Libs again try to normalize pedophilia :New Yorker Magazine

Sorry, I told you all at the beginning that I have NO PITY for child diddlers.
I don't have any pity for people who actually harm children but I do have pitty for you because you seem to be unable to comprehend the implications of what you're advocating.

We as a society have to show some compassion and understanding for those with mental illness and appreciate their efforts and ability to control their impulses. Once they can't, then I agree -put them away.

I do have compassion for people who are suffering from mental illness, just not pedos. I don't feel sorry for them at all. I hate them.
Fine. You're free to hate anybody you want. That is always a good solution , Right? Just keep in mind that if people like the one interviewed in the OP are threatened with persecution, castration and prison, they are not going to talk about their affliction. They are going to suffer quietly, experience more stress, and be less well able to control their impulses. You're not thinking very clearly about this. You "policy would put children at greater risk.

They should VOLUNTEER to be castrated. If they were human, they would.
Thank god you didn't actually become a social worker. You do not have the mental capacity for it. There is little doubt that you would have fucked up people more than they already are.
Any lib here going to claim this isn't an attempt to normalize? You want to say, so what, he's not acting on it? What about sociopaths who don't act upon their urge to murder? We need to normalize that too?


Hollywood is working for this too.....they have made at least 2 movies with child molestors as even had Kevin Bacon in it.....

In fact...there is a scene in the Robert Downey Jr. movie where he meets a girl in a bar....he ends up making out with her...and we later learn that the girl is actually his daughter..........
Sorry, I told you all at the beginning that I have NO PITY for child diddlers.
I don't have any pity for people who actually harm children but I do have pitty for you because you seem to be unable to comprehend the implications of what you're advocating.

We as a society have to show some compassion and understanding for those with mental illness and appreciate their efforts and ability to control their impulses. Once they can't, then I agree -put them away.

I do have compassion for people who are suffering from mental illness, just not pedos. I don't feel sorry for them at all. I hate them.
Fine. You're free to hate anybody you want. That is always a good solution , Right? Just keep in mind that if people like the one interviewed in the OP are threatened with persecution, castration and prison, they are not going to talk about their affliction. They are going to suffer quietly, experience more stress, and be less well able to control their impulses. You're not thinking very clearly about this. You "policy would put children at greater risk.

They should VOLUNTEER to be castrated. If they were human, they would.
Thank god you didn't actually become a social worker. You do not have the mental capacity for it. There is little doubt that you would have fucked up people more than they already are.

And who are you again? What credentials do you have and when have you examined my mental state? Lol. At least I would be protecting the children and not the predators.
Sorry, I told you all at the beginning that I have NO PITY for child diddlers.
I don't have any pity for people who actually harm children but I do have pitty for you because you seem to be unable to comprehend the implications of what you're advocating.

We as a society have to show some compassion and understanding for those with mental illness and appreciate their efforts and ability to control their impulses. Once they can't, then I agree -put them away.

I do have compassion for people who are suffering from mental illness, just not pedos. I don't feel sorry for them at all. I hate them.
Fine. You're free to hate anybody you want. That is always a good solution , Right? Just keep in mind that if people like the one interviewed in the OP are threatened with persecution, castration and prison, they are not going to talk about their affliction. They are going to suffer quietly, experience more stress, and be less well able to control their impulses. You're not thinking very clearly about this. You "policy would put children at greater risk.

They should VOLUNTEER to be castrated. If they were human, they would.
Thank god you didn't actually become a social worker. You do not have the mental capacity for it. There is little doubt that you would have fucked up people more than they already are.

Either someone is to blame for fucking up your mind to believe progressive policies actually work or you were born defective. You tell me.
Any lib here going to claim this isn't an attempt to normalize? You want to say, so what, he's not acting on it? What about sociopaths who don't act upon their urge to murder? We need to normalize that too?

Normalize hate and stupidity!! Doing a good job Bubba!!

Are going to social justice warrior for the pedos now too? Anything goes? WTF is wrong with you people?
I probably have more sympathy for a murderer than I do for a person who preys on children, whether that be sexually or otherwise. Those are the WORST of the worst. They are manipulative too.
Any lib here going to claim this isn't an attempt to normalize? You want to say, so what, he's not acting on it? What about sociopaths who don't act upon their urge to murder? We need to normalize that too?


Hollywood is working for this too.....they have made at least 2 movies with child molestors as even had Kevin Bacon in it.....

In fact...there is a scene in the Robert Downey Jr. movie where he meets a girl in a bar....he ends up making out with her...and we later learn that the girl is actually his daughter..........
The thread has nothing to do with child molesters. Many seem to be confused on that point.
Any lib here going to claim this isn't an attempt to normalize? You want to say, so what, he's not acting on it? What about sociopaths who don't act upon their urge to murder? We need to normalize that too?


Hollywood is working for this too.....they have made at least 2 movies with child molestors as even had Kevin Bacon in it.....

In fact...there is a scene in the Robert Downey Jr. movie where he meets a girl in a bar....he ends up making out with her...and we later learn that the girl is actually his daughter..........
The thread has nothing to do with child molesters. Many seem to be confused on that point.

