Liberals Think Our Classrooms Should Be Battlegrounds of Indoctrination

You started off your little tirade with a bald faced lie. Conservatives do NOT want classrooms to be neutral, that's why they are always fighting to include religious myths as of they were facts.
Religion is part of American history. Goes all the way back to the Puritan beliefs that those in power serve with the consent of the governed (Mayflower Compact) and George Whitfield and the concept of being “born again.” We could reject Church of England (hence rejecting the King) and be born again as a new nation. Don’t teach that the American Revolution was led by liberal secularists. That was the French Revolution that came later. But that has not been taught in our classrooms because it goes against the ideas of the 1960’s New Revolution.

The problem is you've just ignored what was actually said. Religion has been a part of US History, but there's a big difference between teaching that religion exists and teaching religious doctrine.
Not talking about doctrine. Talking about teaching the truth. Our nations history is entwined with religion. What about anti Catholic nativism of 1840’s all the way up to JFK’s election in 1960? If your going to teach this then you better teach background on Protestant Reformation.
No, you and your ilk wanna infect children with your twisted beliefs.
But then so do you, right? Not everyone believes the big bang and evolution. If we are going to eradicate religion from public schools, we also need to eradicate any other teachings against religion.

The fact is, children have been indoctrinated by atheism for decades. Almost every public curriculum teaches evolution. Why should children learn that, since that and the big bang are just as much of a myth at creationism.
Evolution is not against religion and is fact, not faith based.
Conservatives want classrooms to be politically neutral... Liberals want to use it for indoctrination and are ready to do battle with the opposing belief of conservatives. You have to take over education if your going to control the message to our youth. Remember, Democrats have a “war on poverty” and a “struggle for equality” or the “fight for social justice.”
You started off your little tirade with a bald faced lie. Conservatives do NOT want classrooms to be neutral, that's why they are always fighting to include religious myths as of they were facts.
Religion is part of American history. Goes all the way back to the Puritan beliefs that those in power serve with the consent of the governed (Mayflower Compact) and George Whitfield and the concept of being “born again.” We could reject Church of England (hence rejecting the King) and be born again as a new nation. Don’t teach that the American Revolution was led by liberal secularists. That was the French Revolution that came later. But that has not been taught in our classrooms because it goes against the ideas of the 1960’s New Revolution.
Freedom from religion was a big reason for the founding of the country. However the tenets of the faith are not pertinent to that nor are they facts, they are myths and should not be taught in school. If you want you kids to learn about yer all powerful father figure you teach them or send them to church.
I'm curious, which public schools are teaching religion? It's been awhile since I was in school. I dont recall any of the schools I went to teaching religion.

In fact, most schools I remember teach atheism in the form of teaching the big bang and evolution.

Here's one for ya, what if some think the big bang and evolution are a myth, perhaps we need to stop teaching that in school as well?
Come to Kansas. There's a school.down the street in a mostly Catholic town called Garden Plain. Public school, public funding USD 267. Religion class is taught there.
So your a humanist in the middle of decent people.
You started off your little tirade with a bald faced lie. Conservatives do NOT want classrooms to be neutral, that's why they are always fighting to include religious myths as of they were facts.
Religion is part of American history. Goes all the way back to the Puritan beliefs that those in power serve with the consent of the governed (Mayflower Compact) and George Whitfield and the concept of being “born again.” We could reject Church of England (hence rejecting the King) and be born again as a new nation. Don’t teach that the American Revolution was led by liberal secularists. That was the French Revolution that came later. But that has not been taught in our classrooms because it goes against the ideas of the 1960’s New Revolution.
Freedom from religion was a big reason for the founding of the country. However the tenets of the faith are not pertinent to that nor are they facts, they are myths and should not be taught in school. If you want you kids to learn about yer all powerful father figure you teach them or send them to church.
I'm curious, which public schools are teaching religion? It's been awhile since I was in school. I dont recall any of the schools I went to teaching religion.

In fact, most schools I remember teach atheism in the form of teaching the big bang and evolution.

