Libs get kicked off flight for harassing ivanka trump

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He or she is just being willfully ignorant. Pitifully defending the indefensible.
. The best way for issues to be resolved quickly, and to be debated in order to not revisit them again, is to focus only on the issue and it's merits at hand.

Make informed opinions and decisions on it by using the immediate information surrounding the event or issue (not dragging years of bull crap up, and/or back and forth into the arena).... By doing this the nation can begin to move forward again.
The game of the evil one is to hold the past against this nation or against the citizens trying to move forward, and as soon as that past is brought into play in order to muddy the waters, then everything goes backwards from there. No one wins..

It would be best that this is recognized or this nation will forever fail from here on out. Time for people to quit working for the evil one for free, and in promoting such chaos to win in this nation over and over, it's just time. The best way to move forward is to allow the past to not hinder the ideas of the future. Everytime this nation see's people trying to discourage the future by way of the past, they should be called out on it.
Then follow your advice.
. Yep, I admit that we all can get dragged into it, but who always starts it ?? The left are masters at the game, but the game is up now.
there you go again, trying to escape assigning blame to Trump and the right.
. Most of Trump's attacks were a result of being attacked.
How did Miss Universe attack him?
A bully?

How can you call a citizen voicing his opinion a bully, while someone mocking a handicapped person is not?
. If a handicapped person is man enough to get involved in politics, and is man enough to voice his strong opinion on something, then that person best be ready to be criticized if they attack someone with tha strong opinion in which just might be wrong. Just because a person has a handicap, doesn't mean that their opinion can't be wrong, and if they attack someone, then they best be ready to get some criticism back or attacked back. Quit feeling sorry for someone who just might not need your sympathy in life. Politics is a blood sport these days, so if weak in the knees it best to stay on the side lines.
You got it sister..

I'm sick and tired of being respectful to the handicapped. Thank god we can now ridicule retards and cripples

Trump....making America great again
. If a handicapped rolled up in a wheel chair trying to hold you up, then what, are you going to worry about him being in that wheel chair or are you going to slap his crazy ace right out of it ?? Something tells me that you are going to be one robbed sucker, and that is why you lost this election. You call Trump handicapped and dumb etc. but you let that which you call dumb rob your ace of the election dupe... You people crack me up. ROTFLMBO
Tell em sister...

This country is tired of the handicapped....Wah....Wah.....feel sorry for me

But those days are over. In a Trump America, we get to tell the handicapped what we really think of them don't we beagle?
Are you willing to talk like you got some sense or are you just gonna stay in defense mode ??

In the War on Political Correctness, there is no defense. Just fight Political Correctness wherever you find it
"Feminist" Jessica Valenti complains about being harassed by a man, then sides with the man who harassed Ivanka Trump.

What are these things bringing the nation down? I want to see if Republicans improve any of those things.

Upward mobility? Affordable healthcare and college? Jobs? The debt? I want to see the gop deliver for middle class people. If not they were duped.
Those are all good things, but the Obama administration didn't deliver them. Since Hillary was offering more of the same, American voters decided to go with Trump and a Republican Congress. If they don't deliver, American voters will boot them out in favor of Democrats. That's how it's been working for over 30 years.
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"Feminist" Jessica Valenti complains about being harassed by a man, then sides with the man who harassed Ivanka Trump.

Nice try Snowflake......but your whimpering about ......Wah...Wah.....she complained too is pathetic

Princess Ivanka deserves no more protection from Polical Correctness than any other snowflake
What are these things bringing the nation down? I want to see if Republicans improve any of those things.

Upward mobility? Affordable healthcare and college? Jobs? The debt? I want to see the gop deliver for middle class people. If not they were duped.
Those are all good things, but the Obama administration didn't deliver them. Since Hillary was offering more of the same, American voters decided to go with Trump and a Republican Congress. If they don't deliver, American voters will boot them out in favor of Democrats. That's how it's been working for over 30 years.
The Obama admin was in office when nine million news jobs (1.5 of them part time) were added; when UE fell to under 5%; when the stock markets are raging upwards; when people who need help and health care are getting such. So if Trump can do better, good on him, but we are in far better shape than the first half of 2009.
What are these things bringing the nation down? I want to see if Republicans improve any of those things.

