Libs again try to normalize pedophilia :New Yorker Magazine

you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
I too was a teenager. Like you. I too have children. Like you, one is a teenager. When I was a teenager I had sex. When I was teenager I had sex with women older than me by at least 5 years. I was willing. I loved it. I don't regret it to this day. And would do it again if I had it to do over again.
So I'm trying to get to the root of your morally sweeping argument that boils down to" ChrisL will decide who can have sex with whom; and when". That's got to be a heavy burden to bear.
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
So you are sexist. At least I have a starting point from which to try and understand...
Sorry, I told you all at the beginning that I have NO PITY for child diddlers.
I don't have any pity for people who actually harm children but I do have pitty for you because you seem to be unable to comprehend the implications of what you're advocating.

We as a society have to show some compassion and understanding for those with mental illness and appreciate their efforts and ability to control their impulses. Once they can't, then I agree -put them away.

I do have compassion for people who are suffering from mental illness, just not pedos. I don't feel sorry for them at all. I hate them.
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
So you are sexist. At least I have a starting point from which to try and understand...

We all know already that women are superior beings. Where have YOU been?
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
I too was a teenager. Like you. I too have children. Like you, one is a teenager. When I was a teenager I had sex. When I was teenager I had sex with women older than me by at least 5 years. I was willing. I loved it. I don't regret it to this day. And would do it again if I had it to do over again.
So I'm trying to get to the root of your morally sweeping argument that boils down to" ChrisL will decide who can have sex with whom; and when". That's got to be a heavy burden to bear.

Most moms would agree with me. :) They would find you utterly reprehensible.
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
So you are sexist. At least I have a starting point from which to try and understand...

We all know already that women are superior beings. Where have YOU been?
I'm just not seeing it right now.
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
I too was a teenager. Like you. I too have children. Like you, one is a teenager. When I was a teenager I had sex. When I was teenager I had sex with women older than me by at least 5 years. I was willing. I loved it. I don't regret it to this day. And would do it again if I had it to do over again.
So I'm trying to get to the root of your morally sweeping argument that boils down to" ChrisL will decide who can have sex with whom; and when". That's got to be a heavy burden to bear.

No adult women are interested in having sex with little boys unless they are PEDOPHILES. Lol.
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
So you are sexist. At least I have a starting point from which to try and understand...

We all know already that women are superior beings. Where have YOU been?
Definitely no other type of being I'd want to have sex with.
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
So you are sexist. At least I have a starting point from which to try and understand...

We all know already that women are superior beings. Where have YOU been?
I'm just not seeing it right now.

That's because you're a typical dumbass internet poster.
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
I too was a teenager. Like you. I too have children. Like you, one is a teenager. When I was a teenager I had sex. When I was teenager I had sex with women older than me by at least 5 years. I was willing. I loved it. I don't regret it to this day. And would do it again if I had it to do over again.
So I'm trying to get to the root of your morally sweeping argument that boils down to" ChrisL will decide who can have sex with whom; and when". That's got to be a heavy burden to bear.

Not to mention, 18 is the LAW in some states, and I expect that become the case throughout the country with what we have learned using MRI scans about the teenage brain. :)
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
I too was a teenager. Like you. I too have children. Like you, one is a teenager. When I was a teenager I had sex. When I was teenager I had sex with women older than me by at least 5 years. I was willing. I loved it. I don't regret it to this day. And would do it again if I had it to do over again.
So I'm trying to get to the root of your morally sweeping argument that boils down to" ChrisL will decide who can have sex with whom; and when". That's got to be a heavy burden to bear.

No adult women are interested in having sex with little boys unless they are PEDOPHILES. Lol.
Again... Where is the line? What's a little boy? When is a little boy, not a little boy?
The Teen Brain: It's Just Not Grown Up Yet

Jensen says scientists used to think human brain development was pretty complete by age 10. Or as she puts it, that "a teenage brain is just an adult brain with fewer miles on it."

But it's not. To begin with, she says, a crucial part of the brain — the frontal lobes — are not fully connected. Really.

"It's the part of the brain that says: 'Is this a good idea? What is the consequence of this action?' " Jensen says. "It's not that they don't have a frontal lobe. And they can use it. But they're going to access it more slowly."

That's because the nerve cells that connect teenagers' frontal lobes with the rest of their brains are sluggish. Teenagers don't have as much of the fatty coating called myelin, or "white matter," that adults have in this area.

Think of it as insulation on an electrical wire. Nerves need myelin for nerve signals to flow freely. Spotty or thin myelin leads to inefficient communication between one part of the brain and another.

Jensen's younger son Will Murphy is now a Harvard student. He says he learned a lot about his teenage brain from his mother.

Kathryn C Reed
A Partially Connected Frontal Lobe

Jensen thinks this explains what was going on inside the brain of her younger son, Will, when he turned 16. Like Andrew, he'd been a good student, a straight arrow, with good grades and high SAT scores. But one morning on the way to school, he turned left in front of an oncoming vehicle. He and the other driver were OK, but there was serious damage to the car.

