Liberals - Time to Rise, Shine and Blame President Bush !!!

Lets make a deal. Those who voted for Bush..can pay off everything Bush started, implemented and deployed. Same with Obama.

I'm in. Anyone else?
In 2000, the national deficit was $5,674,178,209,886.86. By 2008, it was $10,024,724,896,912.49
These stats are from Treasury Direct's website.
(sorry, can't do URLs yet)
And who got Osama?

A team of United States Navy Seals. That's who.
President Obama's proposed 2013 budget will forecast a $901 billion deficit for next year, falling far short of his goal to halve the deficit in four years.

When the right wing in Congress is ready to get rid of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy let us know.

Until then you've got no standing to bitch about the deficit.

Yeah, and when Obama had both the Senate and the House loaded with his party, when he had come off a big win, he compromised, so much for his campaign promise of immediately eliminating the tax cuts for the rich.

He didn't need to compromise, he could have set down his plan, why didn't he? Because the rich that backed him didn't want it, that's why.

Focus on the real issue instead of the partisan BS.
Obama gonna fix it...
White House: US Deficit To Rise, Then Fall
February 11, 2012 - President Barack Obama’s proposed government budget calls for a slightly higher U.S. deficit for the remainder of this year, then a smaller deficit next year. The president will unveil his budget plan on Monday.
An outline of the president’s budget, released Friday, shows the deficit increasing to $1.33 trillion for the remainder of 2012, a small increase from last year’s $1.3 trillion shortfall. The spending plan forecasts a drop in the deficit in 2013, to $901 billion, which fails to meet Mr. Obama’s goal to cut the deficit in half in his first four years in office. The president’s plan will include about $1 trillion in spending cuts, as part of an agreement with Congress, which Mr. Obama signed into law last August. The president wants to cut another $3 trillion from annual deficits over the next 10 years, while spending more in the short term to speed the economic recovery.

The Pentagon is in line for an unusual amount of budget-cutting. Defense spending would be reduced by almost a half-trillion dollars from last year’s White House budget proposal. The administration says savings from ending the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan will yield about $850 billion in savings in the coming decade. The president says that money will be used to pay for new roads and railways, and to reduce the deficit. Mr. Obama’s budget calls for new spending on education, manufacturing, and research and development. Another $350 billion would go to strengthening economic growth. The president’s plan may have a difficult time getting approval from Congress. Trimming the 2013 deficit will depend in part on ending tax cuts for wealthy Americans, which Republicans have strongly opposed.

A spokesman for House of Representatives Speaker John Boehner, in an email, blasted the proposal as an “unserious budget” and “a recipe for debt, doubt and decline.” He warned that it would impose massive tax increases on small businesses while piling up enormous debt. House Republicans plan to offer their own budget plan next month. Theirs would reject tax increases and would include deeper cuts in government spending. The president will announce his budget plan Monday, at a community college near Washington.


Obama has given in to lots of cuts. Nothing would be enough for the GOP shy of ending social security and medicare and defunding the EPA and Public education, post office, FEMA, etc. Everything but the bloated military. That they will increase spending on. Bombs not Mail.

And if they really want to balance the budget they would know we need the Bush tax cuts to end. But instead they are going after social programs that help the poor and middle class. And instead of balancing the budget, anytime they find some savings they give it to corporations in the form of tax breaks.

They will never shrink the debt. Only Ron Paul talks about the debt. Notice that? Not deficit, but debt. Difference. The GOP aren't talking about paying down the $14 trillion dollar debt. If they are, show me Romney's plan. He doesn't have one. Only Ron Paul does. WHich is why he doesn't have a chance. Not with the corporations controlling the entire process.

The only thing they don't control is our vote. Thank God the internet is there to counter the now corporate controlled media. Its a lot harder for them to lie to us when we have the world at our finger tips.

Remember when there was no internet and only 3 channels? I do. We thought Reagan was great! Meanwhile he was the beginning of the end. Breaking unions, sending jobs overseas, letting 10 million illegals in to do "jobs Americans won't do", and eventually jobs we will do, at a decent wage.

