Libs compare Helsinki to Kristallnacht, Pearl Harbor

The intellectually clumsy Trumpians are taking a stab at defending Trump's treason by blaming someone else. They want,to focus their blurry outlook on a Liberal commentator while either ignoring the blatant treason committed by The Donald in Helsinki or commenting on what their opposition said and drawing some left footed moral equivalence.

The first thing you Trumpians must face in the harsh light of day is Donald Trump is an idiot of the first order. Secondly, you must admit that the presidency of the United States is not an entry level job. And finally you must admit that the idiot you along with 63,000 voters in Wisconsin did to America last autumn must be undone before the bull who brings his own China shop along on foreign visits cuts us off all together.
The intellectually clumsy Trumpians are taking a stab at defending Trump's treason by blaming someone else. They want,to focus their blurry outlook on a Liberal commentator while either ignoring the blatant treason committed by The Donald in Helsinki or commenting on what their opposition said and drawing some left footed moral equivalence.

The first thing you Trumpians must face in the harsh light of day is Donald Trump is an idiot of the first order. Secondly, you must admit that the presidency of the United States is not an entry level job. And finally you must admit that the idiot you along with 63,000 voters in Wisconsin did to America last autumn must be undone before the bull who brings his own China shop along on foreign visits cuts us off all together.

That no doubt is the reason for the collapse of D campaign fund raising.
It is just more hyperbole, something both sides have been engaging in to gin up their base. It gets old and does nothing to resolve issues.
The Trump people are seething with hate and rage, and are very desperate now with mid-terms and Mueller's reports just around the corner. The proper comparison would be Helsinki to Munich.
See Jake

See Jake project

Project Jake, project.
I do not see the "disaster" ----not even remotely
Very misleading thread title. The comparison was not made as a disaster or even as comparable in nature or significance. Exact comment was that the event would live in infamy like Pearl Harbor and 9/11. He simply meant that the event would be remembered as a highly important event in American history that changed the world and changed America.
Ahhh....that rather changes things. Should not have taken title at face value.
I agree, they have become very terrible people if you don't agree with them or they dislike who you vote for.

They have always been terrible people.

Those who run the DNC are basically the same kind of people who were the toadies of Stalin and Hitler. Lusting for power, they seek to impose by force on others.
The intellectually clumsy Trumpians are taking a stab at defending Trump's treason by blaming someone else. They want,to focus their blurry outlook on a Liberal commentator while either ignoring the blatant treason committed by The Donald in Helsinki or commenting on what their opposition said and drawing some left footed moral equivalence.

The first thing you Trumpians must face in the harsh light of day is Donald Trump is an idiot of the first order. Secondly, you must admit that the presidency of the United States is not an entry level job. And finally you must admit that the idiot you along with 63,000 voters in Wisconsin did to America last autumn must be undone before the bull who brings his own China shop along on foreign visits cuts us off all together.

What "treason" is this Comrade?

Criticizing the "intelligence community"

Want to bet a pound of Yellowcake that I can find PLENTY of criticism of same by you Stalinists?

Fucking hypocrites.
The intellectually clumsy Trumpians are taking a stab at defending Trump's treason by blaming someone else. They want,to focus their blurry outlook on a Liberal commentator while either ignoring the blatant treason committed by The Donald in Helsinki or commenting on what their opposition said and drawing some left footed moral equivalence.

The first thing you Trumpians must face in the harsh light of day is Donald Trump is an idiot of the first order. Secondly, you must admit that the presidency of the United States is not an entry level job. And finally you must admit that the idiot you along with 63,000 voters in Wisconsin did to America last autumn must be undone before the bull who brings his own China shop along on foreign visits cuts us off all together.

The exact opposite. What you attempt to illustrate is a tainted momentum begun six decades ago to rewrite the natural laws of human social interaction and biology, all in the name of a cultural revolution initiated by a philosophy of violent feminism, and perpetuated by the postmodernist intellectual revolution on campuses nationwide, and given life anew by two terms of a serving Muslim President. That momentum to remove our currently serving President is oxygenated by a grand narrative, a lie, manufactured both by internal political and cultural corruption. And finally, that momentum has exceeded its tensile strength and will very soon snap. The blow back will be meteoric.
IMHO, President Trump has driven them plum loco.

This is funny, but the libs are likely to resort to violence like they did when they shot up the Republican baseball practice in Alexandria last year.

President Trump really needs to have Haldol dumped into the water supply of major liberal metropolis, and get these people to mellow out.

Watergate prosecutor compares Trump-Putin summit to Pearl Harbor, Kristallnacht

Okay dumb ass...where is the other 'lib' who compared Helisnki to Kristallnacht?

Your link only mentions one person who said that...yet your moronic title says 'libs' (plural). No doubt an alt-right attempt to try and make liberals sound worse then they are.

Or are you SO stupid that you count one person as plural?

BTW - I am neither lib nor con.
They are terrible people.. let them talk it shows who they are and that will matter in November!

Who EXACTLY are terrible people?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that every, single person that you call 'terrible' is, in fact, terrible?

