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Liberals, So What Is YOUR Plan to Deal with These Two Central Facts About Muslim Immigrants?


Mike Griffith
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 23, 2012
In reading the various liberals threads and replies on the issue bringing in more Syrian refugees, over and over again I see that they avoid dealing with the two most important facts relating to this issue: (1) the fact that every single jihadist terrorist attack has been conducted by people who were either raised Muslims or who became Muslims before they turned to terrorism, and (2) the fact that recent history has proven that the more Muslim immigrants that a Western or pro-Western country allows in, the greater that country's chances become of suffering terrorist attacks.

So, liberals, what is your plan to address these central, undeniable facts? If you're going to allow in thousands of additional Syrian refugees, do you have any plan to track their activities, given the fact that Muslim immigrants have repeatedly proven to be ripe recruiting material for jihadism, both here and overseas? Given the recent attempts by Muslims to enter our country illegally via our Southern border, do you have any plan to increase border security, since it's a safe, reasonable bet that for every five would-be infiltrators whom we have stopped, at least one has not been caught?

What do you say to the fact that polls are consistently showing that a majority of Americans oppose bringing in more Syrian refugees? Are most Americans simply "racists," "hysterically fearful," "xenophobic," etc, etc.? What do you say to average Americans who make the entirely logical, reasonable deduction that allowing in additional Syrian refugees is manifestly unwise and risky, since recent history has proven beyond all doubt that the more Muslim immigrants a Western/pro-Western country allows in, the greater its chances become of suffering terrorist attacks? Give me a logical, non-race-card explanation for why this is not a perfectly rational conclusion?
In reading the various liberals threads and replies on the issue bringing in more Syrian refugees, over and over again I see that they avoid dealing with the two most important facts relating to this issue: (1) the fact that every single jihadist terrorist attack has been conducted by people who were either raised Muslims or who became Muslims before they turned to terrorism, and (2) the fact that recent history has proven that the more Muslim immigrants that a Western or pro-Western country allows in, the greater that country's chances become of suffering terrorist attacks.

So, liberals, what is your plan to address these central, undeniable facts? If you're going to allow in thousands of additional Syrian refugees, do you have any plan to track their activities, given the fact that Muslim immigrants have repeatedly proven to be ripe recruiting material for jihadism, both here and overseas? Given the recent attempts by Muslims to enter our country illegally via our Southern border, do you have any plan to increase border security, since it's a safe, reasonable bet that for every five would-be infiltrators whom we have stopped, at least one has not been caught?

What do you say to the fact that polls are consistently showing that a majority of Americans oppose bringing in more Syrian refugees? Are most Americans simply "racists," "hysterically fearful," "xenophobic," etc, etc.? What do you say to average Americans who make the entirely logical, reasonable deduction that allowing in additional Syrian refugees is manifestly unwise and risky, since recent history has proven beyond all doubt that the more Muslim immigrants a Western/pro-Western country allows in, the greater its chances become of suffering terrorist attacks? Give me a logical, non-race-card explanation for why this is not a perfectly rational conclusion?

Mike, your explanation in the last paragraph on how lefties address people who are against this is 100% accurate. That being said; for the 1st time in at least a couple of decades, them labeling people in this manner that disagree with them is NOT working. More, and more people are standing up and insisting that this not happen, and it has the lefties in a catch 22. All of their Presidential candidates support this, and to backtrack now would also throw their illegal Hispanic routine under the bus.

The Democrats are in deep trouble on this issue, and it is not the only issue they stand against the American people on. It is why only the most senior of paid lefty posters on here can contain their vitriol. The rest of them are seeing it all falling apart, and the rest of us on here are laughing at their feeble attempts to keep using the same tactics over, and over again, which are no longer working, lol.

Let me put it this way.............if someone is called a racist or xenophobe for trying to protect this country, then call ME a racist or xenophobe, and I will work on Websters dictionary to revise the definitions!!!!!!! And in the mean time, the Democrats have just insulted 2/3 of the American citizenry!!!!! They can pretend they are painting a Piccasso all they want, what I see is urban tagging, and ugly urban tagging if the truth be known-) Unless the GOP just mails it in, these lefties are going to be hard pressed to get elected dog catcher, let alone POTUS!
There is ABSOLUTELY no way to screen the " refugee / terrorists ".

All information about them would have to come from the Syrian government and that is run by the same Muslims that tell the terrorists to kill the infidels.

The information to screen the " refugees " would come from the very people who hate our guts.

