Libs try to infiltrate tea party to feed liberal media

TPS, no one here is taking you seriously, because you are goofy in what you write and in your logic.

You are in the very small minority, pissed off at the changes of the last forty years, and now is your final chance to yell. Go ahead, do not go gently into that dark night.
Yeah yeah yeah.

Give us a major terrorist attack since 9/11 and since the Patriot Act was put into place.

Give us the American Citizen who has has his rights "trampled." The only people the left have been able to give to me is Jose Padilla and Sami Al-Arian. Which is a total laugh because they were both guilty as hell.

(And I hate to break it to some liberals. Al-Arian is not an American Citizen)

Further it was the attitude of people on your side that kept the DC snipers free to kill and kill again, since the FBI, DC police etc, refused to do any racial profiling. Despite witnesses who had seen "brown men" at the scene the "experts" insisted they were "angry white men" so John Mohmmed and Lee Malvo were free to kill again.

In a way they were doing racial profiling. Because it's only okay to racial profile "angry white men" I guess. :lol:

Bad choice to bring up the DC snipers. :lol:

So you want me to give you something that you can't provide?? Where is your MAJOR terrorist attack under obama? Let's see your argument consists of a lone gunmen going on a shooting rampage and a guy who lit his junk on fire on a plane. That's hardly what any HONEST person would refer to as a MAJOR terrorist attack.

Oh and nice spin about the DC snipers but who was president at that time and does your lame attempts to shift the blame change the fact that the shootings happened?? It doesn't. LOL

BTW I see that you ignored my question as predicted. LOL More avoidance and dishonesty from you. Imagine that. Are they innoncent until proven guilty or guilty until proven innocent?

In the end you lied about being terrorist attack free for 8 years so based on your own logic everything else that you have to say is questionable and therefore a lie.

Sorry but according to your own logic and standards, you lose LOL

That's easy:

  • Fort Hood
  • The Recruiting Station
  • The Christmas Day bomber (it was foiled only because of a bomb malfunction.)

If those are considered MAJOR terrorist attacks and I named 2 out of your 3, perhaps you should learn to READ, then so was the shoe bomber and the DC sniper as well as out embassies overseas that were attacked and therefore we were not terrorist attack free for 8 years.

Thanks for the spin. LOL
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NICE TRY! :lol:

A) Obamcare is REALITY. It's passed and signed into law.


On both counts we see who failed and it's YOU!


Son, you truly don't think, do you? It is a hypothetical as to what will happen in the future with Obamacare. Thus you can't label it a failure. You are not very bright. If you are who the TP are trotting out, they will be slaughtered.

A) I'm not a son, I'm a woman.

B) A signed law is NOT a hypothetical. There is actual language in the law tell ing us what will happen.

That is what we are objecting to. You want to pretend it's just all good intentions with no actual language we can point to.

Sorry but that just isn't the case.


So you are a female goofball. That's OK, you should meet one of my sisters, who would give you a run for your money on goofiness. No, you have offered nothing worthwhile.
A) doesn't matter WHO you think you were talking about you seem to be describing YOU. and the claim that you make in B is a perfect example of you being less than honest.

B) and NO you didn't prove (look up the word please) all of the photos were fake you showed that one was older claiming it was actualyl a liberal, which is unknown, and then claimed that all were fakes because the one was. Then you CLAIM with no proof to support that claim that the guy with the swastika on his sign who was STANDING ON THE STAGE WITH THE SIGN IN VIEW was a plant. That is NOT honest and it is NOT proof. That is an ASSUMPTION on your part.

You really need to look up the word "PROOF" so you can begin to understand that repetition of your OPINIONS doesn't prove anything.

BTW I am still waiting on you prove that the nutjubs that have appeared at tea parties since their mass parties began were plants. I keep hearing that claim and similar but have seen no evidence to support it.

In other words facts don't matter to you, because you have your mind made up about me.

But it's laughable you talk about proof, since YOUR SIDE HAS PROVIDED NO PROOF FOR THEIR PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!

Time to wake up from your little fantasy. Just because your side produces some photos does NOT mean we have to take them as legitimate.

Not only did I provide evidence one was fake (as it was 2003) someone else provided evidence Malkin was set up. The word is FAIL.