Upward mobility? Affordable healthcare and college? Jobs? The debt? I want to see the gop deliver for middle class people. If not they were duped.
Those are all good things, but the Obama administration didn't deliver them. Since Hillary was offering more of the same, American voters decided to go with Trump and a Republican Congress. If they don't deliver, American voters will boot them out in favor of Democrats. That's how it's been working for over 30 years.
The Obama admin was in office when nine million news jobs (1.5 of them part time) were added; when UE fell to under 5%; when the stock markets are raging upwards; when people who need help and health care are getting such. So if Trump can do better, good on him, but we are in far better shape than the first half of 2009.

When a guy lost his full time career and had to take two part time jobs Obozo called it two jobs created. The stock market did rebound because the Fed lowered the rate to Zero. Only a libtard moon bat thinks that is brilliance
What are these things bringing the nation down? I want to see if Republicans improve any of those things.

Upward mobility? Affordable healthcare and college? Jobs? The debt? I want to see the gop deliver for middle class people. If not they were duped.
Those are all good things, but the Obama administration didn't deliver them. Since Hillary was offering more of the same, American voters decided to go with Trump and a Republican Congress. If they don't deliver, American voters will boot them out in favor of Democrats. That's how it's been working for over 30 years.
The Obama admin was in office when nine million news jobs (1.5 of them part time) were added; when UE fell to under 5%; when the stock markets are raging upwards; when people who need help and health care are getting such. So if Trump can do better, good on him, but we are in far better shape than the first half of 2009.
If you search the archives you'll find Republicans saying things were great leading up to the great recession. And they were claiming things are horrible now but if you ask any Republican governor you'll notice they're not being entirely truthful.

Let's be honest. The economy is fine except it could be better for the middle class. That should be what we judge the Republicans for. Let's see if the middle class is doing better in 4 years.

People working in the oil fields will do better but that's going to be at our expense when the Republicans and corporations Jack up the prices of oil.
What are these things bringing the nation down? I want to see if Republicans improve any of those things.

Upward mobility? Affordable healthcare and college? Jobs? The debt? I want to see the gop deliver for middle class people. If not they were duped.
Those are all good things, but the Obama administration didn't deliver them. Since Hillary was offering more of the same, American voters decided to go with Trump and a Republican Congress. If they don't deliver, American voters will boot them out in favor of Democrats. That's how it's been working for over 30 years.
The Obama admin was in office when nine million news jobs (1.5 of them part time) were added; when UE fell to under 5%; when the stock markets are raging upwards; when people who need help and health care are getting such. So if Trump can do better, good on him, but we are in far better shape than the first half of 2009.

When a guy lost his full time career and had to take two part time jobs Obozo called it two jobs created. The stock market did rebound because the Fed lowered the rate to Zero. Only a libtard moon bat thinks that is brilliance
Good God that lame excuse the best you could make up?

Why don't you provide some economic data showing a substantial portion of the workforce having two jobs?

Also, that is not how unemployment is reported. A person is called and asked if they are employed and how many hours. Two, three or four jobs still counts as one person employed
What are these things bringing the nation down? I want to see if Republicans improve any of those things.

Upward mobility? Affordable healthcare and college? Jobs? The debt? I want to see the gop deliver for middle class people. If not they were duped.
Those are all good things, but the Obama administration didn't deliver them. Since Hillary was offering more of the same, American voters decided to go with Trump and a Republican Congress. If they don't deliver, American voters will boot them out in favor of Democrats. That's how it's been working for over 30 years.
The Obama admin was in office when nine million news jobs (1.5 of them part time) were added; when UE fell to under 5%; when the stock markets are raging upwards; when people who need help and health care are getting such. So if Trump can do better, good on him, but we are in far better shape than the first half of 2009.

When a guy lost his full time career and had to take two part time jobs Obozo called it two jobs created. The stock market did rebound because the Fed lowered the rate to Zero. Only a libtard moon bat thinks that is brilliance
Well you didn't want to pay the wages he required. Healthcare, pension, profit sharing.

