Liberals Scream"Spend More on Infrastructure..."

In the wake of the Amtrak tragedy Democrats have been holding it up as an example of broken infrastructure and say we need to raise more taxes to invest into infrastructure like China does. Well perhaps if China did not have all of our manufacturing jobs we would have a local tax base that could pay for infrastructure and education. Only 14 Dem's bolted on Pacific trade bill that will lose more American jobs. Brilliant...just fucking brilliant.
It's a fucking simple solution: raise taxes on the wealthy. That's how we pay for it.
In the wake of the Amtrak tragedy Democrats have been holding it up as an example of broken infrastructure and say we need to raise more taxes to invest into infrastructure like China does. Well perhaps if China did not have all of our manufacturing jobs we would have a local tax base that could pay for infrastructure and education. Only 14 Dem's bolted on Pacific trade bill that will lose more American jobs. Brilliant...just fucking brilliant.
It's a fucking simple solution: raise taxes on the wealthy. That's how we pay for it.

40 years go the wealthy paid about 30-40% in taxes...These assholes have made a mint off of 1. the big time tax breaks and 2. outsourcing jobs to asia.

I have to ask the republicans...Why shouldn't we maintain our infrastructure??? What down side is there?
Whenever you hear "cut spending to the bone" from the GOP...just know there are consequences.

We subsidize amtrack to the tune of 1.5 billion+ a year to run routes that can't pay for themselves, why? Shouldn't they close unprofitable routes?

The short answer is yes. I'm not sure about the nature of all of the routes. I think we should also get out of the business of sponsoring public radio and television, close most of our embassies over-seas and pay the congressmen and women part-time wages since they are not in session most of the year.

I agree mostly, I don't know about your congressman but mine is very busy doing his job when he's in TX. I have a good friend on his staff and I know how busy he keeps them, he does town halls, meets with business leaders, students and much more. I think he earns his money.

Well, that is all fine and good but it takes 218 to pass a law and if you're not in Washington, you're likely not doing a lot of lobbying that will be effective. Further, there is no guarantee that the next guy/gal will uphold the standard of working when not in session.

If you're not in session, you're not doing the job you were elected to do. Bottom line.

That's crap, a congressman is hired to represent their constituents, talking to them is as important as legislating. Do we really need more laws, hell they can't enforce the ones we already have.
In the wake of the Amtrak tragedy Democrats have been holding it up as an example of broken infrastructure and say we need to raise more taxes to invest into infrastructure like China does. Well perhaps if China did not have all of our manufacturing jobs we would have a local tax base that could pay for infrastructure and education. Only 14 Dem's bolted on Pacific trade bill that will lose more American jobs. Brilliant...just fucking brilliant.
I'm NOT a Liberal, but I do believe that we need to spend on infrastructure. We could pay for it by cutting waste and unnecessary spending.

What would about 2.5 million buy?

1. The National Institute of Health’s Center for Alternative and Complimentary Medicine spent $387,000 to study the effects of Swedish massages on rabbits.

2. The Department of Interior spent $10,000 to monitor the growth rate of saltmarsh grass. In other words, the government is paying people to watch grass grow. On the bright side, they have not started paying people to watch paint dry.

3. The National Science Foundation has granted more than $200,000 to a research project that is trying to determine how and why Wikipedia is sexist. Wikipedia’s War on Woman?

4. The National Institute of Health funded a study to see if mothers love dogs as much as they love kids. Regardless of the results, this experiment cost taxpayers $371,026.

5. The federal government has granted $804,254 for the development of a smartphone game called “Kiddio: Food Fight.” The game is intended to teach parents how to convince their children to try and eat new healthier food choices.

6. The National Endowment for the Humanities has provided $47,000 for undergraduate classes that teach students about laughing and humor.

7. The National Science Foundation spent $856,000 to teach mountain lions how to walk on treadmills as part of a research project whose aim was to better understand mountain lions’ instincts.

Top 7 Wackiest Examples of Wasteful Government Spending from Wastebook 2014

The solution may be as simple as The Congress Passing the Line-Item Veto and the states ratify it - many states already have it in place. in this way a president can cut out unnecessary items from the budget passed by The Congress, and The Congress can reinstate any item cut out by overriding the veto.

If done transparently we might be able to pass a budget and reduce the annual deficit or (OMG) actually begin to balance the budget.
In the wake of the Amtrak tragedy Democrats have been holding it up as an example of broken infrastructure and say we need to raise more taxes to invest into infrastructure like China does. Well perhaps if China did not have all of our manufacturing jobs we would have a local tax base that could pay for infrastructure and education. Only 14 Dem's bolted on Pacific trade bill that will lose more American jobs. Brilliant...just fucking brilliant.
It's a fucking simple solution: raise taxes on the wealthy. That's how we pay for it.

Uhm, Billy Boy... you could confiscate every penny held by the wealthy and you'd fund the government for less than a month.

