Libs again try to normalize pedophilia :New Yorker Magazine

I guess I just know better than you, being a woman and having raised a child. I'm quite SURE that is all it is. I'm not blinded by having a penis.
So you are sexist. At least I have a starting point from which to try and understand...

We all know already that women are superior beings. Where have YOU been?
I'm just not seeing it right now.

That's because you're a typical dumbass internet poster.
Really? I'm not the one proposing precrime as a serious social policy proposal.

Pedophilia is always a crime, whether they have acted upon it YET or not is irrelevant to me. They are a clear and present danger to children and prey on the most vulnerable humans in our society. They should be hung up by the balls and people should spit on them.
Well I gotta run. I'm hungry... ChrisL, the point you don't seem to be grasping is this. Neither through expression of "feelings", indoctrination of religious belief, nor the mandate of law, can you trump the law of basic human biology. People who want to fuck... Are gonna fuck.

And I can turn this around on you easily, who are you to determine that teenagers ARE fair game? OTHER people's teenagers? I'm sure if some 40 year old was sniffing around YOUR daughter, you would feel completely different. Only when you think of other people's daughters do you think it's "okay." Isn't that right?
Chemical castration is the only obvious solution to this problem. If you are willing to go after minors and children, then be prepared for a sexless life.

Background and context
Many people consider sexual abuse one of the worst crimes a person can commit. In these circumstances, it has been proposed by some that such an offender should be punished, normally in addition to a jail term, by castration.

Castration can involve the surgical removal of the testes. Or, "chemical castration" using hormones to dramatically reduce testosterone levels in order to effectively render the sex offender impotent. What is to be counted as a sufficiently serious ‘sex crime’, the type of castration to be used, and the circumstance under which it would operate are all variables in this debate. Nevertheless, the question of whether castrating sex offenders can ever be an appropriate societal response is widely debate. The Czech Republic was one of the first countries to legalize chemical castration. Poland[1], South Korea, Germany, Denmark, France, and Australia have followed. In the United States, states that have legalized "chemical castration" include Georgia, Iowa, Oregon, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Montana, Texas, Wisconsin and Florida.[2]
Castration of sex offenders has been effective Dr. Martin Holly, a leading sexologist and psychiatrist who is director of the Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice in Prague, said none of the nearly 100 sex offenders who had been physically castrated had committed further offenses. Furthermore, a Danish study of 900 castrated sex offenders in the 1960s suggested the rate of repeat offenses dropped after surgical castration to 2.3 percent from 80 percent.[3] In addition, a 1981 study conducted with 48 males with long standing histories of sexually deviant behaviour, found that 40 of these individuals given doses of medroxyprogesterone acetate for as long as 12 months had diminished desires for deviant sexual behaviour, less frequent sexual fantasies, and greater control over sexual urges.
  • Castration subdues libido and psychological factors in predation. A Polish government official said after Poland passed a mandatory chemical castration sentencing law in 2010: "The purpose of this action is to improve the mental health of the convict, to lowered his libido and thereby reduce the risk of another crime being committed by the same person."[4]
  • Castration combined with treatment reduces recidivism risks. Governor Celso Jaque of Mendoza Argentina, announced in March of 2010, "By using medication that lowers the person's sexual desire and with psychological treatment, the person can be reintroduced into society without being a threat."[5]
Sex offenders should get life in prison....they cannot be trusted to not re offend.....I only support the death penalty for murder, but anyone found of actual rape....not the 17 year old guy and his girlfriend having sex........should be sent to prison for life.....otherwise there will be more victims...
Chemical castration is the only obvious solution to this problem. If you are willing to go after minors and children, then be prepared for a sexless life.

Background and context
Many people consider sexual abuse one of the worst crimes a person can commit. In these circumstances, it has been proposed by some that such an offender should be punished, normally in addition to a jail term, by castration.