You cons will never create good paying blue collar jobs for the masses who voted for trump. Those jobs don't exist anymore. Those were union jobs.

What job do you have for these people?

Be honest. They need to get a skill or degree or they can't expect a company is going to pay these poorly educated blue collar workers more than they're making now. Be honest
I think Ivanka Trumps is an intelligent, charming young woman

But the War on Political Correctness knows no bounds and the innocent will be punished.

This has nothing to do with Political Correctness.

Of course it does...

Political Correctness is a scourge on our society

Simple question Snowflake........why can calling women pigs, dogs, ugly be dismissed with "I am not Political Correct" while telling Ivanka that her father is ruining the country cannot?

Calling A WOMAN a pig is not calling WOMEN pigs.

Spinning an attack on a specific woman, who might very well deserve it, into an attack on all women, and then using that as "evidence" of misogyny so as to marginalize and shout down Trump and his message, is Political Correctness.

The use of pretend outrage to silence opposition.
What are these things bringing the nation down? I want to see if Republicans improve any of those things.

Upward mobility? Affordable healthcare and college? Jobs? The debt? I want to see the gop deliver for middle class people. If not they were duped.
Those are all good things, but the Obama administration didn't deliver them. Since Hillary was offering more of the same, American voters decided to go with Trump and a Republican Congress. If they don't deliver, American voters will boot them out in favor of Democrats. That's how it's been working for over 30 years.
The Obama admin was in office when nine million news jobs (1.5 of them part time) were added; when UE fell to under 5%; when the stock markets are raging upwards; when people who need help and health care are getting such. So if Trump can do better, good on him, but we are in far better shape than the first half of 2009.

When a guy lost his full time career and had to take two part time jobs Obozo called it two jobs created. The stock market did rebound because the Fed lowered the rate to Zero. Only a libtard moon bat thinks that is brilliance
FAA! Fake Analysis Alert. If two part time jobs were created, then they were created. You ignore that nine million new jobs, about 85%, are full time. You sneer at a raging stock market: that's stupid. You ignore the UE.

Cellblock, you are routed.
What are these things bringing the nation down? I want to see if Republicans improve any of those things.

Upward mobility? Affordable healthcare and college? Jobs? The debt? I want to see the gop deliver for middle class people. If not they were duped.
Those are all good things, but the Obama administration didn't deliver them. Since Hillary was offering more of the same, American voters decided to go with Trump and a Republican Congress. If they don't deliver, American voters will boot them out in favor of Democrats. That's how it's been working for over 30 years.
The Obama admin was in office when nine million news jobs (1.5 of them part time) were added; when UE fell to under 5%; when the stock markets are raging upwards; when people who need help and health care are getting such. So if Trump can do better, good on him, but we are in far better shape than the first half of 2009.

When a guy lost his full time career and had to take two part time jobs Obozo called it two jobs created. The stock market did rebound because the Fed lowered the rate to Zero. Only a libtard moon bat thinks that is brilliance
Well you didn't want to pay the wages he required. Healthcare, pension, profit sharing.

You cons will never create good paying blue collar jobs for the masses who voted for trump. Those jobs don't exist anymore. Those were union jobs.

What job do you have for these people?

Be honest. They need to get a skill or degree or they can't expect a company is going to pay these poorly educated blue collar workers more than they're making now. Be honest

I've seen in my own life the difference in pay rates between areas with high supply of labor to those without.

IT is enough to make a big difference for a lot of people.
I think Ivanka Trumps is an intelligent, charming young woman

But the War on Political Correctness knows no bounds and the innocent will be punished.

This has nothing to do with Political Correctness.

Of course it does...

Political Correctness is a scourge on our society

Simple question Snowflake........why can calling women pigs, dogs, ugly be dismissed with "I am not Political Correct" while telling Ivanka that her father is ruining the country cannot?
Calling A WOMAN a pig is not calling WOMEN pigs.Spinning an attack on a specific woman, who might very well deserve it, into an attack on all women, and then using that as "evidence" of misogyny so as to marginalize and shout down Trump and his message, is Political Correctness.The use of pretend outrage to silence opposition.
Correll continues to give words new meanings that are either not meaningful or not truthful.
I think Ivanka Trumps is an intelligent, charming young woman

But the War on Political Correctness knows no bounds and the innocent will be punished.

