Libs again try to normalize pedophilia :New Yorker Magazine

Whether or not they've acted on their impulses, is rather irrelevant.

Actually its immediately relevant. As its the difference between a 'thought crime' and an ACTUAL crime.

We don't punish or imprison people for things they think about doing, but never do. We imprison people for things they've actually done.

You're demanding we put people in prison on desire alone. And by that standard, any man who has ever wanted to have sex with a woman who isn't interested in him.......should be put in prison for rape. Or killed.

Um, no.

Wanting to rape kids and have sex with a grown woman or man? Two completely different things.
...And that's where you hit a "grey" area. When do they stop being "kids", and then start being "grown"?

When they aren't developing anymore and are emotionally and mentally an adult, like age 18 at least, if not higher. Ever observe a group of teenagers? They are children still, obviously. Having been one and raised one, I know.
"Like" age 18, or at age 18? If not higher? You don't really seem to have a solid foundation from which you would build your gallows. A gallows that you would seem to use without hesitation.
She seems to dream of being Stalin, or possibly Erzbet Bathory.
Actually its immediately relevant. As its the difference between a 'thought crime' and an ACTUAL crime.

We don't punish or imprison people for things they think about doing, but never do. We imprison people for things they've actually done.

You're demanding we put people in prison on desire alone. And by that standard, any man who has ever wanted to have sex with a woman who isn't interested in him.......should be put in prison for rape. Or killed.

Um, no.

Wanting to rape kids and have sex with a grown woman or man? Two completely different things.
...And that's where you hit a "grey" area. When do they stop being "kids", and then start being "grown"?

When they aren't developing anymore and are emotionally and mentally an adult, like age 18 at least, if not higher. Ever observe a group of teenagers? They are children still, obviously. Having been one and raised one, I know.
"Like" age 18, or at age 18? If not higher? You don't really seem to have a solid foundation from which you would build your gallows. A gallows that you would seem to use without hesitation.
She seems to dream of being Stalin, or possibly Erzbet Bathory.

Yup, that's my biggest dream. Lol. Stop quoting me. Thanks. :D This topic is making me feel ill.
Whether or not they've acted on their impulses, is rather irrelevant.

Actually its immediately relevant. As its the difference between a 'thought crime' and an ACTUAL crime.

We don't punish or imprison people for things they think about doing, but never do. We imprison people for things they've actually done.

You're demanding we put people in prison on desire alone. And by that standard, any man who has ever wanted to have sex with a woman who isn't interested in him.......should be put in prison for rape. Or killed.

Um, no.

Wanting to rape kids and have sex with a grown woman or man? Two completely different things.
...And that's where you hit a "grey" area. When do they stop being "kids", and then start being "grown"?

When they aren't developing anymore and are emotionally and mentally an adult, like age 18 at least, if not higher. Ever observe a group of teenagers? They are children still, obviously. Having been one and raised one, I know.
In fact you seem to have displayed homicidal desires; but presumably you've not killed anyone yet. Perhaps you should be put to death before you do?
I truly think she should be involuntarily confined to a mental health facility for observation...I wonder if we might have a serial killer on our hands.
Actually its immediately relevant. As its the difference between a 'thought crime' and an ACTUAL crime.

We don't punish or imprison people for things they think about doing, but never do. We imprison people for things they've actually done.

You're demanding we put people in prison on desire alone. And by that standard, any man who has ever wanted to have sex with a woman who isn't interested in him.......should be put in prison for rape. Or killed.

Um, no.

Wanting to rape kids and have sex with a grown woman or man? Two completely different things.
...And that's where you hit a "grey" area. When do they stop being "kids", and then start being "grown"?

When they aren't developing anymore and are emotionally and mentally an adult, like age 18 at least, if not higher. Ever observe a group of teenagers? They are children still, obviously. Having been one and raised one, I know.
In fact you seem to have displayed homicidal desires; but presumably you've not killed anyone yet. Perhaps you should be put to death before you do?

Sure, I'll volunteer to be the executioner of pedos! Lol. Probably would pay well.

Yeah, definitely someone dreaming of being Countess Bathory. Do you wish you could bathe in the blood of virgins?
Wanting to rape kids and have sex with a grown woman or man? Two completely different things.
...And that's where you hit a "grey" area. When do they stop being "kids", and then start being "grown"?

When they aren't developing anymore and are emotionally and mentally an adult, like age 18 at least, if not higher. Ever observe a group of teenagers? They are children still, obviously. Having been one and raised one, I know.
In fact you seem to have displayed homicidal desires; but presumably you've not killed anyone yet. Perhaps you should be put to death before you do?

Sure, I'll volunteer to be the executioner of pedos! Lol. Probably would pay well.

Yeah, definitely someone dreaming of being Countess Bathory. Do you wish you could bathe in the blood of virgins?

I asked you nicely to stop quoting me in this thread. It's disgusting, and so are you apologists.
Don't force my hand with the ignore function. I'm not afraid to use it on you here or anywhere else for that matter.
My last words on this topic are that pedophiles are the MOST vile and disgusting creatures to roam the earth, whether they act upon their "desires" or not. Those genes need to be purged from our pool.
Anyhow, chemical castration is a good solution to this "problem."

Did you major in physics in college. LMAO

I did take some psychology classes in college. I was going to be a social worker but then I thought it was too sad and not something I would handle very well. I might just KILL someone with my homicidal tendencies. :D
I'm not so sure you won't.
I am honestly wondering if I should report this psycho to the FBI. She truly strikes me as someone who might be a serial killer in the making.
Anyhow, chemical castration is a good solution to this "problem."

