Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

When Trump had to pay off all those veterans and law-abiding citizens 25 million dollars for scamming and robbing them in his Trump University con game did he pay with his own money or was it paid by taxpayers as a tax deduction? How many times over the years has he used taxpayers to bail him out or his fraudulent scams? Don't taxpayers deserve to know?
How many business did he stiff when he ran away crying "Bankrupt!!! Bankrupt!!!"
I think what we need is a list of you people; people that are not party associated but take leftist positions almost all the time. :auiqs.jpg:
Yeah being fiscally responsible is leftist now. Pretty funny.

Lets review your stupid post.

1) Clinton balanced the budget.
2) Bush gets in & he takes it from that balanced budgrt to the worst recession in 80 years, an economy dhrinking by over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, two quagmire wars, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown and a deficit hesd to over a trillion dollars.
3) Obama comes in & works to end that recession, turn those job losses into one of the longst streaks ever of job gains, reducing deficits - cutting them by more than help
4) Trump comes in & our deficits went up by over 50% & estimated to boverf of trillion this year. He spendss money without caring about paying for it,. he borrowed 1.5 trillion for a tax cut.

So blame Democrats all you want. But the facts will show the Democrats are the ones that actually do something.


your full of poop!:21::21:
Let us establish one point definitively: Bill Clinton didn’t balance the budget. Yes, he was there when it happened. But the record shows that was about the extent of his contribution. Newt Gingrich and company have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet the surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP’s single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Arguably, Gingrich’s finest hour as Speaker came in March 1995 when he rallied the entire Republican House caucus behind the idea of eliminating the deficit within seven years.

Clinton + Republican Congress = Balanced Budget

Bush + Republican Congress = deficits & debt

What changed?

What happened? Clinton was no longer there & the Republicans did what they do best. Spend spend spend while slashing revenues. What kind of moron cuts taxes as rat a time of war???

Two unfunded tax cuts.

What kind of fiscal responsible person passes a high expansion to Medicare without funding it. budget to 1.5 trillion deficit.

How fucking stupid can you be?

Yep, youre party did fucking grerat: balanced

must be pretty fucking stupid; sure looks like

They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

I often wonder; why haven't the GOP members of Congress (House & Senate) and the GOP electorate demanded Trump's tax filings?
Trump promised many times that he would do just that.
Trump is nothing but a big fat ass liar & the GOP was grabbed by it's collective pussy.

The only people who are interested in the President tax filings are the left, in their effort to try and discredit him.

The problems are this, caddo.

Mr. Trump's tax returns have already been extensively audited by the Obama IRS. If they weren't perfectly copacetic in every way, Trump would have been charged a long time ago.

2ndly, the people already know how Trump makes his money- real estate, reality TV, sports entertainment, fashion, resorts, gaming. The people know he's a rich guy and how he earned his money.

One thing that's obvious is about the demand for Trump's tax returns is that the snowflakes know Trump hasn't committed any kind of tax fraud. The only reason they want his return is so they can glean it for any kind of information they can spin as taking advantage of the little guy. Their motive is purely political and sleazy, as always.

You fucking weiners had a fit because Obama did not release his college transcripts & here you asswipes are defending Trump's not releasing his tax returns- after he promised he would.

Where are Trump's college transcripts?

Yep. I'm sure you were going to vote for Trump until now, huh.

I haven't voted for a Dem, nor a Rep for POTUS in nearly four decades so, NO but just think if Trump would have done as he said he was going to do & released a couple of returns. He may well have had some converts in states in which he barely lost the EC vote. Not that he needed it but that's beside the point.
The tradition has been in place for such a long time, and when a candidate says they will do something, and they don't, some people pay attention to such things.
Me? I say fvck the Dems & the Reps both.
I don't think any candidate should release their tax returns. No one's business.

I don't think any GOP candidate should release their tax returns.

There; that's really what you meant so, fixed it for you. You're welcome.

So tell us, what did you learn about the last five candidates that released their tax returns? How about the last ten?

We learned Nixon was a crook.

You idiots wouldn't "learn" nothing if the media didn't tell you. Now about his tax returns, if he still won't give them up, beat your heads against a concrete wall or jump off a building until he does.
What is the purpose of seeing Trump’s tax returns?


Is this another impeachment thing?