Here's one for ya, what if some think the big bang and evolution are a myth, perhaps we need to stop teaching that in school as well?
Come to Kansas. There's a school.down the street in a mostly Catholic town called Garden Plain. Public school, public funding USD 267. Religion class is taught there.
So your a humanist in the middle of decent people.
I'm a normal person in the middle of a buncha whack-a-doos.
You started off your little tirade with a bald faced lie. Conservatives do NOT want classrooms to be neutral, that's why they are always fighting to include religious myths as of they were facts.
Religion is part of American history. Goes all the way back to the Puritan beliefs that those in power serve with the consent of the governed (Mayflower Compact) and George Whitfield and the concept of being “born again.” We could reject Church of England (hence rejecting the King) and be born again as a new nation. Don’t teach that the American Revolution was led by liberal secularists. That was the French Revolution that came later. But that has not been taught in our classrooms because it goes against the ideas of the 1960’s New Revolution.

The problem is you've just ignored what was actually said. Religion has been a part of US History, but there's a big difference between teaching that religion exists and teaching religious doctrine.
Not talking about doctrine. Talking about teaching the truth. Our nations history is entwined with religion. What about anti Catholic nativism of 1840’s all the way up to JFK’s election in 1960? If your going to teach this then you better teach background on Protestant Reformation.
No, you and your ilk wanna infect children with your twisted beliefs.
But then so do you, right? Not everyone believes the big bang and evolution. If we are going to eradicate religion from public schools, we also need to eradicate any other teachings against religion.

The fact is, children have been indoctrinated by atheism for decades. Almost every public curriculum teaches evolution. Why should children learn that, since that and the big bang are just as much of a myth at creationism.

No, the Big Bang and evolution are hardly "just as much a myth" as creationism.

Creationism was just made up. The Big Bang and evolution are theories which have stood the test of time in the scientific community. Maybe later on they won't, but creationism wouldn't last 1 second in the scientific community.
This started in the 1960’s with the culture revolution that advocated the destruction of families and family values. In 1983 John Dunphy summed it up in The Humanist. His revolution lives on in the heartbeat of the usurped Democratic Party and the banner is carried by people like Barack Hussein Obama and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Secular Humanism
Let’s not forget this little quote from Marxist college educator Susan Sontag:
“The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.”
- Susan Sontag
Yep. They HATE it when parents fight back. Like when my now 12 year old was told to do a report on a known homosexual,communist and all around piece of shit....emailed her teacher and told her it was NOT gonna happen and she backed down and let my daughter pick a different person to do a report on.

Or maybe you're just teaching your child to be disrespectful.

Just because someone is a "known homosexual, communist" etc, doesn't mean someone can't do a report on that person.

Teaching them to make their own arguments about that person is what it should be about.
There was NO REASON that person should have been even considered for a 6th graders curriculum. I made sure it was removed at least for my child to do a report on. That's my job as a parent.She can do a report on someone worthy of having a report done on them.

Well I cannot comment on the individual as I don't know who they are. However a report is a report, does it matter who it is?

Why does the person need to be "worthy"? Why should a report only show positives. Can people not learn from mistakes?
This started in the 1960’s with the culture revolution that advocated the destruction of families and family values. In 1983 John Dunphy summed it up in The Humanist. His revolution lives on in the heartbeat of the usurped Democratic Party and the banner is carried by people like Barack Hussein Obama and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Secular Humanism
Let’s not forget this little quote from Marxist college educator Susan Sontag:
“The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.”
- Susan Sontag
Yep. They HATE it when parents fight back. Like when my now 12 year old was told to do a report on a known homosexual,communist and all around piece of shit....emailed her teacher and told her it was NOT gonna happen and she backed down and let my daughter pick a different person to do a report on.

Or maybe you're just teaching your child to be disrespectful.

Just because someone is a "known homosexual, communist" etc, doesn't mean someone can't do a report on that person.

Teaching them to make their own arguments about that person is what it should be about.
There was NO REASON that person should have been even considered for a 6th graders curriculum. I made sure it was removed at least for my child to do a report on. That's my job as a parent.She can do a report on someone worthy of having a report done on them.

Well I cannot comment on the individual as I don't know who they are. However a report is a report, does it matter who it is?

