Libs want a $1/gal gas tax

Do you support Friedman's $1/gal gas tax

  • Yes, it has more benefits than costs

    Votes: 3 21.4%
  • No, it is a political nightmare for 2010 and 2012

    Votes: 7 50.0%
  • No opinion

    Votes: 2 14.3%
  • $0.50 would be much better politically

    Votes: 2 14.3%

  • Total voters
Why doesn't the government stop spending so much fucking money, why doesn't Congress forgo any pay increase for the next 5 years, and why don't they reduce waste and fraud in all areas of government and use that money to pay for the war?

The Iraq war was ALL waste.
Why doesn't the government stop spending so much fucking money, why doesn't Congress forgo any pay increase for the next 5 years, and why don't they reduce waste and fraud in all areas of government and use that money to pay for the war?

The Iraq war was ALL waste.

Sure it was, ask the people who are glad Saddam is gone.

Saying ALL is a waste is an over-over-overstatement. :cuckoo:
Has the government and these idiotic libs already forgotten that the United States already gets 15% money from taxing oil and they do nothing but sit and collect.

Yes lets tax everything

The Amount of Steps we take


Taxing everything is the solution

people are so fucking stupid sometimes
Why doesn't the government stop spending so much fucking money, why doesn't Congress forgo any pay increase for the next 5 years, and why don't they reduce waste and fraud in all areas of government and use that money to pay for the war?

The Iraq war was ALL waste.

Sure it was, ask the people who are glad Saddam is gone.

Saying ALL is a waste is an over-over-overstatement. :cuckoo:

I don't care who is glad Saddam is gone. There are any number of heads of state in the world whose removal would make some people glad. Would you be willing to spend several thousand American lives and a couple trillion dollars each to remove them?

yes or no
Why doesn't the government stop spending so much fucking money, why doesn't Congress forgo any pay increase for the next 5 years, and why don't they reduce waste and fraud in all areas of government and use that money to pay for the war?

The Iraq war was ALL waste.

Dodge. Why don't they do what I posted instead of taxing joe average once again?

The Iraq war was unnecessary. An unnecessary expenditure of money by the government is by definition waste. You asked about waste.
The Iraq war was ALL waste.

Sure it was, ask the people who are glad Saddam is gone.

Saying ALL is a waste is an over-over-overstatement. :cuckoo:

I don't care who is glad Saddam is gone. There are any number of heads of state in the world whose removal would make some people glad. Would you be willing to spend several thousand American lives and a couple trillion dollars each to remove them?

yes or no

I don't want to get into another Iraq war debate... But..

I'm guessing you're a Democrat? Well if so, Both Democrats and Republicans stated that Saddam is a Threat..

If he was a threat to National Security then there's another good reason for taking him out of power..

Yes yes, you're gonna come at me with WMD bullshit again, i heard it all. But just to let you know, We have found..

1.77 metric tons of enriched

1,500 gallons of chemical weapons

Chemical warheads containing
cyclosarin (a nerve agent five
times more deadly than sarin gas)

Over 1,000 radioactive materials in
powdered form meant fordispersal
over populated areas.
The Iraq war was unnecessary. An unnecessary expenditure of money by the government is by definition waste. You asked about waste.
Take it up with the democrat congressweasels who demanded another debate and vote on invading Iraq, so they could be on the "me too" train in advance of the 2002 elections, instead of predictably and pedantically blaming BOOOOOSH!
I suggest implement a 'per post tax' on message boards. The rate could include a 'flat tax' of 10cents per post written and 5cents per post read.
It is a non-partisan idea whose time has come.
The Iraq war was ALL waste.

Dodge. Why don't they do what I posted instead of taxing joe average once again?

The Iraq war was unnecessary. An unnecessary expenditure of money by the government is by definition waste. You asked about waste.

