Liberals, why not lobby to correct the problem at the root?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
Liberals always want to spend time, effort and energy coming up with new, not so clever ways to funnel more taxpayer cash to our lower class...but why not correct the issue rather than throw other people's money over the top of it and simply 'buy more time'?
So what is the root problem in our country?
NOPE…not the government or any other fabricated excuse…this is even simpler...PARENTS SUCK!
The quality of parenting in low income households is an absolute joke...animals in the wild do a better job. Kids need to know that you have expectations they MUST's not a choice, it's an absolute demand...period! Children need to be micro-managed, mentored, pushed, encouraged, disciplined, held accountable...etc. They need to truly believe that they are SUPPOSE to be successful. Being a good parent is not easy and it takes a lot of work…apparently loser parents on welfare with no job and funded by me can't find the time to put into their kids...They keep their baby factory running and turning out more of the same that I will pay for…UNBELIEVABLE!
This country is made up of excuse makers. In the real world when real people face challenges they usually get to that fork in the road where good decision making (or bad happens). Do I blame some source that I have no control over for my shortcomings and quit trying or do I put my head down and conquer? If society is always telling you that you aren't to blame, it's not your fault and your held back by everybody else...well what kind of philosophies will kids adopt?...What can we expect? Life and success or failure always boils down to your decision making processes. If you're a bad decision maker you're usually a loser....simple.

Let me tell you how simple this is...a simple recipe to succeed in this country:
Learn to speak the english language CLEARLY...rid yourself of any foreign or illiterate accents. Look, dress and act like a legitimate human. (you know exactly what that means)
Go to school...ride a bus, ride your bike, walk...whatever...get educated.
Wake up early and always think about being proactive and productive.
Set and attain goals...surround yourself with others with goals.
Never ever blame others for your struggles. BE ACCOUNTABLE!
Don't break the law. Respect others and their property.
Work...get a job, keep a job until you find your next better job. Ride a bus, ride a bike, walk...just WORK!
Lead your family....Always remind yourself that your kids did not ask to be owe them your very best.
Spend every minute of every day of the rest of your life being better, doing better or thinking about being and doing better.

There you go people...STOP ALL THE EXCUSE MAKING AND GET TO WORK...and parents...step up, grab your balls and do the right thing for once.
It's just that simple. Send me royalty checks please.
I agree parents suck

Rich parents suck too

You should have to get a license
The Schools have them a good portion of each weekday. They should do a better job of Discipline etc. They should identify WHO needs help early on. Get them pulled from a home if need be. I don't care if they don't like it. Maybe you get pulled in/out 100 times? I don't care. Kids are an after thought far too often. Many time a parent is working themselves to death to pay for living. The kids end up on their own. Single parent nonsense ........... 70% in some areas? Come on. That is an issue.

Every kid should have some sort of forced Military training (National service) at age 16 or 18 whatever. Learn to Eat, Sleep, Clean, Work.......the right way. RESPECT.
Righties use poor folk as a scapegoat while the wealthy powers that be rob us blind.
I agree parents suck

Rich parents suck too

You should have to get a license

Some wealthy parents do suck but the problem worth talking about lies in the ghettos, barrios and trailer parks.
100%...there should definitely be an application process for the right to reproduce.
Meanwhile starting about 20 years ago the left started teaching our children there are no consequences to bad choices and no one should be upset so no winning or losing allowed.
Liberals always want to spend time, effort and energy coming up with new, not so clever ways to funnel more taxpayer cash to our lower class...but why not correct the issue rather than throw other people's money over the top of it and simply 'buy more time'?
So what is the root problem in our country?
NOPE…not the government or any other fabricated excuse…this is even simpler...PARENTS SUCK!
The quality of parenting in low income households is an absolute joke...animals in the wild do a better job. Kids need to know that you have expectations they MUST's not a choice, it's an absolute demand...period! Children need to be micro-managed, mentored, pushed, encouraged, disciplined, held accountable...etc. They need to truly believe that they are SUPPOSE to be successful. Being a good parent is not easy and it takes a lot of work…apparently loser parents on welfare with no job and funded by me can't find the time to put into their kids...They keep their baby factory running and turning out more of the same that I will pay for…UNBELIEVABLE!
This country is made up of excuse makers. In the real world when real people face challenges they usually get to that fork in the road where good decision making (or bad happens). Do I blame some source that I have no control over for my shortcomings and quit trying or do I put my head down and conquer? If society is always telling you that you aren't to blame, it's not your fault and your held back by everybody else...well what kind of philosophies will kids adopt?...What can we expect? Life and success or failure always boils down to your decision making processes. If you're a bad decision maker you're usually a loser....simple.

