Libtard Enemies of Free Speech Boycott Simon and Schuster Over Milo Book


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
The libtards really hate it when someone who wont play nice with libtards gets a good book deal.

I plan to get a copy of the first printing and get the fag to sign it, lol.

WAR ON SPEECH: Chicago Review Of Books Boycotts Simon & Schuster Over MILO Deal - Breitbart

The Chicago Review of Books tweeted today that they would not be reviewing any books published by Simon and Schuster in 2017, calling the publishing of Breitbart Senior Editor MILO’s book,DANGEROUS, a “disgusting validation of hate.”

The Chicago Review of Books tweeted from their official Twitter account today, retweeting Judd Legum, the editor of Thinkprogress who falsely slandered MILO by referring to him as a “white supremacist”. The Review stated, “In response to this disgusting validation of hate, we will not cover a single @simonschuster book in 2017.”

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