Libtard Finally Admits to Raping A Child...Then Declares The Matter Is OVER...Because He Says So.

45 years later? And she never said anything? Riiiight!
So children of rape by adults should only be protected / the rapists should only be punished if the child says anything / complains? Riiiight!

(That's some sick liberal logic, right there. Keep 'justifying' / defending the child rapist, snowflakes!)
1. 'Was not a threat of doing it again'
....except they were WRONG, as it turns out the raping of the child was not a 1-time thing, apparently, as 4 women total now have come forward to claim he raped them. (Who knows how many more women were spared the same fate by his fleeing the country - we'll never know.)

Um, yeah, because there are no women in other countries...
Sorry, claiming something happened twice 45 years after the fact because you are unhappy you didn't get a movie career doesn't impress me.

2. 'He was then FORCED to leave the country'
For God's sake stop trying to paint him as a 'victim'. He CHOSE to flee the country. We have a judicial process that would have allowed him to fight the judge's decision. (The judge was smart enough, BTW, to decide the punishment for raping a child should be more than 42 days in jail.) Hell, OJ's attorney got him off with potentially sawing the heads off of his wife and a guy who happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Surely he could have found one to defend him against unfair legal punishment for 'only' raping a child.)

Why should he have to after he already admitted what he did and was punished.

If you want to argue that the penalty was too light, that's fine. But that was the penalty that was agreed to by all sides. You heard about the whole "Double Jeopardy" thing, right. It's kind of a big deal.
So children of rape by adults should only be protected / the rapists should only be punished if the child says anything / complains? Riiiight!

(That's some sick liberal logic, right there. Keep 'justifying' / defending the child rapist, snowflakes!)

again, we only have her word for it 45 years later.... and a story that isn't very credible. He did her once, and then she went to Italy with him and he did it again?

again, still waiting to see the threads where you condemn Ted Nugent and Denny Hastert.
Here's the issue, I think what he did is absolutely wrong, however if people are outraged they need to change the laws so there is no statute of limitations on crimes like child rape, just like there isn't on murder.
Here's the issue, I think what he did is absolutely wrong, however if people are outraged they need to change the laws so there is no statute of limitations on crimes like child rape, just like there isn't on murder.

I think what he did was wrong, but just not that big of a deal. sorry, this was a girl who was already into drugs and sex and banging celebrities. She admits this herself every time a news crew shows up on her lawn whenever Polanski is back in the news.
Here's the issue, I think what he did is absolutely wrong, however if people are outraged they need to change the laws so there is no statute of limitations on crimes like child rape, just like there isn't on murder.

I think what he did was wrong, but just not that big of a deal. sorry, this was a girl who was already into drugs and sex and banging celebrities. She admits this herself every time a news crew shows up on her lawn whenever Polanski is back in the news.

We shouldn't make excuses for child rape. That would be no different than saying it's ok to rape a woman that has slept with hundreds of different men because she is a slut. There is a reason for age of consent, it's because as a society we don't think they can make well-informed decisions.
1. 'Was not a threat of doing it again'
....except they were WRONG, as it turns out the raping of the child was not a 1-time thing, apparently, as 4 women total now have come forward to claim he raped them. (Who knows how many more women were spared the same fate by his fleeing the country - we'll never know.)

Um, yeah, because there are no women in other countries...

I'm pretty sure the US JUDGE was more concerned with the safety of US CITIZENS and US LAW, not to mention I am pretty sure the US Judge was not aware of the fact that the child rapist would 'rabbit'.

But keep justifying and making excuses for the child rapist, snowflake...
We shouldn't make excuses for child rape. That would be no different than saying it's ok to rape a woman that has slept with hundreds of different men because she is a slut. There is a reason for age of consent, it's because as a society we don't think they can make well-informed decisions.

But real world, we do exactly that. We take the totality of the case into account. That's why we have juries. That's why we have prosecutors who make plea bargains.

The thing was, Polanski admitted what he did and agreed to a punishment. Then someone decided, they wanted to punish him more than was agreed to.
We shouldn't make excuses for child rape. That would be no different than saying it's ok to rape a woman that has slept with hundreds of different men because she is a slut. There is a reason for age of consent, it's because as a society we don't think they can make well-informed decisions.