Every time I have provided photos of left wing protestors I HAVE INCLUDED THE URL OF THE SOURCE!!!

NO urls have been provided of those photos of supposed tea parties. Only assertions of what protests they are from.

The ONLY reason not to include a url is if one knows the site where those photos came from is suspect and even the left knows it.


This boils down to nothing more than what Dan Rather pulled with his fraud National Guard records for Bush. Rather was convinced it was true, so he didn't need to provide evidence to back them up.

That's all your side is saying here. That's why the rest of your lefty pals have run away from this thread. They know they are busted as trying to purport a fake. Too bad you haven't figured that out yet.


Maybe the big text will help it sink into your brain that your side LOST and has already run away. :lol:

LOL increasing the font size isn't a valid way to substantiate your arguments.

You made the false claim that one photo being falsely represented shows that the others are false and that is dishonest of YOU. One has nothing to do with the others and for you to claim that it does, exposes you as dishonest. Based on your own logic that if one was false then all were false, then all of your claims are false.

BTW I see that you once again failed to provide proof of your claim that the guy with the swastika sign, that was on the left side of the stage with the sign being held up openly, was a plant. You also failed to prove that the nutjobs at previous tea party events were ALL plants.

The fact that you have a habit of avoiding FACTS that don't suit your spin leads me to believe that you know you don't have the proof or you would have provided it.

No nice try. But if one photo is false THEN THEY ARE ALL SUSPECT.

You are playing the Dan Rather tactic. When the Bush National Guard records were found to be frauds, he demanded people "prove" they are fake.

THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS. The onus was on Dan Rather to provide evidence they were legitimate. If he could not do that, then they are suspect and not legitimate.

No court of law in the country would buy either your or Dan Rather's argument that *I* have to provide evidence for someone else's posted photos.

I already did what I had to do. Posted enough evidence to make it clear the photos are suspect. I need do no more.

The onus is on the person who posted the photos to provide evidence of their legitimacy.

Now rant and rave your way around that. No matter how many internet tantrums you have, the reality of who needs to provide evidence, won't change.

NICE TRY! :lol:

A) Obamcare is REALITY. It's passed and signed into law.


On both counts we see who failed and it's YOU!


It's better than nice he called you out on your BS. You rail against the healthcare bill based on your hypothetical beliefs concerning what you BELIEVE MIGHT happen in the FUTURE instead of reality which hasn't happened yet.

Do you get it yet or are you still trying to spin to CYA? LOL

Once again you show that you are NOT honest because IF you were honest you would admit that you are WRONG.

Tell that to AT&T what "might happen" in the future. They have already had to report charges from Obamacare, and when Henry Waxman tried to bully them into taking it back, Henry Waxman had to blink because AT&T were following the LAW.

Michelle Malkin Henry Waxman: The Witch Hunter of Capitol Hill

Michelle Malkin Torquemada Waxman is still watching you

AT and ampT Plans $1 Billion Charge for Health Care -

AFP: Boeing plans 150-million-dollar charge under health-care law

Here's a real interesting one:

[SIZE=+2]State estimates health care overhaul will cost Texas $27 billion[/SIZE]
State estimates health care overhaul will cost Texas $27 billion | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Politics | The Dallas Morning News

Waxman Convenes the First Death Panel
The chairman is denouncing businesses for complying with the law.

Waxman Convenes the First Death Panel -

And that's just what is happening NOW. We haven't even SEEN what this law is going to do to us, because the costs hit us now but a lot of the actual policy doesn't roll into until 2014.



Nice spin but in the end that's all it is. It appears that your articles talk about FUTURE plans based on estimates and estimates which have NOT yet occured.

The telecommunications giant AT&T said on Friday that it would take a $1 billion noncash accounting charge in the first quarter because of the health care overhaul and might cut benefits it offers.


US aerospace giant Boeing said Wednesday it expected to take an income-tax charge of about 150 million dollars in the 2010 first quarter as a result of sweeping health-care reform.

It's called scare tactics and fear mongering they are trying to throw their weight around and demand changes to the law. Will they actually go through with it?? Who knows but it doesn't look like it has happened yet.

oh and this

We haven't even SEEN what this law is going to do to us

is an admission that you don't know and are still mkaing judgments based on your assumption based HYPOTHETICALS.