Why does the person need to be "worthy"? Why should a report only show positives. Can people not learn from mistakes?
At 12 years old they don't want kids thinking for themselves they want obedient little drones who repeat what propaganda they are fed. It was Langston Hughes.
Conservatives want classrooms to be politically neutral... Liberals want to use it for indoctrination and are ready to do battle with the opposing belief of conservatives. You have to take over education if your going to control the message to our youth. Remember, Democrats have a “war on poverty” and a “struggle for equality” or the “fight for social justice.”
You started off your little tirade with a bald faced lie. Conservatives do NOT want classrooms to be neutral, that's why they are always fighting to include religious myths as of they were facts.
Religion is part of American history. Goes all the way back to the Puritan beliefs that those in power serve with the consent of the governed (Mayflower Compact) and George Whitfield and the concept of being “born again.” We could reject Church of England (hence rejecting the King) and be born again as a new nation. Don’t teach that the American Revolution was led by liberal secularists. That was the French Revolution that came later. But that has not been taught in our classrooms because it goes against the ideas of the 1960’s New Revolution.
Freedom from religion was a big reason for the founding of the country. However the tenets of the faith are not pertinent to that nor are they facts, they are myths and should not be taught in school. If you want you kids to learn about yer all powerful father figure you teach them or send them to church.
I'm curious, which public schools are teaching religion? It's been awhile since I was in school. I dont recall any of the schools I went to teaching religion.

In fact, most schools I remember teach atheism in the form of teaching the big bang and evolution.

Here's one for ya, what if some think the big bang and evolution are a myth, perhaps we need to stop teaching that in school as well?
Come to Kansas. There's a school.down the street in a mostly Catholic town called Garden Plain. Public school, public funding USD 267. Religion class is taught there.
Ok, now there's a difference. That sounds like it's an elective class, meaning you have to specifically sign up for it. It's not like the teachers in social studies and science class are teaching religion.

Also, if the school is going to teach an atheistic view of the world, perhaps it's good that there is a religious alternative, for those that choose.

This is not a required class, correct?
Religion is part of American history. Goes all the way back to the Puritan beliefs that those in power serve with the consent of the governed (Mayflower Compact) and George Whitfield and the concept of being “born again.” We could reject Church of England (hence rejecting the King) and be born again as a new nation. Don’t teach that the American Revolution was led by liberal secularists. That was the French Revolution that came later. But that has not been taught in our classrooms because it goes against the ideas of the 1960’s New Revolution.

The problem is you've just ignored what was actually said. Religion has been a part of US History, but there's a big difference between teaching that religion exists and teaching religious doctrine.
Not talking about doctrine. Talking about teaching the truth. Our nations history is entwined with religion. What about anti Catholic nativism of 1840’s all the way up to JFK’s election in 1960? If your going to teach this then you better teach background on Protestant Reformation.
No, you and your ilk wanna infect children with your twisted beliefs.
But then so do you, right? Not everyone believes the big bang and evolution. If we are going to eradicate religion from public schools, we also need to eradicate any other teachings against religion.

The fact is, children have been indoctrinated by atheism for decades. Almost every public curriculum teaches evolution. Why should children learn that, since that and the big bang are just as much of a myth at creationism.
Evolution is not against religion and is fact, not faith based.
Evolution as a result of the big bang is not fact. There is no proof the big bang ever happened.

I would argue that what you call evolution is really just adaptation?
Religion is part of American history. Goes all the way back to the Puritan beliefs that those in power serve with the consent of the governed (Mayflower Compact) and George Whitfield and the concept of being “born again.” We could reject Church of England (hence rejecting the King) and be born again as a new nation. Don’t teach that the American Revolution was led by liberal secularists. That was the French Revolution that came later. But that has not been taught in our classrooms because it goes against the ideas of the 1960’s New Revolution.
Freedom from religion was a big reason for the founding of the country. However the tenets of the faith are not pertinent to that nor are they facts, they are myths and should not be taught in school. If you want you kids to learn about yer all powerful father figure you teach them or send them to church.
I'm curious, which public schools are teaching religion? It's been awhile since I was in school. I dont recall any of the schools I went to teaching religion.

In fact, most schools I remember teach atheism in the form of teaching the big bang and evolution.