Let me tell you how simple this is...a simple recipe to succeed in this country:
Learn to speak the english language CLEARLY...rid yourself of any foreign or illiterate accents. Look, dress and act like a legitimate human. (you know exactly what that means)
Go to school...ride a bus, ride your bike, walk...whatever...get educated.
Wake up early and always think about being proactive and productive.
Set and attain goals...surround yourself with others with goals.
Never ever blame others for your struggles. BE ACCOUNTABLE!
Don't break the law. Respect others and their property.
Work...get a job, keep a job until you find your next better job. Ride a bus, ride a bike, walk...just WORK!
Lead your family....Always remind yourself that your kids did not ask to be owe them your very best.
Spend every minute of every day of the rest of your life being better, doing better or thinking about being and doing better.

There you go people...STOP ALL THE EXCUSE MAKING AND GET TO WORK...and parents...step up, grab your balls and do the right thing for once.
It's just that simple. Send me royalty checks please.

They will say you are a misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic racist.

Then they will scream "Hate Crime!!!" and run to a safe space to seek shelter from your evil words of disagreement.
Righties use poor folk as a scapegoat while the wealthy powers that be rob us blind.

Spoken like a true bottom feeder…That's supposed to be your position by've done a great job following protocol.
There's no way it could be your's gotta be the system, government or rich people that hold you down… Right?
Hahaha...funny stuff!
Righties use poor folk as a scapegoat while the wealthy powers that be rob us blind.

Are Bill and Hillary among those wealthy powers?

Hillary spent $1.2 billion on the campaign. Which side has wealth?

That $1.2 billion could have helped a lot of poor folk, huh?
Does anyone find it at all peculiar how Lefties will never ever bad mouth a criminal or low-life piece of shit who depends on others to survive yet in a hot second they'll badmouth the shit out of a hard working, stand up, proud, positive contributing REAL American?
Anything wrong with this picture?
Yeah...poor people are've nailed it.
You wrote a lot of words so I can tell you've been thinking about it.
The Schools have them a good portion of each weekday. They should do a better job of Discipline etc. They should identify WHO needs help early on. Get them pulled from a home if need be. I don't care if they don't like it. Maybe you get pulled in/out 100 times? I don't care. Kids are an after thought far too often. Many time a parent is working themselves to death to pay for living. The kids end up on their own. Single parent nonsense ........... 70% in some areas? Come on. That is an issue.

Every kid should have some sort of forced Military training (National service) at age 16 or 18 whatever. Learn to Eat, Sleep, Clean, Work.......the right way. RESPECT.

The military and the education system was never intended to be used as a platform to parent misguided children. Pretty pathetic that we need our free to attend schools to not only educate children but raise the them as well. The quality of education would be much better if teachers could spend more time educating and less time parenting.
It should be criminal for low-lifes and minors to have children, we need an application process...this is so simple.
This is the reason I want to debate live and see who is more educated between the two of us.
Well we all know who is the more educated of the two of us. The one who doesn't use the sentence "idiot you talk me too much" between the two of us.

Who is we?
All you've proven is that you are a bastard animal and a coward.

Not true. The 80s had record growth with Reagan's policies. He proved liberals were wrong all along. Rather than accept reality liberals lie about it. Leftist policies have harmed the economy and keep the middle class pretty much flat since then.

Liberals do not understand that business drives the economy. The reason they don't understand it is that capitalism has been demonized in their minds as a great evil instead of the great economic liberator it is.

I invite you to embrace reality the way it is, grow up and join the solution.
Lefty policies such as? You mean paying a decent wage?
Yeah, sure. And not grinding babies up in wood chippers or pushing old ladies down stairs. Come one man, you need more emotion to prove your case!

See, you can't even have an honest conversation. You said "Leftist policies have harmed the economy" and when I asked you what those policies were you say abortion? What a fucking intellectually dishonest fuck you must be.

So I'll ask again, what liberal policies harmed the economy? I'll tell you since you won't answer honestly. You must be experiencing cognitive dissonance here. The answer is, "paying American workers a decent wage". That was the policy that got corporations to send jobs to Mexico and China.

But today you cons are anti sending jobs overseas. Now you want to bring jobs back home. But you also claim you want to do it to raise wages. I don't believe that for a second. Or maybe you do want to raise wages, a couple bucks an hour. But not what those jobs paid when you sent them overseas.