When Harry Reid lied about Mitt Romney’s taxes on the floor of the senate, it was prior to the election.

Know how much he owes Putin?
When Trump had to pay off all those veterans and law-abiding citizens 25 million dollars for scamming and robbing them in his Trump University con game did he pay with his own money or was it paid by taxpayers as a tax deduction? How many times over the years has he used taxpayers to bail him out or his fraudulent scams? Don't taxpayers deserve to know?
How many business did he stiff when he ran away crying "Bankrupt!!! Bankrupt!!!"

Hillary can give classes on how to make $1.2 billion disappear with nothing to show for it.
When Trump had to pay off all those veterans and law-abiding citizens 25 million dollars for scamming and robbing them in his Trump University con game did he pay with his own money or was it paid by taxpayers as a tax deduction? How many times over the years has he used taxpayers to bail him out or his fraudulent scams? Don't taxpayers deserve to know?
How many business did he stiff when he ran away crying "Bankrupt!!! Bankrupt!!!"
Only some big banks lost money. They would have lost it anyway.
Yeah being fiscally responsible is leftist now. Pretty funny.

Lets review your stupid post.

1) Clinton balanced the budget.
2) Bush gets in & he takes it from that balanced budgrt to the worst recession in 80 years, an economy dhrinking by over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, two quagmire wars, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown and a deficit hesd to over a trillion dollars.
3) Obama comes in & works to end that recession, turn those job losses into one of the longst streaks ever of job gains, reducing deficits - cutting them by more than help
4) Trump comes in & our deficits went up by over 50% & estimated to boverf of trillion this year. He spendss money without caring about paying for it,. he borrowed 1.5 trillion for a tax cut.

So blame Democrats all you want. But the facts will show the Democrats are the ones that actually do something.


your full of poop!:21::21:
Let us establish one point definitively: Bill Clinton didn’t balance the budget. Yes, he was there when it happened. But the record shows that was about the extent of his contribution. Newt Gingrich and company have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet the surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP’s single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Arguably, Gingrich’s finest hour as Speaker came in March 1995 when he rallied the entire Republican House caucus behind the idea of eliminating the deficit within seven years.

Clinton + Republican Congress = Balanced Budget

Bush + Republican Congress = deficits & debt

What changed?

What happened? Clinton was no longer there & the Republicans did what they do best. Spend spend spend while slashing revenues. What kind of moron cuts taxes as rat a time of war???

Two unfunded tax cuts.

What kind of fiscal responsible person passes a high expansion to Medicare without funding it. budget to 1.5 trillion deficit.

How fucking stupid can you be?

Yep, youre party did fucking grerat: balanced

must be pretty fucking stupid; sure looks like

They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

I often wonder; why haven't the GOP members of Congress (House & Senate) and the GOP electorate demanded Trump's tax filings?
Trump promised many times that he would do just that.
Trump is nothing but a big fat ass liar & the GOP was grabbed by it's collective pussy.

The only people who are interested in the President tax filings are the left, in their effort to try and discredit him.

The problems are this, caddo.

Mr. Trump's tax returns have already been extensively audited by the Obama IRS. If they weren't perfectly copacetic in every way, Trump would have been charged a long time ago.

2ndly, the people already know how Trump makes his money- real estate, reality TV, sports entertainment, fashion, resorts, gaming. The people know he's a rich guy and how he earned his money.

One thing that's obvious is about the demand for Trump's tax returns is that the snowflakes know Trump hasn't committed any kind of tax fraud. The only reason they want his return is so they can glean it for any kind of information they can spin as taking advantage of the little guy. Their motive is purely political and sleazy, as always.

You fucking weiners had a fit because Obama did not release his college transcripts & here you asswipes are defending Trump's not releasing his tax returns- after he promised he would.

Where are Trump's college transcripts?

I haven't voted for a Dem, nor a Rep for POTUS in nearly four decades so, NO but just think if Trump would have done as he said he was going to do & released a couple of returns. He may well have had some converts in states in which he barely lost the EC vote. Not that he needed it but that's beside the point.
The tradition has been in place for such a long time, and when a candidate says they will do something, and they don't, some people pay attention to such things.
Me? I say fvck the Dems & the Reps both.
I don't think any candidate should release their tax returns. No one's business.

I don't think any GOP candidate should release their tax returns.