Please explain that.....
Any lib here going to claim this isn't an attempt to normalize? You want to say, so what, he's not acting on it? What about sociopaths who don't act upon their urge to murder? We need to normalize that too?


Hollywood is working for this too.....they have made at least 2 movies with child molestors as even had Kevin Bacon in it.....

In fact...there is a scene in the Robert Downey Jr. movie where he meets a girl in a bar....he ends up making out with her...and we later learn that the girl is actually his daughter..........
The thread has nothing to do with child molesters. Many seem to be confused on that point.

Please explain that.....
Read the link in the OP. Not a child molester.
Any lib here going to claim this isn't an attempt to normalize? You want to say, so what, he's not acting on it? What about sociopaths who don't act upon their urge to murder? We need to normalize that too?


Hollywood is working for this too.....they have made at least 2 movies with child molestors as even had Kevin Bacon in it.....

In fact...there is a scene in the Robert Downey Jr. movie where he meets a girl in a bar....he ends up making out with her...and we later learn that the girl is actually his daughter..........
The thread has nothing to do with child molesters. Many seem to be confused on that point.

Please explain that.....

Because he only THINKS about molesting children but hasn't actually done it YET, according to him anyways. If you believe pedophiles. Lol.
Well I gotta run. I'm hungry... ChrisL, the point you don't seem to be grasping is this. Neither through expression of "feelings", indoctrination of religious belief, nor the mandate of law, can you trump the law of basic human biology. People who want to fuck... Are gonna fuck.

And I can turn this around on you easily, who are you to determine that teenagers ARE fair game? OTHER people's teenagers? I'm sure if some 40 year old was sniffing around YOUR daughter, you would feel completely different. Only when you think of other people's daughters do you think it's "okay." Isn't that right?
Your sexism is showing again... Why does it have to be "my daughter"? Why would you not have the same Captain Chastity complex for a male?
Well I gotta run. I'm hungry... ChrisL, the point you don't seem to be grasping is this. Neither through expression of "feelings", indoctrination of religious belief, nor the mandate of law, can you trump the law of basic human biology. People who want to fuck... Are gonna fuck.

And I can turn this around on you easily, who are you to determine that teenagers ARE fair game? OTHER people's teenagers? I'm sure if some 40 year old was sniffing around YOUR daughter, you would feel completely different. Only when you think of other people's daughters do you think it's "okay." Isn't that right?
Your sexism is showing again... Why does it have to be "my daughter"? Why would you not have the same Captain Chastity complex for a male?

Because most victims of child molestation are female and most perps are male.
Well I gotta run. I'm hungry... ChrisL, the point you don't seem to be grasping is this. Neither through expression of "feelings", indoctrination of religious belief, nor the mandate of law, can you trump the law of basic human biology. People who want to fuck... Are gonna fuck.

And I can turn this around on you easily, who are you to determine that teenagers ARE fair game? OTHER people's teenagers? I'm sure if some 40 year old was sniffing around YOUR daughter, you would feel completely different. Only when you think of other people's daughters do you think it's "okay." Isn't that right?
Your sexism is showing again... Why does it have to be "my daughter"? Why would you not have the same Captain Chastity complex for a male?

Because most victims of child molestation are female and most perps are male.
Oh... Well I guess if it doesn't happen to a certain sub set often enough... Fuck em'! Your a strange conflicted bird ChrisL.
Well I gotta run. I'm hungry... ChrisL, the point you don't seem to be grasping is this. Neither through expression of "feelings", indoctrination of religious belief, nor the mandate of law, can you trump the law of basic human biology. People who want to fuck... Are gonna fuck.

And I can turn this around on you easily, who are you to determine that teenagers ARE fair game? OTHER people's teenagers? I'm sure if some 40 year old was sniffing around YOUR daughter, you would feel completely different. Only when you think of other people's daughters do you think it's "okay." Isn't that right?
Your sexism is showing again... Why does it have to be "my daughter"? Why would you not have the same Captain Chastity complex for a male?

Because most victims of child molestation are female and most perps are male.
So. Since most female victims of child molestation are not green eyed; does that make them fair game according to your parameters?
Would liberals be saying "hey it's okay, stop the stigma" of someone who whose orientation only drove them to murder or rape women? You'd be fine with normalizing that so long as they claim they aren't acting on it?

What degeneracy won't you normalize?
You need to explain this in terms liberals can relate to. Imagine someone who wanted to use a car that only got 3 mpg, and emitted 20x more CO2 than a regular car, even if he didn't act on it, liberals woujld want to punish his thoughts. But if it's about raping children, liberals expect you to be compasionate, as part of their forced acceptance program.
You need to explain this in terms liberals can relate to. Imagine someone who wanted to use a car that only got 3 mpg, and emitted 20x more CO2 than a regular car, even if he didn't act on it, liberals woujld want to punish his thoughts. But if it's about raping children, liberals expect you to be compasionate, as part of their forced acceptance program.
How about not punishing thought no matter where you fall on the political spectrum?

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