So its funny you cons claim you are going to make America great again. Maybe great but not as great as it was when 35% of our workforce was unionized. That's when the middle class was it's strongest.

And eventually even if you raise wages a couple bucks I see you ultimately cutting wages by outsourcing jobs to subcontractors. Yea that's right. I see your long term plans even before you do.

I could make this a 10 page post if I go too deep...I'll save everybody that and talk in short.
The lower / middle class wage issue is really a population issue, a simple supply vs. demand dynamic. Yep, too many uneducated, unqualified, low iQ citizens and not enough jobs offering a "living wage" to that demographic. How many wage paying companies do you know that are looking to hire stupid people with no communication skills and who can barely speak the native language....ONLY WALMART!
35-40 year old adults with multiple children are trying to make burger flipping a career gig. This problem is deeply rooted and I don't believe the government can wave a magic wand and fix it.
I believe government on both sides has done a shit-ton over the years attempting to right the ship. They've created and made one free resource after the next available in an attempt to develop a higher grade human capable of excelling in the job market and nothing has worked. At the end of the day I believe the real problem is we have millions upon millions of very low grade citizens who have conceded to mediocrity and even poverty. These are people who are comfortable struggling and though they say they want and need more they are not actually willing to do more to get it. The real problem doesn't lie within government, the real issue lies in the homes across America and in the laps of shitty parents who aren't assisting in developing good quality, motivated adults.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
"You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear"

This is why I tell poor people to stop having so many kids they can't afford to raise properly. But instead they keep pumping them out and hoping that the coal mining jobs come back so when their hick kid is 18 he can go work in the coal mines too. Not happening. Maybe the coal miner shouldn't have any kids. Or if he has kids only have one.

But then that's why they say we need immigrants. We aren't having enough kids.

This is why you don't want all the money in the hands of the rich/few. If the middle class isn't making enough that it makes sense to have kids, they won't. Looks like we need to do some social engineering and spread some of that wealth out.

Instead of the CEO making $50 million and his employees make $30K maybe he has to make $25 million and his employees get $60K. But you would claim that is stealing from them. I disagree.

Read the first post in this thread.
Most of the people complaining about taxes and wages are where they are by no fault of government. This isn't Dubai, at some point you have to pave your own path, become self accountable and work with what you got. Too many people need to be spoon fed and hand held by expectation perpetuated by Democrats.
The default answer for a solution from Democrats has always been; "Just steal more from the rich"
Whereas Republicans have always pushed moral and family values, God and accountability knowing that good quality, driven citizens are developed in homes by parents and these core principals consistently lead to better quality humans.
This is the reason I want to debate live and see who is more educated between the two of us.
Well we all know who is the more educated of the two of us. The one who doesn't use the sentence "idiot you talk me too much" between the two of us.

Who is we?
All you've proven is that you are a bastard animal and a coward.

Lefty policies such as? You mean paying a decent wage?
Yeah, sure. And not grinding babies up in wood chippers or pushing old ladies down stairs. Come one man, you need more emotion to prove your case!

See, you can't even have an honest conversation. You said "Leftist policies have harmed the economy" and when I asked you what those policies were you say abortion? What a fucking intellectually dishonest fuck you must be.

So I'll ask again, what liberal policies harmed the economy? I'll tell you since you won't answer honestly. You must be experiencing cognitive dissonance here. The answer is, "paying American workers a decent wage". That was the policy that got corporations to send jobs to Mexico and China.

But today you cons are anti sending jobs overseas. Now you want to bring jobs back home. But you also claim you want to do it to raise wages. I don't believe that for a second. Or maybe you do want to raise wages, a couple bucks an hour. But not what those jobs paid when you sent them overseas.

So its funny you cons claim you are going to make America great again. Maybe great but not as great as it was when 35% of our workforce was unionized. That's when the middle class was it's strongest.

And eventually even if you raise wages a couple bucks I see you ultimately cutting wages by outsourcing jobs to subcontractors. Yea that's right. I see your long term plans even before you do.