You need new material kid.
We're sending the lowest live on infrastructure probably in 80 years. 1.5% of our gdp! Yet, we spend shit on bailing banks out and licking wall streets ass! So, I guess anything to fuck over the American people.

We printed nearly $1,000,000,000,000 and gave it to Obama for infrastructure... most of it went to Democrat bundlers, unions and failed green energy companies.

We're sending the lowest live on infrastructure probably in 80 years. 1.5% of our gdp! Yet, we spend shit on bailing banks out and licking wall streets ass! So, I guess anything to fuck over the American people.

We printed nearly $1,000,000,000,000 and gave it to Obama for infrastructure... most of it went to Democrat bundlers, unions and failed green energy companies.


About ~100 billion want to infrastructure for one year. Most of the rest did in fact go to wallstreet, bail-outs of banks, but why are you against maintaining your own country? I am assuming you live in New Orleans..Like that sea wall protecting your ass??

I thought it was dumb to bail the banks out and more people should of want to prison.
We're sending the lowest live on infrastructure probably in 80 years. 1.5% of our gdp! Yet, we spend shit on bailing banks out and licking wall streets ass! So, I guess anything to fuck over the American people.

We printed nearly $1,000,000,000,000 and gave it to Obama for infrastructure... most of it went to Democrat bundlers, unions and failed green energy companies.


About ~100 billion want to infrastructure for one year. Most of the rest did in fact go to wallstreet, bail-outs of banks, but why are you against maintaining your own country? I am assuming you live in New Orleans..Like that sea wall protecting your ass??

I thought it was dumb to bail the banks out and more people should of want to prison.

It is dumb to bail out banks... it was dumb to bail out GM too. There is no seawall protecting New Orleans ya big dummy.
How little of the NEAR trillion dollar "stimulus" intended to Save Our Infrastructure actually went to saving anything? How much might have wandered around until it found its way into Hillary's Campaign Piggy Bank?
Maybe Libs can march on Washington DC singing....
More spending,more spending....
More spending on Infrastructure.....

Here's something to help set the mood....

Actually, we spend too much on infrastructure. We have simply got to stop poring money into Halliburton and Brown and Root for them to keep rebuilding Iraq and Afghanistan....
Where would they get a job? And, would those jobs pay enough to get them off welfare? Do all of them have the education and training necessary? Are all of them able to work? Are children on welfare old enough to work? What about the aged and elderly? The disabled? What about the mentally challenged?

So, let everyone unemployed starve, including those mentioned above? Let our children starve? Our elderly? Our handicapped? Where would you send them to starve? Who would pay to bury all of them? Where would we bury them? There are 45.7 million presently on food stamps.

Whether or not they had a job that paid enough to get off welfare is irrelevant in there is no welfare to get off of.
Social Security doesn't apply to welfare because it isn't ... And the disabled (mentally or physically) can already get SS payments.
Children can be covered through adjusted programs such as WIC and the likes.

Starvation is an excellent motivator ... If you cannot get a job, then create one.
Since it is obvious that "job creators" don't actually provide anything and are just leeching off the labor ... They can stick their money where the mouth is and let the laborers create their own jobs.

If people starve (unlikely) ... Then there is no need to bury them anywhere.
We might have to stop turning a third of our annual corn crop into biofuel to feed everyone in a more cost efficient manner.
Cremation is cheaper and takes up less space anyway.

Thank you.

I don't have it in me to piss into the wind with people that do not understand "you don't work, you don't eat".

Cremation takes energy though, I'd just compost their asses for green fertilizer.
Infrastructure.........lower taxes on the wealthy
Infrastrcture..........lower taxes on the wealthy
Infrastructure.........lower taxes on the wealthy

One of life's conundrums

What should we do Republicans?
Here is why. The network of embassies and consulates that we have now is based on some outdated concepts. Chief among these is promoting US interests in the host country. Let Microsoft take care of laying their own groundwork. Or send a diplomat based in Washington along. Other concepts were that they act as an agency for Americans abroad. Did you know that Europeans can go to any EU country's diplomatic mission and enjoy the same treatment as if they showed up at their nation's embassy? Surely we could join that circle of nations and pare down the costs. Finally, the supposed "oversight" to make sure that we're not buying goods like conflict diamonds or stuff made in sweatshops has long since been dispelled. Given the choice between high standards and low prices, Americans opt for low prices.

Oh ... You mean like when Hillary Clinton was promoting Boeing as Secretary of State.
She convinced Russia to buy $3.7 billion worth of Boeing aircraft in the Rosavia deal (2009) ... And then Boeing contributed $900,000 to her Foundation.

I see you still support her ... Now that is just typical.

This particular lefty used to work for a Halliburton company. They made so much money working for the government that they seldom bothered with small fish, like private projects. The money they spent on lobbyists alone would probably every bridge in America that is presently in need of repair. I will admit. they paid me well!

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