Liberals We Be Laughing At You! Op/ED

Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!


We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..


What really fascinates me is how they are doing the same things they did during the election last year, making the same mistakes, spouting the same lies and this time they really think it’s going to work! Lol.

I can’t get enough of it.
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!


We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..


Looks like you spelled "hallucinating" wrong.

For one thing, it's not spelled in ALL CAPS.

You are hallucinating....

Either that or your reading skills are not all that.

Read it again Dummy...
What a great thread. One klown thinks he's got an IQ of 214, another thinks he has an "800.00 house".

We should be "use to" it I guess.

You vile vulgar liberals brand anyone that

disagrees with you as either a Racist or

trailer trash because you are mentally bankrupt.

You make me want to puke.

We all know who the real losers and parasites are..

I do huh.

--------------------------------------------------------- Links?

So ---------------- no links huh. What a surprise.

Was this a bet? What'd I win? Hope it's not another Lambourghini.
What a great thread. One klown thinks he's got an IQ of 214, another thinks he has an "800.00 house".

We should be "use to" it I guess.

You vile vulgar liberals brand anyone that

disagrees with you as either a Racist or

trailer trash because you are mentally bankrupt.

You make me want to puke.

We all know who the real losers and parasites are..

I do huh.

--------------------------------------------------------- Links?

So ---------------- no links huh. What a surprise.

Was this a bet? What'd I win? Hope it's not another Lambourghini.

Now you are trying to change the subject...

The bet was about my house....

We both know you don't have a clue...
What a great thread. One klown thinks he's got an IQ of 214, another thinks he has an "800.00 house".

We should be "use to" it I guess.

You vile vulgar liberals brand anyone that

disagrees with you as either a Racist or

trailer trash because you are mentally bankrupt.

You make me want to puke.

We all know who the real losers and parasites are..

I do huh.

--------------------------------------------------------- Links?

So ---------------- no links huh. What a surprise.

Was this a bet? What'd I win? Hope it's not another Lambourghini.

Now you are trying to change the subject...

The bet was about my house....

We both know you don't have a clue...

Oh. Sorry, I don't need a dumpster. Thanks though.
What a great thread. One klown thinks he's got an IQ of 214, another thinks he has an "800.00 house".

We should be "use to" it I guess.

You vile vulgar liberals brand anyone that

disagrees with you as either a Racist or

trailer trash because you are mentally bankrupt.

You make me want to puke.

We all know who the real losers and parasites are..

I do huh.

--------------------------------------------------------- Links?

So ---------------- no links huh. What a surprise.

Was this a bet? What'd I win? Hope it's not another Lambourghini.

Now you are trying to change the subject...

The bet was about my house....

We both know you don't have a clue...

Oh. Sorry, I don't need a dumpster. Thanks though.

You're a perfect example of a liberal

beaten to a pulp......

You offer nothing but gibberish...
Roger Ailes and Bill O' Reilly(you didn't spell O'Reilly right 214) fucked themselves by their actions, liberals had not a damn thing to do with it....

liberals have intercoursed us all...........

But now it's payback time

with President Donald J. Trump...

Bend over bandeco...........
Did you get a reach around while being penetrated?

Penetrate yourself....
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!


We are having the time of our life.

I can't wait to wake up every day to

see the news, I hate to go to bed.

The entire liberal Freak Show is falling apart..


Looks like you spelled "hallucinating" wrong.

For one thing, it's not spelled in ALL CAPS.
Your site relevance goes down every day! Watch for the darkness that will occur as the lid closed and wait in fear as you hear the thunder of the water.
Just like you got the Flame Zone closed...
Roger Ailes and Bill O' Reilly(you didn't spell O'Reilly right 214) fucked themselves by their actions, liberals had not a damn thing to do with it....

liberals have intercoursed us all...........

But now it's payback time

with President Donald J. Trump...

Bend over bandeco...........
Did you get a reach around while being penetrated?

Penetrate yourself....
No thanks I'm the alpha...You on the other hand admitted to your submission...
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!

Oh, we will be at the polls in 2018, and again in 2020, when we replace President Pence with someone actually fit for the job.
2018 is over for you! Your liberal media is destroyed. Your Hollywood liberals are destroying each other!
The Christian coalition which you tards so hate has you in their gun sites! It's was Rino season last election and it's pervert season coming up. You will be saying president Pence soon enough! 2024 to be exact!
The way the GOP is about to fuck over seniors, the middle and lower class I don't think Pence will be doing much in 2024 but watching TV...
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!

Oh, we will be at the polls in 2018, and again in 2020, when we replace President Pence with someone actually fit for the job.
2018 is over for you! Your liberal media is destroyed. Your Hollywood liberals are destroying each other!
The Christian coalition which you tards so hate has you in their gun sites! It's was Rino season last election and it's pervert season coming up. You will be saying president Pence soon enough! 2024 to be exact!
The way the GOP is about to fuck over seniors, the middle and lower class I don't think Pence will be doing much in 2024 but watching TV...

It's clear you don't have a clue...

You didn't think Trump would win...

You didn't think he would still be kicking your ass.

Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!

