Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

Mueller already had them. When the Dems get control of the House in January they will have them to.

So what you are saying is that if the Democrats get control of the House, they are going to waste time and money chasing ghosts because their hatred is greater than doing things for the country. But we on the right already knew that.

They're going to use the oversight powers granted them by the Constitution to be a check on the executive. Just like your side did to Obama.

Lets see if you can take it as well as you dish it out. You're going to have to, because you're not going to have any choice, and there's nothing his court picks are going to be able to do to help him.

And yes, unlike your side, we're going to do a lot for the country. First on the list, Medicare for all national healthcare program. Supported by 70% of the country now.

Second, repeal the great Republican tax scam the majority of the country doesn't support, to pay for the new $2 trillion infrastructure program, that actually will create good paying jobs, starting with renewable energy infrastructure, rebuilding the electric grid, while rebuilding failing bridges and roads around the country.

You're going to love it.

All of which need a Presidents signature to do so. Good luck with that.

And when did the Republican Congress ever pull DumBama's tax records and inspect them?
Holy crap Trump just agreed to release his tax returns. Not a smart move imo.

Oh the left thought it was Christmas, psyche.

I hope not. He already made a deal with Hillary she didn't accept. Now I would like to see Trump say he'll release his tax returns if the Democrats agree with funding for the southern wall. Bet those tax returns are not that important to them. :laughing0301:
What are they going to investigate when it's illegal for them to obtain Trump's tax returns?
So you don't think they can be subpoenaed?
If a law enforcement agency is investigating an actual crime, they can be subpoenaed. They can't be subpoenaed solely so some scumbag politicians can go on a muckraking expedition.
Trumnp has been a crook all his life. They have the evidence to get a warrant. Just watch NY State.

Run a better candidate and win in 2020.

You first. You ran Trump. How fucking dumb can you get?

Smarter than those who ran his opponent?
Ps, ISIS is alive.
And you don't care about our new debt?

ISIS is on life support having had the wrath of President Donald Trump turned loose on them.

As for the debt, why didn't it bother you for eight years?
Did you elect Trump to run up debt like Obama? I thought he was supposed to be different....

Trump condemned Obama’s deficit

He increased it

Obama criticized Bush's deficit

He increased it.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.
I make a motion for leniency with a fifteen dollar an hour minimum wage and unemployment compensation for simply being unemployed in our at-will employment States.
They must think our President is awfully stupid.

Mitt Romney fell for that shit, and they crucified Mr. Romney over it, even though Romney paid MORE than what he was required to.

Donald J Trump isn't stupid, he isn't going to repeat the mistakes of the past.

LOL...that's the official Trumpbot excuse? Talk about lame? people are not too imaginative in your excuse-manufacturing.
And I bet you almost no Trumpbots will buy it.

Trump is already POTUS, he said he would (on many occasions) and there is ZERO, available factual evidence that his claimed wealth is genuine.
All three great reasons for people to demand he release them.

Not to see if he did anything illegal - but just to prove what a liar he (probably) is about his 'wealth'.
Trump doesn't need an excuse. There's no law requiring him to publish his tax returns, just as there is no law requiring Hillary to publish her speech to Wall Street big wigs.
Hillary released her tax returns,, You orange buddy POS told us he would,. he lied.
Ps, ISIS is alive.
And you don't care about our new debt?

ISIS is on life support having had the wrath of President Donald Trump turned loose on them.

As for the debt, why didn't it bother you for eight years?
Did you elect Trump to run up debt like Obama? I thought he was supposed to be different....

Trump condemned Obama’s deficit

He increased it

Obama criticized Bush's deficit

He increased it.

HIs exact words were "It's irresponsible, it's unpatriotic."

Even if Congress was slightly Democrat, and even if they could get a hold of Trump's tax returns, it's still illegal to release that to the public.

They don't have to release it to the public, but they have every right to check for Conflicts of Interest. You know while you were cheering him on when he was bragging about 4 bankrupcies and burning American banks to the tune of 900 MILLION dollars, did you ever consider where he gets his loans from now-a-days to expand the Trump empire? No American bank would ever loan hiim another dollar bill after that one.

Well here it is: Redirect to another thread on this board to watch a couple of video's on this.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?

View attachment 222598

The US has 800,000 bankruptcies per year from all walks of life. Donald had four in his entire business career.

If the Congress cannot release Trump's tax returns, what good would it do you and your ilk? Do you think Congress can find something that the IRS didn't find?

Yes. That is why they sometimes aufit returns, Dumbfiuck

More stupid excusers.