There; that's really what you meant so, fixed it for you. You're welcome.

So tell us, what did you learn about the last five candidates that released their tax returns? How about the last ten?

We learned Nixon was a crook.

You idiots wouldn't "learn" nothing if the media didn't tell you. Now about his tax returns, if he still won't give them up, beat your heads against a concrete wall or jump off a building until he does.

If Dems win either the House or Senate & they launch an investigation into thew NYT article. Or maybe when the State of NY hauls his fat ass into court for tax evasion.

Look , I know you Trumpettes don't care how much he cheated this country out of, how many people he cheated in business, How much is is making personally as President, how many women he assaulted,, how many lies he tells.

You got an extra $30 a month in a tax cut. Whopeee.
When Trump had to pay off all those veterans and law-abiding citizens 25 million dollars for scamming and robbing them in his Trump University con game did he pay with his own money or was it paid by taxpayers as a tax deduction? How many times over the years has he used taxpayers to bail him out or his fraudulent scams? Don't taxpayers deserve to know?
How many business did he stiff when he ran away crying "Bankrupt!!! Bankrupt!!!"
Only some big banks lost money. They would have lost it anyway.
It was a fraud in the end. Doesn't mean trump is bad, but one must be bright enuff to look beyond the party label and be patriotic and call a fact a fact. I am not pro not anti trump. I simply live my life with God first family second everything else is down the list. Getting partisan doesn't do anything for me. I hope trump does well for the nation. But I don't get wrapped up in it as it in the end means to Zippo really. It's the average lower paid workers that make the nation tick. It is entertaining to watch morons in both sides take it so seriously though. They haven't figured things out yet.
The government has an obligation to protect citizens from crooks like Trump. In this situation, citizens were given the opportunity to bring the scammer into a civil court of law and expose the crook and get their money back. Trump was exposed as a fraud and forced to pay rhe people back.
When was he exposed?

Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches From His Father
Accusations aren’t convictions. Try educating yourself.

You didn’t say convicted, you said exposed.
Exposed implies guilt. It’s a accusation.
Lets review your stupid post.

1) Clinton balanced the budget.
2) Bush gets in & he takes it from that balanced budgrt to the worst recession in 80 years, an economy dhrinking by over 6%, losing 800,000 jobs a month, two quagmire wars, a housing collapse, a near financial meltdown and a deficit hesd to over a trillion dollars.
3) Obama comes in & works to end that recession, turn those job losses into one of the longst streaks ever of job gains, reducing deficits - cutting them by more than help
4) Trump comes in & our deficits went up by over 50% & estimated to boverf of trillion this year. He spendss money without caring about paying for it,. he borrowed 1.5 trillion for a tax cut.

So blame Democrats all you want. But the facts will show the Democrats are the ones that actually do something.


your full of poop!:21::21:
Let us establish one point definitively: Bill Clinton didn’t balance the budget. Yes, he was there when it happened. But the record shows that was about the extent of his contribution. Newt Gingrich and company have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet the surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP’s single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Arguably, Gingrich’s finest hour as Speaker came in March 1995 when he rallied the entire Republican House caucus behind the idea of eliminating the deficit within seven years.

Clinton + Republican Congress = Balanced Budget

Bush + Republican Congress = deficits & debt

What changed?

What happened? Clinton was no longer there & the Republicans did what they do best. Spend spend spend while slashing revenues. What kind of moron cuts taxes as rat a time of war???

Two unfunded tax cuts.

What kind of fiscal responsible person passes a high expansion to Medicare without funding it. budget to 1.5 trillion deficit.

How fucking stupid can you be?

Yep, youre party did fucking grerat: balanced

must be pretty fucking stupid; sure looks like

I often wonder; why haven't the GOP members of Congress (House & Senate) and the GOP electorate demanded Trump's tax filings?
Trump promised many times that he would do just that.
Trump is nothing but a big fat ass liar & the GOP was grabbed by it's collective pussy.

The only people who are interested in the President tax filings are the left, in their effort to try and discredit him.

The problems are this, caddo.

Mr. Trump's tax returns have already been extensively audited by the Obama IRS. If they weren't perfectly copacetic in every way, Trump would have been charged a long time ago.

2ndly, the people already know how Trump makes his money- real estate, reality TV, sports entertainment, fashion, resorts, gaming. The people know he's a rich guy and how he earned his money.

