Liberals plant "protestor" at Pro-Zimmerman rally


Gold Member
Jan 29, 2013
Once again, the left wing plants someone at a rally they disagree with pretending to part of it, but holding an offensive sign.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

Liberal Media runs with it

A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.

Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

After being caught and questioned...

UPDATE: Brandon Darby interviewed Renee Vaughan at the rally. She told him her sign means that “there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.”
Once again, the left wing plants someone at a rally they disagree with pretending to part of it, but holding an offensive sign.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

Liberal Media runs with it

A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.

Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

After being caught and questioned...

UPDATE: Brandon Darby interviewed Renee Vaughan at the rally. She told him her sign means that “there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.”
Maybe she's a right-wing plant at the environmental group and made the mistake of letting her guard down at the rally.

There's no use denying your racism. The whole country has seen it now and are sick of it. The bottom line is, a man who committed no crime and was breaking no laws is dead, because this racist asshole acted upon is pre-disposition of someone in a climate you people have created, that it's okay for "your side" to break the law.
Once again, the left wing plants someone at a rally they disagree with pretending to part of it, but holding an offensive sign.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

Liberal Media runs with it

A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.

Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

After being caught and questioned...

UPDATE: Brandon Darby interviewed Renee Vaughan at the rally. She told him her sign means that “there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.”
Maybe she's a right-wing plant at the environmental group and made the mistake of letting her guard down at the rally.

There's no use denying your racism. The whole country has seen it now and are sick of it. The bottom line is, a man who committed no crime and was breaking no laws is dead, because this racist asshole acted upon is pre-disposition of someone in a climate you people have created, that it's okay for "your side" to break the law.

Keep telling yourself those lies if that is what it takes for you to make it through the day.
Like I've said before.

In order to be a liberal you have to be devoted to willful stupidity, or you're a criminally insane sociopath.
[ame=]Racist Tried To Incite A Riot At Trayvon Martin Protest - YouTube[/ame]
Ya know I got to thinking about maybe going to some bed wetter's march and trying to embarrass them, but how would it be done? These people have no standards, any sort of perversion is acceptible, religious bigotry is OK provided it's not towards a protected leftist cult, destroying public/private property isn't even frowned on, it's expected.

If you mingled among them with a sign that was contrary to their message, you'd likely be assaulted and arrested for "disorderly conduct".
Keep telling yourself those lies if that is what it takes for you to make it through the day.
What was the lie?

The same mind set that say's Zimmerman is innocent, is the same one that said the cop who beat Rodney King, was in fear for his life. And it's the same mind set that told us Saddam Hussein was a threat. The same mind set that claims a religion called Islam, is a threat.

You think you can say the most ridiculous statements on the planet and all you need to do to get people to believe your lunacy, is have a good enough argument and repeat it enough times, to make it morph into truth.
Once again, the left wing plants someone at a rally they disagree with pretending to part of it, but holding an offensive sign.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

Liberal Media runs with it

A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.

Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

After being caught and questioned...

UPDATE: Brandon Darby interviewed Renee Vaughan at the rally. She told him her sign means that “there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.”
Maybe she's a right-wing plant at the environmental group and made the mistake of letting her guard down at the rally.

There's no use denying your racism. The whole country has seen it now and are sick of it. The bottom line is, a man who committed no crime and was breaking no laws is dead, because this racist asshole acted upon is pre-disposition of someone in a climate you people have created, that it's okay for "your side" to break the law.

Uhm, in case you missed it, he didn't break the law, hence the acquittal. And, what evidence do you have Zimmerman is a racist? Is it that he is part black, has dated black women, done outreach to black teens or organized a NAACP rally? Or, is it just those voices in your little pinhead... again.
Once again, the left wing plants someone at a rally they disagree with pretending to part of it, but holding an offensive sign.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

Liberal Media runs with it

A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.

Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

After being caught and questioned...

UPDATE: Brandon Darby interviewed Renee Vaughan at the rally. She told him her sign means that “there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.”
Maybe she's a right-wing plant at the environmental group and made the mistake of letting her guard down at the rally.

There's no use denying your racism. The whole country has seen it now and are sick of it. The bottom line is, a man who committed no crime and was breaking no laws is dead, because this racist asshole acted upon is pre-disposition of someone in a climate you people have created, that it's okay for "your side" to break the law.

Maybe you're mentally retarded.
Once again, the left wing plants someone at a rally they disagree with pretending to part of it, but holding an offensive sign.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

Liberal Media runs with it

A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.

Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

After being caught and questioned...

UPDATE: Brandon Darby interviewed Renee Vaughan at the rally. She told him her sign means that “there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.”
Maybe she's a right-wing plant at the environmental group and made the mistake of letting her guard down at the rally.