You in fact do debate hypotheticals. You lied so therefore everything you say is questionable and a lie.

Hey it's your own standard so it's only fair that it be applied to you. LOL
Last edited:
TPS, no one here is taking you seriously, because you are goofy in what you write and in your logic.

You are in the very small minority, pissed off at the changes of the last forty years, and now is your final chance to yell. Go ahead, do not go gently into that dark night.

I know who isn't being taken seriously.

When you are reduced from even discussing the subject, and just attacking me, it's because you know deep down that's all you have LEFT.

You lost guys. You got owned by a conservative and not only that a tea partier and a WOMAN.

Oh it must be humiliating and burn, but it was fun for me.

When you guys have evidence for those photos.

Evidence of American rights taken away by the Patriot Act.

Or how about Evidence that Fort Hood wasn't a major terrorist act, let me know.

Until then, it's pretty obvious, who failed.

Continue to dribble and drivel. You are fun to watch run around like a hamster in a cage.
It's better than nice he called you out on your BS. You rail against the healthcare bill based on your hypothetical beliefs concerning what you BELIEVE MIGHT happen in the FUTURE instead of reality which hasn't happened yet.

Do you get it yet or are you still trying to spin to CYA? LOL

Once again you show that you are NOT honest because IF you were honest you would admit that you are WRONG.

Tell that to AT&T what "might happen" in the future. They have already had to report charges from Obamacare, and when Henry Waxman tried to bully them into taking it back, Henry Waxman had to blink because AT&T were following the LAW.

Michelle Malkin Henry Waxman: The Witch Hunter of Capitol Hill

Michelle Malkin Torquemada Waxman is still watching you

AT and ampT Plans $1 Billion Charge for Health Care -

AFP: Boeing plans 150-million-dollar charge under health-care law

Here's a real interesting one:

State estimates health care overhaul will cost Texas $27 billion | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Politics | The Dallas Morning News

Waxman Convenes the First Death Panel -

And that's just what is happening NOW. We haven't even SEEN what this law is going to do to us, because the costs hit us now but a lot of the actual policy doesn't roll into until 2014.



Nice spin but in the end that's all it is. It appears that your articles talk about FUTURE plans based on estimates and estimates which have NOT yet occured.


US aerospace giant Boeing said Wednesday it expected to take an income-tax charge of about 150 million dollars in the 2010 first quarter as a result of sweeping health-care reform.

It's called scare tactics and fear mongering they are trying to throw their weight around and demand changes to the law. Will they actually go through with it?? Who knows but it doesn't look like it has happened yet.

oh and this

We haven't even SEEN what this law is going to do to us

is an admission that you don't know and are still mkaing judgments based on your assumption based HYPOTHETICALS.

You in fact do debate hypotheticals. You lied so therefore everything you say is questionable and a lie.

Hey it's your own standard so it's only fair that it be applied to you. LOL

No it boils down to these companies ARE REQUIRED BY LAW THAT WAS PUT INTO EFFECT AFTER ENRON, to report how much money Obamcare is going to cost them.

That's not a hypothetical. That's a reality. No matter how you want to spin it, you can't get around the fact that even Waxman had to back down from intimidating them on this fact.

And those costs are going to translate into lost jobs for this economy. Companies losing money like that don't hire.

That's a direct result of Obamcare and only the first one.

Keep sputtering liberals. But I'll be laughing as I tick off each and every result as Obamcare kicks in.

NICE TRY! :lol:

A) Obamcare is REALITY. It's passed and signed into law.


On both counts we see who failed and it's YOU!


Son, you truly don't think, do you? It is a hypothetical as to what will happen in the future with Obamacare. Thus you can't label it a failure. You are not very bright. If you are who the TP are trotting out, they will be slaughtered.

A) I'm not a son, I'm a woman.

B) A signed law is NOT a hypothetical. There is actual language in the law tell ing us what will happen.

That is what we are objecting to. You want to pretend it's just all good intentions with no actual language we can point to.

Sorry but that just isn't the case.


No the signed law is NOT a hypocthetical but the future and not yet occuring effects that you continue to whine about ARE hypotheitcal.
So what specifics are you pointing to? I have seen claims but nothing of substance about what is actually GOING to happen in the future concerning SPECIFICS within the law itself. So where are the examples of the ACTUAL (meaning quotes from the law paragraph and all) language that you are referring to??