I guarantee you that you can provide no such links...that your post is just more Trumpbot fanatical hatred (probably from a stupid, uneducated Trumpbot) directed at all those who disagree with Trump.
IMHO, President Trump has driven them plum loco.

This is funny, but the libs are likely to resort to violence like they did when they shot up the Republican baseball practice in Alexandria last year.

President Trump really needs to have Haldol dumped into the water supply of major liberal metropolis, and get these people to mellow out.

Watergate prosecutor compares Trump-Putin summit to Pearl Harbor, Kristallnacht
Closer to Munich..."Peace in our time." and Chamberlain.
can someone tell me just what is TRUMP's TREASON?
Stand on foreign soil next to your adversary and side with them over your own government. Act in the service of a foreign country over your own. That is treason, something they just won't explain to you on Fox & Friends.
The intellectually clumsy Trumpians are taking a stab at defending Trump's treason by blaming someone else. They want,to focus their blurry outlook on a Liberal commentator while either ignoring the blatant treason committed by The Donald in Helsinki or commenting on what their opposition said and drawing some left footed moral equivalence.

The first thing you Trumpians must face in the harsh light of day is Donald Trump is an idiot of the first order. Secondly, you must admit that the presidency of the United States is not an entry level job. And finally you must admit that the idiot you along with 63,000 voters in Wisconsin did to America last autumn must be undone before the bull who brings his own China shop along on foreign visits cuts us off all together.

What "treason" is this Comrade?

Criticizing the "intelligence community"

Want to bet a pound of Yellowcake that I can find PLENTY of criticism of same by you Stalinists?

Fucking hypocrites.
Here's something they won't explain to you on Fox and you're not intellectually curious enough to conclude on your own.

When you stand on foreign soil and take the word of the Kremlin over your own intel community while standing along side the leader Aof Russia, IT'S TREASON!
Your link only mentions one person who said that...yet your moronic title says 'libs' (plural). No doubt an alt-right attempt to try and make liberals sound worse then they are.

Or are you SO stupid that you count one person as plural?

BTW - I am neither lib nor con.

MSNBC is a network, and a plural, It isn't a one man show
The intellectually clumsy Trumpians are taking a stab at defending Trump's treason by blaming someone else. They want,to focus their blurry outlook on a Liberal commentator while either ignoring the blatant treason committed by The Donald in Helsinki or commenting on what their opposition said and drawing some left footed moral equivalence.

The first thing you Trumpians must face in the harsh light of day is Donald Trump is an idiot of the first order. Secondly, you must admit that the presidency of the United States is not an entry level job. And finally you must admit that the idiot you along with 63,000 voters in Wisconsin did to America last autumn must be undone before the bull who brings his own China shop along on foreign visits cuts us off all together.

What "treason" is this Comrade?

Criticizing the "intelligence community"

Want to bet a pound of Yellowcake that I can find PLENTY of criticism of same by you Stalinists?

Fucking hypocrites.
Here's something they won't explain to you on Fox and you're not intellectually curious enough to conclude on your own.

When you stand on foreign soil and take the word of the Kremlin over your own intel community while standing along side the leader Aof Russia, IT'S TREASON!

And when in the course of a serving President's term he travels offshore to conduct diplomacy and the very machinery of his administration abandons his effort and accuses him of treason, the only treason being committed is by those who snipe at him from domestic shadows. The anti-American is in the above quoted post; rhetoric parroted of a narrative sold on the cheap to those nursing the teat of hatred for their President. Unpatriotic are they all.
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They are terrible people.. let them talk it shows who they are and that will matter in November!

Who EXACTLY are terrible people?

And where is your link to unbiased, factual proof that every, single person that you call 'terrible' is, in fact, terrible?

I guarantee you that you can provide no such links...that your post is just more Trumpbot fanatical hatred (probably from a stupid, uneducated Trumpbot) directed at all those who disagree with Trump.
Do you know the difference in facts and opinions? My opinion is that you are terrible people now you can prove that you aren’t fair is fair, you call us deplorable we’ll call your asses terrible! See how that works?
Here's something they won't explain to you on Fox and you're not intellectually curious enough to conclude on your own.

When you stand on foreign soil and take the word of the Kremlin over your own intel community while standing along side the leader Aof Russia, IT'S TREASON!

When you stand on foreign soil...


{President Obama carried on with his world apology tour while in Argentina last month, regretfully acknowledging the “early dark days” of the CIA and its role during the country’s ‘Dirty War.’ But that wasn’t the only part about America’s history he lamented while visiting the South American country and Cuba.}

Leah Barkoukis - ICYMI: 15 Times Obama Criticized America While Visiting Argentina, Cuba

Your God Emperor criticized the American "intelligence community" routinely while overseas.

You Communists are just a bunch of fucking frauds.

Helsinki is just this weeks meltdown from OUTRAGE.Inc.
can someone tell me just what is TRUMP's TREASON?

As someone pointed out the other day, I believe it was Fox, as they showed a compilation of talking heads on the other major networks call it Treason. He said, I wonder if they even realize the are calling for Trump’s death when they accuse him of treason? Treason is punishable by death! See how terrible libtards are!

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