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Liberals silent on latest and greatest humiliation

Got a question for you jack ass....what do you suggest the man do, wage war against Russia and if he does that, are you willing, you jack ass to put on a uniform and defend your bullshit and if not, which I'm certain is the case...than shut the fuck up!!
Obama should be feared by Putin. Such is not the case. Obama is feared by no one. And by the way faggot...I did my 28...how many did you do? GFY.

28 peaceful years and you want to brag about it??? I'd go hide under a fuckin rock if I were you. Question? How many potatoes did you peal in the mess hall, you coward!! One more time, today as in WAR....people die, lives are lost, families are torn apart and for what??????? You want to keep America safe? Close our borders, secure our flow of information and spend the quad trillions were wasting over there to keep our system of security accurate and up to speed..thats how you win the war on terrorism....not fighting mf's who multiply like a bad math book.
You're the one that brought the subject of service up you stupid cocksucker...too bad you got out...as a fag you could get a below the zone promotion now.

You sir are an idiot...it was your damned grandkid that brought up the fact you were in the military and I simply countered his attack. I insulted you and he responded...now pay attention moronic simp else I'll call out the calvary to issue you a skillet for them tator's...now get to cookin, cook!! No, coward cook!! LOLOLO
You're so fucking stupid you think a lass is a man. But I guess when you're a fag ir doesnt matter.

WOW, you seem obsessed with the fag thing....bend much?
You act like getting someone else to fight ISIS is a bad thing...do you WANT more American soldiers dead? WTF is wrong with you people.
They aren't killing ISIS. They are bombing the only moderates in the country right now.
Will they move on to ISIS when Assad's opposition is wiped out? Perhaps. But they are not bombing ISIS at the moment. They are targeting the people we tried to help. Obama bent over to putt and Putin put his military boot firmly up Obama's ass
Before they take over, they're called moderates.

As in Libya, when the moderates take over, they won't be cruel enough, and implement freedom, that ISIS will use to run the moderates off.

We need to stop managing the middle east

(sigh), I get so so sick and tired of HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF HERE....Do we ever ever ever learn anything???? That nightmare with the Shah of Iran ions ago, should have been the template for leaving these fuckin people alone and let them run their own fuckin politics!!

None of these terroristic breaches would have ever taken place, had we kept our nose out of Israel and middle eastern politics.
It is not our meddling that causes them to attack us. It is our freedom and defiance of their asinine Muslim faith. Meddling may help them recruit but it is not their motive.

The day the US sanctioned the holy land to the jews after WWII was the day we laid the foundation for future conflict with the middle east. We allowed Israel to literly take over a country that at first welcomed these people and by funding them militarily and promising to back their shit up no matter what is why the muslim world hate us. Has nothing to do with our fuckin freedom.....we've had freedom for how long? Since 1776 and I don't know about you, but I can't recall not one muslim issue in the history books I was taught in.

Bottom line is this, building nations should be a video game, not US policy!!
We didn't start the Israel affair, it was Britain and France in WWI. The Muslim world invited the Jews before then, to get their money and improve their technology, Specifically in Farming which the Jews excelled at.

Most of these countries didn't exist then, and only became countries after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire who fought with Germany in WWI and lost. These are the same asshats that performed Genocide in the deserts of Syria killing well over a million Armenians...................

After WWII, the world gave a safe haven to the Jews after they had been slaughtered. The Arabs were all to happy to join Hitler in the Genocide of Jews..........THEY LOST THE WAR..............Britain abstained on the vote for Israel, even though they were the very ones to initiate it................aka we didn't start it as you are of the blame America first crowd.

Before we ever stepped foot on their holier than thou sand, they had caliphate after Caliphate................since the 6th Century and the time of Mohamed, this has occurred.................Throughout history, they have invaded other lands in the name of their religion and throughout history the rest of the world finally had to fight them as they said convert or die...............