You said you could do it. So do it.
Continue to dribble and drivel. You are fun to watch run around like a hamster in a cage.

This is the saving face part of the debate kids.

It's when liberals have exhausted every last bit of their tactics and they have all failed. They go to the "well at least I'll get the last word!" tactic.

It's hilarious to watch.

Tell that to AT&T what "might happen" in the future. They have already had to report charges from Obamacare, and when Henry Waxman tried to bully them into taking it back, Henry Waxman had to blink because AT&T were following the LAW.

Michelle Malkin Henry Waxman: The Witch Hunter of Capitol Hill

Michelle Malkin Torquemada Waxman is still watching you

AT and ampT Plans $1 Billion Charge for Health Care -

AFP: Boeing plans 150-million-dollar charge under health-care law

Here's a real interesting one:

State estimates health care overhaul will cost Texas $27 billion | News for Dallas, Texas | Dallas Morning News | Texas Politics | The Dallas Morning News

Waxman Convenes the First Death Panel -

And that's just what is happening NOW. We haven't even SEEN what this law is going to do to us, because the costs hit us now but a lot of the actual policy doesn't roll into until 2014.



Nice spin but in the end that's all it is. It appears that your articles talk about FUTURE plans based on estimates and estimates which have NOT yet occured.


It's called scare tactics and fear mongering they are trying to throw their weight around and demand changes to the law. Will they actually go through with it?? Who knows but it doesn't look like it has happened yet.

oh and this

We haven't even SEEN what this law is going to do to us

is an admission that you don't know and are still mkaing judgments based on your assumption based HYPOTHETICALS.

You in fact do debate hypotheticals. You lied so therefore everything you say is questionable and a lie.

Hey it's your own standard so it's only fair that it be applied to you. LOL

No it boils down to these companies ARE REQUIRED BY LAW THAT WAS PUT INTO EFFECT AFTER ENRON, to report how much money Obamcare is going to cost them.

That's not a hypothetical. That's a reality. No matter how you want to spin it, you can't get around the fact that even Waxman had to back down from intimidating them on this fact.

And those costs are going to translate into lost jobs for this economy. Companies losing money like that don't hire.

That's a direct result of Obamcare and only the first one.

Keep sputtering liberals. But I'll be laughing as I tick off each and every result as Obamcare kicks in.


And they'lll continue to mouth "Boooosh" for what they think Obama had to do to stave off the evil capitalists that were only cooperating with the law...
I think the Teabaggers will help the Republicans in the midterm elections because most independent voters and moderates just don't turn out for the midterms. It is usually the party faithfuls and the mad as hell crowd that show up at the polls. The presidential elections are different story. Rhetoric such as Sarah Palin's "Don't retreat reload", "Join the conservative revolution", "Take to the streets and fight back" is not going to play well with the mainstream voters. For the Republicans to have a shot at the white house, they are going to have rein in the far right.

That's what Democrats basically said, in 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1994, 2000, 2002, and 2004.

I've seen this kind of thinking proved wrong more than once.
No, Teabaggers are something new. The party has not had to deal with a party within a party. The teabagger agenda implies massive cuts in entitlement programs, anti-abortion legislation, an anti-gay rights stand, deemphasis of environmental laws, and relaxation of government controls on business. There is no way that mainstream American is going to support this agenda.
Son, you truly don't think, do you? It is a hypothetical as to what will happen in the future with Obamacare. Thus you can't label it a failure. You are not very bright. If you are who the TP are trotting out, they will be slaughtered.

A) I'm not a son, I'm a woman.

B) A signed law is NOT a hypothetical. There is actual language in the law tell ing us what will happen.

That is what we are objecting to. You want to pretend it's just all good intentions with no actual language we can point to.

Sorry but that just isn't the case.


No the signed law is NOT a hypocthetical but the future and not yet occuring effects that you continue to whine about ARE hypotheitcal.
So what specifics are you pointing to? I have seen claims but nothing of substance about what is actually GOING to happen in the future concerning SPECIFICS within the law itself. So where are the examples of the ACTUAL (meaning quotes from the law paragraph and all) language that you are referring to??

You said you could do it. So do it.