This has nothing to do with Political Correctness.

Of course it does...

Political Correctness is a scourge on our society

Simple question Snowflake........why can calling women pigs, dogs, ugly be dismissed with "I am not Political Correct" while telling Ivanka that her father is ruining the country cannot?

Calling A WOMAN a pig is not calling WOMEN pigs.

Spinning an attack on a specific woman, who might very well deserve it, into an attack on all women, and then using that as "evidence" of misogyny so as to marginalize and shout down Trump and his message, is Political Correctness.

The use of pretend outrage to silence opposition.
If I were on that flight I would have sexually assaulted her like her father does women. Lol. Then said she's lying just like all those other women are lyin about bill and Donald.
I think Ivanka Trumps is an intelligent, charming young woman

But the War on Political Correctness knows no bounds and the innocent will be punished.

This has nothing to do with Political Correctness.

Of course it does...

Political Correctness is a scourge on our society

Simple question Snowflake........why can calling women pigs, dogs, ugly be dismissed with "I am not Political Correct" while telling Ivanka that her father is ruining the country cannot?

Calling A WOMAN a pig is not calling WOMEN pigs.

Spinning an attack on a specific woman, who might very well deserve it, into an attack on all women, and then using that as "evidence" of misogyny so as to marginalize and shout down Trump and his message, is Political Correctness.

The use of pretend outrage to silence opposition.
If I were on that flight I would have sexually assaulted her like her father does women. Lol. Then said she's lying just like all those other women are lyin about bill and Donald.

If I were on that flight I would have sexually assaulted her like her father does women. Lol. Then said she's lying just like all those other women are lyin about bill and Donald.
This just keeps getting uglier and uglier.
What are these things bringing the nation down? I want to see if Republicans improve any of those things.

Upward mobility? Affordable healthcare and college? Jobs? The debt? I want to see the gop deliver for middle class people. If not they were duped.
Those are all good things, but the Obama administration didn't deliver them. Since Hillary was offering more of the same, American voters decided to go with Trump and a Republican Congress. If they don't deliver, American voters will boot them out in favor of Democrats. That's how it's been working for over 30 years.
The Obama admin was in office when nine million news jobs (1.5 of them part time) were added; when UE fell to under 5%; when the stock markets are raging upwards; when people who need help and health care are getting such. So if Trump can do better, good on him, but we are in far better shape than the first half of 2009.

When a guy lost his full time career and had to take two part time jobs Obozo called it two jobs created. The stock market did rebound because the Fed lowered the rate to Zero. Only a libtard moon bat thinks that is brilliance
Well you didn't want to pay the wages he required. Healthcare, pension, profit sharing.

You cons will never create good paying blue collar jobs for the masses who voted for trump. Those jobs don't exist anymore. Those were union jobs.

What job do you have for these people?

Be honest. They need to get a skill or degree or they can't expect a company is going to pay these poorly educated blue collar workers more than they're making now. Be honest

I've seen in my own life the difference in pay rates between areas with high supply of labor to those without.

IT is enough to make a big difference for a lot of people.
I can't believe there are no teenagers in Tennessee who would work for $6 hr. I just don't buy this story. Someone on welfare might choose to stay on welfare rather than work for $6 but is there no one in that town not on welfare who will take the job? This is an example of fake news.

Maybe Hardy's franchise fees were too high or maybe the rent was too high? Why didn't the landlord lower the rent? Supply and demand would say rent would go down. Or maybe Hardy sucks? We don't have Hardy's anymore around here either so they can't blame labor for their piss poor business model
If I were on that flight I would have sexually assaulted her like her father does women. Lol. Then said she's lying just like all those other women are lyin about bill and Donald.
This just keeps getting uglier and uglier.
Oh come on that was funny! Why can trump run around grabbing pussy but not me?

This is proof you worship the rich because the truth is you know he gets away with it because he's rich and powerful.
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