Libs again try to normalize pedophilia :New Yorker Magazine

If desire alone mandates punishment, then it should mandate punishment.

And we don't kill people, mutilate them, imprison them or punish them.....when they haven't commited any crime.

Chemical castration is already used in other countries. What is your problem with chemically castrating pedos? Are their "rights" more important than those of the children they harm?

You don't understand salt peter. :rolleyes:

Either address the topic, or stop addressing my posts, OR I will have to put you on ignore function. K? Is that clear?

Is sex the topic. mmmm

No, pedophilia is the topic. You consider that to be "sex" do you?

You are too literal.
Wow! Lots of support for the pedophiles on this site, eh?
For someone who fancies themselves a conservative; you argue like a liberal. Trying to appeal to the "it's for the children" mentality without offering definitive answers to the topic at hand.
Wow! Lots of support for the pedophiles on this site, eh?
For someone who fancies themselves a conservative; you argue like a liberal. Trying to appeal to the "it's for the children" mentality without offering definitive answers to the topic at hand.

I'm not a conservative or a liberal. You are both dicks to me! Lol. :D
Wow! Lots of support for the pedophiles on this site, eh?
For someone who fancies themselves a conservative; you argue like a liberal. Trying to appeal to the "it's for the children" mentality without offering definitive answers to the topic at hand.

How about this for ya? When a "child" can live on their own, pay their own bills and keep a job, then they are an "adult." If they are living at home with mom and dad and going to school, they are NOT adults.
Punishing or killing people for something that they've never done isn't the answer to *anything*.

Sure it is. Wanting to have sex with kiddies should be a capital punishment offense, and I am normally anti capital punishment, but for this group, I would make an exception. Scourges on society and the world.

Desire isn't a crime. Crime requires you do something. We don't prosecute people for thought crimes. The closest we come is enhancing OTHER criminal acts with motivations.

And the guy in question has committed NO criminal act, victimized no one, taken nothing from anyone.

Your reasoning is a fascist, incoherent mess that falls apart with any consistent application. We're not doing any of it.

Yeah, just kill them or lock them up permanently. That would be the right thing to do. Separate them from the rest of society, as they are an unhealthy POCK upon humanity.
Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you, wanting to kill people just because you hate their condition. I think society is more in danger from your type than the subject being interviewed in the article.

Oh, definitely. Once you've started slaughtering people who have committed no crimes for the crimes they MIGHT commit.....but never have, that's a genie you're going to have a very hard time putting back in the bottle.
It reminds me of a certain Tom Cruise movie that didn't end well. Minority Report, that's it. Thousands of people incarcerated who never committed the crime they were convicted of but people were sure they would, given the opportunity. Movies don't frighten me nearly as much as real life people who think precrime is perfectly fine. THAT terrifies me!
Sure it is. Wanting to have sex with kiddies should be a capital punishment offense, and I am normally anti capital punishment, but for this group, I would make an exception. Scourges on society and the world.

Desire isn't a crime. Crime requires you do something. We don't prosecute people for thought crimes. The closest we come is enhancing OTHER criminal acts with motivations.

And the guy in question has committed NO criminal act, victimized no one, taken nothing from anyone.

Your reasoning is a fascist, incoherent mess that falls apart with any consistent application. We're not doing any of it.

Yeah, just kill them or lock them up permanently. That would be the right thing to do. Separate them from the rest of society, as they are an unhealthy POCK upon humanity.
Funny, I was just thinking the same thing about you, wanting to kill people just because you hate their condition. I think society is more in danger from your type than the subject being interviewed in the article.

Oh, definitely. Once you've started slaughtering people who have committed no crimes for the crimes they MIGHT commit.....but never have, that's a genie you're going to have a very hard time putting back in the bottle.
It reminds me of a certain Tom Cruise movie that didn't end well. Minority Report, that's it. Thousands of people incarcerated who never committed the crime they were convicted of but people were sure they would, given the opportunity. Movies don't frighten me nearly as much as real life people who think precrime is perfectly fine. THAT terrifies me!