Republicans stopped caring about this country years ago. They insist they are for the constitution, yet proposed 42 amendments to change it. Red States are among the poorest and most mismanaged in the nation. They can only win through voter suppression because they have no ideas to help the middle class, a portion of the US they despise only slightly less than the poor. Point these things out and they scream "liar", but can't deny these facts.

The right wing's desire to send American jobs overseas, end health care for American workers, slash education for the middle class and deconstruct the EPA signals that we will have a very rough going over the next couple of decades. It will only end when more of them stand up and say "enough".
When the right wing in Congress is ready to get rid of the Bush tax cuts for the wealthy let us know.

Until then you've got no standing to bitch about the deficit.

2013 stupid fuck


2013 Bush =/= President


Can you fucking read?

That's real classy there, Frank. You must have gone to private school. Regardless of who may be President, they're still called "The Bush Tax Cuts" by pretty much everyone and the right wing in Congress has been fighting tooth and nail to keep them.

If they wanted to undo the cuts, they could have done so with their vetoproof majority, when will Progressives start taking responsibility for the damage they've inflicted on our economy, 2018?
2013 stupid fuck


2013 bush =/= president


can you fucking read?

that's real classy there, frank. You must have gone to private school. Regardless of who may be president, they're still called "the bush tax cuts" by pretty much everyone and the right wing in congress has been fighting tooth and nail to keep them.

if they wanted to undo the cuts, they could have done so with their vetoproof majority, when will progressives start taking responsibility for the damage they've inflicted on our economy, 2018?

How is a budget defecit of 901 billion make a 1.3 trillion deficit?

Just curious on the math.
If they wanted to undo the cuts, they could have done so with their vetoproof majority, when will Progressives start taking responsibility for the damage they've inflicted on our economy, 2018?

I have to agree that Barack Obama's efforts at bipartisanship in his first 2 years in office were misguided. I think that he badly underestimated the willingness of the Republican Party to hurt America to further their own narrow and vindictive goals.

Whatever the causes of the Financial Crisis of '08 were. Whatever mistakes were made and whatever changes need to be made to ensure that it will never happen again - one thing is clear: The Bush Administration and the Republican Congresses of '01 - '07 were 100% responsible for causing that mess.... and that is the mess that we're cleaning up now.

This is not to say that the Bush Administration bears all responsibility for the budget deficit. That mess has been going on since Reagan.
Liberals? Care to chime in on behalf of the Messiah In Chief?


You stated that the most important issue in the election for you is the fact that the president is sending young men to die.

I get that you aren't going to vote for Obama.

But how in the hell could you vote for Romney/Santorum/Gingrich who have all endorsed a completely hawkish position on Iran

I mean, I could understand if you were a Paul supporter, but you hate Paul.

So what gives?
If they wanted to undo the cuts, they could have done so with their vetoproof majority, when will Progressives start taking responsibility for the damage they've inflicted on our economy, 2018?

I have to agree that Barack Obama's efforts at bipartisanship in his first 2 years in office were misguided. I think that he badly underestimated the willingness of the Republican Party to hurt America to further their own narrow and vindictive goals.

Whatever the causes of the Financial Crisis of '08 were. Whatever mistakes were made and whatever changes need to be made to ensure that it will never happen again - one thing is clear: The Bush Administration and the Republican Congresses of '01 - '07 were 100% responsible for causing that mess.... and that is the mess that we're cleaning up now.

This is not to say that the Bush Administration bears all responsibility for the budget deficit. That mess has been going on since Reagan.

Republicans like Frank have so little understanding it's a shame. That lack of understanding is a major reason they cause so much damage.

Democrats couldn't end the Bush tax cuts because they were passed through reconciliation. Republicans also don't understand the Democratic Party. They keep insisting Obama had a veto proof majority. The truth is there are conservatives in the Democratic Party who vote Republican. They just don't like Republicans. I don't know why. There are no liberals in the Republican Party, unless they're masochists.

