Liberals plant "protestor" at Pro-Zimmerman rally

or i was working

So you didn't look.

But you throw out accusations anyway.

Typical Left Wing tactic.. Just throw out accusations without a clue or evidence that any of it is true.

i really dont have that much invested in this....If this makes you feel better then more power to you

I'm just glad to see that you have exposed yourself for what you truly are and that I don't need to concern myself with anyhthing you post as being based in facts.
So you didn't look.

But you throw out accusations anyway.

Typical Left Wing tactic.. Just throw out accusations without a clue or evidence that any of it is true.

i really dont have that much invested in this....If this makes you feel better then more power to you

I'm just glad to see that you have exposed yourself for what you truly are and that I don't need to concern myself with anyhthing you post as being based in facts.

cool story
Once again, the left wing plants someone at a rally they disagree with pretending to part of it, but holding an offensive sign.

CONFIRMED: Left Wing Plant at Houston Pro-Zimmerman Rally Is Far Left Activist | The Gateway Pundit

Liberal Media runs with it

A photo from the Houston pro-Zimmerman counter-rally of the NBPP anti-Zimmerman rally picked up by the AP shows a woman holding a sign that read, “Racist & Proud.”

That looked incongruent with the other reports from the pro-Zimmerman side.
The Houston Chronicle identified her as Renee Vaughan:

One woman in the Zimmerman group held a sign that said, “We’re racist & proud.”

Austin resident Renee Vaughan echoed the sign’s ugly sentiments by yelling, “We’re racist. We’re proud. We’re better because we’re white,” at the Martin group as they passed, according to the Chronicle.

The act to smear the Zimmerman supporters as racists with a leftist plant worked as the photo and comment was picked up and spread worldwide.

Scanning the internet we found that a “Renee Vaughn” from Austin worked for a far left environmental group, the Texas Campaign for the Environment.

Renee even has her photo linked to a far left environmental website.

After being caught and questioned...

UPDATE: Brandon Darby interviewed Renee Vaughan at the rally. She told him her sign means that “there are people here who are racist and apparently think that’s OK. I’m not one of them. I’m being sarcastic.”
Maybe she's a right-wing plant at the environmental group and made the mistake of letting her guard down at the rally.

There's no use denying your racism. The whole country has seen it now and are sick of it. The bottom line is, a man who committed no crime and was breaking no laws is dead, because this racist asshole acted upon is pre-disposition of someone in a climate you people have created, that it's okay for "your side" to break the law.

Do yourself a favor and check for polyps while you have your head up your ass.
so the witness(s) who saw trayvon pummeling zimmerman lied?
I don't have a problem with that. I would've done the same thing. I would've taken his 2nd amendment and made it a 2nd appendage.

You're walking through a neighborhood and all of a sudden, there's this racist asshole with a gun following you. He's fuckin' lucky he wasn't following me! I would've been a lot more violent.

You don't hassle people who don't break the law.

So.......why did Trayvon assault Zimmerman? He wasn't breaking the law and he gets a busted nose, his head repeatedly bounced of the pavement and has to defend his life.
from the Houston Chronicle article it appears that this woman was MOCKING the zimmerman supporters...there is no hiding or infiltrating of anything, she was very upfront about it?

At one point, Renee Vaughan of Austin mocked protesters by chanting, "We're racist. We're proud. We're better 'cause we're white."

Do you know what "mocked" means?

It certainly does not mean "infiltrated" in any incognito fashion?

So what's the complaint? That she thinks zimmerman protesters/supporters are racist and she is not entitled to her opinion or free speech rights to MOCK them in her own fashion?

Do I agree with her opinion? NO. But she is certainly entitled to it and entitled to march and protest and speak out against the people she feels are speech goes both ways....and is not always PC or pretty.
You think you can say the most ridiculous statements on the planet and all you need to do to get people to believe your lunacy, is have a good enough argument and repeat it enough times, to make it morph into truth.
Indeed. Like Zimmerman is white. Like Obama is a good President. Like you can tax a nation into prosperity. Like black people can't succeed without the help of white liberals.