Castration can involve the surgical removal of the testes. Or, "chemical castration" using hormones to dramatically reduce testosterone levels in order to effectively render the sex offender impotent. What is to be counted as a sufficiently serious ‘sex crime’, the type of castration to be used, and the circumstance under which it would operate are all variables in this debate. Nevertheless, the question of whether castrating sex offenders can ever be an appropriate societal response is widely debate. The Czech Republic was one of the first countries to legalize chemical castration. Poland[1], South Korea, Germany, Denmark, France, and Australia have followed. In the United States, states that have legalized "chemical castration" include Georgia, Iowa, Oregon, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Montana, Texas, Wisconsin and Florida.[2]
Castration of sex offenders has been effective Dr. Martin Holly, a leading sexologist and psychiatrist who is director of the Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice in Prague, said none of the nearly 100 sex offenders who had been physically castrated had committed further offenses. Furthermore, a Danish study of 900 castrated sex offenders in the 1960s suggested the rate of repeat offenses dropped after surgical castration to 2.3 percent from 80 percent.[3] In addition, a 1981 study conducted with 48 males with long standing histories of sexually deviant behaviour, found that 40 of these individuals given doses of medroxyprogesterone acetate for as long as 12 months had diminished desires for deviant sexual behaviour, less frequent sexual fantasies, and greater control over sexual urges.
  • Castration subdues libido and psychological factors in predation. A Polish government official said after Poland passed a mandatory chemical castration sentencing law in 2010: "The purpose of this action is to improve the mental health of the convict, to lowered his libido and thereby reduce the risk of another crime being committed by the same person."[4]
  • Castration combined with treatment reduces recidivism risks. Governor Celso Jaque of Mendoza Argentina, announced in March of 2010, "By using medication that lowers the person's sexual desire and with psychological treatment, the person can be reintroduced into society without being a threat."[5]

The best solution...never let them out.....
So you are sexist. At least I have a starting point from which to try and understand...

We all know already that women are superior beings. Where have YOU been?
I'm just not seeing it right now.

That's because you're a typical dumbass internet poster.
Really? I'm not the one proposing precrime as a serious social policy proposal.

Pedophilia is always a crime, whether they have acted upon it YET or not is irrelevant to me. They are a clear and present danger to children and prey on the most vulnerable humans in our society. They should be hung up by the balls and people should spit on them.
No, thoughts are not crimes, however much you may want them to be.
Chemical castration is the only obvious solution to this problem. If you are willing to go after minors and children, then be prepared for a sexless life.

Background and context
Many people consider sexual abuse one of the worst crimes a person can commit. In these circumstances, it has been proposed by some that such an offender should be punished, normally in addition to a jail term, by castration.

Castration can involve the surgical removal of the testes. Or, "chemical castration" using hormones to dramatically reduce testosterone levels in order to effectively render the sex offender impotent. What is to be counted as a sufficiently serious ‘sex crime’, the type of castration to be used, and the circumstance under which it would operate are all variables in this debate. Nevertheless, the question of whether castrating sex offenders can ever be an appropriate societal response is widely debate. The Czech Republic was one of the first countries to legalize chemical castration. Poland[1], South Korea, Germany, Denmark, France, and Australia have followed. In the United States, states that have legalized "chemical castration" include Georgia, Iowa, Oregon, Oklahoma, Louisiana, Montana, Texas, Wisconsin and Florida.[2]
Castration of sex offenders has been effective Dr. Martin Holly, a leading sexologist and psychiatrist who is director of the Psychiatric Hospital Bohnice in Prague, said none of the nearly 100 sex offenders who had been physically castrated had committed further offenses. Furthermore, a Danish study of 900 castrated sex offenders in the 1960s suggested the rate of repeat offenses dropped after surgical castration to 2.3 percent from 80 percent.[3] In addition, a 1981 study conducted with 48 males with long standing histories of sexually deviant behaviour, found that 40 of these individuals given doses of medroxyprogesterone acetate for as long as 12 months had diminished desires for deviant sexual behaviour, less frequent sexual fantasies, and greater control over sexual urges.
  • Castration subdues libido and psychological factors in predation. A Polish government official said after Poland passed a mandatory chemical castration sentencing law in 2010: "The purpose of this action is to improve the mental health of the convict, to lowered his libido and thereby reduce the risk of another crime being committed by the same person."[4]
  • Castration combined with treatment reduces recidivism risks. Governor Celso Jaque of Mendoza Argentina, announced in March of 2010, "By using medication that lowers the person's sexual desire and with psychological treatment, the person can be reintroduced into society without being a threat."[5]

The best solution...never let them out.....