Here's one for ya, what if some think the big bang and evolution are a myth, perhaps we need to stop teaching that in school as well?
Come to Kansas. There's a school.down the street in a mostly Catholic town called Garden Plain. Public school, public funding USD 267. Religion class is taught there.
So your a humanist in the middle of decent people.
I'm a normal person in the middle of a buncha whack-a-doos.
Really? 75% of America, and 70% of the world would disagree with you.
This started in the 1960’s with the culture revolution that advocated the destruction of families and family values. In 1983 John Dunphy summed it up in The Humanist. His revolution lives on in the heartbeat of the usurped Democratic Party and the banner is carried by people like Barack Hussein Obama and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Secular Humanism
Let’s not forget this little quote from Marxist college educator Susan Sontag:
“The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.”
- Susan Sontag
Yep. They HATE it when parents fight back. Like when my now 12 year old was told to do a report on a known homosexual,communist and all around piece of shit....emailed her teacher and told her it was NOT gonna happen and she backed down and let my daughter pick a different person to do a report on.

Or maybe you're just teaching your child to be disrespectful.

Just because someone is a "known homosexual, communist" etc, doesn't mean someone can't do a report on that person.

Teaching them to make their own arguments about that person is what it should be about.
There was NO REASON that person should have been even considered for a 6th graders curriculum. I made sure it was removed at least for my child to do a report on. That's my job as a parent.She can do a report on someone worthy of having a report done on them.

Well I cannot comment on the individual as I don't know who they are. However a report is a report, does it matter who it is?

Why does the person need to be "worthy"? Why should a report only show positives. Can people not learn from mistakes?
At 12 years old they don't want kids thinking for themselves they want obedient little drones who repeat what propaganda they are fed. It was Langston Hughes.

Wait, so your daughter could write ANYTHING SHE WANTED in this report about Langston Hughes right?

She could go onto any number of internet sites, she could choose her viewpoint of the guy.

Also, what's wrong with writing a report on Langston Hughes? He was black. Is that it?

Oh, it is, isn't it? You went into school demanding that your daughter not write a report on a guy because he's black.
The problem is you've just ignored what was actually said. Religion has been a part of US History, but there's a big difference between teaching that religion exists and teaching religious doctrine.
Not talking about doctrine. Talking about teaching the truth. Our nations history is entwined with religion. What about anti Catholic nativism of 1840’s all the way up to JFK’s election in 1960? If your going to teach this then you better teach background on Protestant Reformation.
No, you and your ilk wanna infect children with your twisted beliefs.
But then so do you, right? Not everyone believes the big bang and evolution. If we are going to eradicate religion from public schools, we also need to eradicate any other teachings against religion.

The fact is, children have been indoctrinated by atheism for decades. Almost every public curriculum teaches evolution. Why should children learn that, since that and the big bang are just as much of a myth at creationism.
Evolution is not against religion and is fact, not faith based.
Evolution as a result of the big bang is not fact. There is no proof the big bang ever happened.

I would argue that what you call evolution is really just adaptation?

The problem is, there were no humans around in the dinosaur era. In fact there is no evidence of mammals at all from further back than about 225 million years ago.

Adaption? I mean, there was nothing human like. The adaption process has happened so radically that you can go from dinosaurs to humans in the space of a few hundred million years.

Also, evolution IS ADAPTATION.
This started in the 1960’s with the culture revolution that advocated the destruction of families and family values. In 1983 John Dunphy summed it up in The Humanist. His revolution lives on in the heartbeat of the usurped Democratic Party and the banner is carried by people like Barack Hussein Obama and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Secular Humanism
Let’s not forget this little quote from Marxist college educator Susan Sontag:
“The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.”
- Susan Sontag

You haven't a fucking clue what liberals think.

You despise liberals - to the point of obvious emotional disability as every thread you start seems more filled with hatred and bile for people whom you do not even know. Clearly you have few/no liberals friends. And you have decided to assume that your worst possible thoughts about liberals MUST reflect ALL liberals. You are clearly a hate-filled, mentally disturbed, useless old man.

And why are you angry? It is OBVIOUS. You fucked up your life and you are looking to blame others for your mistakes (sounds like your Messiah - President Bone Spurs). There is NO WAY you would be this angry if your life was chance whatsoever. So you blame others - and you decided it's libs that are to blame (God knows who you blame in the real world).

So now, as your life dwindles down to a few 'precious' days, you are spending them spouting off to a right wing board so Trumpbots just/almost as fucked up as you can tell you how right you are. So you all can revel in your mutual hatred of the 'boogie man' liberals. How pathetic.