I'm sure they would tell us the truth about the " refugees " </snark >.
In reading the various liberals threads and replies on the issue bringing in more Syrian refugees, over and over again I see that they avoid dealing with the two most important facts relating to this issue: (1) the fact that every single jihadist terrorist attack has been conducted by people who were either raised Muslims or who became Muslims before they turned to terrorism, and (2) the fact that recent history has proven that the more Muslim immigrants that a Western or pro-Western country allows in, the greater that country's chances become of suffering terrorist attacks.

So, liberals, what is your plan to address these central, undeniable facts? If you're going to allow in thousands of additional Syrian refugees, do you have any plan to track their activities, given the fact that Muslim immigrants have repeatedly proven to be ripe recruiting material for jihadism, both here and overseas? Given the recent attempts by Muslims to enter our country illegally via our Southern border, do you have any plan to increase border security, since it's a safe, reasonable bet that for every five would-be infiltrators whom we have stopped, at least one has not been caught?

What do you say to the fact that polls are consistently showing that a majority of Americans oppose bringing in more Syrian refugees? Are most Americans simply "racists," "hysterically fearful," "xenophobic," etc, etc.? What do you say to average Americans who make the entirely logical, reasonable deduction that allowing in additional Syrian refugees is manifestly unwise and risky, since recent history has proven beyond all doubt that the more Muslim immigrants a Western/pro-Western country allows in, the greater its chances become of suffering terrorist attacks? Give me a logical, non-race-card explanation for why this is not a perfectly rational conclusion?

Where are the two facts?
there plan is: let them all in, expect that we the people pay for them to get settled and then help them all apply for welfare because there isn't ANY JOBS for us Citizens as it is. and keep their fingers crossed that we don't let in too many terrorist who ends up killing thousands. I mean weren't you born in this country just to work and take away from your family so you can PAY to bring 100's of thousand foreigners who will be pushing themselves and cultures on us instead of assimilating.
Why is it when we're told we're going to get facts, we actually get paragraphs that are overladen with opinion?
In reading the various liberals threads and replies on the issue bringing in more Syrian refugees, over and over again I see that they avoid dealing with the two most important facts relating to this issue: (1) the fact that every single jihadist terrorist attack has been conducted by people who were either raised Muslims or who became Muslims before they turned to terrorism, and (2) the fact that recent history has proven that the more Muslim immigrants that a Western or pro-Western country allows in, the greater that country's chances become of suffering terrorist attacks.

So, liberals, what is your plan to address these central, undeniable facts? If you're going to allow in thousands of additional Syrian refugees, do you have any plan to track their activities, given the fact that Muslim immigrants have repeatedly proven to be ripe recruiting material for jihadism, both here and overseas? Given the recent attempts by Muslims to enter our country illegally via our Southern border, do you have any plan to increase border security, since it's a safe, reasonable bet that for every five would-be infiltrators whom we have stopped, at least one has not been caught?

What do you say to the fact that polls are consistently showing that a majority of Americans oppose bringing in more Syrian refugees? Are most Americans simply "racists," "hysterically fearful," "xenophobic," etc, etc.? What do you say to average Americans who make the entirely logical, reasonable deduction that allowing in additional Syrian refugees is manifestly unwise and risky, since recent history has proven beyond all doubt that the more Muslim immigrants a Western/pro-Western country allows in, the greater its chances become of suffering terrorist attacks? Give me a logical, non-race-card explanation for why this is not a perfectly rational conclusion?

Where are the two facts?

So you don't know that ALL of the jihadist terrorist attacks have been done by people who were raised Muslims or who became Muslims before engaging in terrorism? You don't know this? You dispute this?

And you don't know that we have seen over and over again in recent history that Muslim immigrants have proven to be ripe recruiting material for jihadism? You don't know this? Heard of the Tsarnaev brothers? Heard of Nidal Hasan? Heard of the Little Rock and Chattanooga shooters? Heard of the Paris attackers who were Muslim immigrants? Have you seen the federally documented list that Senator Sessions just released of mostly Muslim immigrants who turned to jihad just this year? Heard of any of this?

What planet do you live you on?
RW dolts are laughable ... there's over 80,000 refugees from Iraq in America and they don't even know they're here, and NEVER will know they're here... if they hadn't READ about Syrian refugees they wouldn't know a damn thing about them either.

How many Iraqi's blew up Americans .... how many Syrians blew up Americans ???

candy ass RW's .... go hide, cry, and quiver.
In reading the various liberals threads and replies on the issue bringing in more Syrian refugees, over and over again I see that they avoid dealing with the two most important facts relating to this issue: (1) the fact that every single jihadist terrorist attack has been conducted by people who were either raised Muslims or who became Muslims before they turned to terrorism, and (2) the fact that recent history has proven that the more Muslim immigrants that a Western or pro-Western country allows in, the greater that country's chances become of suffering terrorist attacks.