I have already posted a slew of links that prove they are NOT hypotheticals. The law is already going to cost several companies millions. So much so, Henry Waxman tried to demand they come up to Washington and explain themselves.

Waxman had to back down when someone explained to the pompous idiots these companies were only following the law.

TPS, no one here is taking you seriously, because you are goofy in what you write and in your logic.

You are in the very small minority, pissed off at the changes of the last forty years, and now is your final chance to yell. Go ahead, do not go gently into that dark night.

I know who isn't being taken seriously.

When you are reduced from even discussing the subject, and just attacking me, it's because you know deep down that's all you have LEFT.

You lost guys. You got owned by a conservative and not only that a tea partier and a WOMAN.

Oh it must be humiliating and burn, but it was fun for me.

When you guys have evidence for those photos.

Evidence of American rights taken away by the Patriot Act.

Or how about Evidence that Fort Hood wasn't a major terrorist act, let me know.

Until then, it's pretty obvious, who failed.


Sweetie, quit whinging. You attacked, you were corrected, and you are mad at me?

You have lost before you ever began this nonsense. Watch this fall.
I think the Teabaggers will help the Republicans in the midterm elections because most independent voters and moderates just don't turn out for the midterms. It is usually the party faithfuls and the mad as hell crowd that show up at the polls. The presidential elections are different story. Rhetoric such as Sarah Palin's "Don't retreat reload", "Join the conservative revolution", "Take to the streets and fight back" is not going to play well with the mainstream voters. For the Republicans to have a shot at the white house, they are going to have rein in the far right.

That's what Democrats basically said, in 1972, 1980, 1984, 1988, 1994, 2000, 2002, and 2004.

I've seen this kind of thinking proved wrong more than once.
No, Teabaggers are something new. The party has not had to deal with a party within a party. The teabagger agenda implies massive cuts in entitlement programs, anti-abortion legislation, an anti-gay rights stand, deemphasis of environmental laws, and relaxation of government controls on business. There is no way that mainstream American is going to support this agenda.

Yes, that is exactly what the small rightist fringe is about, and, yes, they have lost even before they have begun. It is over for them: merely a corpse wiggling from the maggots.
Nice spin but in the end that's all it is. It appears that your articles talk about FUTURE plans based on estimates and estimates which have NOT yet occured.


It's called scare tactics and fear mongering they are trying to throw their weight around and demand changes to the law. Will they actually go through with it?? Who knows but it doesn't look like it has happened yet.

oh and this

is an admission that you don't know and are still mkaing judgments based on your assumption based HYPOTHETICALS.

You in fact do debate hypotheticals. You lied so therefore everything you say is questionable and a lie.

Hey it's your own standard so it's only fair that it be applied to you. LOL

No it boils down to these companies ARE REQUIRED BY LAW THAT WAS PUT INTO EFFECT AFTER ENRON, to report how much money Obamcare is going to cost them.

That's not a hypothetical. That's a reality. No matter how you want to spin it, you can't get around the fact that even Waxman had to back down from intimidating them on this fact.

And those costs are going to translate into lost jobs for this economy. Companies losing money like that don't hire.

That's a direct result of Obamcare and only the first one.

Keep sputtering liberals. But I'll be laughing as I tick off each and every result as Obamcare kicks in.


And they'lll continue to mouth "Boooosh" for what they think Obama had to do to stave off the evil capitalists that were only cooperating with the law...

Which is pretty funny since Democrats were the ones that wanted such laws put in after Enron, and then they have a fit because companies obeyed the laws they demanded?

And then Waxman is so damn stupid, he doesn't even get that ATT&T et al., are OBEYING basically his laws. :lol::lol::lol::lol:

This healthcare law has already cause millions in damage that is going to translate into even more people being out of work.

Thank you dumbass Obama.

In other words facts don't matter to you, because you have your mind made up about me.

But it's laughable you talk about proof, since YOUR SIDE HAS PROVIDED NO PROOF FOR THEIR PHOTOS!!!!!!!!!

Time to wake up from your little fantasy. Just because your side produces some photos does NOT mean we have to take them as legitimate.

Not only did I provide evidence one was fake (as it was 2003) someone else provided evidence Malkin was set up. The word is FAIL.

