Libs compare Helsinki to Kristallnacht, Pearl Harbor

Russia attacked our nation! Do you expect your president, who swore an oath to defend this nation from enemies foreign and do,estimated, to be loyal to our nation?

Is that what you said about Obama when he was sucking Castro's cock? Cuba has killed FAR more Americans that Russia has. At least directly.
And when in the course of a serving President's term he travels offshore to conduct diplomacy and the very machinery of his administration abandons his effort and accuses him of treason, the only treason being committed is by those who snipe at him from domestic shadows. The anti-American is in the above quoted post; rhetoric parroted of a narrative sold on the cheap to those nursing the teat of hatred for their President. Unpatriotic are they all.
Oh dear Lord! It's unpatriotic to criticize the president for acting treasonous,y? Do you really expect us to accept this topsy turkey world of Trumpian obfuscation?

No. I expect you to be loyal to your nation in time of war.
Russia attacked our nation! Do you expect your president, who swore an oath to defend this nation from enemies foreign and do,estimated, to be loyal to our nation?

I do not expect it, I know that he is doing it--being loyal to our nation. Behind the rhetoric of MSM blaring mouthpieces on all sides of the aisle, there's plenty of room to allow yourself the freedom to love your nation, and your President, simultaneously. The us and them mentality sweeping our country is killing it.
The Main Stram Media boogeyman you lean on whenever Trump puts his silver plated foot in his mouth did not commit treason. Trump did.

You can't spin this, you can't put the blame elsewhere. Nobody else is drinking the kool-aid.

Then, unfortunately we'll decide this at the polls or in the trenches; or perhaps the champion you cheer is the one who calls for effective sedition?
No, buddy, we don’t we actually have low expectations of libtards!

I expect Communist traitors like Nosmo to be Communist traitors.

Psychopath liars and scumbags without the slightest hint of integrity who are dedicated to the destruction of this nation.
No, buddy, we don’t we actually have low expectations of libtards!

I expect Communist traitors like Nosmo to be Communist traitors.

Psychopath liars and scumbags without the slightest hint of integrity who are dedicated to the destruction of this nation.
Was I the one at the podium in Helsinki standing beside Pitin telling the world that I believe what the Kremlin says, but not my own government?

If a democrat had done just that, your partisan ass would have crucified him. But not Teflon Donald Trump the huckster buffoon! Please.
No, buddy, we don’t we actually have low expectations of libtards!

I expect Communist traitors like Nosmo to be Communist traitors.

Psychopath liars and scumbags without the slightest hint of integrity who are dedicated to the destruction of this nation.
Was I the one at the podium in Helsinki standing beside Pitin telling the world that I believe what the Kremlin says, but not my own government?

If a democrat had done just that, your partisan ass would have crucified him. But not Teflon Donald Trump the huckster buffoon! Please.

if a democrat had been hounded by a federal agency that also attempted to steam roll I would not.

You losers can't get over the fact that there is clearly a bias in these agencies that affects what they do.
Russia attacked our nation! Do you expect your president, who swore an oath to defend this nation from enemies foreign and do,estimated, to be loyal to our nation?

Is that what you said about Obama when he was sucking Castro's cock? Cuba has killed FAR more Americans that Russia has. At least directly.
Remember when obama invited IMMADINNAHJACKET TO WASHINGYON?
Russia attacked our nation! Do you expect your president, who swore an oath to defend this nation from enemies foreign and do,estimated, to be loyal to our nation?

Is that what you said about Obama when he was sucking Castro's cock? Cuba has killed FAR more Americans that Russia has. At least directly.
Remember when obama invited IMMADINNAHJACKET TO WASHINGYON?

But...but...but that's different.

it was Obama.
The far right and alt right polemicists fail to defend Trump and the meltdown at Helsinki.

He compromised his office of the presidency in siding with Putin and Russia over our intel agencies.

No amount of backwalking can cover the length of the damage Trump caused.

A comparison suggests to the thinking mind of Munich and appeasement.

Shame on Trump.
The far right and alt right polemicists fail to defend Trump and the meltdown at Helsinki.

He compromised his office of the presidency in siding with Putin and Russia over our intel agencies.

No amount of backwalking can cover the length of the damage Trump caused.

A comparison suggests to the thinking mind of Munich and appeasement.

Shame on Trump.
The real question that we can never know the answer why the Looney left wants war with Russia.
This is funny, but the libs are likely to resort to violence like they did when they shot up the Republican baseball practice in Alexandria last year.
there was no 'they' in the baseball shooting comrade, it was one, single, crazy man....

One crazy Lib who actually took the Media's over the top rhetoric and Fake News seriously.

If someone actually takes MSNBC and CNN and the NY Times seriously, the gentleman in Alexandria was acting logically.

After all, the Lame Stream Media described the Republicans as nazis and Trump as "hitler".
This is funny, but the libs are likely to resort to violence like they did when they shot up the Republican baseball practice in Alexandria last year.
there was no 'they' in the baseball shooting comrade, it was one, single, crazy man....

One crazy Lib who actually took the Media's over the top rhetoric and Fake News seriously.

If someone actually takes MSNBC and CNN and the NY Times seriously, the gentleman in Alexandria was acting logically.

After all, the Lame Stream Media described the Republicans as nazis and Trump as "hitler".

And you do not seem to understand that 'they' means 'plural/more than one'.

I think I learned the difference in the first or second grade.
The far right and alt right polemicists fail to defend Trump and the meltdown at Helsinki.

He compromised his office of the presidency in siding with Putin and Russia over our intel agencies.

No amount of backwalking can cover the length of the damage Trump caused.

A comparison suggests to the thinking mind of Munich and appeasement.

Shame on Trump.
The real question that we can never know the answer why the Looney left wants war with Russia.

They don't, they just want to end the United States.

The left never gave up on the USSR, what they do now is in an attempt to restore the USSR inside of America.
The far right and alt right polemicists fail to defend Trump and the meltdown at Helsinki.

He compromised his office of the presidency in siding with Putin and Russia over our intel agencies.

No amount of backwalking can cover the length of the damage Trump caused.

A comparison suggests to the thinking mind of Munich and appeasement.

Shame on Trump.
The real question that we can never know the answer why the Looney left wants war with Russia.

They don't, they just want to end the United States.

The left never gave up on the USSR, what they do now is in an attempt to restore the USSR inside of America.
Sure, that's it.
No amount of backwalking can cover the length of the damage Trump caused.

What damage, pray tell?

I don't see any damage at all, except perhaps to the liberal "journalists" and that Pervert Bobby Mueller's ego.

All the Trumpster was doing was mocking these doofuses, a treatment they well deserved.

If they expect the President not to fight back against their attempts to get him out of office, they have an unrealistic expectation
The Trump people are seething with hate and rage, and are very desperate now with mid-terms and Mueller's reports just around the corner. The proper comparison would be Helsinki to Munich.

No Jakey, it is YOU who are seething with hatred an rage toward Trump.
The Trump people are seething with hate and rage, and are very desperate now with mid-terms and Mueller's reports just around the corner. The proper comparison would be Helsinki to Munich.

No Jakey, it is YOU who are seething with hatred an rage toward Trump.
Bless your angry heart, Leo. Trump fouled up so bigly at Munich . . . er, Helsinki.
The Trump people are seething with hate and rage, and are very desperate now with mid-terms and Mueller's reports just around the corner. The proper comparison would be Helsinki to Munich.

Wake up Jakey.....You’re dreaming and your Mommy ia calling.

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