Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Yeah, that trick worked on Romney.

Fool me once, shame on you...........
So knowing about Romney was a trick & you believe that this shit should be hidden in electing our President?

Really? Trump should not release his taxes because it is bad & people might not vote for him,.....and you think that is a good thing? You must really hate America.

No, Trump should not release his tax returns because it's a trick just like they did to Romney. The only difference is that Romney is a professional politician and probably paid more than he had to in order to look good for the public.

More than likely, Trump used every deduction he could to pay the lowest amount he could in taxes....legally.
Trump does not have to and he shouldn't. As complex as his tax return has to be with his extensive real estate holdings, the Democrats would have their Media attack dogs, the IRS and the DOJ chewing on every page. It would be an endless stream of "Oh yeah, what about this?"

Plus they are running out of things to attack him for. The Russia thing has been fizzling for several months, Kavanaugh successfully made it to the Supreme Court, and now that there is no Pokemon to find, they are looking for a new one which of course, Trump will not give them.

It's one thing if Trump didn't show his returns with a fair media, but much like after he took office, the media has been reporting over 90% negative on everything he does in spite of his great successes particularly the economy. But the left will never blame themselves.

There is no end to the stupid shit Donald Trump has said & done. He adds to it everyday.

You just don't give a shit.

The first thing you've said correctly in a long time: I don't give a shit.
So knowing about Romney was a trick & you believe that this shit should be hidden in electing our President?

Really? Trump should not release his taxes because it is bad & people might not vote for him,.....and you think that is a good thing? You must really hate America.

No, Trump should not release his tax returns because it's a trick just like they did to Romney. The only difference is that Romney is a professional politician and probably paid more than he had to in order to look good for the public.

More than likely, Trump used every deduction he could to pay the lowest amount he could in taxes....legally.
Trump does not have to and he shouldn't. As complex as his tax return has to be with his extensive real estate holdings, the Democrats would have their Media attack dogs, the IRS and the DOJ chewing on every page. It would be an endless stream of "Oh yeah, what about this?"

Plus they are running out of things to attack him for. The Russia thing has been fizzling for several months, Kavanaugh successfully made it to the Supreme Court, and now that there is no Pokemon to find, they are looking for a new one which of course, Trump will not give them.

It's one thing if Trump didn't show his returns with a fair media, but much like after he took office, the media has been reporting over 90% negative on everything he does in spite of his great successes particularly the economy. But the left will never blame themselves.

There is no end to the stupid shit Donald Trump has said & done. He adds to it everyday.

You just don't give a shit.

The first thing you've said correctly in a long time: I don't give a shit.
Then STFU about it.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Mueller already had them. When the Dems get control of the House in January they will have them to.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Mueller already had them. When the Dems get control of the House in January they will have them to.

So what you are saying is that if the Democrats get control of the House, they are going to waste time and money chasing ghosts because their hatred is greater than doing things for the country. But we on the right already knew that.
Does a tax return qualify a person for the job of being president ? If so post the qualifications that are mandatory to become the President.
I know that a person must be a United States citizen etc.

Anything out of bounds is merely the want of an opponent or opponents to try and find something on the President in order to undermine his authority and legitimacy.

It's really transparent what is going on, and that is why it is making the Demon-crats look so bad.

And not a single one of you "progressive" snowflakes has chosen to set an example by posting, right here on this very public board, your complete federal and state tax returns for each of the past ten years.

What are you hiding?
Does a tax return qualify a person for the job of being president ? If so post the qualifications that are mandatory to become the President.
I know that a person must be a United States citizen etc.

Anything out of bounds is merely the want of an opponent or opponents to try and find something on the President in order to undermine his authority and legitimacy.

It's really transparent what is going on, and that is why it is making the Demon-crats look so bad.


What is required to be a President of the United States is outlined in the US Constitution. Unfortunately, the libs never read it before.
What is required to be a President of the United States is outlined in the US Constitution. Unfortunately, the libs never read it before.