My God, if Obama would not release his tax returns, You;'d be having a fucking fit,. You know it.

Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:
They don't have to release it to the public, but they have every right to check for Conflicts of Interest. You know while you were cheering him on when he was bragging about 4 bankrupcies and burning American banks to the tune of 900 MILLION dollars, did you ever consider where he gets his loans from now-a-days to expand the Trump empire? No American bank would ever loan hiim another dollar bill after that one.

Well here it is: Redirect to another thread on this board to watch a couple of video's on this.
Do Russian oligarchs own Trump and his empire?

View attachment 222598

The US has 800,000 bankruptcies per year from all walks of life. Donald had four in his entire business career.

If the Congress cannot release Trump's tax returns, what good would it do you and your ilk? Do you think Congress can find something that the IRS didn't find?

Yes. That is why they sometimes aufit returns, Dumbfiuck

More stupid excusers.

My God, if Obama would not release his tax returns, You;'d be having a fucking fit,. You know it.

Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:

And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.
And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.

I think Barry Soetoro, leader of Honolulu's Choom Gang adopted the "Barack Obama from Kenya" persona to sell books. But the real question is "why". What made him think that a new identity as black extremist in Chi Town would be a good identity for privileged young man from an elite Pacific Rim family?

There is something missing from the B. Hussein O story.
View attachment 222598

The US has 800,000 bankruptcies per year from all walks of life. Donald had four in his entire business career.

If the Congress cannot release Trump's tax returns, what good would it do you and your ilk? Do you think Congress can find something that the IRS didn't find?

Yes. That is why they sometimes aufit returns, Dumbfiuck

More stupid excusers.

My God, if Obama would not release his tax returns, You;'d be having a fucking fit,. You know it.

Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:

And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.

Whatever--I think you're just posting to hear yourself talk about right now.:auiqs.jpg:

For those of you that want to head back to the real topic, and see the Presidents and candidates that released income tax returns, and why it is SO important that Trump releases his, just click this link that will redirect you to another post on this thread.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

We've got a lot of rodeo clowns on the thread right now trying to divert and deflect away from the real topic.

Last edited:
Still on this? If there was anything incriminating in the tax returns why would Mueller have not used them to take Trump out?
Yes. That is why they sometimes aufit returns, Dumbfiuck

More stupid excusers.

My God, if Obama would not release his tax returns, You;'d be having a fucking fit,. You know it.

Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:

And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.

Whatever--I think you're just posting to hear yourself talk about right now.:auiqs.jpg:

Of course I am, because everybody listens to you. :laughing0301:
Yes. That is why they sometimes aufit returns, Dumbfiuck

More stupid excusers.

My God, if Obama would not release his tax returns, You;'d be having a fucking fit,. You know it.

Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:

And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.

Whatever--I think you're just posting to hear yourself talk about right now.:auiqs.jpg:

For those of you that want to head back to the real topic, and see the Presidents and candidates that released income tax returns, and why it is SO important that Trump releases his, just click this link that will redirect you to another post on this thread.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

We've got a lot of rodeo clowns on the thread right now trying to divert and deflect away from the real topic.


Geraldine husband never released his neither did Edwards wife

Yes. That is why they sometimes aufit returns, Dumbfiuck

More stupid excusers.

My God, if Obama would not release his tax returns, You;'d be having a fucking fit,. You know it.

Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:

And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.

Whatever--I think you're just posting to hear yourself talk about right now.:auiqs.jpg:

For those of you that want to head back to the real topic, and see the Presidents and candidates that released income tax returns, and why it is SO important that Trump releases his, just click this link that will redirect you to another post on this thread.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

We've got a lot of rodeo clowns on the thread right now trying to divert and deflect away from the real topic.


The reason why the Democrats are so anxious for President Trump to release his tax returns is that it takes attention away from the real issues. If they can gin up hate and jealousy on the rich guy, they won't have to talk about low Trump unemployment and peace in Korea, or the Wall or any number of other things that people care about.
Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:

And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.

Whatever--I think you're just posting to hear yourself talk about right now.:auiqs.jpg:

For those of you that want to head back to the real topic, and see the Presidents and candidates that released income tax returns, and why it is SO important that Trump releases his, just click this link that will redirect you to another post on this thread.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

We've got a lot of rodeo clowns on the thread right now trying to divert and deflect away from the real topic.


Geraldine husband never released his neither did Edwards wife


I assume you can provide a credibile, verifiable link to that. But I won't be holding my breath waiting for one.
Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:

And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.

