Libtards think gun free zone signs stop mass shooting lmfao!


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
Libtards Think Gun-Free Zone Signs Stop Mass Shootings

Gun-free zones have popped up all over Austin, Texas during SXSW. Infowars reporter Millie Weaver asks SXSW attendees if gun-free zone signs make them feel safe. Not surprising, libtards think that a sign will prevent mass shootings and protect them from harm.

Meanwhile in Las Vegas there were signs up......
Florida they weren't allowed guns............

LMAO you just can't make this stupidity bs up . omg ppl are such idiots.
The guy in the white shirt with birds or whatever those are, talk about arrested development dumbass acts like he's ten.
Libtards Think Gun-Free Zone Signs Stop Mass Shootings

Gun-free zones have popped up all over Austin, Texas during SXSW. Infowars reporter Millie Weaver asks SXSW attendees if gun-free zone signs make them feel safe. Not surprising, libtards think that a sign will prevent mass shootings and protect them from harm.

Meanwhile in Las Vegas there were signs up......
Florida they weren't allowed guns............

LMAO you just can't make this stupidity bs up . omg ppl are such idiots.

Sure, let them have their gun free zones.
Stay away, and only do business with places
that allow conceal and carry.

MindWars as for schools, let's use this
as an opportunity to separate school funding.

If people want prayers or guns in schools,
just demand to set up separate schools in
every district where parents can pay for
the education they want on terms they agree to.

No taxation without representation.
If you are following or enforcing some other
religion, we can't be required to fund or participate
against our beliefs either.

What's good for the goose is good for the gander.
If you want to separate church from state,
so can we call to separate state from church.

No problem! Let everyone enjoy equal free choice
to fund and attend the schools with policies we believe in.
Make sure the gun free zone signs are big, properly located at school entry points, written in a few dozen languages, and the lefty kooks think crazy nutjobs won't know a soft target when they see it. Be funny if it wasn't so serious.

Meanwhile, where Barry and lots of other swamp scum sent/send their kids are concealed armed camps. Do as we say, not as we do!
This sign
download (6).jpeg
Has as much effect on school safety as this widely ignored sign.
images (20).jpeg
A kid is more likely to be killed or maimed by an inattentive driver than ever be shot at school.
Nope. Gun free zones don't stop mass shooters.

Neither do gun filled zones.

Stop being retarded.
Ever seen a mass shooting at a police station, or better put, a gun filled zone? Liar.

Edit: Wait a minute. I was wrong. Here is a video of a mass shooting at a police station. I was wrong!

Nope. Gun free zones don't stop mass shooters.

Neither do gun filled zones.

Stop being retarded.

You are the Tard.

Nothing can stop a mass shooter

Except a Good Guy with a Gun…

Try throwing one of your signs at one…
Signs, signs, everywhere there's signs. Blocking the scenery, breaking my mind. Do this, don't do that...can't you read the signs?

Remember when the leftists hated signs?
Ahhh. The good old days.:rolleyes:

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