Libs throw tantrum over student wearing US flag shirt at game

In other words you cannot wear the colors of the U.S. in the U.S. because you may offend "refugees" in the U.S.? If they are offended by the American colors just go back where they came from. It sure is not assimilation, is it? WTF?
This is just another example of how empty and phony Liberals are. They claim to love America but don't. They claim to support women but don't. They claim to defend animals but don't. They claim to support free speech and religious freedom but don't. These people are nothing who stand for nothing, unless you consider control over other people, something.
Here is my take:

Iowa is Hick Central. When you fly into Des Moines and look around the airport you think, " did I just land in Tripoli?". Further, downtown Des Moines, which is clean, friendly, and a place I am very fond of, is very small and very small-townish. Iowa is heartland, God-fearing, Americans. They are culturally a bit different than us here in the south, but they are still good, salt of the earth people.

Now, against that backdrop, Valley, a school full of white, heartland folks, plays a school from a community in which a bunch of brown people have been recently re-located, so Valley decides to wear American flags to the game. The intent is clear: Valley wants the interloping Muslim fuckers to know that THEY know they don't belong here. It is the old, "we are legitimately Americans and YOU are NOT!"

That is what is going on here. But then we get to the next question: it that behavior by Valley acceptable?

The answer is YES. Yes, Valley was within both their legal and moral rights to demonstrate as they did. Did they hurt the brown peoples' feelings? Who cares?!? Nobody has a right to not have their feelings hurt. Moreover, if having an American flag waived in your face while you are in America is something that upsets you, then you really do NOT belong here.

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Hmm. I read of no confrontation and no one threw a fit...people ask a question and it was answered,,,then people went on with their lives..unlike the idle class on USMB..
Liberals pranced around, throwing limp wristed hissy fits over an American flag.

YOu pansies really need to move to your North Korean utopia.

Valley Students Say USA Themed Student Section Not Aimed At North’s Refugee Athletes
One, nobody threw a fit. Two, Valley had the right to wear the flag. Three, the other side had the right to say "you stupid nativists."

Limp wristed liberals?

Those "pansies" kicked the unholy crap out of the Trump supporters during the campaign season.
Valley released the following statement, in part: "We are deeply sorry if we have offended anyone in any way. We have traditionally dressed in such a fashion for great games such as the one last night. Everyone here at Valley has immense respect not only for your team and players but for your community as a whole. Please know that our intent was in no way to offend or demean—just to support our own team in a way we have done before."

The OP is running around with his hair on fire for no good reason.
Based on the photograph contained in OP's linked article, I can associate with the liberal's complaints. I see many of the student's means of "honoring America" in the picture as disrespectful as it too closely borders on:

The flag should not be used as "wearing apparel, bedding, or drapery", or for covering a speaker's desk, draping a platform, or for any decoration in general (exception for coffins). Bunting of blue, white and red stripes is available for these purposes. The blue stripe of the bunting should be on the top.​
Were the students wearing flags or just ted, white and blue clothing? The article says it was red, white and blue clothing.

We are getting into gang culture where colors have real importance.
Here in America, if one person can wear whatever they want to, so can another.

God bless you always!!!


P.S. Maybe they should just be glad that the person wore anything at all or was that the actual problem?

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