One thing that's obvious is about the demand for Trump's tax returns is that the snowflakes know Trump hasn't committed any kind of tax fraud. The only reason they want his return is so they can glean it for any kind of information they can spin as taking advantage of the little guy. Their motive is purely political and sleazy, as always.

You fucking weiners had a fit because Obama did not release his college transcripts & here you asswipes are defending Trump's not releasing his tax returns- after he promised he would.

Where are Trump's college transcripts?

I don't think any candidate should release their tax returns. No one's business.

I don't think any GOP candidate should release their tax returns.

There; that's really what you meant so, fixed it for you. You're welcome.

So tell us, what did you learn about the last five candidates that released their tax returns? How about the last ten?

We learned Nixon was a crook.

You idiots wouldn't "learn" nothing if the media didn't tell you. Now about his tax returns, if he still won't give them up, beat your heads against a concrete wall or jump off a building until he does.

If Dems win either the House or Senate & they launch an investigation into thew NYT article. Or maybe when the State of NY hauls his fat ass into court for tax evasion.

Look , I know you Trumpettes don't care how much he cheated this country out of, how many people he cheated in business, How much is is making personally as President, how many women he assaulted,, how many lies he tells.

You got an extra $30 a month in a tax cut. Whopeee.
What are they going to investigate when it's illegal for them to obtain Trump's tax returns?
When Trump had to pay off all those veterans and law-abiding citizens 25 million dollars for scamming and robbing them in his Trump University con game did he pay with his own money or was it paid by taxpayers as a tax deduction? How many times over the years has he used taxpayers to bail him out or his fraudulent scams? Don't taxpayers deserve to know?
How many business did he stiff when he ran away crying "Bankrupt!!! Bankrupt!!!"
Only some big banks lost money. They would have lost it anyway.
Nope. The buildings were completed a long time previously.
I don't have a party, I'm independent. Because yes, both parties do it and I don't.

I think what we need is a list of you people; people that are not party associated but take leftist positions almost all the time. :auiqs.jpg:
I am sure you & Trump would love one.

Why it is so hard for you dumbass Trumpettes to realize Independents smell what a POS Trump really is.

They don't support borrowing 1.5 trillion to hand most of it to the wealthy &well off corporations. They don't support his constant lying. They don't support his insulting our allies, they don;t support destroying the envirionment.

Only ignorant dumbfucks like support that shit.

These people go far beyond Trump, they do the same for policies as well.
His policies suck.

What policy do you think is good?

Most all of his policies are good. Reducing corporate regulations freeing them from the clutches of the federal government, lowering taxes which spurred this amazing economy we're having, tough trade stances that got us a newer version of trade between Mexico and Canada, getting rid of Commie Care fines that gave relief to millions of Americans and businesses, telling Iran and the UN to take their Fn ridiculous agreements and shove them up their asses, the defeat of ISIS in Iraq, you name it, Trump did it.
So, allowing more pollution, allowing for more dangerous workplaces, ignoring climate change & making it worse, ingoring the debt, ignoring the value of allies, fucking over farmers & US manufacturers on trade.

ISIS was already on the way out.

He tweeked some numbers & changed the name & you are stupid enough to think he ended NAFTA> Jesus fuck, put away that gun & pick up a book.
your full of poop!:21::21:
Let us establish one point definitively: Bill Clinton didn’t balance the budget. Yes, he was there when it happened. But the record shows that was about the extent of his contribution. Newt Gingrich and company have received virtually no credit for balancing the budget. Yet the surplus is, in part, a byproduct of the GOP’s single-minded crusade to end 30 years of red ink. Arguably, Gingrich’s finest hour as Speaker came in March 1995 when he rallied the entire Republican House caucus behind the idea of eliminating the deficit within seven years.

Clinton + Republican Congress = Balanced Budget

Bush + Republican Congress = deficits & debt

What changed?

What happened? Clinton was no longer there & the Republicans did what they do best. Spend spend spend while slashing revenues. What kind of moron cuts taxes as rat a time of war???

Two unfunded tax cuts.

What kind of fiscal responsible person passes a high expansion to Medicare without funding it. budget to 1.5 trillion deficit.

How fucking stupid can you be?