Obama is a complete IDIOT. He just admitted he screwed up in Libya.........He sent arms from Libya to the SO CALLED GOOD GUYS IN SYRIA who handed over the weapons to ISIS, or turned themselves...............In Egypt, he was a complete fool.............Demanding that the Radical Muslim Brotherhood be part of the system........Who advocate the radical element of the region.........................

Obama wants Assad gone..........but they are the only element that could hold the area if and when ISIS is defeated...............Stupid policy, and he has armed the opposition there..................

Anyway...............they have hated our asses for a while..........because we are infidels.................so be it MR. DP.........computer nerd man.............You were the type we liked to turn the hot water off on in the Navy for being whiney little bitches......

It is not our meddling that causes them to attack us. It is our freedom and defiance of their asinine Muslim faith. Meddling may help them recruit but it is not their motive.
ROFLMAO its our FREEDUMB AND STUFFS! ROFLMAO....you are an idiot. Thanks for proving that. Who knew Iran is a dictatorship! WHO KNEW! LOL....Many freedom fighters in the ME (you retards call them terrorists) have said WHY they attack the US. Try listening or reading.

Your lack of critical thinking is holding you down. Or you're just not informed.

Radical Muslims will kill ANYONE at any opportunity if they think it helps fulfill their absurd prophecies. If you don't adhere to their strict interpretations of their faith you are an enemy regardless of your intentions.
Then why aren't they concentrating more on European Christian nations, with less security, and closer proximity?
They're too busy killing their own at the moment. If ISIS gets control of an entire country or region as they are attempting to do now you can bet they will then set their lunacy on others. But first the have to gain control. Sadly it APPEARS that Russia is the only one that sees the real threat for what it is.
Yeah well all this is happening in Russia's backyard. They're supposed to be the ones dealing with it.

Do you think the US can afford to be the Earth's security force? working for free?

WOW you are one smart cookie.....I don't get why people are soooo surprised that Russia should find cause to do the things they do.....I mean, all of Europe and those close to these fucked up countries, all of em should be on alert and in a fight mode....but here we are thousands upon thousands of miles from these fuckin countries and we're doing all the stressing and fighting, its just stupid for anyone to think any of this is our gotdamned business.
To the OP.......................Obama doesn't need Putin to make him look like a fool....................He does that all by himself.........

Obama admits mistakes in Libya, says West should have done more

The rapid descent of Libya into violent chaos was one of the most dramatic events in the "Arab Spring," the abrupt collapse of long-standing autocratic governments in a number of Arab countries in the face of popular protests.

"Even as we helped the Libyan people bring an end to the reign of a tyrant, our coalition could have and should have done more to fill a vacuum left behind," Obama said.

His rare acknowledgement of mistakes in Libya's transition came as the United Nations tries to negotiate an end to fighting between two rival governments and their armed backers which has pushed the country to the brink of collapse.

The U.N. General Assembly on Monday was dominated by discussion of the turmoil in Syria, which erupted after an uprising against President Bashar al-Assad. The United States and Russia have traded accusations about responsibility for the violence.

Russian President Vladimir Putin blamed the chaos in the region, including in Libya, on the sudden removal of the old leaders, and said this was creating many recruits for the Islamic State militant group.

"It is now obvious that the power vacuum created in some countries of the Middle East and North Africa led to emergence of anarchy areas. Those immediately started to be filled with extremists and terrorists," Putin told the assembly.
To the point of Russia....................

Let them deal with it................I have no problem with that......................Let them die in the desert. It is after all IN THEIR INTERESTS because they have allied with Syria to do it............

Have fun..........Tag YOUR IT....................
Russia launches first airstrikes in Syria - CNNPolitics.com
According to the Russian Defense Ministry, warplanes targeted eight ISIS positions, including arms, transportation, communications and control positions.