I got news for you moron...there are millions of good liberals, just as there are millions of good conservatives. Your kind of blind hatred belongs in the past. And when you die, you and your kind will quickly be forgotten. Hate-filled people almost always are.

And don't bother replying. I would not waste one second reading your gobbledegook replies to me.

Have a nice day---you seem to need some.
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Religion is part of American history. Goes all the way back to the Puritan beliefs that those in power serve with the consent of the governed (Mayflower Compact) and George Whitfield and the concept of being “born again.” We could reject Church of England (hence rejecting the King) and be born again as a new nation. Don’t teach that the American Revolution was led by liberal secularists. That was the French Revolution that came later. But that has not been taught in our classrooms because it goes against the ideas of the 1960’s New Revolution.

The problem is you've just ignored what was actually said. Religion has been a part of US History, but there's a big difference between teaching that religion exists and teaching religious doctrine.
Not talking about doctrine. Talking about teaching the truth. Our nations history is entwined with religion. What about anti Catholic nativism of 1840’s all the way up to JFK’s election in 1960? If your going to teach this then you better teach background on Protestant Reformation.
No, you and your ilk wanna infect children with your twisted beliefs.
But then so do you, right? Not everyone believes the big bang and evolution. If we are going to eradicate religion from public schools, we also need to eradicate any other teachings against religion.

The fact is, children have been indoctrinated by atheism for decades. Almost every public curriculum teaches evolution. Why should children learn that, since that and the big bang are just as much of a myth at creationism.

No, the Big Bang and evolution are hardly "just as much a myth" as creationism.

Creationism was just made up. The Big Bang and evolution are theories which have stood the test of time in the scientific community. Maybe later on they won't, but creationism wouldn't last 1 second in the scientific community.
Big bang was also just made up. Even you said it in your response, it's just a theory.

Look at radio carbon dating. The half life of the carbon in any object is 5700 years. Which means, if I read correctly, they can only carbon date something back to about 55000 years. All this "65 million years" ago stuff is nonsense. There is no way for them to have know how much carbon and nitrogen were in the atmosphere back then, let alone how much carbon was in the object they were testing.

What it boils down to is, you are either going to believe something someone wrote in a science book, or believe something someone wrote in a letter 2000 years ago.

In the general scheme of things, neither has concrete proof.

Also, why does it bother people what others believe. As long as nobody is forcing on you or your kids, why do you care. If you dont like it or believe in it, then ignore it, but dont try to deny those who do believe.
Yep. They HATE it when parents fight back. Like when my now 12 year old was told to do a report on a known homosexual,communist and all around piece of shit....emailed her teacher and told her it was NOT gonna happen and she backed down and let my daughter pick a different person to do a report on.

Or maybe you're just teaching your child to be disrespectful.

Just because someone is a "known homosexual, communist" etc, doesn't mean someone can't do a report on that person.

Teaching them to make their own arguments about that person is what it should be about.
There was NO REASON that person should have been even considered for a 6th graders curriculum. I made sure it was removed at least for my child to do a report on. That's my job as a parent.She can do a report on someone worthy of having a report done on them.

Well I cannot comment on the individual as I don't know who they are. However a report is a report, does it matter who it is?

Why does the person need to be "worthy"? Why should a report only show positives. Can people not learn from mistakes?
At 12 years old they don't want kids thinking for themselves they want obedient little drones who repeat what propaganda they are fed. It was Langston Hughes.

Wait, so your daughter could write ANYTHING SHE WANTED in this report about Langston Hughes right?

She could go onto any number of internet sites, she could choose her viewpoint of the guy.

Also, what's wrong with writing a report on Langston Hughes? He was black. Is that it?

Oh, it is, isn't it? You went into school demanding that your daughter not write a report on a guy because he's black.
He as a homosexual communist. Do it on Marcus Garvey or Malcolm X at least they were blacks of decent character and people to be written about.
This started in the 1960’s with the culture revolution that advocated the destruction of families and family values. In 1983 John Dunphy summed it up in The Humanist. His revolution lives on in the heartbeat of the usurped Democratic Party and the banner is carried by people like Barack Hussein Obama and Alexandria Ocasio Cortez.
Secular Humanism
Let’s not forget this little quote from Marxist college educator Susan Sontag:
“The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone — its ideologies and inventions — which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.”
- Susan Sontag

You haven't a fucking clue what liberals think.