But real world, we do exactly that. We take the totality of the case into account. That's why we have juries. That's why we have prosecutors who make plea bargains.

The thing was, Polanski admitted what he did and agreed to a punishment. Then someone decided, they wanted to punish him more than was agreed to.

Some of us do that... but it doesn't make it right. Victim blaming is very real, and VERY wrong.
Here's the issue, I think what he did is absolutely wrong, however if people are outraged they need to change the laws so there is no statute of limitations on crimes like child rape, just like there isn't on murder.

I think what he did was wrong, but just not that big of a deal. sorry, this was a girl who was already into drugs and sex and banging celebrities. She admits this herself every time a news crew shows up on her lawn whenever Polanski is back in the news.

So it's okay to take advantage sexually of messed up little girls? Holy shit.
Some of us do that... but it doesn't make it right. Victim blaming is very real, and VERY wrong.

Maybe the "victim" deserves blame sometimes.

This was a promiscuous 13 year old girl who was on the wrong track in her life. Even she admits this. Even she admit that the state has gone a little nutty still going after Polanski after all this time.

ANd I don't even like Polanski all that much. I think his movies are shit. I mean, holy fucking crap, you spend two hours watching a movie called "Rosemary's Baby" and you don't even get to see the fucking baby.
"Oh, she's only 13, but she's on drugs and is messed up, so it's okay if I fuck her." That is some demented thought process.
Some of us do that... but it doesn't make it right. Victim blaming is very real, and VERY wrong.

Maybe the "victim" deserves blame sometimes.

This was a promiscuous 13 year old girl who was on the wrong track in her life. Even she admits this. Even she admit that the state has gone a little nutty still going after Polanski after all this time.

ANd I don't even like Polanski all that much. I think his movies are shit. I mean, holy fucking crap, you spend two hours watching a movie called "Rosemary's Baby" and you don't even get to see the fucking baby.

Come on man... I've read a lot of your posts, and despite you having a Liberal lean I agree with a lot of them, and there is no way you can actually be a victim blamer.
"Oh, she's only 13, but she's on drugs and is messed up, so it's okay if I fuck her." That is some demented thought process.

Did the guys who fucked her previously get arrested? Or how about the guys who fucked her between the ages of 13-18?

Or do we just go after the one who is a celebrity? Because the one thing we enjoy more than building celebrities up in this country is tearing them down.

He admitted to what he did and he went to jail. Wanting to punish him beyond that because you don't like his politics seems a bit... harsh.
Come on man... I've read a lot of your posts, and despite you having a Liberal lean I agree with a lot of them, and there is no way you can actually be a victim blamer.

I'm just not working up a lot of sympathy for this golddigger and her mother. The whole thing kind of stunk of a setup.
"Oh, she's only 13, but she's on drugs and is messed up, so it's okay if I fuck her." That is some demented thought process.

Did the guys who fucked her previously get arrested? Or how about the guys who fucked her between the ages of 13-18?

Or do we just go after the one who is a celebrity? Because the one thing we enjoy more than building celebrities up in this country is tearing them down.

He admitted to what he did and he went to jail. Wanting to punish him beyond that because you don't like his politics seems a bit... harsh.

I really don't think this is about being a celebrity. It's more about the fact he was her boss and used it to his advantage.
Come on man... I've read a lot of your posts, and despite you having a Liberal lean I agree with a lot of them, and there is no way you can actually be a victim blamer.

I'm just not working up a lot of sympathy for this golddigger and her mother. The whole thing kind of stunk of a setup.

I don't think the girl and her family filed a civil suit did they?
I really don't think this is about being a celebrity. It's more about the fact he was her boss and used it to his advantage.

Her boss? She was there to supposedly get a photo shoot done. and I'm not sure what kind of mother leaves her 13 year old daughter alone with a guy in Jack Nicholson's house unless she was expecting exactly what happened to happen.
We shouldn't make excuses for child rape.
But real world, we do exactly that.
Careful with the use of the word 'WE', Joe. 'WE' don't make excuses for child rape. As this thread has shown, LIBERALS make excuses for child rape. And there is a difference between claiming one's innocence of charges, requiring a jury trial, and making excuses for child rape. This POS did not declare his innocence - he admitted to raping a child.

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