ISIS/Rebels SAME THING. SAME GOALS. To destroy Assad. I am on Russia's side here. 100%.
You didn't read your own link. Russia is playing you too apparently?
The targets they bombed were not ISIS positions. They were rebels & civilians. Russia seeks to quell the uprising by showing how you win a conflict. Hell from above without warning with leaflets or absurd on air comments about how their strikes will be "pinpricks"
I've yet to decide if what they are doing is in our best interest but they played Obama like a whipped school yard kid. Embarrassing
Quite right...give Obama the complete authority to act as he sees fit...just like Putin.
He'd be trying to kill Veterans, and taking political prisoners!
So you're saying that he shouldn't act like Putin then?
Which he isn't...so I assume that you're pleased.
Oh, you do think he should send the troops in?
They aren't killing ISIS. They are bombing the only moderates in the country right now.
Will they move on to ISIS when Assad's opposition is wiped out? Perhaps. But they are not bombing ISIS at the moment. They are targeting the people we tried to help. Obama bent over to putt and Putin put his military boot firmly up Obama's ass
Before they take over, they're called moderates.

As in Libya, when the moderates take over, they won't be cruel enough, and implement freedom, that ISIS will use to run the moderates off.

We need to stop managing the middle east

(sigh), I get so so sick and tired of HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF HERE....Do we ever ever ever learn anything???? That nightmare with the Shah of Iran ions ago, should have been the template for leaving these fuckin people alone and let them run their own fuckin politics!!

None of these terroristic breaches would have ever taken place, had we kept our nose out of Israel and middle eastern politics.
It is not our meddling that causes them to attack us. It is our freedom and defiance of their asinine Muslim faith. Meddling may help them recruit but it is not their motive.

The day the US sanctioned the holy land to the jews after WWII was the day we laid the foundation for future conflict with the middle east. We allowed Israel to literly take over a country that at first welcomed these people and by funding them militarily and promising to back their shit up no matter what is why the muslim world hate us. Has nothing to do with our fuckin freedom.....we've had freedom for how long? Since 1776 and I don't know about you, but I can't recall not one muslim issue in the history books I was taught in.

Bottom line is this, building nations should be a video game, not US policy!!
We didn't start the Israel affair, it was Britain and France in WWI. The Muslim world invited the Jews before then, to get their money and improve their technology, Specifically in Farming which the Jews excelled at.

Most of these countries didn't exist then, and only became countries after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire who fought with Germany in WWI and lost. These are the same asshats that performed Genocide in the deserts of Syria killing well over a million Armenians...................

After WWII, the world gave a safe haven to the Jews after they had been slaughtered. The Arabs were all to happy to join Hitler in the Genocide of Jews..........THEY LOST THE WAR..............Britain abstained on the vote for Israel, even though they were the very ones to initiate it................aka we didn't start it as you are of the blame America first crowd.

Before we ever stepped foot on their holier than thou sand, they had caliphate after Caliphate................since the 6th Century and the time of Mohamed, this has occurred.................Throughout history, they have invaded other lands in the name of their religion and throughout history the rest of the world finally had to fight them as they said convert or die...............

Obama is a complete IDIOT. He just admitted he screwed up in Libya.........He sent arms from Libya to the SO CALLED GOOD GUYS IN SYRIA who handed over the weapons to ISIS, or turned themselves...............In Egypt, he was a complete fool.............Demanding that the Radical Muslim Brotherhood be part of the system........Who advocate the radical element of the region.........................

Obama wants Assad gone..........but they are the only element that could hold the area if and when ISIS is defeated...............Stupid policy, and he has armed the opposition there..................

Anyway...............they have hated our asses for a while..........because we are infidels.................so be it MR. DP.........computer nerd man.............You were the type we liked to turn the hot water off on in the Navy for being whiney little bitches......

Okay, and thanks for the lesson...I still however stand by my assessment of why the middle hate this country...now with that being said, you made a valid point.......when the US puts its dirty little hands in matters that does not involve us, BAD SHIT HAPPENS FOR EVERYBODY!! OBAMA IS A IDIOT, THIS SO CALLED REVOLUTION SHOULD HAVE BEEN FREE OF ANY US INVOLVEMENT......WE NEED TO STAY OUT OF NATION BUILDING...END OF EFFIN STORY!!
The conservatives want war with Russia because they think war helps the GOP politically.