There's no use denying your racism. The whole country has seen it now and are sick of it. The bottom line is, a man who committed no crime and was breaking no laws is dead, because this racist asshole acted upon is pre-disposition of someone in a climate you people have created, that it's okay for "your side" to break the law.

Assaulting someone is a crime, asshole.
Ya know I got to thinking about maybe going to some bed wetter's march and trying to embarrass them, but how would it be done? These people have no standards, any sort of perversion is acceptible, religious bigotry is OK provided it's not towards a protected leftist cult, destroying public/private property isn't even frowned on, it's expected.

If you mingled among them with a sign that was contrary to their message, you'd likely be assaulted and arrested for "disorderly conduct".

I think the next time the enviromentalist have a protest, i think i'll show up with a sign that has a picture of one of the houses they caught on fire to save the enviroment. Along with the list of natural resources will be needed to rebuild it, and another list of the chemicals they released in the air. At the bottom say your a bunch of dumbasses. Sheesh liberals are ignorant.
Once again, the left wing plants someone at a rally they disagree with pretending to part of it, but holding an offensive sign.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

Liberal Media runs with it

A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.

Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

After being caught and questioned...

UPDATE: Brandon Darby interviewed Renee Vaughan at the rally. She told him her sign means that “there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.”
Maybe she's a right-wing plant at the environmental group and made the mistake of letting her guard down at the rally.

There's no use denying your racism. The whole country has seen it now and are sick of it. The bottom line is, a man who committed no crime and was breaking no laws is dead, because this racist asshole acted upon is pre-disposition of someone in a climate you people have created, that it's okay for "your side" to break the law.

Sure thing O'Reilly. I see you think, act and lie just like him. Good to know.
Ya know I got to thinking about maybe going to some bed wetter's march and trying to embarrass them, but how would it be done? These people have no standards, any sort of perversion is acceptible, religious bigotry is OK provided it's not towards a protected leftist cult, destroying public/private property isn't even frowned on, it's expected.

If you mingled among them with a sign that was contrary to their message, you'd likely be assaulted and arrested for "disorderly conduct".

I think the next time the enviromentalist have a protest, i think i'll show up with a sign that has a picture of one of the houses they caught on fire to save the enviroment. Along with the list of natural resources will be needed to rebuild it, and another list of the chemicals they released in the air. At the bottom say your a bunch of dumbasses. Sheesh liberals are ignorant.

Oh, i forgot also let them know how much their homeowners insurance goes up because of their stupidity.
Once again, the left wing plants someone at a rally they disagree with pretending to part of it, but holding an offensive sign.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

Liberal Media runs with it

A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.

Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

After being caught and questioned...

UPDATE: Brandon Darby interviewed Renee Vaughan at the rally. She told him her sign means that “there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.”
Maybe she's a right-wing plant at the environmental group and made the mistake of letting her guard down at the rally.

There's no use denying your racism. The whole country has seen it now and are sick of it. The bottom line is, a man who committed no crime and was breaking no laws is dead, because this racist asshole acted upon is pre-disposition of someone in a climate you people have created, that it's okay for "your side" to break the law.

so the witness(s) who saw trayvon pummeling zimmerman lied?
Once again, the left wing plants someone at a rally they disagree with pretending to part of it, but holding an offensive sign.

After being caught and questioned...
Maybe she's a right-wing plant at the environmental group and made the mistake of letting her guard down at the rally.

There's no use denying your racism. The whole country has seen it now and are sick of it. The bottom line is, a man who committed no crime and was breaking no laws is dead, because this racist asshole acted upon is pre-disposition of someone in a climate you people have created, that it's okay for "your side" to break the law.

so the witness(s) who saw trayvon pummeling zimmerman lied?

No one saw that. It was dark. Duh! You can't just make shit up.
Maybe she's a right-wing plant at the environmental group and made the mistake of letting her guard down at the rally.

There's no use denying your racism. The whole country has seen it now and are sick of it. The bottom line is, a man who committed no crime and was breaking no laws is dead, because this racist asshole acted upon is pre-disposition of someone in a climate you people have created, that it's okay for "your side" to break the law.

so the witness(s) who saw trayvon pummeling zimmerman lied?

No one saw that. It was dark. Duh! You can't just make shit up.

i did not make it up, they said they saw martin on top of zimmerman going MMA style on him.

seriously, it is like you can't grasp basic truths, did you even pay attention to the trial?

and again, it was the state's witness

Zimmerman Blockbuster: Witness Saw Man With 'Lighter Skin Color' Getting Pummeled 'Ground And Pound' Style - Fox Nation

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