Libs think smokers need much more persecution

Libs think smokers need much more persecution

No, their victims need more protection.

Who are their "victims?"

The people forced to sit in or walk through clouds of toxic, noxious gases the smokers generate. I am so happy there is no more smoking in our office space and local restaurants. The fumes are disgusting and it clings to your clothes and hair.
Libs never cease to amaze me. Bring up abortion, and they offer up the "her body, her choice" line ad nauseum. But bring up soda or cigarettes and they suddenly forget about the "choice" mantra. As a whole, they sure are a bunch of hypocrites.

I love the soda addicts too

People who used to smoke three packs of cigs a day now drinking three six packs of soda a day

And soda is very bad for you, anything carbonated, even water.

And it's still none of your business if people want to drink it.
Sounds like you would like to gas them, rw.

They gassed me first

Not long after I quit smoking my wife and I were in a restaurant in Vienna. This was before Austria had to go along with the EU smoking ban. The people at the table next to us were smoking while we were eating. I realized immediately why non smokers always objected to people smoking around them while they were eating.

What used to get me was how offended smokers used to get if you asked them not to light up and how outraged they were when they could no longer smoke at work

You're not the boss of me
They gassed me first

Not long after I quit smoking my wife and I were in a restaurant in Vienna. This was before Austria had to go along with the EU smoking ban. The people at the table next to us were smoking while we were eating. I realized immediately why non smokers always objected to people smoking around them while they were eating.

What used to get me was how offended smokers used to get if you asked them not to light up and how outraged they were when they could no longer smoke at work

You're not the boss of me

The current war on smokers is going far beyond the workplace and/or public places.

What do you care if a guy wants to sit at home and chain smoke cigarettes?

It's none of your business.
Not long after I quit smoking my wife and I were in a restaurant in Vienna. This was before Austria had to go along with the EU smoking ban. The people at the table next to us were smoking while we were eating. I realized immediately why non smokers always objected to people smoking around them while they were eating.

What used to get me was how offended smokers used to get if you asked them not to light up and how outraged they were when they could no longer smoke at work

You're not the boss of me

The current war on smokers is going far beyond the workplace and/or public places.

What do you care if a guy wants to sit at home and chain smoke cigarettes?

It's none of your business.

Some countries are making it illegal to smoke in cars that children are riding in. What do you think of this?
What used to get me was how offended smokers used to get if you asked them not to light up and how outraged they were when they could no longer smoke at work

You're not the boss of me

The current war on smokers is going far beyond the workplace and/or public places.

What do you care if a guy wants to sit at home and chain smoke cigarettes?

It's none of your business.

Some countries are making it illegal to smoke in cars that children are riding in. What do you think of this?

The kids are young. They can walk.
What used to get me was how offended smokers used to get if you asked them not to light up and how outraged they were when they could no longer smoke at work

You're not the boss of me

The current war on smokers is going far beyond the workplace and/or public places.

What do you care if a guy wants to sit at home and chain smoke cigarettes?

It's none of your business.

Some countries are making it illegal to smoke in cars that children are riding in. What do you think of this?

Don't care. i don't have kids and I don't smoke.

BTW that's none of my business either.
Not long after I quit smoking my wife and I were in a restaurant in Vienna. This was before Austria had to go along with the EU smoking ban. The people at the table next to us were smoking while we were eating. I realized immediately why non smokers always objected to people smoking around them while they were eating.

What used to get me was how offended smokers used to get if you asked them not to light up and how outraged they were when they could no longer smoke at work

You're not the boss of me

The current war on smokers is going far beyond the workplace and/or public places.

What do you care if a guy wants to sit at home and chain smoke cigarettes?

It's none of your business.

I couldn't care less if a person wants to smoke at home or in his car or away from the public. I just don't want to have to breathe the smoke or walk through the fumes. It's nasty stuff.
What used to get me was how offended smokers used to get if you asked them not to light up and how outraged they were when they could no longer smoke at work

You're not the boss of me

The current war on smokers is going far beyond the workplace and/or public places.

What do you care if a guy wants to sit at home and chain smoke cigarettes?

It's none of your business.

I couldn't care less if a person wants to smoke at home or in his car or away from the public. I just don't want to have to breathe the smoke or walk through the fumes. It's nasty stuff.

There currently is no public places where you are forced to walk near a smoker.
And it's still none of your business if people want to drink it.

True. You do not have to allow gallon cups of it to be available to kids though.

Why not when those same kids can by a five gallon bucket of ice cream?

Are you at least starting to see how ridiculous you control freaks are?

No. I do not want my kids having that much ice cream either. My wife and I raised our kids right as far as soda and sweets are concerned, they have them in moderation. Some kids are not this lucky and crave them to the point off sneaking as much soda and sweets as they can get.
The current war on smokers is going far beyond the workplace and/or public places.

What do you care if a guy wants to sit at home and chain smoke cigarettes?

It's none of your business.

I couldn't care less if a person wants to smoke at home or in his car or away from the public. I just don't want to have to breathe the smoke or walk through the fumes. It's nasty stuff.

There currently is no public places where you are forced to walk near a smoker.

Which is why I stated earlier that I am happy the local restaurants and my workplace is smoke free. About the only time I run into it now is when some asshole lights up by a store entrance and I have to walk through a cloud of smoke to get in. I don't care if they smoke. I just don't want any part of it around me.
Libs want everyone to smoke pot. It's so healthy.

Yes, that I can not understand???????:confused: It doesn't make sense to me!

Ban cigarettes but make pot legal? I've been asking this question also. Why? Can someone explain?

I cannot answer this, because I am not in favor of banning cigarettes. One thing that is humorous is that in Amsterdam you cannot smoke tobacco in coffee shops. Europeans like mixing tobacco with their pot, and this really pisses them off. Smoking straight pot is considered an American thing.
True. You do not have to allow gallon cups of it to be available to kids though.

Why not when those same kids can by a five gallon bucket of ice cream?

Are you at least starting to see how ridiculous you control freaks are?

No. I do not want my kids having that much ice cream either.

You don't want your kids to have that much but it's none of your business if someone else's kid does and you have no right to impose your preferences on others.
The current war on smokers is going far beyond the workplace and/or public places.

What do you care if a guy wants to sit at home and chain smoke cigarettes?

It's none of your business.

I couldn't care less if a person wants to smoke at home or in his car or away from the public. I just don't want to have to breathe the smoke or walk through the fumes. It's nasty stuff.

There currently is no public places where you are forced to walk near a smoker.

If you walk past a bar or office building you can get engulfed in smoke.
Why not when those same kids can by a five gallon bucket of ice cream?

Are you at least starting to see how ridiculous you control freaks are?

No. I do not want my kids having that much ice cream either.

You don't want your kids to have that much but it's none of your business if someone else's kid does and you have no right to impose your preferences on others.

True, but I see nothing wrong with protecting children in general. You do not have kids, so you do not care.
I couldn't care less if a person wants to smoke at home or in his car or away from the public. I just don't want to have to breathe the smoke or walk through the fumes. It's nasty stuff.

There currently is no public places where you are forced to walk near a smoker.

If you walk past a bar or office building you can get engulfed in smoke.

You are not forced to walk there.

Take a wider berth.

If you think a quick whiff of cigarette smoke is going to kill you then you must be positively apoplectic when a bus drives by you.
No. I do not want my kids having that much ice cream either.

You don't want your kids to have that much but it's none of your business if someone else's kid does and you have no right to impose your preferences on others.

True, but I see nothing wrong with protecting children in general. You do not have kids, so you do not care.

I would not presume to tell anyone how to raise their kids. Neither should you.

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