Libs going after patriotic nationalists again

Libs don't want what our Founding Fathers wanted. Too many liberals are now atheists. A Christian America is a decent and moral America.

---“In their enthusiasm to go against Christian nationalism, they’re actually going against the foundations of our democracy,” he said.---

Liberals are defending democracy from attacks by the Christo-fascist right.
I wholeheartedly endorse Christianity. However, our founding fathers clearly wanted religion out of government and a secular government.

My disagreement with much of what is written on these message boards about the founding fathers and Christianity, is that they derive from an unrealistic viewpoint of the relationship between government and the church at the time of our forefathers. Back in their day that relationship was more in line with how things stand today between the government and public schools. With states writing their new constitutions, founding fathers put an end to this practice.

However, our founding fathers clearly wanted religion out of government and a secular government.

That’s not necessarily correct. They never said they wanted religion out of government. Most of the foinding fathers were religious men. They just didn’t want government to create a national religion.
Lol, you're so clueless I can't even be mad.

Libs don't want what our Founding Fathers wanted. Too many liberals are now atheists. A Christian America is a decent and moral America.

---“In their enthusiasm to go against Christian nationalism, they’re actually going against the foundations of our democracy,” he said.---

The Founding Fathers wanted a Constitution that would change with the times.

It's why they put an amendment process in there.
Well for hundreds of years the majority of Americans were white and Christians, but the entire nation has certainly never been entirely moral and decent. So don't look at the past through rose colored glasses too much.

With that said, when America was mostly white Christian Americans the country was much better off. We shot up to a world super power in record time, we didn't have mass shooters, we didn't have a divided nation, we didn't have rampant crime like we do now, we didn't have rampant drug problems, we didn't have wide spread homeless, we didn't have unsecure borders, we didn't have Americans at war with each other over other countries or foreign religions, and so on. There is no denying America was better for hundreds of years without those things.

What did have is the vast majority of Americans had American morals, values pride and standards. We had a more unified nation.

So you embody the line from the song. Don’t know much about History.

Drugs which are now banned were readily available in any apothecary shop. You could get Tincture of Laudanum. That by the way was Opium in Brandy. You didn’t need a prescription. You didn’t need anything but money to buy it.

You could buy cocaine. It was the original ingredient in Coke by the way. Talk about an energy drink.

This was all no problem since the nanny state didn’t really exist.

You had homeless. You had unemployment. Soup kitchens were common during the depression.

All the things you pretend didn’t exist. Existed.

The border was wide open. People passed back and forth constantly.

You also had mass shootings. They are called massacres in history though.

It’s interesting that you want America to go back to a time and place that didn’t actually exist as you imagine it.

I can see it now. You ride into town, the Sheriff tells you to check your guns. You refuse insisting that you have a second amendment right. You get clocked across the noggin and thrown in prison, or killed, all the while insisting you have a right.

The Christian towns all had whorehouses. Or at least whores working out of the saloons. Good Christian whores, for the good Christian men.

I honestly have no idea where you all get these ideas.

There is so much knowledge that you stole and took credit for. You destroyed countries from within once they took you in as a friend.
Ok have it your way

According to you blacks created the knowledge

but apparently didnt know what to do with it and whites did

Either way you lost and still have not caught up
"Sharia," in this context, clearly means "religious."

That's what you're promoting isn't it?

You do want religious laws, of your choosing and preference, imposed on all of America.

You can admit it.
Do you speak Arabic?
Libs going after patriotic nationalists again 240229 {post•1} lennypartiv Feb’24 Slgapn: “Libs don't want what our Founding Fathers wanted” •¥• lnnyprtv 240229 Slgapn00001

There is a proper way to define the rampant white Christian victimhood as you start another thread, Saint Lennypartiv. It can be comprehended within the political reality that the Dobbs Decision hath bestowed upon the Republican Party and that will lead to it’s necessary demise.

I suggest; “Women who are not white Christian nationalists are going after white Christian nationalists who are imposing white Christian reproductive beliefs upon law abiding women’s freedom of conscience”

In other words, 70 to 80% of all American women are not just “Libs”.

nfbw 240302 Vlgapn00057 to Slgapn00001
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Most of the immigrants came from Europe, so immigration wasn't a problem back then.

Oh please. People crossed back and forth into Mexico constantly. You all act like the border was secure. By what? A half dozen companies of Horse Calvary? They chased Geronimo for weeks. Apache bounced back and forth across the border. So did ranch hands. People who followed herds roamed all over.

The only people who couldn’t cross the border were cops and soldiers. Everyone else crossed it constantly.

I don’t know where you all get these ideas of history. But it is nothing close to accurate.
There is a proper way to define the rampant white Christian victimhood as you start another thread, Saint Lennypartiv. It can be comprehended within the political reality that the Dobbs Decision hath bestowed upon the Republican Party and that will lead to it’s necessary demise.
The Dobbs decision was common sense.
We are in deep shit when the crazy left gets away with equating Christian nationalism with Sharia law. It's wrong in so many ways that it makes you wonder about the quality of education in the U.S.

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