You despise liberals - to the point of obvious emotional disability as every thread you start seems more filled with hatred and bile for people whom you do not even know. Clearly you have few/no liberals friends. And you have decided to assume that your worst possible thoughts about liberals MUST reflect ALL liberals. You are clearly a hate-filled, mentally disturbed, useless old man.

And why are you angry? It is OBVIOUS. You fucked up your life and you are looking to blame others for your mistakes (sounds like your Messiah - President Bone Spurs). There is NO WAY you would be this angry if your life was chance whatsoever. So you blame others - and you decided it's libs that are to blame (God knows who you blame in the real world).

So now, as your life dwindles down to a few 'precious' days, you are spending them spouting off to a right wing board so Trumpbots just/almost as fucked up as you can tell you how right you are. So you all can revel in your mutual hatred of the 'boogie man' liberals. How pathetic.

I got news for you moron...there are millions of good liberals, just as there are millions of good conservatives. Your kind of blind hatred belongs in the past. And when you die, you and your kind will quickly be forgotten. Hate-filled people almost always are.

And don't bother replying. I would not waste one second reading your gobbledegook replies to me.

Have a nice day---you seem to need some.
Denouncing a hate filled post, by posting a hate filled post....classic...
You started off your little tirade with a bald faced lie. Conservatives do NOT want classrooms to be neutral, that's why they are always fighting to include religious myths as of they were facts.
Religion is part of American history. Goes all the way back to the Puritan beliefs that those in power serve with the consent of the governed (Mayflower Compact) and George Whitfield and the concept of being “born again.” We could reject Church of England (hence rejecting the King) and be born again as a new nation. Don’t teach that the American Revolution was led by liberal secularists. That was the French Revolution that came later. But that has not been taught in our classrooms because it goes against the ideas of the 1960’s New Revolution.
Freedom from religion was a big reason for the founding of the country. However the tenets of the faith are not pertinent to that nor are they facts, they are myths and should not be taught in school. If you want you kids to learn about yer all powerful father figure you teach them or send them to church.
I'm curious, which public schools are teaching religion? It's been awhile since I was in school. I dont recall any of the schools I went to teaching religion.

In fact, most schools I remember teach atheism in the form of teaching the big bang and evolution.

Here's one for ya, what if some think the big bang and evolution are a myth, perhaps we need to stop teaching that in school as well?
Come to Kansas. There's a school.down the street in a mostly Catholic town called Garden Plain. Public school, public funding USD 267. Religion class is taught there.
Ok, now there's a difference. That sounds like it's an elective class, meaning you have to specifically sign up for it. It's not like the teachers in social studies and science class are teaching religion.

Also, if the school is going to teach an atheistic view of the world, perhaps it's good that there is a religious alternative, for those that choose.

This is not a required class, correct?
It is a required class. My sister had to go to the local school board to get an exemption for her kids. They have some sorta waver from the state to allow them to teach it in a public school.
The problem is you've just ignored what was actually said. Religion has been a part of US History, but there's a big difference between teaching that religion exists and teaching religious doctrine.
Not talking about doctrine. Talking about teaching the truth. Our nations history is entwined with religion. What about anti Catholic nativism of 1840’s all the way up to JFK’s election in 1960? If your going to teach this then you better teach background on Protestant Reformation.
No, you and your ilk wanna infect children with your twisted beliefs.
But then so do you, right? Not everyone believes the big bang and evolution. If we are going to eradicate religion from public schools, we also need to eradicate any other teachings against religion.

The fact is, children have been indoctrinated by atheism for decades. Almost every public curriculum teaches evolution. Why should children learn that, since that and the big bang are just as much of a myth at creationism.
Evolution is not against religion and is fact, not faith based.
Evolution as a result of the big bang is not fact. There is no proof the big bang ever happened.

I would argue that what you call evolution is really just adaptation?
You guys and this nonsense... SMH.
Freedom from religion was a big reason for the founding of the country. However the tenets of the faith are not pertinent to that nor are they facts, they are myths and should not be taught in school. If you want you kids to learn about yer all powerful father figure you teach them or send them to church.
I'm curious, which public schools are teaching religion? It's been awhile since I was in school. I dont recall any of the schools I went to teaching religion.

