Libs, explain why Arab countries reject refugees


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
Why aren't wealthy Muslim countries making arrangements to help refugees? Why seed them across the globe instead of helping them in their own region?

Many opted to return to Syria and other countries after they were displeased with housing and money allowance in countries that took them in. If they had been running from war, why would they return unless they are part of ISIS? Looks to me like they were terrorists hiding among refugees.

The U.N. already stated months ago that most Muslims were not running from the war and were looking for better schools. Most of the refugees are young Muslim males, not women and children. Many Kurdish women and others stayed to fight. Why aren't the young males staying to fight for their own country? They leave the women there and move to other countries where they often start trouble. Other countries send in their young males to fight for the Muslim males who fled.

None of this makes any sense. The U.N. also claimed that few Christians are applying for refugee status because they fear going through the Muslims to do it. That is why only a small percent of Christians are being helped. Not sure I'm buying it. I think they are deliberately being rejected from the start. Radical Muslims want to seed their own across the world and interpreters have come forth to say that they women talk about their duty to spread and multiply. They are supposed to have as many babies as possible.

They also fight to make their host countries more like the Arab countries they left. Dearborn, MI, is an example of what will happen to our cities once they get a foothold. Signs in Arabic and hostility towards the local citizens. Mosques get built and businesses go away because their sharia law says that alcohol cannot be served within two blocks of a mosque. Dearborn used to be known for their nightclubs and now is more known for their mosques and Muslim-run stores.

Most aren't running from war and those most affected by the war aren't being accepted. Something is very wrong here and yet the left cries their big tears for these supposed victims. They ignore the real victims.

The vetting process is a joke. We have to rely on rogue governments to do the work for us. Maybe the left is willing to trust ISIS but most of us don't.
By doing so they help us import more cultural enrichment (=votes for the leftist parties). Besides, isn't it cool to virtue signal that we are better than them? What's to complain?
Facts please.

Backed up with credible links.

Note to OP - you post some really outlandish stuff so without facts, I'll pass.
Why aren't wealthy Muslim countries making arrangements to help refugees? Why seed them across the globe instead of helping them in their own region?

Many opted to return to Syria and other countries after they were displeased with housing and money allowance in countries that took them in. If they had been running from war, why would they return unless they are part of ISIS? Looks to me like they were terrorists hiding among refugees.

The U.N. already stated months ago that most Muslims were not running from the war and were looking for better schools. Most of the refugees are young Muslim males, not women and children. Many Kurdish women and others stayed to fight. Why aren't the young males staying to fight for their own country? They leave the women there and move to other countries where they often start trouble. Other countries send in their young males to fight for the Muslim males who fled.

None of this makes any sense. The U.N. also claimed that few Christians are applying for refugee status because they fear going through the Muslims to do it. That is why only a small percent of Christians are being helped. Not sure I'm buying it. I think they are deliberately being rejected from the start. Radical Muslims want to seed their own across the world and interpreters have come forth to say that they women talk about their duty to spread and multiply. They are supposed to have as many babies as possible.

They also fight to make their host countries more like the Arab countries they left. Dearborn, MI, is an example of what will happen to our cities once they get a foothold. Signs in Arabic and hostility towards the local citizens. Mosques get built and businesses go away because their sharia law says that alcohol cannot be served within two blocks of a mosque. Dearborn used to be known for their nightclubs and now is more known for their mosques and Muslim-run stores.

Most aren't running from war and those most affected by the war aren't being accepted. Something is very wrong here and yet the left cries their big tears for these supposed victims. They ignore the real victims.

The vetting process is a joke. We have to rely on rogue governments to do the work for us. Maybe the left is willing to trust ISIS but most of us don't.
Because they're evil dicks like Trump
Facts please.

Backed up with credible links.

Note to OP - you post some really outlandish stuff so without facts, I'll pass.

Muslim countries could easily accommodate all the refugees. They refuse. There is no reason to be seeding them.

All of this has been posted before, complete with links. If you haven't bothered to keep up, it's on you.

Bottom line is that there is no reason we should be relocating people here. And the fact that the word 'seeding' has been used to describe the refugees who are said to be economic refugees rather than war refugees should have everyone concerned.

We cannot vet them. That is a fact. And we know, as per admissions from the Obama administration, that terrorists are using the refugee crisis as a Trojan horse. So, there is no reason to bring them here.

I hate the thought of ending up like Germany, France, Great Britain and Dearborn, MI. Other countries have had to offer voluntary classes to teach the Muslim males why they shouldn't rape women and boys. Seriously, it's a problem. If they don't understand that then classes won't help. Young boys have been raped in pools and when the cops show up, the males act like they were within their rights. And a ban on Muslims in pools was overturned by Muslim activists. They also do not understand why it's unacceptable to accost women on the street and yell or hit them for not dressing properly. In their country, they are used to be able to dispense instant "justice" for anyone in violation of sharia law. They've known nothing else their entire lives. Sad part is that officials in those countries warn women to avoid areas where Muslim males might be.
Countries with the largest number of Syrian refugees:
  • Turkey: 1.9 million...
  • Lebanon: 1.1 million. ...
  • Jordan: 629,000. ...
  • Iraq: 249,000. ...
  • Egypt: 132,000. ...
Imagine that.
Countries with the largest number of Syrian refugees:
  • Turkey: 1.9 million...
  • Lebanon: 1.1 million. ...
  • Jordan: 629,000. ...
  • Iraq: 249,000. ...
  • Egypt: 132,000. ...
Imagine that.
I don't know why some in the United States think they have to take in these dead beats....
The majority of Syrian refugees are now spread across the Middle East and northern Africa. More than 650,000 Syrians are sheltering in Jordan. Lebanon is home to over 1 million and there are at least 2.6 million living in Turkey with smaller but substantial groups in Iraq, Egypt and Libya.

Where have 4.8 million Syrian refugees gone?

Just when you think the OP can't get any more ignorant.

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