I could make this a 10 page post if I go too deep...I'll save everybody that and talk in short.
The lower / middle class wage issue is really a population issue, a simple supply vs. demand dynamic. Yep, too many uneducated, unqualified, low iQ citizens and not enough jobs offering a "living wage" to that demographic. How many wage paying companies do you know that are looking to hire stupid people with no communication skills and who can barely speak the native language....ONLY WALMART!
35-40 year old adults with multiple children are trying to make burger flipping a career gig. This problem is deeply rooted and I don't believe the government can wave a magic wand and fix it.
I believe government on both sides has done a shit-ton over the years attempting to right the ship. They've created and made one free resource after the next available in an attempt to develop a higher grade human capable of excelling in the job market and nothing has worked. At the end of the day I believe the real problem is we have millions upon millions of very low grade citizens who have conceded to mediocrity and even poverty. These are people who are comfortable struggling and though they say they want and need more they are not actually willing to do more to get it. The real problem doesn't lie within government, the real issue lies in the homes across America and in the laps of shitty parents who aren't assisting in developing good quality, motivated adults.
"You can lead a horse to water but you can't make it drink"
"You can't make a silk purse out of a sow's ear"

This is why I tell poor people to stop having so many kids they can't afford to raise properly. But instead they keep pumping them out and hoping that the coal mining jobs come back so when their hick kid is 18 he can go work in the coal mines too. Not happening. Maybe the coal miner shouldn't have any kids. Or if he has kids only have one.

But then that's why they say we need immigrants. We aren't having enough kids.

This is why you don't want all the money in the hands of the rich/few. If the middle class isn't making enough that it makes sense to have kids, they won't. Looks like we need to do some social engineering and spread some of that wealth out.

Instead of the CEO making $50 million and his employees make $30K maybe he has to make $25 million and his employees get $60K. But you would claim that is stealing from them. I disagree.

Read the first post in this thread.
Most of the people complaining about taxes and wages are where they are by no fault of government. This isn't Dubai, at some point you have to pave your own path, become self accountable and work with what you got. Too many people need to be spoon fed and hand held by expectation perpetuated by Democrats.
The default answer for a solution from Democrats has always been; "Just steal more from the rich"
Whereas Republicans have always pushed moral and family values, God and accountability knowing that good quality, driven citizens are developed in homes by parents and these core principals consistently lead to better quality humans.
I can't argue after I just told someone else it's no one else's fault if poor people have kids they can't afford.

But back in my dad's eraa anyone could find a job straight out of highschool that could support a family.

That's when America was great. Unions and labor laws did that.

The middle class did not come from unregulated free market capitalism
Liberals always want to spend time, effort and energy coming up with new, not so clever ways to funnel more taxpayer cash to our lower class...but why not correct the issue rather than throw other people's money over the top of it and simply 'buy more time'?
So what is the root problem in our country?
NOPE…not the government or any other fabricated excuse…this is even simpler...PARENTS SUCK!
The quality of parenting in low income households is an absolute joke...animals in the wild do a better job. Kids need to know that you have expectations they MUST's not a choice, it's an absolute demand...period! Children need to be micro-managed, mentored, pushed, encouraged, disciplined, held accountable...etc. They need to truly believe that they are SUPPOSE to be successful. Being a good parent is not easy and it takes a lot of work…apparently loser parents on welfare with no job and funded by me can't find the time to put into their kids...They keep their baby factory running and turning out more of the same that I will pay for…UNBELIEVABLE!
This country is made up of excuse makers. In the real world when real people face challenges they usually get to that fork in the road where good decision making (or bad happens). Do I blame some source that I have no control over for my shortcomings and quit trying or do I put my head down and conquer? If society is always telling you that you aren't to blame, it's not your fault and your held back by everybody else...well what kind of philosophies will kids adopt?...What can we expect? Life and success or failure always boils down to your decision making processes. If you're a bad decision maker you're usually a loser....simple.

Let me tell you how simple this is...a simple recipe to succeed in this country:
Learn to speak the english language CLEARLY...rid yourself of any foreign or illiterate accents. Look, dress and act like a legitimate human. (you know exactly what that means)
Go to school...ride a bus, ride your bike, walk...whatever...get educated.
Wake up early and always think about being proactive and productive.
Set and attain goals...surround yourself with others with goals.
Never ever blame others for your struggles. BE ACCOUNTABLE!
Don't break the law. Respect others and their property.
Work...get a job, keep a job until you find your next better job. Ride a bus, ride a bike, walk...just WORK!
Lead your family....Always remind yourself that your kids did not ask to be owe them your very best.
Spend every minute of every day of the rest of your life being better, doing better or thinking about being and doing better.

There you go people...STOP ALL THE EXCUSE MAKING AND GET TO WORK...and parents...step up, grab your balls and do the right thing for once.
It's just that simple. Send me royalty checks please.

I agree...You should have to get a license to be a parent. Too many violations and you lose your license

Applies to rich people as well as poor. Money has little to do with how good a parent you are

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