Libs once again call to amend SYG law for Trayvon despite


Gold Member
Dec 5, 2011
Stand up for Trayvon Martin by amending ?stand your ground? - The Washington Post

all the daily black on black violence they ignore that kills thousands of times more people. Yet liberals and the black leadership would lead us to believe the biggest threat to young black men are Zimmermans.

meanwhile, 15 were shot in Chicago last night. 13 were shot there on Thursday night libs.

Do you beleive your lies, libs? Because the facts don't support you. You ignore daily deaths just to score political points. There's a place in hell for people like you.

3-year-old alerts neighbors to stepfather's killing -
are you saying 28 people shot in two days

that rates right up there with the turmoil in Egypt

under a new plan by obama minorities will qualify for

a diversion program instead of the criminal justice system

isnt that wonderful
are you saying 28 people shot in two days

that rates right up there with the turmoil in Egypt

under a new plan by obama minorities will qualify for

a diversion program instead of the criminal justice system

isnt that wonderful

"Wonderful" and highly illegal. Obama just doesn't give a fuck about the Constitution. He shits on it almost daily.
What liberals want is no self defense at all.

Stand your Ground was not used in the Trayvon Martin case. George Zimmerman was getting his head pounded into the concrete, he did not have an opportunity to retreat in any case.
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I think SYG was in the jury instructions, but it is being misinterpreted as applying to the fact he confronted trayvon. SYG only applies when a threat occurs.

It would be like saying if you confronted your next door neighbor because they were playing loud music, and if they attacked you and you killed them, that you should never have confronted them in the first place. That's not what SYG is about.. and shouldn't be about. Imagine being charged with murder because your neighbor attacked you after you asked them to lower their music.
I think SYG was in the jury instructions, but it is being misinterpreted as applying to the fact he confronted trayvon. SYG only applies when a threat occurs.

It would be like saying if you confronted your next door neighbor because they were playing loud music, and if they attacked you and you killed them, that you should never have confronted them in the first place. That's not what SYG is about.. and shouldn't be about. Imagine being charged with murder because your neighbor attacked you after you asked them to lower their music.

If George Zimmerman was not engaged in an unlawful activity and was attacked in anyplace where he had a right to be, he had no duty to retreat and had the right to stand hisground and meet force with force, including deadly force if he reasonably believed that it wasnecessary to do so to prevent death or great bodily harm to himself or another or to preventthe commission of a forcible felon

George Zimmerman Trial: Final Jury Instructions

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