Did you major in physics in college. LMAO

I did take some psychology classes in college. I was going to be a social worker but then I thought it was too sad and not something I would handle very well. I might just KILL someone with my homicidal tendencies. :D
I'm not so sure you won't.
I am honestly wondering if I should report this psycho to the FBI. She truly strikes me as someone who might be a serial killer in the making.

Do it! Lol. That would be hilarious. :lol:
Sorry, I told you all at the beginning that I have NO PITY for child diddlers.
I don't have any pity for people who actually harm children but I do have pitty for you because you seem to be unable to comprehend the implications of what you're advocating.

We as a society have to show some compassion and understanding for those with mental illness and appreciate their efforts and ability to control their impulses. Once they can't, then I agree -put them away.

I do have compassion for people who are suffering from mental illness, just not pedos. I don't feel sorry for them at all. I hate them.
Fine. You're free to hate anybody you want. That is always a good solution , Right? Just keep in mind that if people like the one interviewed in the OP are threatened with persecution, castration and prison, they are not going to talk about their affliction. They are going to suffer quietly, experience more stress, and be less well able to control their impulses. You're not thinking very clearly about this. You "policy would put children at greater risk.

They should VOLUNTEER to be castrated. If they were human, they would.
Thank god you didn't actually become a social worker. You do not have the mental capacity for it. There is little doubt that you would have fucked up people more than they already are.

Are there any social workers that AREN'T nuts?
Wanting to rape kids and have sex with a grown woman or man? Two completely different things.
...And that's where you hit a "grey" area. When do they stop being "kids", and then start being "grown"?

When they aren't developing anymore and are emotionally and mentally an adult, like age 18 at least, if not higher. Ever observe a group of teenagers? They are children still, obviously. Having been one and raised one, I know.
"Like" age 18, or at age 18? If not higher? You don't really seem to have a solid foundation from which you would build your gallows. A gallows that you would seem to use without hesitation.
She seems to dream of being Stalin, or possibly Erzbet Bathory.

Yup, that's my biggest dream. Lol. Stop quoting me. Thanks. :D This topic is making me feel ill.
Concentrated doses of hate is upsetting your stomach.
Anyhow, chemical castration is a good solution to this "problem."

Did you major in physics in college. LMAO

I did take some psychology classes in college. I was going to be a social worker but then I thought it was too sad and not something I would handle very well. I might just KILL someone with my homicidal tendencies. :D
I'm not so sure you won't.
I am honestly wondering if I should report this psycho to the FBI. She truly strikes me as someone who might be a serial killer in the making.
Yep. She might be a Dexter.
Pedophiles should be locked up. Period. End of story.

Then so should any man. Or woman for that matter. Because just because they haven't raped someone.....doesn't mean they won't.

Men and women who are admitting to wanting to rape children should be locked up or killed.

If desire alone is our standard, then anyone who has ever wanted to have sex with someone who isn't interested in them should be put in jail for rape or executed.

If not, why not? This is simply the consistent application of your ludicrous 'thought crime' standard.

Who cares what you think about it? Do I? No, I do not. That is how I feel, and you certainly are not going to make me feel sorry for some scummy perverted pedo.
Then you are a psycho and should probably be locked up forever.
By her own reasoning, yep.
What It’s Like to Be a Celibate Pedophile

Libs trying to normalize it via trying to get more liberals to feel empathy for fucking freaks who should be forced organ donors.

Freaks? Some people are just born different.

So a person claims to be a pedophile and doesn't touch up kids, OH MY GOD. I mean, man doesn't break the law in shock horror story.
And yet somehow a man not molesting children is proof that liberals are promoting child molestation. Illogical. The OP has fail written all over it.
What It’s Like to Be a Celibate Pedophile

Libs trying to normalize it via trying to get more liberals to feel empathy for fucking freaks who should be forced organ donors.
I am beginning to wonder if there is a high concentration of weirdos in NY.

Well, Trump is from there….
All the better as he may know better how to take the trash out that has taken up residence with the ideology that they have the right to tell others what is and is not acceptable in their efforts to overtop what the Lord put into their hearts and minds.
What It’s Like to Be a Celibate Pedophile

Libs trying to normalize it via trying to get more liberals to feel empathy for fucking freaks who should be forced organ donors.
I am beginning to wonder if there is a high concentration of weirdos in NY.

Well, Trump is from there….
All the better as he may know better how to take the trash out that has taken up residence with the ideology that they have the right to tell others what is and is not acceptable in their efforts to overtop what the Lord put into their hearts and minds.

So is Hillary.....
What It’s Like to Be a Celibate Pedophile

Libs trying to normalize it via trying to get more liberals to feel empathy for fucking freaks who should be forced organ donors.
I am beginning to wonder if there is a high concentration of weirdos in NY.

Well, Trump is from there….
All the better as he may know better how to take the trash out that has taken up residence with the ideology that they have the right to tell others what is and is not acceptable in their efforts to overtop what the Lord put into their hearts and minds.

So is Hillary.....
She's part of the trash that people want out.
What It’s Like to Be a Celibate Pedophile

Libs trying to normalize it via trying to get more liberals to feel empathy for fucking freaks who should be forced organ donors.
I am beginning to wonder if there is a high concentration of weirdos in NY.

Well, Trump is from there….
All the better as he may know better how to take the trash out that has taken up residence with the ideology that they have the right to tell others what is and is not acceptable in their efforts to overtop what the Lord put into their hearts and minds.

So is Hillary.....
She's part of the trash that people want out.

So is Trump.

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