Put another way, they want war with Russia because they think it will help them repeal Obamacare.

According to the left America has no enemies. Well in the real world we do and none bigger than Russia.

We'd have far fewer enemies if we stopped meddling.
Before they take over, they're called moderates.

As in Libya, when the moderates take over, they won't be cruel enough, and implement freedom, that ISIS will use to run the moderates off.

We need to stop managing the middle east

(sigh), I get so so sick and tired of HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF HERE....Do we ever ever ever learn anything???? That nightmare with the Shah of Iran ions ago, should have been the template for leaving these fuckin people alone and let them run their own fuckin politics!!

None of these terroristic breaches would have ever taken place, had we kept our nose out of Israel and middle eastern politics.
It is not our meddling that causes them to attack us. It is our freedom and defiance of their asinine Muslim faith. Meddling may help them recruit but it is not their motive.

The day the US sanctioned the holy land to the jews after WWII was the day we laid the foundation for future conflict with the middle east. We allowed Israel to literly take over a country that at first welcomed these people and by funding them militarily and promising to back their shit up no matter what is why the muslim world hate us. Has nothing to do with our fuckin freedom.....we've had freedom for how long? Since 1776 and I don't know about you, but I can't recall not one muslim issue in the history books I was taught in.

Bottom line is this, building nations should be a video game, not US policy!!

BS...your either paying tribute to Barbra Stanwyke who is dead or Babs, the singer, which is it.
Stating fact.
Putin's a leader, Obama's not. That's a no-brainer. That being said, we've meddled enough in the Middle East. We've created enough bloody carnage over there. Time for us to scale it back. If Russia wants to assume that role, so be it. I wish em the best of luck. They're gonna need it.
another thread ruined by paulie's yammering.

Ruined? Quit being a drama queen little bitch.
Like you?

Thread's 'ruined', yet you're still here. Go figure? God, you're such a whiny buffoon.
Obama admits mistakes in Libya, says West should have done more

The rapid descent of Libya into violent chaos was one of the most dramatic events in the "Arab Spring," the abrupt collapse of long-standing autocratic governments in a number of Arab countries in the face of popular protests.

"Even as we helped the Libyan people bring an end to the reign of a tyrant, our coalition could have and should have done more to fill a vacuum left behind," Obama said.

His rare acknowledgement of mistakes in Libya's transition came as the United Nations tries to negotiate an end to fighting between two rival governments and their armed backers which has pushed the country to the brink of collapse.

The U.N. General Assembly on Monday was dominated by discussion of the turmoil in Syria, which erupted after an uprising against President Bashar al-Assad. The United States and Russia have traded accusations about responsibility for the violence.

Russian President Vladimir Putin blamed the chaos in the region, including in Libya, on the sudden removal of the old leaders, and said this was creating many recruits for the Islamic State militant group.

"It is now obvious that the power vacuum created in some countries of the Middle East and North Africa led to emergence of anarchy areas. Those immediately started to be filled with extremists and terrorists," Putin told the assembly.

POOR OBAMA.... he will live to rule the day, he allows constantly the right wing to dictate his thoughts on how the east should be handled. This is the one and only thing I absolutely despise about Obama, listening to these war mongering profit driven conservative cowards who fight no wars unless its on a campaign trail.
Before they take over, they're called moderates.

As in Libya, when the moderates take over, they won't be cruel enough, and implement freedom, that ISIS will use to run the moderates off.

We need to stop managing the middle east

(sigh), I get so so sick and tired of HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF HERE....Do we ever ever ever learn anything???? That nightmare with the Shah of Iran ions ago, should have been the template for leaving these fuckin people alone and let them run their own fuckin politics!!

