Liberals We Be Laughing At You! Op/ED

Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!


We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..

Yep, and if you would clean the beer cans out of the front yard, get off the coach, and get a job, you would win even more. But then, you are a red state 'Conservative', and that is totally against your religion.

I live in a 800,000.00 house and there

aren't any beer cans in the front yard...

You probably couldn't do my job if your

life depended on it....

You liberals are the moochers.

If the level of your posts here so far is any indication ---- a toad could do your job.

I know it's a waste of time to actually
debate a liberal hoping they will see
the light. So I just specialize in making
fools of you......
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!


We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..

Yep, and if you would clean the beer cans out of the front yard, get off the coach, and get a job, you would win even more. But then, you are a red state 'Conservative', and that is totally against your religion.

I live in a 800,000.00 house and there

aren't any beer cans in the front yard...

You probably couldn't do my job if your

life depended on it....

You liberals are the moochers.

If the level of your posts here so far is any indication ---- a toad could do your job.

I know it's a waste of time to actually
debate a liberal hoping they will see
the light. So I just specialize in making
fools of you......

Is that supposed to be some kind of haiku?
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!


We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..

Yep, and if you would clean the beer cans out of the front yard, get off the coach, and get a job, you would win even more. But then, you are a red state 'Conservative', and that is totally against your religion.

I live in a 800,000.00 house and there

aren't any beer cans in the front yard...

You probably couldn't do my job if your

life depended on it....

You liberals are the moochers.
And I live in a $50,000,000 home, and make that every year. LOL See how easy that was? The intellectual level of your posts are hardly indictative of someone with a high mental capacity.

Wankers. I live in the Taj Mahal and get a Lambourghini delivered every time I take a breath.
Oh and my IQ is 215.
And yet you are posting on my dime! Dead beat.
We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..

Yep, and if you would clean the beer cans out of the front yard, get off the coach, and get a job, you would win even more. But then, you are a red state 'Conservative', and that is totally against your religion.

I live in a 800,000.00 house and there

aren't any beer cans in the front yard...

You probably couldn't do my job if your

life depended on it....

You liberals are the moochers.
And I live in a $50,000,000 home, and make that every year. LOL See how easy that was? The intellectual level of your posts are hardly indictative of someone with a high mental capacity.

Wankers. I live in the Taj Mahal and get a Lambourghini delivered every time I take a breath.
Oh and my IQ is 215.
And yet you are posting on my dime! Dead beat.

You got me. Yes it's true, I get paid more when I laugh. That's why I traipse into your pathetic threads.
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!

Oh, we will be at the polls in 2018, and again in 2020, when we replace President Pence with someone actually fit for the job.

You are pissing in the wind...

President Donald J. Trump gets

stronger with every passing day....

You should be use to getting your

ass kicked by now....

And there is much "Moore" to come...
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!


We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..

Yep, and if you would clean the beer cans out of the front yard, get off the coach, and get a job, you would win even more. But then, you are a red state 'Conservative', and that is totally against your religion.

I live in a 800,000.00 house and there

aren't any beer cans in the front yard...

You probably couldn't do my job if your

life depended on it....

You liberals are the moochers.
And I live in a $50,000,000 home, and make that every year. LOL See how easy that was? The intellectual level of your posts are hardly indictative of someone with a high mental capacity.

Wankers. I live in the Taj Mahal and get a Lambourghini delivered every time I take a breath.
Oh and my IQ is 215.

Would you care to back up your

mouth with a wager?
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!


We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..

Yep, and if you would clean the beer cans out of the front yard, get off the coach, and get a job, you would win even more. But then, you are a red state 'Conservative', and that is totally against your religion.

I live in a 800,000.00 house and there

aren't any beer cans in the front yard...

You probably couldn't do my job if your

life depended on it....

You liberals are the moochers.
And I live in a $50,000,000 home, and make that every year. LOL See how easy that was? The intellectual level of your posts are hardly indictative of someone with a high mental capacity.

Would you care to make a wager?
What a great thread. One klown thinks he's got an IQ of 214, another thinks he has an "800.00 house".

We should be "use to" it I guess.
We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..

Yep, and if you would clean the beer cans out of the front yard, get off the coach, and get a job, you would win even more. But then, you are a red state 'Conservative', and that is totally against your religion.

I live in a 800,000.00 house and there

aren't any beer cans in the front yard...

You probably couldn't do my job if your

life depended on it....

You liberals are the moochers.
And I live in a $50,000,000 home, and make that every year. LOL See how easy that was? The intellectual level of your posts are hardly indictative of someone with a high mental capacity.