Whatever--I think you're just posting to hear yourself talk about right now.:auiqs.jpg:

For those of you that want to head back to the real topic, and see the Presidents and candidates that released income tax returns, and why it is SO important that Trump releases his, just click this link that will redirect you to another post on this thread.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

We've got a lot of rodeo clowns on the thread right now trying to divert and deflect away from the real topic.


The reason why the Democrats are so anxious for President Trump to release his tax returns is that it takes attention away from the real issues. If they can gin up hate and jealousy on the rich guy, they won't have to talk about low Trump unemployment and peace in Korea, or the Wall or any number of other things that people care about.

The left has nothing to offer America except hate the other side. More social programs, more debt, more government dependency? WTF wants that other than leftists?

After the midterms we will be treated to a host of excuses how we on the right cheated the elections.
Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:

And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.

Whatever--I think you're just posting to hear yourself talk about right now.:auiqs.jpg:

For those of you that want to head back to the real topic, and see the Presidents and candidates that released income tax returns, and why it is SO important that Trump releases his, just click this link that will redirect you to another post on this thread.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

We've got a lot of rodeo clowns on the thread right now trying to divert and deflect away from the real topic.


The reason why the Democrats are so anxious for President Trump to release his tax returns is that it takes attention away from the real issues. If they can gin up hate and jealousy on the rich guy, they won't have to talk about low Trump unemployment and peace in Korea, or the Wall or any number of other things that people care about.
Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:

And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.

Whatever--I think you're just posting to hear yourself talk about right now.:auiqs.jpg:

For those of you that want to head back to the real topic, and see the Presidents and candidates that released income tax returns, and why it is SO important that Trump releases his, just click this link that will redirect you to another post on this thread.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

We've got a lot of rodeo clowns on the thread right now trying to divert and deflect away from the real topic.


The reason why the Democrats are so anxious for President Trump to release his tax returns is that it takes attention away from the real issues. If they can gin up hate and jealousy on the rich guy, they won't have to talk about low Trump unemployment and peace in Korea, or the Wall or any number of other things that people care about.

Did you know that reading hasn't killed anyone yet. That is a FACT. It's O.K. to try it by clicking this link to redirect.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns
Last edited:
Why would I care? I would be more interested if DumBama had the government pay for his high priced college by illegally applying as a foreign student. WTF could his tax returns tell me that would be of any interest or any association with him being a President?

How are you a FOREIGN student when you were BORN IN HAWAII dumbass? Even your Ass Clown President had to eventually admit that--:auiqs.jpg:
Trump finally admits it: 'President Barack Obama was born in the United States' - CNNPolitics

Redirect back to this link as to why we need to see Trump's income tax returns. CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

For all the past Presidents that released their income tax returns. redirect-- CLICK HERE.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

Now for the DNC candidates that released their income tax returns.



Presidential Candidate Hillary Clinton
2000 | 2001 | 2002 | 2003 | 2004 | 2005 | 2006 | 2007 | 2008 | 2009 | 2010 | 2011 | 2012 | 2013 | 2014 | 2015



Presidential Candidate Bernie Sanders

Every GOP & DNC candidates in 2016 released their income tax returns EXCEPT


The only way you're going to get Trump's income tax returns is to vote
BLUE this midterm. Once Democrats are the majority in the house they will obtain them through the "Ways & Means" committee. Something Repubican house members have refused to do.
Republicans Pass on Chance to Get Trump's Tax Returns - The Atlantic
Regardless of where the man was born at, he hated America except for what him and his band of radicals thought that they could change it into, and do it against the citizens will at that. This made him totally foriegn to this country. He earned the title of foriegner after the fact. Wear it proud Obama, because you made your bed by putting your worst nightmare in the oval office, and caused your flock extreme anguish yet they are still fooled by you ???? :dunno:

And changing his name from Berry to Barack is kind of suspicious to me.

Whatever--I think you're just posting to hear yourself talk about right now.:auiqs.jpg:

For those of you that want to head back to the real topic, and see the Presidents and candidates that released income tax returns, and why it is SO important that Trump releases his, just click this link that will redirect you to another post on this thread.
Libs demanding Trump's tax returns

We've got a lot of rodeo clowns on the thread right now trying to divert and deflect away from the real topic.


The reason why the Democrats are so anxious for President Trump to release his tax returns is that it takes attention away from the real issues. If they can gin up hate and jealousy on the rich guy, they won't have to talk about low Trump unemployment and peace in Korea, or the Wall or any number of other things that people care about.

The only reason Dem's want Trump's tax returns is to snoop for dirt they can use to smear him. Twisted out of context half truths will do if there's nothing factual.

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