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Liberals, So What Is YOUR Plan to Deal with These Two Central Facts About Muslim Immigrants?

(1) the fact that every single jihadist terrorist attack has been conducted by people who were either raised Muslims or who became Muslims before they turned to terrorism,

They probably all drank milk as babies,too.

More abject silliness and evasion. As usual, trying to engage you in a rational, logical discussion is pointless. You seem incapable of understanding the obvious point about statistical probability based on recent history.

Your ability to see the emperor's new clothes and to deny reality is amazing, and a bit embarrassing. Luckily, because of the obvious danger suggested by the Paris and Mali attacks, this time a majority of Americans are not falling for liberal demagoguery and race-baiting.

You made that claim that jihadi terrorists are all Muslims. Duh times 1000.

Christian terrorists are all Christian.

What was your point?

You really can't grasp the point? Let's see: If you wanted to keep your young sons safe from pedophiles, would you send them to a private school run by Catholic priests, since, gee, only a very small percentage of Catholic priests have been implicated in the priests-boys scandal? If someone asked you about this, you would reply, "Yes, only a small percentage of Catholic priests have been implicated in the pedophilia scandal, but I would rather not take the risk."

Christian terrorists are all Christians?! But according to Hillary Muslim terrorists are not Muslims; in fact, according to Hillary, "Muslims have nothing whatsoever to do with terrorism." And we have had liberals on this board make the same bizarre argument.
show us your source on hillary ???? show us your source on liberals ... you can't !!!! didn't think so... like trump another right wing nut job say shit that never happen
Wonder why Lyin Ryan and the Senate Republicans are backing off the bullshit legislation aimed at refugees.

The GOP is so fucked up that they cant get ANYTHING done.
Let's see if we can boil this down: Can anyone name a jihadist terrorist attack that has not been carried out by someone who was either raised a Muslim or who became a Muslim before engaging in jihad?

Too funny
have you noticed that MIKEGRIFFITH1 goes right off of fox noise tv or web site???? he quotes just part of what hillary has said... the he turns it around to justify his means ... then attacks a poster that makes fun of his stupidity....

hillary said:" muslim aren't terrorist there are a few factions of muslim who claim to be following the muslim faith where they distort the religion ... so this clown comes here and said hillary say muslim aren't terrorist ... then thinks he has out witted us all here by posting his distorted post ... we see it ... we know what MIKEGRIFFITH1 is doing ... he's showing his hate of dems/liberals and nothing more ... as for facts MIKEGRIFFITH1 new haven't a clue what is factual amd what you spew out of you diseased little perverted mind
(1) the fact that every single jihadist terrorist attack has been conducted by people who were either raised Muslims or who became Muslims before they turned to terrorism,

Since only Muslims use the term 'jihadi' pointing out that every Jihadi attack has been by a Muslim is like pointing out that everyone who attacked us at Pearl Harbor was Japanese- redundant.

Now- if we look at every terrorist attack- well as you well know- whether its Oklahoma City bombing or the massacre in Norway- not every terrorist attack- or terrorist massacre is done by Muslims- many are done by people raised Christians, non-Christians etc.

So just another of your false premises.
(2) the fact that recent history has proven that the more Muslim immigrants that a Western or pro-Western country allows in, the greater that country's chances become of suffering terrorist attacks.

You saying it doesn't make it a 'fact'.

The United States in 9/11 wasn't attacked by immigrants- it was attacked by Saudi Arabians on tourist visa's.

There is a real problem regarding Islamic Extremism- preventing those fleeing Islamic Extremists doesn't stop Islamic Extremists.
In reading the various liberals threads and replies on the issue bringing in more Syrian refugees, over and over again I see that they avoid dealing with the two most important facts relating to this issue: (1) the fact that every single jihadist terrorist attack has been conducted by people who were either raised Muslims or who became Muslims before they turned to terrorism, and (2) the fact that recent history has proven that the more Muslim immigrants that a Western or pro-Western country allows in, the greater that country's chances become of suffering terrorist attacks.

So, liberals, what is your plan to address these central, undeniable facts? If you're going to allow in thousands of additional Syrian refugees, do you have any plan to track their activities, given the fact that Muslim immigrants have repeatedly proven to be ripe recruiting material for jihadism, both here and overseas? Given the recent attempts by Muslims to enter our country illegally via our Southern border, do you have any plan to increase border security, since it's a safe, reasonable bet that for every five would-be infiltrators whom we have stopped, at least one has not been caught?

What do you say to the fact that polls are consistently showing that a majority of Americans oppose bringing in more Syrian refugees? Are most Americans simply "racists," "hysterically fearful," "xenophobic," etc, etc.? What do you say to average Americans who make the entirely logical, reasonable deduction that allowing in additional Syrian refugees is manifestly unwise and risky, since recent history has proven beyond all doubt that the more Muslim immigrants a Western/pro-Western country allows in, the greater its chances become of suffering terrorist attacks? Give me a logical, non-race-card explanation for why this is not a perfectly rational conclusion?

Mike, your explanation in the last paragraph on how lefties address people who are against this is 100% accurate. That being said; for the 1st time in at least a couple of decades, them labeling people in this manner that disagree with them is NOT working. More, and more people are standing up and insisting that this not happen, and it has the lefties in a catch 22. All of their Presidential candidates support this, and to backtrack now would also throw their illegal Hispanic routine under the bus.

The Democrats are in deep trouble on this issue, and it is not the only issue they stand against the American people on. It is why only the most senior of paid lefty posters on here can contain their vitriol. The rest of them are seeing it all falling apart, and the rest of us on here are laughing at their feeble attempts to keep using the same tactics over, and over again, which are no longer working, lol.

Let me put it this way.............if someone is called a racist or xenophobe for trying to protect this country, then call ME a racist or xenophobe, and I will work on Websters dictionary to revise the definitions!!!!!!! And in the mean time, the Democrats have just insulted 2/3 of the American citizenry!!!!! They can pretend they are painting a Piccasso all they want, what I see is urban tagging, and ugly urban tagging if the truth be known-) Unless the GOP just mails it in, these lefties are going to be hard pressed to get elected dog catcher, let alone POTUS!

According to the left, a pack of fools, your a racist, a bigot and a Muslim hater if you don't want to spend tax dollars taking care of non residents. Non residents practicing a religion that has no problem killing anyone they consider the "Great Satan."

Tell me. Who are the fools? Those not wanting them in America or those begging for them to come??

I know who the fools are. Does anyone else??

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