And were one to be caught in possession of a copy he/she/it would immediately lose the Democrat Party membership card and magic decoder ring.
I guess looking at someone's tax return might give the looker an idea about what the man does for a living and how he gets by. But we already knew that about President Trump- he's a filthy rich real estate tycoon/ reality TV star and general entrepreneur whose name has been synonymous with outstanding achievements in the field of excellence for 40 years.

What I really don't understand is Obama's background, and I know no more about him now than the first time I saw him on CNN announcing his candidacy in 2007 for the Presidency. I'd really like to see his school records, what he took, who paid his way, exactly what he's up to, and his tax return is of little use for that
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

If Democrats take back the House, they won't need his permission to get his tax returns. They can get them from the IRS.

Not legally, unless he's on trial for something and a judge approves a warrant. IOW, no.
What does Trump have to hide?

The Great Obama released all his returns
what you fail to realize is that no president has any legal obligation to release any personal records
Yes, normally the people care enough to want it. Repubs just don't care. They put party before country.

make it a law then

and No I don't care but I'm not a republican

if there is sufficient cause yo believe he is breaking the law he can be audited just like every other person in the country

He is, regularly, and the IRS hasn't found any problems.
No one gives a rats ass about how much money he made or didn't make. The only purpose of releasing returns is to look for conflicts of interest--PERIOD. We don't want our Presidents held hostage by foreign countries.

That's just not true.

Mr. Romney showed his tax returns, there were no conflicts of interest, yet he was still attacked because of his wealth as well as the fact he paid more than he was required to.

There is no reason to think that Mr. Trump would not be similarly attacked.

BTW, one of Mr. Trump's tax returns - I believe the 2006 return- was leaked and exposed by Rachel Maddow.

It turned out that Mr. Trump is as clean as a hound's tooth.
The one Trump leaked?

Actually it was leaked without authorization by Rachel Maddow at MSNBC- not the President. If the broad had any respect for people's privacy, she would not have revealed it on TV.
Are you really this fucking stupid?

I am not stupid enough to know that I can't walk into a Mercedes Benz dealer--and they're not going to check my income status to see if I am able to pay back the fucking loan dumbass.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Mueller already had them. When the Dems get control of the House in January they will have them to.

So what you are saying is that if the Democrats get control of the House, they are going to waste time and money chasing ghosts because their hatred is greater than doing things for the country. But we on the right already knew that.

They're going to use the oversight powers granted them by the Constitution to be a check on the executive. Just like your side did to Obama.

Lets see if you can take it as well as you dish it out. You're going to have to, because you're not going to have any choice, and there's nothing his court picks are going to be able to do to help him.

And yes, unlike your side, we're going to do a lot for the country. First on the list, Medicare for all national healthcare program. Supported by 70% of the country now.

Second, repeal the great Republican tax scam the majority of the country doesn't support, to pay for the new $2 trillion infrastructure program, that actually will create good paying jobs, starting with renewable energy infrastructure, rebuilding the electric grid, while rebuilding failing bridges and roads around the country.

You're going to love it.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Mueller already had them. When the Dems get control of the House in January they will have them to.

So what you are saying is that if the Democrats get control of the House, they are going to waste time and money chasing ghosts because their hatred is greater than doing things for the country. But we on the right already knew that.

They're going to use the oversight powers granted them by the Constitution to be a check on the executive. Just like your side did to Obama.

Lets see if you can take it as well as you dish it out. You're going to have to, because you're not going to have any choice, and there's nothing his court picks are going to be able to do to help him.

And yes, unlike your side, we're going to do a lot for the country. First on the list, Medicare for all national healthcare program. Supported by 70% of the country now.

Second, repeal the great Republican tax scam the majority of the country doesn't support, to pay for the new $2 trillion infrastructure program, that actually will create good paying jobs, starting with renewable energy infrastructure, rebuilding the electric grid, while rebuilding failing bridges and roads around the country.

You're going to love it.