Republicans have shown they will vote in a block again and again. It's rare for Democrats because of the diversity within the Democratic Party. Republicans are 90% white and mostly Christian which translates into very little diversity.

The Republican leadership use their base and keep them in line through twin policies of racism and terrorism. They play on racial fears. And the scare them back into line. All those threats of socialism, fascism and so on prove that without a doubt. When Republicans read this, they know it to be true. They scream "liar", but can't really deny the facts.
If they wanted to undo the cuts, they could have done so with their vetoproof majority, when will Progressives start taking responsibility for the damage they've inflicted on our economy, 2018?

I have to agree that Barack Obama's efforts at bipartisanship in his first 2 years in office were misguided. I think that he badly underestimated the willingness of the Republican Party to hurt America to further their own narrow and vindictive goals.

Whatever the causes of the Financial Crisis of '08 were. Whatever mistakes were made and whatever changes need to be made to ensure that it will never happen again - one thing is clear: The Bush Administration and the Republican Congresses of '01 - '07 were 100% responsible for causing that mess.... and that is the mess that we're cleaning up now.

This is not to say that the Bush Administration bears all responsibility for the budget deficit. That mess has been going on since Reagan.

Republicans like Frank have so little understanding it's a shame. That lack of understanding is a major reason they cause so much damage.

Democrats couldn't end the Bush tax cuts because they were passed through reconciliation. Republicans also don't understand the Democratic Party. They keep insisting Obama had a veto proof majority. The truth is there are conservatives in the Democratic Party who vote Republican. They just don't like Republicans. I don't know why. There are no liberals in the Republican Party, unless they're masochists.

Republicans have shown they will vote in a block again and again. It's rare for Democrats because of the diversity within the Democratic Party. Republicans are 90% white and mostly Christian which translates into very little diversity.

The Republican leadership use their base and keep them in line through twin policies of racism and terrorism. They play on racial fears. And the scare them back into line. All those threats of socialism, fascism and so on prove that without a doubt. When Republicans read this, they know it to be true. They scream "liar", but can't really deny the facts.


We have diversity within our Democratic Party

We have diversity within our Democratic Party

We have diversity within our Democratic Party

We have diversity within our Democratic Party
If they wanted to undo the cuts, they could have done so with their vetoproof majority, when will Progressives start taking responsibility for the damage they've inflicted on our economy, 2018?

I have to agree that Barack Obama's efforts at bipartisanship in his first 2 years in office were misguided. I think that he badly underestimated the willingness of the Republican Party to hurt America to further their own narrow and vindictive goals.

Whatever the causes of the Financial Crisis of '08 were. Whatever mistakes were made and whatever changes need to be made to ensure that it will never happen again - one thing is clear: The Bush Administration and the Republican Congresses of '01 - '07 were 100% responsible for causing that mess.... and that is the mess that we're cleaning up now.

This is not to say that the Bush Administration bears all responsibility for the budget deficit. That mess has been going on since Reagan.

Got it, you're a tool and an idiot
Let's not forget $800,000,000 for the Muslim Brotherhood!!!!!!!
If they wanted to undo the cuts, they could have done so with their vetoproof majority, when will Progressives start taking responsibility for the damage they've inflicted on our economy, 2018?

I have to agree that Barack Obama's efforts at bipartisanship in his first 2 years in office were misguided. I think that he badly underestimated the willingness of the Republican Party to hurt America to further their own narrow and vindictive goals.

Whatever the causes of the Financial Crisis of '08 were. Whatever mistakes were made and whatever changes need to be made to ensure that it will never happen again - one thing is clear: The Bush Administration and the Republican Congresses of '01 - '07 were 100% responsible for causing that mess.... and that is the mess that we're cleaning up now.

This is not to say that the Bush Administration bears all responsibility for the budget deficit. That mess has been going on since Reagan.

Pssst, the Congress of '07 was majority Dem in both House and Senate.