Every time I have provided photos of left wing protestors I HAVE INCLUDED THE URL OF THE SOURCE!!!

NO urls have been provided of those photos of supposed tea parties. Only assertions of what protests they are from.

The ONLY reason not to include a url is if one knows the site where those photos came from is suspect and even the left knows it.


This boils down to nothing more than what Dan Rather pulled with his fraud National Guard records for Bush. Rather was convinced it was true, so he didn't need to provide evidence to back them up.

That's all your side is saying here. That's why the rest of your lefty pals have run away from this thread. They know they are busted as trying to purport a fake. Too bad you haven't figured that out yet.


Maybe the big text will help it sink into your brain that your side LOST and has already run away. :lol:

LOL increasing the font size isn't a valid way to substantiate your arguments.

You made the false claim that one photo being falsely represented shows that the others are false and that is dishonest of YOU. One has nothing to do with the others and for you to claim that it does, exposes you as dishonest. Based on your own logic that if one was false then all were false, then all of your claims are false.

BTW I see that you once again failed to provide proof of your claim that the guy with the swastika sign, that was on the left side of the stage with the sign being held up openly, was a plant. You also failed to prove that the nutjobs at previous tea party events were ALL plants.

The fact that you have a habit of avoiding FACTS that don't suit your spin leads me to believe that you know you don't have the proof or you would have provided it.

No nice try. But if one photo is false THEN THEY ARE ALL SUSPECT.

You are playing the Dan Rather tactic. When the Bush National Guard records were found to be frauds, he demanded people "prove" they are fake.

THAT'S NOT HOW IT WORKS. The onus was on Dan Rather to provide evidence they were legitimate. If he could not do that, then they are suspect and not legitimate.

No court of law in the country would buy either your or Dan Rather's argument that *I* have to provide evidence for someone else's posted photos.

I already did what I had to do. Posted enough evidence to make it clear the photos are suspect. I need do no more.

The onus is on the person who posted the photos to provide evidence of their legitimacy.

Now rant and rave your way around that. No matter how many internet tantrums you have, the reality of who needs to provide evidence, won't change.


If that is the case then ALL of your posts are suspect. It's your standard and i have pointed out how your posts are less than honest. Therefore they are all suspect.

I am not demanding that you prove they are fake so thanks for the strawman. I am just pointing out to you that your logic is flawed and just because one is fake it is NOT proof that all are fake. That is what you originally claimed and that is not HONEST and neither is rephrasing your argument to try and save face. You talk about honesty and the you fail to be honest yourself. LOL

As for the onus being on the person who posted it, you were the one that posted that the guy with the swastika sign was a plant and yet you have failed to prove that claim and continue to avoid doing so despite being called out for your avoidance several times. Do you have the proof or not??

You tried to dodge, you failed, you exposed your dishonesty AGAIN and therefore everything that you post is suspect. Thanks again. LOL
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This type of nonsense "This healthcare law has already cause millions in damage that is going to translate into even more people being out of work" is what is sinking you now. Folks know you are lying.
TPS, no one here is taking you seriously, because you are goofy in what you write and in your logic.

You are in the very small minority, pissed off at the changes of the last forty years, and now is your final chance to yell. Go ahead, do not go gently into that dark night.

I know who isn't being taken seriously.

When you are reduced from even discussing the subject, and just attacking me, it's because you know deep down that's all you have LEFT.

You lost guys. You got owned by a conservative and not only that a tea partier and a WOMAN.

Oh it must be humiliating and burn, but it was fun for me.

When you guys have evidence for those photos.

Evidence of American rights taken away by the Patriot Act.

Or how about Evidence that Fort Hood wasn't a major terrorist act, let me know.

Until then, it's pretty obvious, who failed.


Sweetie, quit whinging. You attacked, you were corrected, and you are mad at me?

You have lost before you ever began this nonsense. Watch this fall.

Who came in attacking?????????? :lol::lol::lol:

Typical liberal hypocrite:

TeaPartySamurai clearly does not understand what the Lord taught in word and spirit.

I will leave it at the for you, fellow. Go to.

If there was ever a reason to question your sanity and ability, you gave it full credence. You are a loon.

I hadn't said anything to you. YOU jumped in attacking ME!

So who's whining?????????:lol::lol::lol::lol:

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