Libs and fake moderates hate marjorie taylor greene because…

Why single out a single Representative when there are over 400? Greene is white and female and that suits the anti-woman, racist democrat party these days. Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters openly says that they monitor only conservative speech and Greene is one of Soros major targets.
We are talking about MTG is a flake, not Soros or anyone else.
She is a flake and your know it.
I did. Common knowledge of what MTG has been doing for some time is a fine defense.
The question is: how you can defend her?
"Common knowledge" isn't an example. Can't you provide even one example to support your claim? If you can't, the you should find a new hobby.
I know dems want her banished from congress

But I like her candidness
She’s an embarrassment. Her candidness isn’t the problem. Her problem is she is just so out of touch with reality.
Exactly. I've asked two of you ignorant asswipes to provide an example and neither of you can do it. Ignorant little children.
So I guess you're a believer in the Jewish Space Laser conspiracy then.


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