When did the economy start crashing again? :eusa_shhh:
If they wanted to undo the cuts, they could have done so with their vetoproof majority, when will Progressives start taking responsibility for the damage they've inflicted on our economy, 2018?

I have to agree that Barack Obama's efforts at bipartisanship in his first 2 years in office were misguided. I think that he badly underestimated the willingness of the Republican Party to hurt America to further their own narrow and vindictive goals.

Whatever the causes of the Financial Crisis of '08 were. Whatever mistakes were made and whatever changes need to be made to ensure that it will never happen again - one thing is clear: The Bush Administration and the Republican Congresses of '01 - '07 were 100% responsible for causing that mess.... and that is the mess that we're cleaning up now.

This is not to say that the Bush Administration bears all responsibility for the budget deficit. That mess has been going on since Reagan.

So the Republicans are at fault for Obama not following through on his campaign promise of repealing the Bush tax cuts? Even though he had a rock solid majority of Congress and an 80% approval rating? Seriously? That is the excuse? He didn't do it because he didn't want to. This guy will shove it down our throats if he really wanted to, look at health care and now his mandate for church's to allow birth control care for free, sure he pulled back a little, but if he believes in it he pushes it.

So spare the Republican's fault BS, because that is, what it is. Misguide my ass, Obama is a smart man and you are playing stupid.
If they wanted to undo the cuts, they could have done so with their vetoproof majority, when will Progressives start taking responsibility for the damage they've inflicted on our economy, 2018?

I have to agree that Barack Obama's efforts at bipartisanship in his first 2 years in office were misguided. I think that he badly underestimated the willingness of the Republican Party to hurt America to further their own narrow and vindictive goals.

Whatever the causes of the Financial Crisis of '08 were. Whatever mistakes were made and whatever changes need to be made to ensure that it will never happen again - one thing is clear: The Bush Administration and the Republican Congresses of '01 - '07 were 100% responsible for causing that mess.... and that is the mess that we're cleaning up now.

This is not to say that the Bush Administration bears all responsibility for the budget deficit. That mess has been going on since Reagan.

So the Republicans are at fault for Obama not following through on his campaign promise of repealing the Bush tax cuts? Even though he had a rock solid majority of Congress and an 80% approval rating? Seriously? That is the excuse? He didn't do it because he didn't want to. This guy will shove it down our throats if he really wanted to, look at health care and now his mandate for church's to allow birth control care for free, sure he pulled back a little, but if he believes in it he pushes it.

So spare the Republican's fault BS, because that is, what it is. Misguide my ass, Obama is a smart man and you are playing stupid.

This is always the case with liberals, they will NEVER take responosibility for their policies.

When Obama was in office with an all Dem Congress, they still blammed the minority Republicans for blocking what they really wanted to pass.

Yet when Bush had an all Dem Congress....well....all that legislation passed between 07-09 was all Bush's bad policies, not the Dems that had a big majority!

Double standards are a pillar of liberal faith.
When Obama was in office with an all Dem Congress, they still blammed the minority Republicans for blocking what they really wanted to pass.

Yet when Bush had an all Dem Congress....well....all that legislation passed between 07-09 was all Bush's bad policies, not the Dems that had a big majority!

Double standards are a pillar of liberal faith.

It's laughable to entertain any notion that the Financial Crisis of '08 was due to bad policy in the Democratic controlled 110th Congress. Even a child's look at the facts shows that it was 100% due to the maladministration of arguably the worst President in the history of the USA and a trio of Republican Congresses (107-109) so inept that it's much easier to remember their gay sex scandals than any good they may have done.

It's easy to see that the 110th Congress made some moves in the right direction but it was too little too late. By the time Obama came in the crisis was already in full swing. In some ways now we're seeing some daylight - but I see no reason. None whatsoever. Absolutely zilch - to think that John McCain would have handled the situation better than Obama has.

Alot of people don't realize that our Democracy doesn't allow you to vote against a candidate.

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