Yep, youre party did fucking grerat: balanced

must be pretty fucking stupid; sure looks like

The only people who are interested in the President tax filings are the left, in their effort to try and discredit him.

The problems are this, caddo.

Mr. Trump's tax returns have already been extensively audited by the Obama IRS. If they weren't perfectly copacetic in every way, Trump would have been charged a long time ago.

2ndly, the people already know how Trump makes his money- real estate, reality TV, sports entertainment, fashion, resorts, gaming. The people know he's a rich guy and how he earned his money.

One thing that's obvious is about the demand for Trump's tax returns is that the snowflakes know Trump hasn't committed any kind of tax fraud. The only reason they want his return is so they can glean it for any kind of information they can spin as taking advantage of the little guy. Their motive is purely political and sleazy, as always.

You fucking weiners had a fit because Obama did not release his college transcripts & here you asswipes are defending Trump's not releasing his tax returns- after he promised he would.

Where are Trump's college transcripts?

I don't think any GOP candidate should release their tax returns.

There; that's really what you meant so, fixed it for you. You're welcome.

So tell us, what did you learn about the last five candidates that released their tax returns? How about the last ten?

We learned Nixon was a crook.

You idiots wouldn't "learn" nothing if the media didn't tell you. Now about his tax returns, if he still won't give them up, beat your heads against a concrete wall or jump off a building until he does.

If Dems win either the House or Senate & they launch an investigation into thew NYT article. Or maybe when the State of NY hauls his fat ass into court for tax evasion.

Look , I know you Trumpettes don't care how much he cheated this country out of, how many people he cheated in business, How much is is making personally as President, how many women he assaulted,, how many lies he tells.

You got an extra $30 a month in a tax cut. Whopeee.
What are they going to investigate when it's illegal for them to obtain Trump's tax returns?
So you don't think they can be subpoenaed?
When Trump had to pay off all those veterans and law-abiding citizens 25 million dollars for scamming and robbing them in his Trump University con game did he pay with his own money or was it paid by taxpayers as a tax deduction? How many times over the years has he used taxpayers to bail him out or his fraudulent scams? Don't taxpayers deserve to know?

If Trump were not elected President, he wouldn't have paid them a dime. Most of the attendees were satisfied with his school, but a few losers smelled money so they acted.

Trumps business actives are made public including his bankruptcies.
Bullshit. You people will say anything to defend your crook.

Truth is everything.


From a Trump supporter., That is a classic,
Clinton + Republican Congress = Balanced Budget

Bush + Republican Congress = deficits & debt

What changed?

What happened? Clinton was no longer there & the Republicans did what they do best. Spend spend spend while slashing revenues. What kind of moron cuts taxes as rat a time of war???

Two unfunded tax cuts.

What kind of fiscal responsible person passes a high expansion to Medicare without funding it. budget to 1.5 trillion deficit.

How fucking stupid can you be?

Yep, youre party did fucking grerat: balanced

must be pretty fucking stupid; sure looks like

One thing that's obvious is about the demand for Trump's tax returns is that the snowflakes know Trump hasn't committed any kind of tax fraud. The only reason they want his return is so they can glean it for any kind of information they can spin as taking advantage of the little guy. Their motive is purely political and sleazy, as always.

You fucking weiners had a fit because Obama did not release his college transcripts & here you asswipes are defending Trump's not releasing his tax returns- after he promised he would.

Where are Trump's college transcripts?

So tell us, what did you learn about the last five candidates that released their tax returns? How about the last ten?

We learned Nixon was a crook.

You idiots wouldn't "learn" nothing if the media didn't tell you. Now about his tax returns, if he still won't give them up, beat your heads against a concrete wall or jump off a building until he does.

If Dems win either the House or Senate & they launch an investigation into thew NYT article. Or maybe when the State of NY hauls his fat ass into court for tax evasion.

Look , I know you Trumpettes don't care how much he cheated this country out of, how many people he cheated in business, How much is is making personally as President, how many women he assaulted,, how many lies he tells.