If you aren't lusting after children, you have nothing to worry about. If you are, then chemical castration for you! No mercy!
Wow! Lots of support for the pedophiles on this site, eh?
For someone who fancies themselves a conservative; you argue like a liberal. Trying to appeal to the "it's for the children" mentality without offering definitive answers to the topic at hand.

How about this for ya? When a "child" can live on their own, pay their own bills and keep a job, then they are an "adult." If they are living at home with mom and dad and going to school, they are NOT adults.
Jeezus Christ! Todays "kids" wouldn't be having sex till 35 years old! Good luck with that.
Wow! Lots of support for the pedophiles on this site, eh?
For someone who fancies themselves a conservative; you argue like a liberal. Trying to appeal to the "it's for the children" mentality without offering definitive answers to the topic at hand.

How about this for ya? When a "child" can live on their own, pay their own bills and keep a job, then they are an "adult." If they are living at home with mom and dad and going to school, they are NOT adults.
Jeezus Christ! Todays "kids" wouldn't be having sex till 35 years old! Good luck with that.

Nothing wrong with children (or teens I should say) experimenting with sex amongst their peers.
I am a proponent of "Romeo and Juliet" laws, that being within a couple or 3 years age difference.
Wow! Lots of support for the pedophiles on this site, eh?
For someone who fancies themselves a conservative; you argue like a liberal. Trying to appeal to the "it's for the children" mentality without offering definitive answers to the topic at hand.

How about this for ya? When a "child" can live on their own, pay their own bills and keep a job, then they are an "adult." If they are living at home with mom and dad and going to school, they are NOT adults.
Jeezus Christ! Todays "kids" wouldn't be having sex till 35 years old! Good luck with that.

Heck, probably most of them should NOT be considered adults in reality.
Wow! Lots of support for the pedophiles on this site, eh?
For someone who fancies themselves a conservative; you argue like a liberal. Trying to appeal to the "it's for the children" mentality without offering definitive answers to the topic at hand.

How about this for ya? When a "child" can live on their own, pay their own bills and keep a job, then they are an "adult." If they are living at home with mom and dad and going to school, they are NOT adults.
Jeezus Christ! Todays "kids" wouldn't be having sex till 35 years old! Good luck with that.

Nothing wrong with children (or teens I should say) experimenting with sex amongst their peers.
So you don't mind a 15 year old having sex. Unless their partners age offends your sensibilities. There's some hypocrisy in there. Who would you be to determine another persons sex partner. Are you the head Madam of the cat house?
Wow! Lots of support for the pedophiles on this site, eh?
For someone who fancies themselves a conservative; you argue like a liberal. Trying to appeal to the "it's for the children" mentality without offering definitive answers to the topic at hand.

How about this for ya? When a "child" can live on their own, pay their own bills and keep a job, then they are an "adult." If they are living at home with mom and dad and going to school, they are NOT adults.
Jeezus Christ! Todays "kids" wouldn't be having sex till 35 years old! Good luck with that.

Nothing wrong with children (or teens I should say) experimenting with sex amongst their peers.
so you don't mind a 15 year old having sex. Unless their partners age offends your sensibilities. There's some hypocrisy in there. Who would you be to determine another persons sex partner. Are you the head Madam of the cat house?

They should NOT be having sex, but if they were to have sex, it should be someone of equal age and experience level, yes. Adults, there are plenty of GROWN women out there. Leave the children alone.
What It’s Like to Be a Celibate Pedophile

Libs trying to normalize it via trying to get more liberals to feel empathy for fucking freaks who should be forced organ donors.
Please explain EXACTLY how this is "normalizing" pedophilia? Normalizing pedophilia would mean that there is an attempt is being made to make the act of sex with children acceptable. That is not what's happening here. These people have a problem and apparently know it, they know it's wrong and are struggling with it. They exist for what ever reason- so what would YOU do? With hold support ? Force to into even more emotional isolation than they are already experiencing? And ten what do you think would happen? They would then be more likely to actually abuse a child. And what the fuck does this have to do with liberals?
It has NOTHING to do with liberals. The OP fails to establish that.
Sorry, I told you all at the beginning that I have NO PITY for child diddlers.

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