Oh, we will be at the polls in 2018, and again in 2020, when we replace President Pence with someone actually fit for the job.
2018 is over for you! Your liberal media is destroyed. Your Hollywood liberals are destroying each other!
The Christian coalition which you tards so hate has you in their gun sites! It's was Rino season last election and it's pervert season coming up. You will be saying president Pence soon enough! 2024 to be exact!
The way the GOP is about to fuck over seniors, the middle and lower class I don't think Pence will be doing much in 2024 but watching TV...

It's clear you don't have a clue...

You didn't think Trump would win...

You didn't think he would still be kicking your ass.

I voted for him dipshit so try to create more lies, it's all you have...Since you think this is a game of one upmanship...
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that was a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!

Oh, we will be at the polls in 2018, and again in 2020, when we replace President Pence with someone actually fit for the job.
2018 is over for you! Your liberal media is destroyed. Your Hollywood liberals are destroying each other!
The Christian coalition which you tards so hate has you in their gun sites! It's was Rino season last election and it's pervert season coming up. You will be saying president Pence soon enough! 2024 to be exact!
The way the GOP is about to fuck over seniors, the middle and lower class I don't think Pence will be doing much in 2024 but watching TV...

It's clear you don't have a clue...

You didn't think Trump would win...

You didn't think he would still be kicking your ass.

I voted for him dipshit so try to create more lies, it's all you have...Since you think this is a game of one upmanship...

If that's the case, you're not near as

dumb as I thought you were....
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that way a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!

That was beautiful, man.
Oh, we will be at the polls in 2018, and again in 2020, when we replace President Pence with someone actually fit for the job.
2018 is over for you! Your liberal media is destroyed. Your Hollywood liberals are destroying each other!
The Christian coalition which you tards so hate has you in their gun sites! It's was Rino season last election and it's pervert season coming up. You will be saying president Pence soon enough! 2024 to be exact!
The way the GOP is about to fuck over seniors, the middle and lower class I don't think Pence will be doing much in 2024 but watching TV...

It's clear you don't have a clue...

You didn't think Trump would win...

You didn't think he would still be kicking your ass.

I voted for him dipshit so try to create more lies, it's all you have...Since you think this is a game of one upmanship...

If that's the case, you're not near as

dumb as I thought you were....
When these people get elected it doesn't mean they get a free ride, we must still watch them to protect the power of the people..These people work for us, we don't work for them...

add Russel Simmons to the list


Russell Simmons, a prolific music and TV producer and co-founder of Def Jam Recordings, was accused of sexual assault and harassment by model Keri Claussen Khalighi in a Nov. 19 article in the Los Angeles Times. Simmons then denied the incident in a letter published Nov. 22 by The Hollywood Reporter. The letter prompted Jenny Lumet — an award-winning screenwriter (Rachel Getting Married, The Mummy), the daughter of filmmaker Sidney Lumet, and granddaughter of singer/activist Lena Horne — to pen a response detailing her own experience with Simmons.

Writer Jenny Lumet: Russell Simmons Sexually Violated Me (Guest Column)

add Russel Simmons to the list


Russell Simmons, a prolific music and TV producer and co-founder of Def Jam Recordings, was accused of sexual assault and harassment by model Keri Claussen Khalighi in a Nov. 19 article in the Los Angeles Times. Simmons then denied the incident in a letter published Nov. 22 by The Hollywood Reporter. The letter prompted Jenny Lumet — an award-winning screenwriter (Rachel Getting Married, The Mummy), the daughter of filmmaker Sidney Lumet, and granddaughter of singer/activist Lena Horne — to pen a response detailing her own experience with Simmons.

Writer Jenny Lumet: Russell Simmons Sexually Violated Me (Guest Column)
This must've been before Simmons turned homo.
Damn, you morons are like watching old Sunday morning cartoons. Republican's are road runner and Democrats are Wiley Coyote. I mean you did get Roger Ailes and Bill O' Riley. But how many did you slaughter in liberal media or liberal Hollywood or liberal politics? Some of your biggest donors, your most ardent supporters are now UN-employed!

And some of them are going to stay that way a loooong time! Your ambulance chaser Gloria "Duke Lacrosse" Alred put up a fake signature on a book. So fake in fact they used both blue and black in for one inscription! Because you swore like Ol Wiley Coyote you were going to get Judge Roy. Well fuck, you failed and now it's going to cost you about 30 to 40 well known liberals! Conyers is toast and Franken? His future is OVER.

And you idiots are thinking about running Biden? I have watched more shit blow up in your face in the last year then anytime in history. Everything you claim you get caught doing! "The election was fixed"! Yeah it was and YOU did it! Russia, Russia, Russia! Say Uranium 1 three times real fast.

You got your polls, your pundits and whatever. You therapy puppies your hot cocoa. And I suspect you are going to need more. Matt Lauer is NOT going to be there to help you and the head of CNN is in a bit of trouble himself! Hollywood can't help you as they are busy paying legal and rehab fees!

And you got ANOTHER problem, nobody wants to hire you! Nobody wants you around! Not on their TV not on their computer screens and damn sure not in their office! Well you got one thing to look forward to! Think of all the money you will save not going to the polls in 2018!

Nailed it Fury. The Left is all about projection.
LOL We in the blue states are doing just fine. Most of us have employer sponsored health care. It is the people in the red states that are going to be completely fucked over by the treasonous fat senile old orange clown. Their health care costs will go up to the point that they cannot possibly afford health care, and their rural hospitals will close because of the charity load.
They can't afford Obamacare now or the high deductible.

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