Wankers. I live in the Taj Mahal and get a Lambourghini delivered every time I take a breath.
Oh and my IQ is 215.

Would you care to back up your

mouth with a wager?

You want a Lambourghini? I got plenty.

Meet me at the Taj Mahal. The screen door at the back.
What a great thread. One klown thinks he's got an IQ of 214, another thinks he has an "800.00 house".

We should be "use to" it I guess.

You vile vulgar liberals brand anyone that

disagrees with you as either a Racist or

trailer trash because you are mentally bankrupt.

You make me want to puke.

We all know who the real losers and parasites are..
We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..

Yep, and if you would clean the beer cans out of the front yard, get off the coach, and get a job, you would win even more. But then, you are a red state 'Conservative', and that is totally against your religion.

I live in a 800,000.00 house and there

aren't any beer cans in the front yard...

You probably couldn't do my job if your

life depended on it....

You liberals are the moochers.
And I live in a $50,000,000 home, and make that every year. LOL See how easy that was? The intellectual level of your posts are hardly indictative of someone with a high mental capacity.

Wankers. I live in the Taj Mahal and get a Lambourghini delivered every time I take a breath.
Oh and my IQ is 215.
And yet you are posting on my dime! Dead beat.
Oh my, does that mean that you are going to pay my electric bill? Why, thank you! LOL It is a thread on an internet message board, you do not own it. You are only the fellow that opened with a dumb ass OP. LOL
Yep, and if you would clean the beer cans out of the front yard, get off the coach, and get a job, you would win even more. But then, you are a red state 'Conservative', and that is totally against your religion.

I live in a 800,000.00 house and there

aren't any beer cans in the front yard...

You probably couldn't do my job if your

life depended on it....

You liberals are the moochers.
And I live in a $50,000,000 home, and make that every year. LOL See how easy that was? The intellectual level of your posts are hardly indictative of someone with a high mental capacity.

Wankers. I live in the Taj Mahal and get a Lambourghini delivered every time I take a breath.
Oh and my IQ is 215.

Would you care to back up your

mouth with a wager?

You want a Lambourghini? I got plenty.

Meet me at the Taj Mahal. The screen door at the back.

Like all liberals you are full of shit....

I knew you wouldn't back up your mouth

with a wager..................
I live in a 800,000.00 house and there

aren't any beer cans in the front yard...

You probably couldn't do my job if your

life depended on it....

You liberals are the moochers.
And I live in a $50,000,000 home, and make that every year. LOL See how easy that was? The intellectual level of your posts are hardly indictative of someone with a high mental capacity.

Wankers. I live in the Taj Mahal and get a Lambourghini delivered every time I take a breath.
Oh and my IQ is 215.

Would you care to back up your

mouth with a wager?

You want a Lambourghini? I got plenty.

Meet me at the Taj Mahal. The screen door at the back.

Like all liberals you are full of shit....

I knew you wouldn't back up your mouth

with a wager..................

I do take PayPal. Should be easy for ya.

Who the fuck bets on a message board though? If you, let's say, put up leaving the board in the event you lost, all you'd have to do is come back calling yourself "Cheerful Prince" in Welsh or some shit. And then you're a Liability.
What a great thread. One klown thinks he's got an IQ of 214, another thinks he has an "800.00 house".

We should be "use to" it I guess.

You vile vulgar liberals brand anyone that

disagrees with you as either a Racist or

trailer trash because you are mentally bankrupt.

You make me want to puke.

We all know who the real losers and parasites are..

I do huh.

--------------------------------------------------------- Links?
And I live in a $50,000,000 home, and make that every year. LOL See how easy that was? The intellectual level of your posts are hardly indictative of someone with a high mental capacity.

Wankers. I live in the Taj Mahal and get a Lambourghini delivered every time I take a breath.
Oh and my IQ is 215.

Would you care to back up your

mouth with a wager?

You want a Lambourghini? I got plenty.

Meet me at the Taj Mahal. The screen door at the back.

Like all liberals you are full of shit....

I knew you wouldn't back up your mouth

with a wager..................

I do take PayPal. Should be easy for ya.

Who the fuck bets on a message board though? If you, let's say, put up leaving the board in the event you lost, all you'd have to do is come back calling yourself "Cheerful Prince" in Welsh or some shit. And then you're a Liability.

Lets pick someone here to hold the money....
We can both mail it to them to hold.
I will let you name the amount.
Your move chicken shit.

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