasn't the case, and me, another onlooker noted you are making crap up.

She was able to communicate her point rather well, which leaves me wondering if your deficiency is in basic reading comprehension, you willingly disregard facts to create a skewed view of the world, or you are purposely creating a straw man argument. Which do you think it is? I mean, if the author directly tells you that your interpretation of their own writing is incorrect, how dumb or crazy does one need to be to keep believing their delusions?
only pro-abortion if that is the choice right?

pro murder would be more appropriate though...

As I stated and you apparently ignored, once again proving my last post correct: isn't it nice that Mr. and Mrs. H had a choice what to do with her body and the outcome of the pregnancy?

Oh, but somehow you read that as me believing they should have aborted the fetus. Wow. That type of stupidity is exceptional.
Fetuses don't survive abortions. Performing an abortion on a late-term fetus is illegal. Please try to avoid making up scenarios which simply have no factual basis in this country, while whining about liberals making things up.

No, she never stated that. Apparently you are incapable of understanding part of a whole concept, among other things. She listed ONE of many differences between fetus and live individual human beings.

bull --- she and virtually all hypocritical liberals have stated that... and then twisted in an effort to make sense of baby murder. It's sick...

Well I certainly value you making claims about something large masses of made-up people said, and what Noomi said, even though Noomi directly stated it wasn't the case, and me, another onlooker noted you are making crap up.

She was able to communicate her point rather well, which leaves me wondering if your deficiency is in basic reading comprehension, you willingly disregard facts to create a skewed view of the world, or you are purposely creating a straw man argument. Which do you think it is? I mean, if the author directly tells you that your interpretation of their own writing is incorrect, how dumb or crazy does one need to be to keep believing their delusions?

wow -- what a beatdown! lol

you are full of chit!

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