So, liberals, what is your plan to address these central, undeniable facts? If you're going to allow in thousands of additional Syrian refugees, do you have any plan to track their activities, given the fact that Muslim immigrants have repeatedly proven to be ripe recruiting material for jihadism, both here and overseas? Given the recent attempts by Muslims to enter our country illegally via our Southern border, do you have any plan to increase border security, since it's a safe, reasonable bet that for every five would-be infiltrators whom we have stopped, at least one has not been caught?

What do you say to the fact that polls are consistently showing that a majority of Americans oppose bringing in more Syrian refugees? Are most Americans simply "racists," "hysterically fearful," "xenophobic," etc, etc.? What do you say to average Americans who make the entirely logical, reasonable deduction that allowing in additional Syrian refugees is manifestly unwise and risky, since recent history has proven beyond all doubt that the more Muslim immigrants a Western/pro-Western country allows in, the greater its chances become of suffering terrorist attacks? Give me a logical, non-race-card explanation for why this is not a perfectly rational conclusion?

Fact 1 isn't a fact. Every jihadi's a Muslim. Ya, imagine that.

Fact 2 is dubious at best. Suffered 9/11 with no help from refugees or immigrants but students on student visas (flight school) and tourists.
I certainly don't speak for all liberals, many liberals, some liberals or even a few liberals. I can tell you that what we know is that over 200 people in the US have tried to engage in the conflict:
FBI: More than 200 Americans have tried to fight for ISIS

We have an upcoming trial set in 2016 for Somali Americans. They haven't been convicted so I would be very, very careful with this.
Marginalized Young American-Somalis Look East To Join ISIS

Trial Set For 7 Somali American Men Accused Of Trying To Join ISIS

But, there are a few things that stand out. The parents have an inability to communicate what and why they left to begin with. On the one hand, everyone can see how and why this can happen. It's actually a significant problem with many people that come here leaving a dangerous situation. PTSD? The inability to process the events leading up to it?

These folks are marginalized. They don't feel as if they fit and they may not even be accepted. Two worlds. There is a high unemployment rate within that group and that area. A desire to be accepted and to belong to something bigger than themselves.

Well, hell, we have almost hit the same reasons people join gangs.

So, we have (nationwide) a lack of mental health resources. Sometimes a language barrier which complicates issues tremendously. Poverty.Lack of employment. More is coming with TPP.

It isn't some type of simple minded anti-Muslim shit. That's great for elections and idiocy on the forums and maybe a couple of zinger memes. The problem is that this is where most people need to be and the media wants to keep us from so that they don't have to deal with the actual issues.

So, why have the conservatives been unable to articulate this? Not from the media or whatever conservative entertainer numnut but our real flesh and blood conservatives.
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When Jeh Johnson says we need to close our doors, I'll listen. A lot of people have been working very hard to protect us since 9/11 and they've done a damned good job.

Creating a hostile environment for any group leads to hostility from them. I'm not proposing we go hug a terrorist today; I'm just suggesting that we needn't make more enemies of the Muslims already living here. Every jihadist is a Muslim, but not every Muslim is a terrorist--at least not yet.

I'm still haunted by the open carry protests against Muslim mosques that were occurring a couple months ago. NOT A PRETTY PICTURE. That kind of hatred and racism should not stand in our country. Maybe that's what liberals fear when they hear questions about whether Muslims are safe to live among us.

I wouldn't know. But I'm not afraid of Syrian refugees allowed into the country legally or of the Muslims who are already here. At least, I'm not any more afraid of them than our home-grown "American" criminals and mass shooters.
Well, I am sure all of these libs who want the Syrian refugees here so we can take care of them who are dog lovers have Dobermans, and pitbulls as pets, yes! Especially if they have kids, yes? No, why not? You mean to tell me because these animals have a higher probability of biting, and severely injuring someone, (by the way, in case you didn't know, that is called profiling animals. It is also discriminating against certain dog breeds to protect our families) you don't want them? You bunch of RACIST, anti animal Democrats.

Afraid of Dobermans and pitbulls are you, lolol. What you gonna run from next, (right Siete) a Chinese Chu?
Well, I am sure all of these libs who want the Syrian refugees here so we can take care of them who are dog lovers have Dobermans, and pitbulls as pets, yes! Especially if they have kids, yes? No, why not? You mean to tell me because these animals have a higher probability of biting, and severely injuring someone, (by the way, in case you didn't know, that is called profiling animals. It is also discriminating against certain dog breeds to protect our families) you don't want them? You bunch of RACIST, anti animal Democrats.

