Liberty Report: Grassley Memo Shocker! Did The UK Meddle In Our Elections? [VIDEO]...

Grassley Report is damning as to DOJ/FBI Corruption in spying on American Citizens.
Grassley Report is damning as to DOJ/FBI Corruption in spying on American Citizens.

What they did to Trump, was a shocking despicable abuse of power. The Obama Administration clearly used the FBI and FISA to surveill the opposition party's candidate. And the UK was complicit. It's treason. Many should go to prison.
"Also, a footnote in the unredacted Grassley memo states the FBI failed to provide the Committee with 1023’s [FBI form to document meetings with sources] documenting Steele’s statements to the FBI so the Committee had to rely on the accuracy of the FBI’s representation to the FISC regarding those statements."

FBI Withheld Notes From Their Interviews With Christopher Steele From Senate Judiciary Committee

1) In October, Steele "supposedly" assured the FBI that he had not shopped his Dossier to the Media--which was a necessary fact to qualify it for use in the FISA Application.

2) Later on, in a London Court case...where Steele was sued for Libel over the bogus Dossier...Steele told the Court that he shopped it in September to a number of the usual liberal Media Outlets, including Yahoo.

So, he either lied to the FBI or under oath to the court in London. Thus, the Criminal referral.

But, the trap Grassley has laid is that it may well have been the FBI which lied to the Fisa Court. Steele may be guilty of lying to the F.B. I. in which he must be indicted like Flynn was---for the same time;

OR, the F.B.I cannot indict Steele because he never lied to them to begin was instead the corrupt FBI which lied to the FISA Court.....and there is suspicion that is what happened because the FBI refused to produce the notes made in its interview with Steele.

When those finally come out---either Steele or people in the FBI have to go to jail.

And perhaps both, because of other mis-representations and fraudulent omissions in the Fisa Application.

Grassley has them.

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