Libs and fake moderates hate marjorie taylor greene because…

Libs and fake moderates hate marjorie taylor greene because…​

Patriots are their enemies. Bed wetter's entire perspective in life is filtered through the emotion of hate. They're the "reactionaries". They're the people who don't want the problems their agenda and policies created solved. The entire foundation of their political philosophy is marxism, something a reactionary who hates and envies the rich and innovatively successful would embrace.

It's not even a mental disorder that ought to take much to diagnose and treat, but for some reason we are as a nation failing to address the massive herds of mindless drones that represent the results of a population that has no predators, extremely excessive safety standards, and supports malingering, and sloth.
She tells it like it is

In this case calling a lying biden official a liar

Should probably have her voted out of Congress.

She broke the rules of decorum, and that’s what Republicans do to people who break the rules.
Should probably have her voted out of Congress.

She broke the rules of decorum, and that’s what Republicans do to people who break the rules.
I know dems want her banished from congress

But I like her candidness
Why single out a single Representative when there are over 400? Greene is white and female and that suits the anti-woman, racist democrat party these days. Soros (tax exempt) Media Matters openly says that they monitor only conservative speech and Greene is one of Soros major targets.

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