"It was, uh, totaled," Will says. "Down and out. And it was about 10 minutes before morning assembly. So most of the school passed by my wrecked car with me standing next to it."

"And lo and behold," his mother adds, "who was the other driver? It was a 21-year-old — also probably not with a completely connected frontal lobe." Recent studies show that neural insulation isn't complete until the mid-20s.

This also may explain why teenagers often seem so maddeningly self-centered. "You think of them as these surly, rude, selfish people," Jensen says. "Well, actually, that's the developmental stage they're at. They aren't yet at that place where they're thinking about — or capable, necessarily, of thinking about the effects of their behavior on other people. That requires insight."

And insight requires — that's right — a fully connected frontal lobe.
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
I too was a teenager. Like you. I too have children. Like you, one is a teenager. When I was a teenager I had sex. When I was teenager I had sex with women older than me by at least 5 years. I was willing. I loved it. I don't regret it to this day. And would do it again if I had it to do over again.
So I'm trying to get to the root of your morally sweeping argument that boils down to" ChrisL will decide who can have sex with whom; and when". That's got to be a heavy burden to bear.

No adult women are interested in having sex with little boys unless they are PEDOPHILES. Lol.
Again... Where is the line? What's a little boy? When is a little boy, not a little boy?

When he has completed his schooling and is no longer dependent on his parents and is living alone and totally self sufficient.
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
I too was a teenager. Like you. I too have children. Like you, one is a teenager. When I was a teenager I had sex. When I was teenager I had sex with women older than me by at least 5 years. I was willing. I loved it. I don't regret it to this day. And would do it again if I had it to do over again.
So I'm trying to get to the root of your morally sweeping argument that boils down to" ChrisL will decide who can have sex with whom; and when". That's got to be a heavy burden to bear.

No adult women are interested in having sex with little boys unless they are PEDOPHILES. Lol.
Again... Where is the line? What's a little boy? When is a little boy, not a little boy?

As a PARENT, I am certainly within my rights to say at what age children should be having sex, and when they are adults. I am responsible for the actions of my CHILD by law.
Well if your hoping for the day they pass a law that says people can't have sex with a girl 21 or older I fear you may die disappointed. 18 hasn't really been a resounding success...
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
I too was a teenager. Like you. I too have children. Like you, one is a teenager. When I was a teenager I had sex. When I was teenager I had sex with women older than me by at least 5 years. I was willing. I loved it. I don't regret it to this day. And would do it again if I had it to do over again.
So I'm trying to get to the root of your morally sweeping argument that boils down to" ChrisL will decide who can have sex with whom; and when". That's got to be a heavy burden to bear.

No adult women are interested in having sex with little boys unless they are PEDOPHILES. Lol.
Again... Where is the line? What's a little boy? When is a little boy, not a little boy?

As a PARENT, I am certainly within my rights to say at what age children should be having sex, and when they are adults. I am responsible for the actions of my CHILD by law.
Yes. And no. You only have that right legally till they are 18. Regardless of when they move out. And both apply only to your "child". Not "children".
you seem passionate in your feelings. Perhaps you gave something a little more definitive; from which we can all learn? none of us have lived your life so, we might need a little more than ChrisL said so...

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
So you are sexist. At least I have a starting point from which to try and understand...

We all know already that women are superior beings. Where have YOU been?
I'm just not seeing it right now.

That's because you're a typical dumbass internet poster.
Really? I'm not the one proposing precrime as a serious social policy proposal.
Well I gotta run. I'm hungry... ChrisL, the point you don't seem to be grasping is this. Neither through expression of "feelings", indoctrination of religious belief, nor the mandate of law, can you trump the law of basic human biology. People who want to fuck... Are gonna fuck.
I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
I too was a teenager. Like you. I too have children. Like you, one is a teenager. When I was a teenager I had sex. When I was teenager I had sex with women older than me by at least 5 years. I was willing. I loved it. I don't regret it to this day. And would do it again if I had it to do over again.
So I'm trying to get to the root of your morally sweeping argument that boils down to" ChrisL will decide who can have sex with whom; and when". That's got to be a heavy burden to bear.

No adult women are interested in having sex with little boys unless they are PEDOPHILES. Lol.
Again... Where is the line? What's a little boy? When is a little boy, not a little boy?

As a PARENT, I am certainly within my rights to say at what age children should be having sex, and when they are adults. I am responsible for the actions of my CHILD by law.
Yes. And no. You only have that right legally till they are 18. Regardless of when they move out. And both apply only to your "child". Not "children".

Exactly, so 18 it is. No, the laws apply to children to protect them from predatory adults.
Well I gotta run. I'm hungry... ChrisL, the point you don't seem to be grasping is this. Neither through expression of "feelings", indoctrination of religious belief, nor the mandate of law, can you trump the law of basic human biology. People who want to fuck... Are gonna fuck.

And adults can "fuck" other adults and leave children alone. Right?

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