Afraid of Dobermans and pitbulls are you, lolol. What you gonna run from next, (right Siete) a Chinese Chu?

FFS, they didn't ask me. But, here they are.
As I have pointed out many times, there are 3 million Muslims living in this country and they haven't committed an act of terror against anyone.
RW dolts are laughable ... there's over 80,000 refugees from Iraq in America and they don't even know they're here, and NEVER will know they're here... if they hadn't READ about Syrian refugees they wouldn't know a damn thing about them either.

How many Iraqi's blew up Americans .... how many Syrians blew up Americans ???

Eee-gads. . . FYI, hundreds of Iraqi jihados blew up, shot, and otherwise murdered hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq. Does that not count?

Just because no Syrian immigrants have not YET engaged in terrorism here in the U.S. does not change the fact (1) that recent history has proven that there is a disproportionate chance that some will try to do so in the future, and (2) that other Muslim immigrants HAVE carried out terrorist attacks against Americans in the U.S. (Tsarnaev brothers, Nidal Hassan, the Little Rock shooter, the Chattanooga shooter, the would-be NJ bombers, the Muslims on Senator Sessions' list, etc., etc.).
In reading the various liberals threads and replies on the issue bringing in more Syrian refugees, over and over again I see that they avoid dealing with the two most important facts relating to this issue: (1) the fact that every single jihadist terrorist attack has been conducted by people who were either raised Muslims or who became Muslims before they turned to terrorism, and (2) the fact that recent history has proven that the more Muslim immigrants that a Western or pro-Western country allows in, the greater that country's chances become of suffering terrorist attacks.

So, liberals, what is your plan to address these central, undeniable facts? If you're going to allow in thousands of additional Syrian refugees, do you have any plan to track their activities, given the fact that Muslim immigrants have repeatedly proven to be ripe recruiting material for jihadism, both here and overseas? Given the recent attempts by Muslims to enter our country illegally via our Southern border, do you have any plan to increase border security, since it's a safe, reasonable bet that for every five would-be infiltrators whom we have stopped, at least one has not been caught?

What do you say to the fact that polls are consistently showing that a majority of Americans oppose bringing in more Syrian refugees? Are most Americans simply "racists," "hysterically fearful," "xenophobic," etc, etc.? What do you say to average Americans who make the entirely logical, reasonable deduction that allowing in additional Syrian refugees is manifestly unwise and risky, since recent history has proven beyond all doubt that the more Muslim immigrants a Western/pro-Western country allows in, the greater its chances become of suffering terrorist attacks? Give me a logical, non-race-card explanation for why this is not a perfectly rational conclusion?

Where are the two facts?

So you don't know that ALL of the jihadist terrorist attacks have been done by people who were raised Muslims or who became Muslims before engaging in terrorism? You don't know this? You dispute this?

And you don't know that we have seen over and over again in recent history that Muslim immigrants have proven to be ripe recruiting material for jihadism? You don't know this? Heard of the Tsarnaev brothers? Heard of Nidal Hasan? Heard of the Little Rock and Chattanooga shooters? Heard of the Paris attackers who were Muslim immigrants? Have you seen the federally documented list that Senator Sessions just released of mostly Muslim immigrants who turned to jihad just this year? Heard of any of this?

What planet do you live you on?
You have tried to box in the issue..Of course jihadist are Muslims since other religions and atheist go by different definitions...
RW dolts are laughable ... there's over 80,000 refugees from Iraq in America and they don't even know they're here, and NEVER will know they're here... if they hadn't READ about Syrian refugees they wouldn't know a damn thing about them either.

How many Iraqi's blew up Americans .... how many Syrians blew up Americans ???

Eee-gads. . . FYI, hundreds of Iraqi jihados blew up, shot, and otherwise murdered hundreds of American soldiers in Iraq. Does that not count?

Just because no Syrian immigrants have not YET engaged in terrorism here in the U.S. does not change the fact (1) that recent history has proven that there is a disproportionate chance that some will try to do so in the future, and (2) that other Muslim immigrants HAVE carried out terrorist attacks against Americans in the U.S. (Tsarnaev brothers, Nidal Hassan, the Little Rock shooter, the Chattanooga shooter, the would-be NJ bombers, the Muslims on Senator Sessions' list, etc., etc.).

kinda my point Goober ... all of those Iraqi refugees have yet to commit an act of terrorism in this country ... not ONE, have they? Yet you and the rest of the morons single out Muslims because they are all terrorists....

damn god thing breathing is a reflex action because RW's would be too scared to take their next breath.
RW dolts are laughable ... there's over 80,000 refugees from Iraq in America and they don't even know they're here, and NEVER will know they're here... if they hadn't READ about Syrian refugees they wouldn't know a damn thing about them either.