"Medicare for all" isn't possible, the liberals don't have the votes to do it, and a $2 Trillion new Porkulus isn't going to pass or be signed either.

The only thing which will happen if the Democrat Party wins the House is investigation after pointless investigation. No legislation will be possible.

And if the Democrats win the Senate, it means no more appointments to any position that require confirmation.


President Donald J. Trump--(note this was not voluntarily released it was leaked)



President Barack H. Obama
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



George W. Bush
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007



Bill Clinton
1992 | 1993 | 1994 | 1995 | 1996 | 1997 | 1998 | 1999



George Bush
1989 | 1990 | 1991



Ronald Reagan
1981 | 1982 | 1983 | 1985 | 1986 | 1987

Do you get the message YET?

Trump is hiding something--and the only way you're going to get to what he is HIDING is to vote BLUE in the midterm. Senate & House Republicans have not done anything, nor will they. Republicans had an opportunity to get them out of the house "Ways & Means" committee and refused to do it.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic

Even if Congress was slightly Democrat, and even if they could get a hold of Trump's tax returns, it's still illegal to release that to the public.

They don't have to release it to the public, but they have every right to check for Conflicts of Interest. You know while you were cheering him on when he was bragging about 4 bankrupcies and burning American banks to the tune of 900 MILLION dollars, did you ever consider where he gets his loans from now-a-days to expand the Trump empire? No American bank would ever loan hiim another dollar bill after that one.

Well here it is: Redirect to another thread on this board to watch a couple of video's on this.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?

View attachment 222598

The US has 800,000 bankruptcies per year from all walks of life. Donald had four in his entire business career.

If the Congress cannot release Trump's tax returns, what good would it do you and your ilk? Do you think Congress can find something that the IRS didn't find?

Yes. That is why they sometimes aufit returns, Dumbfiuck

More stupid excusers.

My God, if Obama would not release his tax returns, You;'d be having a fucking fit,. You know it.

Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Last edited:
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Mueller already had them. When the Dems get control of the House in January they will have them to.

So what you are saying is that if the Democrats get control of the House, they are going to waste time and money chasing ghosts because their hatred is greater than doing things for the country. But we on the right already knew that.

They're going to use the oversight powers granted them by the Constitution to be a check on the executive. Just like your side did to Obama.

Lets see if you can take it as well as you dish it out. You're going to have to, because you're not going to have any choice, and there's nothing his court picks are going to be able to do to help him.

And yes, unlike your side, we're going to do a lot for the country. First on the list, Medicare for all national healthcare program. Supported by 70% of the country now.

Second, repeal the great Republican tax scam the majority of the country doesn't support, to pay for the new $2 trillion infrastructure program, that actually will create good paying jobs, starting with renewable energy infrastructure, rebuilding the electric grid, while rebuilding failing bridges and roads around the country.

You're going to love it.

"Medicare for all" isn't possible, the liberals don't have the votes to do it, and a $2 Trillion new Porkulus isn't going to pass or be signed either.

The only thing which will happen if the Democrat Party wins the House is investigation after pointless investigation. No legislation will be possible.

And if the Democrats win the Senate, it means no more appointments to any position that require confirmation.

It's very possible. It requires a majority only vote in the House. The House controls the budget. The Republicans will have 21 Senate seats to defend in 2020. The political map is not in your favor anymore after this year. Health care is the number one item on the voters issue list. Numero uno. Let Republicans in the Senate vote no on it. Guarantees a Dem Senate in 2020. The White house also. Then you get Medicare fir all shoved down your throat, and infrastructure shoved up your ass, and you won't have a tea party revolt to change that like you did with Obama.

I am very bullish about the future, and it looks very favorable my side. You are welcome to campaign on future elections to repeal Medicare for all, and end the infrastructure boom. Let me know how that works out for you.
How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--

You aren't, that's the point.

Not many average families could afford the education he got. Just curious how it was funded is all.
Holy crap Trump just agreed to release his tax returns. Not a smart move imo.

Oh the left thought it was Christmas, psyche.

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