Was a waste yet . . . . spent anyways (with Dems approval). Once again, why doesn't the government stop spending so much fucking money, Congress take a pay cut for the next 5 years, and all waste and fraud in government cleaned up and that money used to pay for the war? Common sense, no?
How about we institute a national 'cuss jar'? That ought to raise some money in a hurry.
Look for the Socialists to invent all sorts of new oppressive Taxes in the near future. The other shoe hasn't dropped yet but it's about to. All these Socialists have done so far is spend spend spend. They haven't even begun to contemplate how they're going to pay for their spending madness. Americans haven't even seen suffering yet. It's coming time to punish American Citizens for the corrupt & inept Politicians' failures. These Socialists really have sunk many future generations to come. It really is just so sad.
Or just Tax us for everything we do.

Breathing? Sure.

Eating? Sure.

Drinking? Sure.

All in all, We (The Government) need the money. We could care less about you normal folks.
Some parents have been rewarding their kids with money for good grades. Since the kids grades are already a matter of public record, lets institute a tax on good grades.

We could institute a tax on sports games at school as well. The winner would pay a tax to have their victory recorded.

We could institute a tax on banjo strings. It might not raise much money, but it would cut down on the number of banjos in the nation.

I think if you shed hairs, they should be taxed. A flat rate for each hair shed payable daily.

We should institute a soap-scum tax. Too many people take soap for granted because there is no consequence to use more than less. We create green jobs by requiring that all drains have a device installed on them to measure how much soap scum is released into the environment and tax the hell out of it. To prevent tax evasion, we would have to imprison those who refuse to bathe.

We should institute a 'per word kindle tax'. I just don't like the kindle and think it should be taxed to the hilt.

The time has come to institute a national sunshine tax. Wherever one lives, NWS would calculate how many sunny days that location had and a flat tax per day would then be collected. The same should be done with rain. One flat tax for sunny days and a flat tax for rainy days. Cloudy days with no rain would be tax free (for now).
Some parents have been rewarding their kids with money for good grades. Since the kids grades are already a matter of public record, lets institute a tax on good grades.

We could institute a tax on sports games at school as well. The winner would pay a tax to have their victory recorded.

We could institute a tax on banjo strings. It might not raise much money, but it would cut down on the number of banjos in the nation.

I think if you shed hairs, they should be taxed. A flat rate for each hair shed payable daily.

We should institute a soap-scum tax. Too many people take soap for granted because there is no consequence to use more than less. We create green jobs by requiring that all drains have a device installed on them to measure how much soap scum is released into the environment and tax the hell out of it. To prevent tax evasion, we would have to imprison those who refuse to bathe.

We should institute a 'per word kindle tax'. I just don't like the kindle and think it should be taxed to the hilt.

The time has come to institute a national sunshine tax. Wherever one lives, NWS would calculate how many sunny days that location had and a flat tax per day would then be collected. The same should be done with rain. One flat tax for sunny days and a flat tax for rainy days. Cloudy days with no rain would be tax free (for now).

Sadly your proposal makes more sense than putting the brakes on whatever economic recovery may be coming with this tax on everything.
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My rationalle for having a % of price tax on gasoline is as follows.

Oil goes up to $150/bbl.
Materials for road repair and construction goes up accordingly.
Gallons of gas sold goes down.
road tax revenues drop due to fewer gallons of gas sold.
Not enough road tax revenues to keep roads maintained.
Too damn bad.

How about putting 100% of the fuel taxes collected towards roads and bridges, rather than siphoning off about 20% of it for silly urban mass transit boondoggles, huh?

Hey you--I use public transit.

In fact that is the only time I use Gasoline. I am still trying to figure out a way to escape that.. I have considering biking but the distances are just too much as of now to make it feasible.
This is a brilliant idea. Our economy is in shambles, 1/5 of the country is out of work, and the libs want to jack up gas prices. They are showing us exactly why they should not be in charge.
Hey you--I use public transit.

In fact that is the only time I use Gasoline. I am still trying to figure out a way to escape that.. I have considering biking but the distances are just too much as of now to make it feasible.
That's your urden to bear...Which you're shirking off onto those who pay those taxes for roads and bridges.

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