Libs again try to normalize pedophilia :New Yorker Magazine

I am beginning to wonder if there is a high concentration of weirdos in NY.

Well, Trump is from there….
All the better as he may know better how to take the trash out that has taken up residence with the ideology that they have the right to tell others what is and is not acceptable in their efforts to overtop what the Lord put into their hearts and minds.

So is Hillary.....
She's part of the trash that people want out.

So is Trump.
The problem with pedophilia is that when realized (abuse or rape of a child) the effects are too horrific. It's very very bad. It's not like a husband screaming at his wife too many times and now has to go for anger management therapy. That's bad but nothing close to sexually abusing or raping a child.

The flip side of this is that no one asks to be born a pedophile. His/her desires are profoundly inappropriate but unless acted out, a pedophile is a victim of their unfortunate, and of course potentially very damaging, desires.

I don't know what the answer is but children must be protected from a pedophile's desires. I would think mandatory therapy and some kind of registration (a chip inserted under the skin?). The good ones might comply but many wouldn't. Another thing would be to increase the penalty as a deterrent. I do think talking about it is a good step.
What It’s Like to Be a Celibate Pedophile

Libs trying to normalize it via trying to get more liberals to feel empathy for fucking freaks who should be forced organ donors.
I am beginning to wonder if there is a high concentration of weirdos in NY.

Well, Trump is from there….
All the better as he may know better how to take the trash out that has taken up residence with the ideology that they have the right to tell others what is and is not acceptable in their efforts to overtop what the Lord put into their hearts and minds.

So is Hillary.....

She was born in IL if I recall. Trump is a natural born weirdo
I would support mandatory execution for anyone who rapes a child and/or murders a child.
The problem with pedophilia is that when realized (abuse or rape of a child) the effects are too horrific. It's very very bad. It's not like a husband screaming at his wife too many times and now has to go for anger management therapy. That's bad but nothing close to sexually abusing or raping a child....The flip side of this is that no one asks to be born a pedophile. His/her desires are profoundly inappropriate but unless acted out, a pedophile is a victim of their unfortunate, and of course potentially very damaging, desires......I don't know what the answer is but children must be protected from a pedophile's desires. I would think mandatory therapy and some kind of registration (a chip inserted under the skin?). The good ones might comply but many wouldn't. Another thing would be to increase the penalty as a deterrent. I do think talking about it is a good step.
1. Nobody is "born" a pedophile. Extreme sexual dysfunction is socially learned. I guarantee you most pedophiles themselves have been molested. And, the Mayo Clinic agrees with me:
One of the most obvious examples of an environmental factor that increases the chances of an individual becoming an offender is if he or she were sexually abused as a child. This relationship is known as the “victim-to-abuser cycle” or “abused-abusers phenomena.”...why the “abused abusers phenomena” occurs: identification with the aggressor, in which the abused child is trying to gain a new identity by becoming the abuser; an imprinted sexual arousal pattern established by early abuse; early abuse leading to hypersexual behavior; or a form of social learning took place

It's extremely important if you want to treat a pedophile, to understand WHERE he LEARNED to be one in the first place. It is extremely harmful to assume he was "born that way". Because then "there is no hope or understanding to squelch future pedophiles".

2. Just yesterday I saw a woman in public who had been molested as a girl. (Small town lore). She was so beautiful in her youth, but the internal wreckage took its toll. She now is decades past many subsequent painful experiences brought on by terrible choices spurred from her internal angst over the original damage done. She was distraught, on the verge of panic, talking to herself, and confiding in some strangers where I could overhear, that she is worried something is wrong with her. Drugs, promiscuity, being beaten and taken advantage of by rotter after rotter has caught up to her. She looks sickly. Her skin has a greyish yellow patina. . She looks like she has a hepatic disease. Probably Hep C. Maybe something worse, I don't know. The point is that when this cycle perpetuates itself into another generation, the wreckage spreads out like a ripple in a pond. We'd do well to understand that it is learned behavior; and as such, approach therapy that way for these people.
1. Nobody is "born" a pedophile. Extreme sexual dysfunction is socially learned. I guarantee you most pedophiles themselves have been molested. And, the Mayo Clinic agrees with me:

Then I disagree with the Mayo Clinic. We are all born with innate tendencies. Some have a natural talent for art. Some are born homosexual. True, events in our lives can more easily bring to light preferences but many children are molested and never become molesters of children. They weren't born with that tendency.
It's extremely important if you want to treat a pedophile, to understand WHERE he LEARNED to be one in the first place. It is extremely harmful to assume he was "born that way". Because then "there is no hope or understanding to squelch future pedophiles".

What's the success rate of "curing" homosexuals?
1. Nobody is "born" a pedophile. Extreme sexual dysfunction is socially learned. I guarantee you most pedophiles themselves have been molested. And, the Mayo Clinic agrees with me:

Then I disagree with the Mayo Clinic. We are all born with innate tendencies. Some have a natural talent for art. Some are born homosexual. True, events in our lives can more easily bring to light preferences but many children are molested and never become molesters of children. They weren't born with that tendency.

You should know she's not actually citing the Mayo Clinic, but some blogger's reinterpretation of what they'd like the Mayo Clinic to say.
With the large numbers of Sunni Muslims being allowed into the US, their higher than average birthrate and their Sharia allowing them sex with girls that have had their first menses, it's only a matter of a few generations before pedophilia becomes acceptable by law. Sad.
The problem with pedophilia is that when realized (abuse or rape of a child) the effects are too horrific. It's very very bad. It's not like a husband screaming at his wife too many times and now has to go for anger management therapy. That's bad but nothing close to sexually abusing or raping a child.

The flip side of this is that no one asks to be born a pedophile. His/her desires are profoundly inappropriate but unless acted out, a pedophile is a victim of their unfortunate, and of course potentially very damaging, desires.

I don't know what the answer is but children must be protected from a pedophile's desires. I would think mandatory therapy and some kind of registration (a chip inserted under the skin?). The good ones might comply but many wouldn't. Another thing would be to increase the penalty as a deterrent. I do think talking about it is a good step.
You're the first on this thread to try. The second, actually, I'm the first from page 1. Everything that followed was hate and wanting to kill people for thought crimes; not a productive conversation. When people say they want to kill a family member of mine who has done nothing wrong, I try not to take it personally, knowing they are ignorant assholes who don't know shit about this issue.
It's extremely important if you want to treat a pedophile, to understand WHERE he LEARNED to be one in the first place. It is extremely harmful to assume he was "born that way". Because then "there is no hope or understanding to squelch future pedophiles".

What's the success rate of "curing" homosexuals?
Ask Exodus International. Oh wait, they shut down to avoid lawsuits and apologized for all the pain they caused trying to cure homosexuality.

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