In fact, most schools I remember teach atheism in the form of teaching the big bang and evolution.

Here's one for ya, what if some think the big bang and evolution are a myth, perhaps we need to stop teaching that in school as well?
Come to Kansas. There's a school.down the street in a mostly Catholic town called Garden Plain. Public school, public funding USD 267. Religion class is taught there.
So your a humanist in the middle of decent people.
I'm a normal person in the middle of a buncha whack-a-doos.
Really? 75% of America, and 70% of the world would disagree with you.
Doubt that.
Religion is part of American history. Goes all the way back to the Puritan beliefs that those in power serve with the consent of the governed (Mayflower Compact) and George Whitfield and the concept of being “born again.” We could reject Church of England (hence rejecting the King) and be born again as a new nation. Don’t teach that the American Revolution was led by liberal secularists. That was the French Revolution that came later. But that has not been taught in our classrooms because it goes against the ideas of the 1960’s New Revolution.
Freedom from religion was a big reason for the founding of the country. However the tenets of the faith are not pertinent to that nor are they facts, they are myths and should not be taught in school. If you want you kids to learn about yer all powerful father figure you teach them or send them to church.
I'm curious, which public schools are teaching religion? It's been awhile since I was in school. I dont recall any of the schools I went to teaching religion.

In fact, most schools I remember teach atheism in the form of teaching the big bang and evolution.

Here's one for ya, what if some think the big bang and evolution are a myth, perhaps we need to stop teaching that in school as well?
Come to Kansas. There's a school.down the street in a mostly Catholic town called Garden Plain. Public school, public funding USD 267. Religion class is taught there.
Ok, now there's a difference. That sounds like it's an elective class, meaning you have to specifically sign up for it. It's not like the teachers in social studies and science class are teaching religion.

Also, if the school is going to teach an atheistic view of the world, perhaps it's good that there is a religious alternative, for those that choose.

This is not a required class, correct?
It is a required class. My sister had to go to the local school board to get an exemption for her kids. They have some sorta waver from the state to allow them to teach it in a public school.
Hmmm, interesting. First I've ever heard of a class specifically teaching religion that was required. So, is this a historical philosophical religion class, or are they preaching and teaching specifically christianity? Either way, I agree, something like that should not be mandatory, but then neither should atheistic based science classes that teach Darwin and the big bang.
The problem is you've just ignored what was actually said. Religion has been a part of US History, but there's a big difference between teaching that religion exists and teaching religious doctrine.
Not talking about doctrine. Talking about teaching the truth. Our nations history is entwined with religion. What about anti Catholic nativism of 1840’s all the way up to JFK’s election in 1960? If your going to teach this then you better teach background on Protestant Reformation.
No, you and your ilk wanna infect children with your twisted beliefs.
But then so do you, right? Not everyone believes the big bang and evolution. If we are going to eradicate religion from public schools, we also need to eradicate any other teachings against religion.

The fact is, children have been indoctrinated by atheism for decades. Almost every public curriculum teaches evolution. Why should children learn that, since that and the big bang are just as much of a myth at creationism.

No, the Big Bang and evolution are hardly "just as much a myth" as creationism.

Creationism was just made up. The Big Bang and evolution are theories which have stood the test of time in the scientific community. Maybe later on they won't, but creationism wouldn't last 1 second in the scientific community.
Big bang was also just made up. Even you said it in your response, it's just a theory.

Look at radio carbon dating. The half life of the carbon in any object is 5700 years. Which means, if I read correctly, they can only carbon date something back to about 55000 years. All this "65 million years" ago stuff is nonsense. There is no way for them to have know how much carbon and nitrogen were in the atmosphere back then, let alone how much carbon was in the object they were testing.

What it boils down to is, you are either going to believe something someone wrote in a science book, or believe something someone wrote in a letter 2000 years ago.

In the general scheme of things, neither has concrete proof.

Also, why does it bother people what others believe. As long as nobody is forcing on you or your kids, why do you care. If you dont like it or believe in it, then ignore it, but dont try to deny those who do believe.

The difference is the Big Bang theory is a theory based on scientific evidence. It's not made up.

What Is The Evidence For The Big Bang? - Universe Today

Here, for example, is a website with evidence that scientists and astronomers use that leads them to believe the Big Bang theory could be correct.

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