But of course, the people who "feel sorry" for these low life scumbags would never go for such a thing, so chemical castration is the next best thing. It makes them basically asexual in that they feel no or very little desire for sexual relations.
We all know already that women are superior beings. Where have YOU been?
I'm just not seeing it right now.

That's because you're a typical dumbass internet poster.
Really? I'm not the one proposing precrime as a serious social policy proposal.

Pedophilia is always a crime, whether they have acted upon it YET or not is irrelevant to me. They are a clear and present danger to children and prey on the most vulnerable humans in our society. They should be hung up by the balls and people should spit on them.
No, thoughts are not crimes, however much you may want them to be.

Pedophile thoughts should be crimes. Ugh. The ultimate disgusting losers.
What It’s Like to Be a Celibate Pedophile

Libs trying to normalize it via trying to get more liberals to feel empathy for fucking freaks who should be forced organ donors.
Please explain EXACTLY how this is "normalizing" pedophilia? Normalizing pedophilia would mean that there is an attempt is being made to make the act of sex with children acceptable. That is not what's happening here. These people have a problem and apparently know it, they know it's wrong and are struggling with it. They exist for what ever reason- so what would YOU do? With hold support ? Force to into even more emotional isolation than they are already experiencing? And ten what do you think would happen? They would then be more likely to actually abuse a child. And what the fuck does this have to do with liberals?
It has NOTHING to do with liberals. The OP fails to establish that.

Liberals are the sexist of them all.
Did you mean SEXIEST
Sorry, I told you all at the beginning that I have NO PITY for child diddlers.
I don't have any pity for people who actually harm children but I do have pitty for you because you seem to be unable to comprehend the implications of what you're advocating.

We as a society have to show some compassion and understanding for those with mental illness and appreciate their efforts and ability to control their impulses. Once they can't, then I agree -put them away.

I do have compassion for people who are suffering from mental illness, just not pedos. I don't feel sorry for them at all. I hate them.
Fine. You're free to hate anybody you want. That is always a good solution , Right? Just keep in mind that if people like the one interviewed in the OP are threatened with persecution, castration and prison, they are not going to talk about their affliction. They are going to suffer quietly, experience more stress, and be less well able to control their impulses. You're not thinking very clearly about this. You "policy would put children at greater risk.
I remember being a little kid at the local pool, and there was this bald weird old man who hung out there. He would always try to get us girls to swim in between his legs and then he would want to swim in between OUR legs. I always knew the guy was a weirdo, an old perv. I had my smaller, younger friend get on the back of my bike and I rode her home just so that she wouldn't be left alone with that old man one time. Everyone would say, "oh, he's just a harmless old man." Well, come to find out he was arrested and incarcerated for molesting his own GRANDSON for years. The kid was a total mess. He RUINED that child's life and probably other children's lives too. One of my best friends was molested by her mother's boyfriend. She was 14. He plied her and a couple of her other friends (thanks be I was grounded and couldn't go to her sleepover) with alcohol and then butt fucked them. He was also convicted, and these weren't his FIRST victims come to find out. He was a big fat disgusting . . . ugh . . . of a guy. Barely human in my eyes.
Sorry, I told you all at the beginning that I have NO PITY for child diddlers.
I don't have any pity for people who actually harm children but I do have pitty for you because you seem to be unable to comprehend the implications of what you're advocating.

We as a society have to show some compassion and understanding for those with mental illness and appreciate their efforts and ability to control their impulses. Once they can't, then I agree -put them away.