Oh, wait -- those are different, somehow, aren't they?
from the Houston Chronicle article it appears that this woman was MOCKING the zimmerman supporters...there is no hiding or infiltrating of anything, she was very upfront about it?

At one point, Renee Vaughan of Austin mocked protesters by chanting, "We're racist. We're proud. We're better 'cause we're white."

Do you know what "mocked" means?

It certainly does not mean "infiltrated" in any incognito fashion?

So what's the complaint? That she thinks zimmerman protesters/supporters are racist and she is not entitled to her opinion or free speech rights to MOCK them in her own fashion?

Do I agree with her opinion? NO. But she is certainly entitled to it and entitled to march and protest and speak out against the people she feels are speech goes both ways....and is not always PC or pretty.

By saying WE instead of YOU? Sounds like she wanted to give the impression she was part of them. Had she wanted to mock them, she could have done it from the other side.
Can you back that up with actual facts? No of course you can't.

The day when conservatives in general develop basic critical thinking skills is the day America can actually make improvement.

If you knew what critical thinking skills were, you wouldn't be a bed wetter.

Furthermore I don't have to prove what most people already know. You're still vapid enough to believe your moonbat messiah is something more than a fascist pig, that says enough all by itself regarding your thinking skills. If you're "so sick of these threads" and don't have the critical thinking skills to avoid them then just enjoy the butthurt you mindless moonbat drone.

Lol you not only made it clear that you do not have critical thinking skills, you apparently do not even know what they are.

Hmm. I've whipped liberals like you from one side of this board to the other. And you accuse someone else of lacking critical thinking skills? Negged.
so the witness(s) who saw trayvon pummeling zimmerman lied?
I don't have a problem with that. I would've done the same thing. I would've taken his 2nd amendment and made it a 2nd appendage.

You're walking through a neighborhood and all of a sudden, there's this racist asshole with a gun following you. He's fuckin' lucky he wasn't following me! I would've been a lot more violent.

You don't hassle people who don't break the law.

Please provide a link to the Florida Statute that allows physical violence as a defense to being observed against your will. (I assume this is what you mean when you say hassle.)

Of course, there is no link. Billo-Really may believe if he thinks it, then it must be so ~~~ :cuckoo:
from the Houston Chronicle article it appears that this woman was MOCKING the zimmerman supporters...there is no hiding or infiltrating of anything, she was very upfront about it?

At one point, Renee Vaughan of Austin mocked protesters by chanting, "We're racist. We're proud. We're better 'cause we're white."
Do you know what "mocked" means?

It certainly does not mean "infiltrated" in any incognito fashion?

So what's the complaint? That she thinks zimmerman protesters/supporters are racist and she is not entitled to her opinion or free speech rights to MOCK them in her own fashion?

Do I agree with her opinion? NO. But she is certainly entitled to it and entitled to march and protest and speak out against the people she feels are speech goes both ways....and is not always PC or pretty.

By saying WE instead of YOU? Sounds like she wanted to give the impression she was part of them. Had she wanted to mock them, she could have done it from the other side.
Then that would not be "mocking" if she used "you", just name calling....
He's fuckin' lucky he wasn't following me! I would've been a lot more violent.

Keep telling yourself those lies if that is what it takes for you to make it through the day.
What was the lie?

The same mind set that say's Zimmerman is innocent, is the same one that said the cop who beat Rodney King, was in fear for his life. And it's the same mind set that told us Saddam Hussein was a threat. The same mind set that claims a religion called Islam, is a threat.

You think you can say the most ridiculous statements on the planet and all you need to do to get people to believe your lunacy, is have a good enough argument and repeat it enough times, to make it morph into truth.

If you have evidence that Zimmerman was a racist and this was a racially motivated killing you better get your ass over to the FBI lickety split to let them know because hell's bells they couldn't find any evidence of it during their investigation into Z in 2012.


You left wingers are certifiably nuts.

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