Libya: Coalition Airstrike kills at least 13 rebels...


conscientia mille testes
Jun 17, 2010
In one swoop it appears the coalition has done more damage from the air to the rebels than Qaddafi's 'air force'.

Libya: Coalition air strike near Brega kills rebels

The BBC's Nick Springate describes the aftermath after visiting the scene of the air strike

At least 13 people are reported to have been killed when a coalition plane flying over Libya fired on a rebel convoy between Brega and Ajdabiya on Friday, the rebels say.

Doctors at a hospital in Ajdabiya told the BBC that three medical students were among the dead.

Nato said it was looking into the incident but that it was very difficult to verify details about what happened.

The attack came after rebels reportedly fired an anti-aircraft gun.

Meanwhile, Libya's government rejected a rebel ceasefire offer. Spokesman Moussa Ibrahim dismissed the idea as "mad".

Troops loyal to Col Muammar Gaddafi would never withdraw from the rebel-held cities they were besieging, he said.

He also condemned recent coalition air strikes as "a crime against humanity" and said there had been civilian casualties in one attack on Thursday.
Vehicles destroyed

The rebels were on their way to Brega when they fired into the air with an anti-aircraft gun, the BBC's Nick Springate reported from the scene of the attack.

The rebels were on their way to Brega when they fired into the air with an anti-aircraft gun, the BBC's Nick Springate reported from the scene of the attack.
Rebel fighter stands beside a car burnt in what rebels say was a coalition air strike on a group of vehicles on the road between Brega and Ajdabiya - 02 April 2011 The rebel convoy was on its way to the front line near Brega when the attack took place

The road to the front line is riddled with holes caused by what looks like a Nato A10 aircraft, our correspondent says.

On either side of the road are the remains of four pick-up trucks and one ambulance as well as the graves of those killed in the attack, he adds.

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BBC News - Libya: Coalition air strike near Brega kills rebels
All combined services in Vietnam only cost $1M per day...
Air Force Spending $4 Million a Day for Libya War
Tuesday, April 05, 2011 Washington (AP) - The Air Force secretary says the service has been spending about $4 million a day to keep 50 fighter jets and nearly 40 support aircraft in the Libya conflict, including the cost of munitions.
Secretary Michael Donley tells reporters that the Air Force has spent $75 million as of Tuesday morning on the war. He says the U.S. decision to end its combat strike role in the conflict will cut costs, but he could not say by how much.

He says the Air Force has spent close to $50 million on the relief effort for the Japan earthquake, including $40 million to evacuate between 5,000-6,000 U.S. personnel.

The total U.S. costs for the Libya air campaign as of March 28 were $550 million, not counting normal deployment spending.

Air Force Spending $4 Million a Day for Libya War |

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