How many Iraqi's blew up Americans .... how many Syrians blew up Americans ???

candy ass RW's .... go hide, cry, and quiver.

>>" How many Iraqi's blew up Americans .... how many Syrians blew up Americans ???"<<

How many does it take?

So sorry, that we think we have legitimate reasons to worry about terrorism upon this nation. So sorry, we look further down the road than just a few months. Terrorists are extremely patient in plotting... or haven't you learned that yet?

This kind of concerns me ---> http://abcnews.go.com/Blotter/visa-program-struggles-track-missing-foreign-students/story?id=25208740

Lost in America: Visa Program Struggles to Track Missing Foreign Students

By Brian Ross and Matthew Mosk ·Sep 2, 2014, 8:02 AM ET

The Department of Homeland Security has lost track of more than 6,000 foreign nationals who entered the United States on student visas, overstayed their welcome, and essentially vanished -- exploiting a security gap that was supposed to be fixed after the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks.

"My greatest concern is that they could be doing anything," said Peter Edge, the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement official who oversees investigations into visa violators. "Some of them could be here to do us harm."

Homeland Security officials disclosed the breadth of the student visa problem in response to ABC News questions submitted as part of an investigation into persistent complaints about the nation’s entry program for students.

ABC News found that immigration officials have struggled to keep track of the rapidly increasing numbers of foreign students coming to the U.S. -- now in excess of one million each year. The immigration agency’s own figures show that 58,000 students overstayed their visas in the past year. Of those, 6,000 were referred to agents for follow-up because they were determined to be of heightened concern.

“They just disappear,” said Sen. Tom Coburn, R-Okla. “They get the visas and they disappear.”

Coburn said since the Sept. 11, 2001 terror attacks, 26 student visa holders have been arrested in the U.S. on terror-related charges.

Tightening up the student visa program was one of the major recommendations made by the 9/11 Commission, after it was determined that the hijacker who flew Flight 77 into the Pentagon, Hani Hanjour, had entered the U.S. on a student visa but never showed up for school.

Edge said ICE agents are trying to locate every one of the 6,000 missing students, but acknowledged that “we really have a lot more work to do” to tighten up the student visa program.

Despite repeated concerns raised by Congress, federal immigration officials have also continued to grant schools certification to accept overseas applicants even if the schools lack accreditation, state certification, or any obvious measure of academic rigor.

There are now more than 9,000 schools on the government approved list. The list includes such top flight American colleges as Harvard and Yale, but it also includes 86 beauty schools, 36 massage schools and nine schools that teach horseshoeing. Foreign students can enter the U.S. on a visa to study acupuncture, hair braiding, or join academies that focus on tennis and golf.

Once the student arrives in the U.S., it is up to the schools to keep track of the visa-holder’s whereabouts -- and report to the government if they repeatedly miss class.

That is a serious concern, Coburn said, because a number of for-profit schools appear to have been operating with a primary goal of selling visas, not educating students.

“We know we have a lot of non-accredited universities that are using this system to bring people in, collect money, and not educate them at all,” said Coburn, who is part of a bi-partisan group of senators that has been trying to tighten controls on student visas. “To me, it’s a mess.”

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The facts are that 11 of the 12 Paris terrorists were French or Belgium citizens.
Using right wing logic, we shouldn't allow French or Belgium into the country .
When Jeh Johnson says we need to close our doors, I'll listen. A lot of people have been working very hard to protect us since 9/11 and they've done a damned good job.

Creating a hostile environment for any group leads to hostility from them. I'm not proposing we go hug a terrorist today; I'm just suggesting that we needn't make more enemies of the Muslims already living here. Every jihadist is a Muslim, but not every Muslim is a terrorist--at least not yet.

I'm still haunted by the open carry protests against Muslim mosques that were occurring a couple months ago. NOT A PRETTY PICTURE. That kind of hatred and racism should not stand in our country. Maybe that's what liberals fear when they hear questions about whether Muslims are safe to live among us.

I wouldn't know. But I'm not afraid of Syrian refugees allowed into the country legally or of the Muslims who are already here. At least, I'm not any more afraid of them than our home-grown "American" criminals and mass shooters.

oh goodie, another appeaser so you don't tick them off. good grief
the heck if it's good for us at this time, can WE THE PEOPLE afford it to take care of 1000's on 100, 000 more people, is our security worth it, etc

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