Libertarians pick up 3 defectors from Dem/Rep Party in NH StateHouse..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Seems to be a trend starting in N.H. the LParty has picked up 3 seats -- 2 from Repubs and 1 from Demos defecting from their parties. The politicians are just as fed up as most of the rest of us.. And the ability to speak their mind without getting trashed by "party leadership" is the primary reason for these switches..

NH Rep. Brandon Phinney switches to Libertarian Party | Libertarian Party

NH Rep. Brandon Phinney switches to Libertarian Party

By Carla Howell on June 27, 2017 in News

June 27, 2017

Brandon Phinney (NH rep) standing in front of legislative building in New Hampshire, wearing suit, tie, sunglasses, name badge, American flag lapel pin
Libertarian Rep. Brandon Phinney (N.H.)

CONCORD, N.H. – Rep. Brandon Phinney (Strafford 24), formerly a member of the Republican Party, announced today on the State House steps he is changing his party affiliation to Libertarian.

For the third time this year, a sitting state legislator has left his party and joined the LP. Rep. Caleb Q. Dyer (Hillsborough 37) switched to Libertarian from Republican in February, and Rep. Joseph Stallcop (Cheshire 4) left the Democratic Party in May.

Phinney will work with Dyer and Stallcop in the N.H. House Libertarian Caucus to minimize state government, lower taxes, and eliminate barriers to conducting business, and will work hard to increase individual freedom and personal liberty while protecting the rights of individuals and businesses within New Hampshire.

Phinney brings his experience serving in the New Hampshire National Guard and the state’s Department of Corrections to the caucus.

“We were elected to the people’s house to serve their will, their interests, and limit government interference in their lives,” said Phinney of his differences with the GOP. “I was not elected to do the bidding of a political party at the expense of my principles. Establishment partisan politics do nothing to protect the rights of people, but instead only serve to prop up and expand government with arcane plans to irresponsibly spend our money and enact burdensome regulations on businesses, small and large alike. The Libertarian Party platform gives us, as legislators, the best possible framework to expand social freedoms, support a free-market economy, and ensure the checks and balances on government power are enforced.”
Considering we had a defector seat in the House of Representatives for 5 months in 2016 --- I really think that politicians are beginning to realize how controlled and throttled they are by the FEW party bosses that run these places..

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