Libs Ask When Trump Will Release His College Transcripts; He'll Release Them If Obama Releases His

Who gives a flying fuck about Rump's "college transcripts"? Or anybody's college transcripts?
That sound you just heard, was little pogo fleeing from the issue of Obama concealing his college transcripts, at high speed with his tail clamped firmly between his hind legs. And shouting diversions about Trump over his shoulder as he disappears over the horizon.

The Dems' usual tricks won't work on Trump. He crushes them into the dirt every time they try.
Who gives a flying fuck about Rump's "college transcripts"? Or anybody's college transcripts?
That sound you just heard, was little pogo fleeing from the issue of Obama concealing his college transcripts, at high speed with his tail clamped firmly between his hind legs. And shouting diversions about Trump over his shoulder as he disappears over the horizon.


No actually it was the sound of Steve McRacist's strawman faw down.

I have yet to see a link to "libs" -- or anybody -- giving Fuck One about Rump's college transcripts.
And if there is one it won't be coming from this end. :9:
But we don't have a right to know about Obama's education, place of birth, or anything about his life, other than he is Barack Obama and he works miracles (or will some day).

Uh, we already know all of that and much more. Nothing is "sealed".

Get some new lies. President Obama is most vetted president in our history.
Then post his college transcripts for us. And while you're at it, can you post his original bc? Not the 2 fake ones but the real one.

A "real one" featuring the signature of a laundry detergent you've actually heard of?

I'll settle for the original. The one the hospital issues, not the photoshopped version they released.

You mean like the ones you got for Bush and Clinton and Bush and Reagan and Carter and Ford and Nixon and LBJ and Kennedy the white guys?

Where's H.W.s birth certificate? Ever seen it? Apparently no one else has either.
Where's Clinton's? Ford's? Kennedy's? No records at all. Are you concerned about the white guys?

How come Nixon's and Reagan's weren't even signed until 1942? Not even by a laundry detergent?
Who gives a flying fuck about Rump's "college transcripts"? Or anybody's college transcripts?

Don't we already know more than enough?

Or do we....

>> According to Harry Levinson, a Boston-based business psychologist who has studied family businesses, ''The core problem of the entrepreneur in the family business is the unresolved Oedipal problem, trying to beat the old man.'' This is particularly so where the father has been very successful.

''The son feels so inadequate and unable to compete with the father that he works out compensatory behavior,'' Dr. Levinson says. ''He goes to the opposite and blows himself up to deny his feeling of helplessness. Particularly with an entrepreneur who has to fight through so many things, this compensatory self-centeredness serves him well.''<< --- The Empire and Ego of Donald T. Rump

Since Drumpf didn't earn his fortune, since his daddy did it for him and since he is so bad at business that he declares bankruptcy at the drop of a hat, no wonder he feels very inadequate. One look at that silly hair confirms it.
You do realize Hillary left the Whitehouse dead broke, after living for eight years rent free?
As well as I recall, Trump offered Obama 50 million to any charity of his choosing if he would release his College admissions back in 2012 and Obama refused. Gee, I wonder why?


Trump harbors a massive insecurity about his intelligence PJ Tatler

Can we include birth certificate. I'll show you mine if you show me yours.
As well as I recall, Trump offered Obama 50 million to any charity of his choosing if he would release his College admissions back in 2012 and Obama refused. Gee, I wonder why?

Prolly because Rump has a history of reneging.
He's like Liability (Ilya Kuryakin, whatever he calls himself).
As well as I recall, Trump offered Obama 50 million to any charity of his choosing if he would release his College admissions back in 2012 and Obama refused. Gee, I wonder why?r

Because Obama was acting Presidential- and like every other President didn't release his college information.

I could care less if Trump does or does not release his college info- but I guarantee that few if any Birthers will demand Trumps college records or anything else from Trump.
But we don't have a right to know about Obama's education, place of birth, or anything about his life, other than he is Barack Obama and he works miracles (or will some day).

Uh, we already know all of that and much more. Nothing is "sealed".

Get some new lies. President Obama is most vetted president in our history.
Then post his college transcripts for us. And while you're at it, can you post his original bc? Not the 2 fake ones but the real one.

A "real one" featuring the signature of a laundry detergent you've actually heard of?

I'll settle for the original. The one the hospital issues, not the photoshopped version they released.

You mean like the ones you got for Bush and Clinton and Bush and Reagan and Carter and Ford and Nixon and LBJ and Kennedy the white guys?

Where's H.W.s birth certificate? Ever seen it? Apparently no one else has either.
Where's Clinton's? Ford's? Kennedy's? No records at all. Are you concerned about the white guys?

How come Nixon's and Reagan's weren't even signed until 1942? Not even by a laundry detergent?

Eisenhower's BC was not created until he ran for President- and then it was based upon the testimony of his brother- who was 2 years old when Ike was born.

And Ike was born only 200 miles from a land border.........

Oh and Ike, even after having his BC issued, still didn't show them to the public.
But we don't have a right to know about Obama's education, place of birth, or anything about his life, other than he is Barack Obama and he works miracles (or will some day).

Uh, we already know all of that and much more. Nothing is "sealed".

Get some new lies. President Obama is most vetted president in our history.
Then post his college transcripts for us. And while you're at it, can you post his original bc? Not the 2 fake ones but the real one.

A "real one" featuring the signature of a laundry detergent you've actually heard of?

I'll settle for the original. The one the hospital issues, not the photoshopped version they released.

LOL- you have seen the 'original' with the doctor's signature on it- you just refuse to accept it.

Because you are a Birther.
But we don't have a right to know about Obama's education, place of birth, or anything about his life, other than he is Barack Obama and he works miracles (or will some day).

A Presidential candidate has only the obligation to show voters as much as the candidate decides is necessary to get elected.

Trump will decide for himself if he is going to release any information.

The voters already decided that Obama had released as much information as was necessary.
Who gives a flying fuck about Rump's "college transcripts"? Or anybody's college transcripts?

Don't we already know more than enough?

Or do we....

>> According to Harry Levinson, a Boston-based business psychologist who has studied family businesses, ''The core problem of the entrepreneur in the family business is the unresolved Oedipal problem, trying to beat the old man.'' This is particularly so where the father has been very successful.

''The son feels so inadequate and unable to compete with the father that he works out compensatory behavior,'' Dr. Levinson says. ''He goes to the opposite and blows himself up to deny his feeling of helplessness. Particularly with an entrepreneur who has to fight through so many things, this compensatory self-centeredness serves him well.''<< --- The Empire and Ego of Donald T. Rump

Since Drumpf didn't earn his fortune, since his daddy did it for him and since he is so bad at business that he declares bankruptcy at the drop of a hat, no wonder he feels very inadequate. One look at that silly hair confirms it.
You do realize Hillary left the Whitehouse dead broke, after living for eight years rent free?


For the millionth time, tax payers do not pay all expenses for our presidents.

And, for the millionth time, President Clinton left us with a budget surplus which Bush squandered on his illegal war.
BTW, Obama's birth certificate was on record with the senate long before he ran for prez.

Its required.

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