I do have compassion for people who are suffering from mental illness, just not pedos. I don't feel sorry for them at all. I hate them.
Fine. You're free to hate anybody you want. That is always a good solution , Right? Just keep in mind that if people like the one interviewed in the OP are threatened with persecution, castration and prison, they are not going to talk about their affliction. They are going to suffer quietly, experience more stress, and be less well able to control their impulses. You're not thinking very clearly about this. You "policy would put children at greater risk.

They should VOLUNTEER to be castrated. If they were human, they would.
I remember being a little kid at the local pool, and there was this bald weird old man who hung out there. He would always try to get us girls to swim in between his legs and then he would want to swim in between OUR legs. I always knew the guy was a weirdo, an old perv. I had my smaller, younger friend get on the back of my bike and I rode her home just so that she wouldn't be left alone with that old man one time. Everyone would say, "oh, he's just a harmless old man." Well, come to find out he was arrested and incarcerated for molesting his own GRANDSON for years. The kid was a total mess. He RUINED that child's life and probably other children's lives too. One of my best friends was molested by her mother's boyfriend. She was 14. He plied her and a couple of her other friends (thanks be I was grounded and couldn't go to her sleepover) with alcohol and then butt fucked them. He was also convicted, and these weren't his FIRST victims come to find out. He was a big fat disgusting . . . ugh . . . of a guy. Barely human in my eyes.
Yes he is all those things. And if he was anything like the man in the article you didn't read, you never would have heard of him and his grandson would be just fine.
I remember being a little kid at the local pool, and there was this bald weird old man who hung out there. He would always try to get us girls to swim in between his legs and then he would want to swim in between OUR legs. I always knew the guy was a weirdo, an old perv. I had my smaller, younger friend get on the back of my bike and I rode her home just so that she wouldn't be left alone with that old man one time. Everyone would say, "oh, he's just a harmless old man." Well, come to find out he was arrested and incarcerated for molesting his own GRANDSON for years. The kid was a total mess. He RUINED that child's life and probably other children's lives too. One of my best friends was molested by her mother's boyfriend. She was 14. He plied her and a couple of her other friends (thanks be I was grounded and couldn't go to her sleepover) with alcohol and then butt fucked them. He was also convicted, and these weren't his FIRST victims come to find out. He was a big fat disgusting . . . ugh . . . of a guy. Barely human in my eyes.
Yes he is all those things. And if he was anything like the man in the article you didn't read, you never would have heard of him and his grandson would be just fine.

That the URGES are there are enough. There have been PLENTY of convicted pedophiles who have admitted that they cannot control their urges when it comes to children.
What It’s Like to Be a Celibate Pedophile

Libs trying to normalize it via trying to get more liberals to feel empathy for fucking freaks who should be forced organ donors.

Normalize what? NOT fucking kids? I'm pretty sure that's already normalized.
No, trying to normalize the abnormal like desiring children for sex. Pedophiles have to be kept away from children. That's not normal. Well, maybe to you it is.

The entire article is about a man NOT fucking kids. About how its wrong and he won't do it.

To be fair, unless he is chemically or surgically castrated, the recidivism rate for pedophiles is about 100%.
What It’s Like to Be a Celibate Pedophile

Libs trying to normalize it via trying to get more liberals to feel empathy for fucking freaks who should be forced organ donors.

Normalize what? NOT fucking kids? I'm pretty sure that's already normalized.
No, trying to normalize the abnormal like desiring children for sex. Pedophiles have to be kept away from children. That's not normal. Well, maybe to you it is.

The entire article is about a man NOT fucking kids. About how its wrong and he won't do it.

To be fair, unless he is chemically or surgically castrated, the recidivism rate for pedophiles is about 100%.
For offenders, like dogs who killed a chicken and can't be rehabilitated. Once someone abuses a child, lock them up forever.
Any lib here going to claim this isn't an attempt to normalize? You want to say, so what, he's not acting on it? What about sociopaths who don't act upon their urge to murder? We need to normalize that too?


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