None of these terroristic breaches would have ever taken place, had we kept our nose out of Israel and middle eastern politics.
It is not our meddling that causes them to attack us. It is our freedom and defiance of their asinine Muslim faith. Meddling may help them recruit but it is not their motive.

The day the US sanctioned the holy land to the jews after WWII was the day we laid the foundation for future conflict with the middle east. We allowed Israel to literly take over a country that at first welcomed these people and by funding them militarily and promising to back their shit up no matter what is why the muslim world hate us. Has nothing to do with our fuckin freedom.....we've had freedom for how long? Since 1776 and I don't know about you, but I can't recall not one muslim issue in the history books I was taught in.

Bottom line is this, building nations should be a video game, not US policy!!
We didn't start the Israel affair, it was Britain and France in WWI. The Muslim world invited the Jews before then, to get their money and improve their technology, Specifically in Farming which the Jews excelled at.

Most of these countries didn't exist then, and only became countries after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire who fought with Germany in WWI and lost. These are the same asshats that performed Genocide in the deserts of Syria killing well over a million Armenians...................

After WWII, the world gave a safe haven to the Jews after they had been slaughtered. The Arabs were all to happy to join Hitler in the Genocide of Jews..........THEY LOST THE WAR..............Britain abstained on the vote for Israel, even though they were the very ones to initiate it................aka we didn't start it as you are of the blame America first crowd.

Before we ever stepped foot on their holier than thou sand, they had caliphate after Caliphate................since the 6th Century and the time of Mohamed, this has occurred.................Throughout history, they have invaded other lands in the name of their religion and throughout history the rest of the world finally had to fight them as they said convert or die...............

Obama is a complete IDIOT. He just admitted he screwed up in Libya.........He sent arms from Libya to the SO CALLED GOOD GUYS IN SYRIA who handed over the weapons to ISIS, or turned themselves...............In Egypt, he was a complete fool.............Demanding that the Radical Muslim Brotherhood be part of the system........Who advocate the radical element of the region.........................

Obama wants Assad gone..........but they are the only element that could hold the area if and when ISIS is defeated...............Stupid policy, and he has armed the opposition there..................

Anyway...............they have hated our asses for a while..........because we are infidels.................so be it MR. DP.........computer nerd man.............You were the type we liked to turn the hot water off on in the Navy for being whiney little bitches......

Okay, and thanks for the lesson...I still however stand by my assessment of why the middle hate this country...now with that being said, you made a valid point.......when the US puts its dirty little hands in matters that does not involve us, BAD SHIT HAPPENS FOR EVERYBODY!! OBAMA IS A IDIOT, THIS SO CALLED REVOLUTION SHOULD HAVE BEEN FREE OF ANY US INVOLVEMENT......WE NEED TO STAY OUT OF NATION BUILDING...END OF EFFIN STORY!!

So Putin goes into Syria and gets his guys killed and Obama gets snookered?

If Republicans win the Presidency, will they send our troops into Syria?
Before they take over, they're called moderates.

As in Libya, when the moderates take over, they won't be cruel enough, and implement freedom, that ISIS will use to run the moderates off.

We need to stop managing the middle east

(sigh), I get so so sick and tired of HISTORY REPEATING ITSELF HERE....Do we ever ever ever learn anything???? That nightmare with the Shah of Iran ions ago, should have been the template for leaving these fuckin people alone and let them run their own fuckin politics!!

None of these terroristic breaches would have ever taken place, had we kept our nose out of Israel and middle eastern politics.
It is not our meddling that causes them to attack us. It is our freedom and defiance of their asinine Muslim faith. Meddling may help them recruit but it is not their motive.

The day the US sanctioned the holy land to the jews after WWII was the day we laid the foundation for future conflict with the middle east. We allowed Israel to literly take over a country that at first welcomed these people and by funding them militarily and promising to back their shit up no matter what is why the muslim world hate us. Has nothing to do with our fuckin freedom.....we've had freedom for how long? Since 1776 and I don't know about you, but I can't recall not one muslim issue in the history books I was taught in.

