Libs have been asking this type of question for a while now. Curious they aren’t now.


Diamond Member
Oct 13, 2011
So I’ll ask, how are Conservatives feeling about this omnibus spending plan?

This conservative isn’t pleased. No money for the wall, no cuts in entitlements, too much increased spending all around, and yes, I mean the military as well. We simply cannot afford this.

We could have taken most of the increase in military spending and put it toward the wall. Our biggest threat is not North Korea, it’s not Russia, it’s not Iran, it’s our porous borders. What are more ships, planes, and bombs going to do to protect us from people illegally crossing the border?

Before you lefties rant away, this isn’t a deal breaker for me concerning Trump. This is the fault of the spineless GOP as a whole. I knew Trump wasn’t a fiscal Conservative when I voted for him. No matter how bad this is, it would have been worse under the Hildabeast.
Trump’s deal with America was that Mexico would pay for the wall because he’s the world’s greatest dealmaker. Maybe he can use all the millions of Mar-a-Lago vacation tax dollars he’s spending to start it up.
Dear PredFan
Since Conservatives and Liberals have different beliefs and priorities,
why not organize the bill and budget to spell out what the different sides pushed for?

Have Part A and Part B of the budget, and let taxpayers vote on our tax forms
which parts of the budget we want our taxes to go into.

If all sides agree, that goes into the central pool that is required for all taxpayers
and approved for federal govt. Where sides disagree, they split into options for
taxpayers to choose.

then if there is a shortfall or surplus, the groups overseeing those
budget plans can "borrow or lend" to each other on terms they agree on.
if taxpayers AGREE to lend money to plans they consider optional not mandatory for govt,
we should get rewarded for investments and pick the terms, like interest or shares in collateral on the debts we finance.
The need to get rid of Ryan and McConnell.
They need to drain the swamp of any political hack that is over 2 terms...Start holding your elective officials accountable to the people.

When the government fears the people?
"When governments fear the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny. The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government.".
When government fears the people, there is liberty ...
Dear PredFan
Since Conservatives and Liberals have different beliefs and priorities,
why not organize the bill and budget to spell out what the different sides pushed for?

Have Part A and Part B of the budget, and let taxpayers vote on our tax forms
which parts of the budget we want our taxes to go into.

If all sides agree, that goes into the central pool that is required for all taxpayers
and approved for federal govt. Where sides disagree, they split into options for
taxpayers to choose.

then if there is a shortfall or surplus, the groups overseeing those
budget plans can "borrow or lend" to each other on terms they agree on.
if taxpayers AGREE to lend money to plans they consider optional not mandatory for govt,
we should get rewarded for investments and pick the terms, like interest or shares in collateral on the debts we finance.

We would have to have something like to electoral college to prevent California, New York, etc from voting themselves entitlements.
The need to get rid of Ryan and McConnell.
You idiots re-elected McConnell through 2020. Odds are you’ll re-elect him through 2016. You gave Ryan 65% of the vote last election, and are going to do it again in a few months. Great work.
Trump’s deal with America was that Mexico would pay for the wall because he’s the world’s greatest dealmaker. Maybe he can use all the millions of Mar-a-Lago vacation tax dollars he’s spending to start it up.

Nah, the Wall will be funded by all that suit money Rump will get from Stormy Daniels for breaking a nondisclosure agreement about an event he says never happened in which he's not even named.

Many people are saying that. Amazing, incredible lawsuit. Bigly settlement. Bigliest settlement since Reagan.
Dear PredFan
Since Conservatives and Liberals have different beliefs and priorities,
why not organize the bill and budget to spell out what the different sides pushed for?

Have Part A and Part B of the budget, and let taxpayers vote on our tax forms
which parts of the budget we want our taxes to go into.

If all sides agree, that goes into the central pool that is required for all taxpayers
and approved for federal govt. Where sides disagree, they split into options for
taxpayers to choose.

then if there is a shortfall or surplus, the groups overseeing those
budget plans can "borrow or lend" to each other on terms they agree on.
if taxpayers AGREE to lend money to plans they consider optional not mandatory for govt,
we should get rewarded for investments and pick the terms, like interest or shares in collateral on the debts we finance.

We would have to have something like to electoral college to prevent California, New York, etc from voting themselves entitlements.

Agreed PredFan
How about this proposal to use the Electoral College structure so we
can perfect representation by State by allowing people representation by party.

I am proposing that party precincts work on the Electoral District level
to set up councils where the seats represent that whole district, proportionally by party.
So if they are split 50/50 half are R and D.
If they are 1/3 Green or Libertarian the council includes reps from all parties
represented in that District.
This council then takes input or complaints from their constituents in that district,
then feeds that to the various levels of govt to check against biases or abuses
that don't represent the taxpayers. if they disagree, then split the policy
between the groups that want to fund or defund it, so it represents the people.
Regardless if their state is more red or blue, green or white or whatever.

I'd rather have agreements with all states including TX CA and NY
to split Electoral college votes proportionally. So if one district
votes R, their votes go there. If another votes D their votes go there.
That would encourage greater voter participation by district.
And if they are split, I recommend splitting the votes 50/50 where possible.

Also the policies that come through either state or federal levels
should be checked by using this same system to represent people
organized by district and party. I believe we can better check against
abuses this way, because each party has vested interest in fielding complaints!
The need to get rid of Ryan and McConnell.
You idiots re-elected McConnell through 2020. Odds are you’ll re-elect him through 2016. You gave Ryan 65% of the vote last election, and are going to do it again in a few months. Great work.

As bad as Ryan is, the alternative; Pelosi, is orders of magnitude worse.
But you fools are working so hard to give it all back to her. So strange.

Do you have the slightest idea what you are rambling and babbling about? How exactly are we working to give it back? By not acting like Democrats?
You idiots re-elected McConnell through 2020. Odds are you’ll re-elect him through 2016. You gave Ryan 65% of the vote last election, and are going to do it again in a few months. Great work.
I don't live in Kentucky. They had a great Tea candidate, but they put McConnell back in. Fortunately, the Tea candidate became governor.
You idiots re-elected McConnell through 2020. Odds are you’ll re-elect him through 2016. You gave Ryan 65% of the vote last election, and are going to do it again in a few months. Great work.
I don't live in Kentucky. They had a great Tea candidate, but they put McConnell back in. Fortunately, the Tea candidate became governor.
That must be why Kentucky is among the states most dependent on federal dollars
We need another Gingrich
Plenty of racist neocons in Trump’s administration. Take your pick.

How about someone who called blacks "super predators" who must be "brought to heel" and called Hispanics "needy"
Pretty tame compared to calling them all rapists and murderers.
Imagine putting Americans first, like Hillary did. Racists, sexists, homophobes, islamophobes, all those strong, independent women she represented. You remember, her basket of deplorables, to which she's added Russian collusion and Macedonian mountain men.
We need another Gingrich
Plenty of racist neocons in Trump’s administration. Take your pick.

How about someone who called blacks "super predators" who must be "brought to heel" and called Hispanics "needy"
Pretty tame compared to calling them all rapists and murderers.
Imagine putting Americans first, like Hillary did. Racists, sexists, homophobes, islamophobes, all those strong, independent women she represented. You remember, her basket of deplorables, to which she's added Russian collusion and Macedonian mountain men.
Try to put together something coherent, and then try again if you'd like.

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