You got an extra $30 a month in a tax cut. Whopeee.
What are they going to investigate when it's illegal for them to obtain Trump's tax returns?
So you don't think they can be subpoenaed?
If a law enforcement agency is investigating an actual crime, they can be subpoenaed. They can't be subpoenaed solely so some scumbag politicians can go on a muckraking expedition.
When Trump had to pay off all those veterans and law-abiding citizens 25 million dollars for scamming and robbing them in his Trump University con game did he pay with his own money or was it paid by taxpayers as a tax deduction? How many times over the years has he used taxpayers to bail him out or his fraudulent scams? Don't taxpayers deserve to know?

If Trump were not elected President, he wouldn't have paid them a dime. Most of the attendees were satisfied with his school, but a few losers smelled money so they acted.

Trumps business actives are made public including his bankruptcies.
Bullshit. You people will say anything to defend your crook.

Truth is everything.


From a Trump supporter., That is a classic,

When the Dems win the house in 3 weeks, will they cut spending?
When Trump had to pay off all those veterans and law-abiding citizens 25 million dollars for scamming and robbing them in his Trump University con game did he pay with his own money or was it paid by taxpayers as a tax deduction? How many times over the years has he used taxpayers to bail him out or his fraudulent scams? Don't taxpayers deserve to know?

If Trump were not elected President, he wouldn't have paid them a dime. Most of the attendees were satisfied with his school, but a few losers smelled money so they acted.

Trumps business actives are made public including his bankruptcies.
Bullshit. You people will say anything to defend your crook.

Truth is everything.


From a Trump supporter., That is a classic,

Just so I understand you correctly....( I don't support Rump), your side never lies?
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.
Who's stupid? Every other president shared them. This one must have much to hide.

That's a flat out lie. The practice didn't even start until after Nixon.
I think what we need is a list of you people; people that are not party associated but take leftist positions almost all the time. :auiqs.jpg:
I am sure you & Trump would love one.

Why it is so hard for you dumbass Trumpettes to realize Independents smell what a POS Trump really is.

They don't support borrowing 1.5 trillion to hand most of it to the wealthy &well off corporations. They don't support his constant lying. They don't support his insulting our allies, they don;t support destroying the envirionment.

Only ignorant dumbfucks like support that shit.

These people go far beyond Trump, they do the same for policies as well.
His policies suck.

What policy do you think is good?

Most all of his policies are good. Reducing corporate regulations freeing them from the clutches of the federal government, lowering taxes which spurred this amazing economy we're having, tough trade stances that got us a newer version of trade between Mexico and Canada, getting rid of Commie Care fines that gave relief to millions of Americans and businesses, telling Iran and the UN to take their Fn ridiculous agreements and shove them up their asses, the defeat of ISIS in Iraq, you name it, Trump did it.
So, allowing more pollution, allowing for more dangerous workplaces, ignoring climate change & making it worse, ingoring the debt, ignoring the value of allies, fucking over farmers & US manufacturers on trade.

ISIS was already on the way out.

He tweeked some numbers & changed the name & you are stupid enough to think he ended NAFTA> Jesus fuck, put away that gun & pick up a book.

There isn't a shred of evidence that those regulations accomplished anything you claim.

When did leftwingers become concerned about the debt, all of a sudden?

Allies that don't pull their weight aren't of much value. They're mostly a burden who can only drag us into wars.

AGW should be ignored because it's a scam.
Why don't Trump supporters celebrate his bringing sleaze and unethical crookery in the Republican crime syndicate acceptable?
You really are a fucking idiot. Republican crime syndicate. What an asshole.
He guided America out of the Republican-created Great Recession, was responsible for sending US Navy SEALS to shoot bin Laden in his face and dumped in the ocean. He saved Chevy and made healthcare for citizens a national obligation.
The fact that you say republican created recession shows your abject stupidity. If it wasn’t for a Republican congress keeping Obama from giving more of the farm away that he did is testimony to the recovery. Maybe you were absent the day in civics class. The president doesn’t run the economy. It wasn’t Chevy asshole, it was G.M. And G.M. Could have gone through bankruptcy reorg and came out just well as they are now, and we wouldn’t have broken a law allowing a union to own part of the company. The government wouldnt be out billions in stock loss. He had nothing to do with the Navy seals, shooting Bin Laden and that shooting hasn’t done anything to stem the tide of fataticism. His healthcare is a joke and has millions in cost overruns and excessive rate increases. Your little parrot talking points are childish at best. Get an education.

Wow, you are sofa king stupid that you don;t know the recession started 4th quarter of 2007 under George W Bush.

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