Bottom line is this, building nations should be a video game, not US policy!!
We didn't start the Israel affair, it was Britain and France in WWI. The Muslim world invited the Jews before then, to get their money and improve their technology, Specifically in Farming which the Jews excelled at.

Most of these countries didn't exist then, and only became countries after the collapse of the Ottoman Empire who fought with Germany in WWI and lost. These are the same asshats that performed Genocide in the deserts of Syria killing well over a million Armenians...................

After WWII, the world gave a safe haven to the Jews after they had been slaughtered. The Arabs were all to happy to join Hitler in the Genocide of Jews..........THEY LOST THE WAR..............Britain abstained on the vote for Israel, even though they were the very ones to initiate it................aka we didn't start it as you are of the blame America first crowd.

Before we ever stepped foot on their holier than thou sand, they had caliphate after Caliphate................since the 6th Century and the time of Mohamed, this has occurred.................Throughout history, they have invaded other lands in the name of their religion and throughout history the rest of the world finally had to fight them as they said convert or die...............

Obama is a complete IDIOT. He just admitted he screwed up in Libya.........He sent arms from Libya to the SO CALLED GOOD GUYS IN SYRIA who handed over the weapons to ISIS, or turned themselves...............In Egypt, he was a complete fool.............Demanding that the Radical Muslim Brotherhood be part of the system........Who advocate the radical element of the region.........................

Obama wants Assad gone..........but they are the only element that could hold the area if and when ISIS is defeated...............Stupid policy, and he has armed the opposition there..................

Anyway...............they have hated our asses for a while..........because we are infidels.................so be it MR. DP.........computer nerd man.............You were the type we liked to turn the hot water off on in the Navy for being whiney little bitches......

Okay, and thanks for the lesson...I still however stand by my assessment of why the middle hate this country...now with that being said, you made a valid point.......when the US puts its dirty little hands in matters that does not involve us, BAD SHIT HAPPENS FOR EVERYBODY!! OBAMA IS A IDIOT, THIS SO CALLED REVOLUTION SHOULD HAVE BEEN FREE OF ANY US INVOLVEMENT......WE NEED TO STAY OUT OF NATION BUILDING...END OF EFFIN STORY!!
Never said I wanted to Nation build. Didn't from the onset....................My point after 9/11 was to get in, kill as many as possible, and than leave..............

Once the mission was on in Iraq....................then we have an obligation to stay the course even though the course is a shit sandwich............We withdrew early, without at least giving them the intel element to ensure that they didn't get over run by the group committing Genocide there now and in Syria...................

Obama's policy to do so..........So the IDIOT owns this........................

You mentioned the Shah..................We should have kicked their asses then.........................when they held our people for 444 days....................Taking our embassy was an act of War.....................and had we treated it as such from the beginning...............we might not have to deal with Iran who is a major sponsor of terror.......................

North Korea exists today...........because we DIDN'T FINISH WHAT WE STARTED.................and our now a problem because we didn't choose to win the war.............................

Bottom line..........Politicians are too fucking worried about polls to win the War..............
Putin's a leader, Obama's not. That's a no-brainer. That being said, we've meddled enough in the Middle East. We've created enough bloody carnage over there. Time for us to scale it back. If Russia wants to assume that role, so be it. I wish em the best of luck. They're gonna need it.
another thread ruined by paulie's yammering.

Ruined? Quit being a drama queen little bitch.
Like you?

Thread's 'ruined', yet you're still here. Go figure? God, you're such a whiny buffoon.
Only a drama queen would pull his skirts up and run away like you have done on countless occasions.
So Putin goes into Syria and gets his guys killed and Obama gets snookered?

If Republicans win the Presidency, will they send our troops into Syria?
you gotta love these so called patriots....I mean, would they rather our fuckin blood be splattered all over that region?

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